a Ho er rR db He ie Chamberiain’ # pain o baie | {does not help you, you need not yay forit! took a bottle of it home und | in are. week 3 vas s enred and have pol deeds for hive | Sota by © sw. Hodghine, Paton. and rose from tise | Jols are we this county, stites in His hill that ¥en ndedt the. feeds has alien on the : Notley has never the apers house not very largely Hoe i Linge Pharmac y A Night Aiarm. Worse than an alarm of fire at night | is the brassy cough of sroop, which ‘sounds like the child's death knell and | it poians death nodes something dons qeiekly, Foley's honey ang tar: pever falls to give instant relief and | quickly cures the worst forms of cronp. Mm ¥. 1. Cordier, of Mannington, re as the guilty parties. This ¥ fair, for tha BETO ay (are eaily given 1 the babii, as | printers well know, and pater families Lis responsible for buying the family in the minid every month or every | quarter to clty groosrs “What Shanes for the goose shonid be sence for the gander.” Philipsburg Ledger, 3 i Oriental Punishments. (eration of graves otic of the mast on pardonable of erinwe aod aecarding (to law, any man Gnding another In the act of robbing 8 zravsiard may Jegally kill the villa oo the pot gith | groceries from city retatiers instecd of nad it according to the directions and Oy “which watermelons are eaten in polit The heathen Chives deems the dose with gationt of laughter and a roar of spplaues by his aoditors. His inter Ky, writes: “My three year old girl) ont fear of consegnences, ‘bad 3 ®e vars Case of croup, the devitor | If a Turkish baker phn off 3 jouf said she could not live. I got a bottle Of Dread on you that ix proved to be 1 time. unto; of Foley's horiey and iar, the first dows - of Jews weight than It is represented, te hour. Fou can instruct a policeman to nal the defauiter by one of Bis egrs to the Boor of Bix shop fo as to be In full view of the passershy The poor wreteh will then be provided with 8 sharp da. The cinim of other cough medicines or knife. te with which he can cot hivawell to bes 8 good as Chamberiafy’ saree. |g von 6p the urge requ! wed for the owe | Eve * yale A reiief and. sxved her fife. = testimonial of Mr. © D. Glass, an em a of ett maiming Hic ie a al guard of Bographs ts. have giotare show from 8B on atsgunt of bad of ¥ Vindber, is wl th “her father been porch by ows ! th Tosday i ind ani tiee. 8 Cron, | ih, of He Bont. on wep. Hels o ton, and Hastings, Pharmac ey. | “Tm ive x pratably Ti) Limes or aime | mettle f Bartlett & Dennis Ca., Gardi- In many of the oriental countries s Me. He mays I hind kept. adding Where precios stones are kioked opon 8 8 noid and ootigh In the winter of 22 TCT DER aired xhieel @ br me nos es SHE Puy Vu 1607, trying every oongh medicine | Li with death Te Tibet the beard ti without permanent help antl penalty for fading Pree Ay Four Havre one day I was in ihe drug stores of Mr | I when taking art In any military op sand he advised me to TEY Ceratiins or po te piblerion Is desth Chasiioetatn’s Congh remedy and of- © Ome writer rocalin how Be caw & funn fered io hy back my money iT wan shat in Ment sugrs for aspearioy 8» mot cored. My longs and bronobiai review wearing x NE uniform. tubes. were very sore at Uns time, bat Sweris an Masts War ecenpletely cared by this pemedy, FalSeed Ihe MueravAS, ah 4 Thoeming Bh Rewd af coe an ve *itioe always laveed to it mustache of 8 fos wv Land soon Rnd riliel © ws often seen on the wiper Bp of 1 ids and tremely feshy men. Hew Mr Read fam ni Li say SE im the bowl of ali CpAried with Bia hirsste spodogy enn eonigh meeticines © Fur sale ty OW 1 dt | iw Plain barrier in th Hodgkins, Patt an, and Huastiogs Uharm. Bouse 5 the pon PACE. 5 BE vn Gay af thn Digan ow Si ey #5 {5 ed FS i : x 3 BLE b Fes a bask ines, Price oetied Rrpeng Bik pote ide Phos, TE penta oo Yo. gna ars sil preduced 3 French prep. Hodgkins, Patton, and Hinting aration io vogue & quarter of & con. i Phaemisey. Stary apo and then proceeded to wax : the edule BE he Maine states Hn'w few Kidirey son paint itn wore Ci wireli ke hairs. iy the man of ansprhet sentonsig dimen bein & ay y insidia ep that 5 ta aro ral enn semphitted Bilnisel? fn he A hold on the sy Meri before it i" Fizes, he tured to the astonished bar. Cher sist maid ‘Cut this Masked blank [rotstacks AFF for pou have made me look Hie x confounded catfcd "Rew England Hetge Magauine. > ore Teer Bowne, : The greatest danger for colds and la. The following curious advertisement FH their resulting in pooamonia. | recently appeared In a Loudon paper: | t prevent t the developrosnt of fatal dime esse Hl token 6 time Ernest Fryek. I reasonul Ce care in need, however, | Od False Terth Bought-—Many Ia Land Charherdn i's cough remedy dies god gentlemen have by them old © taken, ail dacgor will be avoided. It or dixuaed falve teeth, which might as eM etre a odd or an attack of a well be turned tats money. Menars. IL ROpRe in less time than any other BD. and J. Bosco, Bf wen sen: fontabiiabe dl wines ines 1S buy old falve teeth If you send gonr testh to them they will remit you by returns post the utmost value: or if preferred they will make . §0u the best offer and hold the teeth Nervous children are almost always over for sotr reply. IC reference is thin children. The “Sout-door-boy’ is Becesary. 2pply to Messrs, —, Lagk- seldorn nervous. White's. Yergfegs, —— is the nt troatment. [tis pleasant and wil to take. For sale by C. W. Hodgkink Patton, and Hastings Pharmacy. Beads. sags that er all the sisnifasts : TET tions of power he ever withessed, from trength and power of endurence. gp aethauake down, 8 eycdaue is the rice, $5 vents. C. W, Hodgkin, Fat moss apjalliug. The midnight black ness of the funnel the Hghiniag dwt Any fy from It in inconceivable Serveness, | meterizes that strange raviger of the (plains. He continues: The cyclone plays odd pranks | * W. Hodgk Chave seen two horses Lifted in air and « Ww. H ins, Patton, or Hastings Cearelully deposited. doharmed, in a : | Pharmacy will refund your money if | you are not satisfied after using Cham | febd mbout an elpgkith of a nile away CF bave seen chickens and geese picks! beriait’s stomach and liver tablets | Lelenn of feathers and yet feebly alive. ps They cure disorders of the wou | we house, | rethember. had 8 bole y bitloasnens constipation and beads fon {eet fn diameter cut ent of ifs rood, over the bows,” : Ohio. | . but afew cough core and he went to beard of the a re like rT : ifs aid acts nme: al care. Ver kins, Patton, and safely ive Foley's to their children for ds, for contaivs vo #pt to result in ted, They ean Ernest Fryokiued and a thy RESPNE he B blood puss and the 8 5 | | pis Renn, but withost vail Land put 5 new face on fe and bosiness : tom, and Hastings Pharmacy. ‘ax i by 4 viccular saw, I have seon i the biack. whirliagy clond Hf a build Are you nervous, ran down, weak ing and shake it to pleves, as one and dispirited * Take a few doses of Bhaos & pepper bax. Umie of the Herbine. It will infase new energy, Wore oF Hotes I ever Knew threw a new lilh into the exhausted nerves the | Beary ron safe about as a ehikt might 4 toss A woolen slpaatet block in play overworked heain or nuscelar system It is an irresponsible as well 3x an alosost ombaipolent fpoasier, abd it seems to love the Gideuis Jokes of ls Sawn sation tia i. : Foley's honey snd far is best for The sons of the Yukon Rives, groop sod whoaping cough, contaly * Te : ; i Price, 2 cents. Samples free Price I cents. ©). W. Hodgkina, Pet. ‘no opistes, and cures quickly, Yuhou river thar 1 bave never mothers keep it in the house. be ite “ih any other FB veklund and Geo. 5 rood, ; Siren wy r pea wy, whi bas ning boats on ; Ww hen you want a physic shist is mild | 8rtery 3% the month of ths ‘and gentle, easy to take snd leant Sf as far 3% there is any Tyigat in effect use Chamberinin's stomegioh | NADY He stream so Cand fiver tablets, Prices, 25 sante ing. ® an si Bie you a Th : Ison sound Uke that wade by escapin Samples free. Brees box guarantend, [steam At first | used bt For aale hy C Hodgkins, Patton garb wrve Rhee Bu and Hastings Formas ; But vhen we wire Bight, sith ¢ verything abel Don't fet the hand of time paint | wag thn Ww. { Bave p wrinkles ou your faew. Keep voung brain to dud an explanatio FL BEE Foy got & ig stream sme Li Jen tan alee hear the Pooks rolling over the bed of the river. apd his produces a most peculiar sound JPartiand Telegram, ~ You can Belp + anyone whom you find the strange erackling sound from ite iy saflering from inflamed throat, laren. busom. the suddentess of ire frresistt geal troubls, bronohitis, coughs, colds, ble attack, its eredibly swift motion eto, by advising the nse of Ballard's ita wild leaping and bounding Uke a * Horebiund syrup. the great remedy Elgsutie beast of prey. the awful roar for conighs nd a Price 26 and 50 which follows, ail this but feebtdy char vents. CC. W. Hodgkins, Patton, and : Hastings Pharmacy. 3 fa i aT FERRE pg as stomping for Gtveies or : . Brown down in southwest Missouri One night in the midst of his spooch an old fellow arose in the back of the Bouse and sahil: “Colonel Anderson, Is It true that Governor Brown was so drank st thar : Yale alumni dnper that he buttered his watermelon Colona] Anderson reared bark on his | posters Joints stra ahtenid himself to Bis 6 feet 2 and with a lloa’s Fos? an #yrerant “Yeu, it is trae that Governor Brown buttered his watermelon at the Yale winmet dinacr and am hajpy to in form you that that is the enly way in society © Anderson's Bappy retort wus greeiad mater sal dows dizscomfited, and that i was the last ever heard of the story | of the buttersd watermelon. all of Which goes to demonstrate the valae of Danton’s famous motte: “1 avdnes! Bavdace! Toujours 'sudace?™ Colonel Anderson was a wonderfsl ‘|Mumper. He was most emphatically & rough diamond. In the rough snd tumble, enteh ae you-can styhs of debat. | fog be never had a ruperier in Mis wonrl, which is saying a great dest He was An adept in the use of Svery spe eles of oratorical weapon. Champ Clark is Saturday Evening Post Wanida't Sell the Honse. The bovse fo which Joan of Are wae hory is still Daithfolly preserved in plots veneration at Dotiremy, where it in booked upon almost in the light of 5 shrine. Pasecrshy invari dy cross | themselves sod utter & prayer for pro tection as they Zo hy The story goes that a rich aml seen. (35 Tried Taam fo haw the it wan at that tine the Property of a [armor saoust Ghanian The Faglishmen offered to Wt bis pros hw own price. bot the old meas hobs Bry. “Na ao aa™ bi, Ben wll BE Eve tag Flea vB Topeicner atid os = £2 Bi a Poaple hee 1 Ge 5 traiier gad * Spay Cis Teva Eiv manne Ble ims © 8 ven ineed argaining was Bow i fila way : Shyon alive wa : Steer From £5 : mee, Hasay 4 4 di iran. Ihe ing your “Bouse to an Engiithn mn He de ANGor . gravy Flock of Fifey hx Hagin al pees Ber 0 int evedl LE oe % % £ 5 t Ra ; Pareinh of Lars teh, #1 winter ing to 7 parties at Caliligin o Sock of facomad Firings AO ny relia. Bfy six Angors gate This species of She was very iow and I lost all bope, goat (Di¥ers from fhe ordicary kind i when a friend w 5 that the body is covers wilh BER honey anil ai and thanks’ Bair of Ane textes, somenhat ie the be ta thie oiread remedy it saved ber wool of the Caslimers shosp They life, Sn In Mironger and enjoys better PARE daily pend and ade Lpwaleabla ts Chenith LEY ale Bas goer Keown in ten fey ym Mngertatn, shrtie and. cyvare We shall pever Be without eA. Foley's hones and tar ahd wonld ask Ibis wad that when a Sagrent Wg Cthiomes afflsted to tet £7 Ernest come pear the Bork one goat wlvonves Fryokiond and Gwe. 8 Growl. 3 ¥ } Es meet Blan while the pest dnutiouniy surronnded Bim aed pooimel Bin i] When pain or irritation exists on any # troe Billy goat Buhion. Me Parrish part of the body ihe application of does Bot know how trae This, hut says Ballard’s Bnow Linimest will Rive Be saw a seange dog maiisg good prompt waliof Prive. 25 and 50 conta time ont of the sbedd in which the gone ©. W. Holgitine, Pation. and Hastings mre Boosed af night. | Pharmacy. Al # distance thiss aninthis Yok he Fo ~ Patrvinbie the home print shop. sheng, bat have borne and & beard ike). By : Fe are better prepared than ever to Le . turn ont comme reial printing of ale to be better than watton. The — 0 ment will be watched with inlerest by Winds and ar prices that "t be du Stock raisers of the coupky.- ~Johns- [oated for gored Work. : town Tribe, ‘Strittm atter Bros. for bs the Patton post offoe for the two weelts ending Saturdey, Feb 1, 1009 PLANING Casper Anderson (30 AB Hiner, RIL TY Pani J. Daaghtevy, J Prank Mook MILL Foreign: Potro Skiba, Persous calling : for the above letters wilt ples say that they ame “Adpertised E Wii Gugexe Pistradster Mangturtorers of anid Doaleriin a hr All Kinds of Worked ra SW I Arser A string of thirty at the shooting and Rough guilery of DE Postisthwalte, opposite pd tie poet sffbee npmitaios ia tie firnelson 1m he Fr." (the ordinary goat. Their fesh is sal 3 dvrrtiven faeitorn The following Leiter remain uncalled Hastings, Pa. val 8 Bulldog. Beat it if ps1 All kinds of he wilding sup. i rarch €5. Star do fronts, window and door ps: contracting of all OUT Speclaities. Boas sash, moulding, ete, always | as hmvat, Your Pilronase Soticited erie ns Thi # Tabi Kirgw to reward vou But ost mo osadn Fe known thas vol po ore want ae Ting BY af the © Hak therefor Lie comand fa iL prevent you ei the crown of the Le gion of Honor” Plas, een Catherine ohaained plas from France, aad. in 1543 a 201 was jase ed: “That no person shall put to sale guy pennex bot only wooh az shall be doude beaded andl have the beside sold ered fast to the stank of he phises well smoothed, the shank well sharpen, the points well round dled. canted and sharpened” Al this time most pins were made of brass. but many were also made of 1 tron. with a leaks surface. Fraoce sent 0) a large pumber of pins ©» Logland ° uniil about the sear 128 In this sear one Jobo Tisby started : plursaking in Qloancestorsliirs. Sa sae. eessful was hie venrare thai be soon bad 1 persons working These pins made af Stroud were held in Bigh ; : pute, ! Io 1458 plomakers combised and founded 4 serparstion, The todustry ; wis carried on at Besrol and Bicmng bam the Miter beenming the chief enter. Tu ITT0 prizes were offered for the gest native made ping asl peedies Bue maed during the war in 1813 Mohed enoemany prices Flos vary from 310 fnvhes in length Cio the rial pil entomiolopists’ pin wiatiing shout an aude «hood Wards EA YA hE TESS SD en A Lucid Deetaton. A correspondent, referring 198 recent . article in Law Notes on “The Gram mar of the Couets” calls attention to the following fueid devisiol of Sir Jolin Tayler Coleridge 1a the case of - Torley against Thomas 8 © aud Po CEL SE GL be 312 1 bas been su gested an 8 donb By the ened coun sel for the defemlant whether the ¥ af the road applies to saddle horses or iY 1h carta ages Now | have no double © that i does law Notes, An Aeceoidont. Little Rexsiv having been vanished tor wisladiayior. slunk oo the other end of the roots, erving Her io ae Tir. od fo view Ber reneniagee bgt found ber sugagind I making faces wt Ber "Why, Hesse” said ber mother How van Tu 5 on mutes. anawersd the dite gir, “1 owas ying te satle at yon, bat Ly wi e uiipped.” ~ London Answers til) Free, After twa Hi 25d ad 2% bad Bin 0 Fiat ihvat won are the Ye mae retired deinhiia Resmnd Al Asien er declares that Japiter Loar heidi ws Sa Asan an walk a mile without poy. ing more than a couple of fest ~Chics- go News, CURES CONSTIPATION. : j Arad adl treaties and § sed Joniann, Be, or - - had 5 SANGHA MED. co. bi NY. he a ; # i? 3 5 i ; 8 LW, Holigiios Pasion Phannaey } Carefully Pittsburg & Eastern Branch. | compounded CC Medias Temva Mati fr Metiom, ben " LN ay ; RET EELS 4 GOOD DRUGS Sit : “lh NFA rw e rite nares Te) Ws | os Jone ; oh ioe : ith : Mam : And at the ng ht Haid Brix bi - : ME by 3 price. Et Hite } “3 Eh i a: ir mire a LBat’s what we are head- srtleid ; he Bagh ow dioadier and | ; i dg or mitwar ut Maat Sud haarters for ; sod © mr Spe sinn : Fancy Stationary and Novel x i £ — tie a speciality. | be, W Yow ails, Ww H X arthrug, i I wim t, | Hastings Pharmacy, % Role, tuthnl Hop. 5 CC. M. Schaefer, Huntingdon . 8 Bivad Top Mt. R. F. B. ANG Ra Eel road. | THR E HART Now. Pa in sllent Nov, 346 PEt. Somhwing At Commercial Hotel, Barn Bhisadiin rar Hlustingduy eshars, th v Thursday Iasilay a3 LTE wills a REDE a wr ] ha i vam 35 AVES an ha es ad at ME Diamine A Geo. Simmelsberger, Ton Xo. 3. Sirs a [a | LIVERY AND FEED STABLE 3 My in 1 i i " x, < whe Tamsigon wre 8 ; XY vik Phils ar ig on ae "Went dai vu 2 F< - Sanduys SEAL th SE Draving and Hauling done on short notice. YRANER z FRY, HUTUHERS, HASTINGS, A Soba AY Tels Rha SERRIRE WL © Rall Neel Freel wed Mapai Manin oon Hunaoway on lmaal, Penalty dad game ia WERE A xa pert of Yeu Ral TOM NE a Hen tend CL ARTRONY ANNA, sv. 0 JL. ; HUHTHOE OF THE PRACKE. Main Line. REL Rem Lamas wd E35 2 tarnborey. Collectivna promptly attended to. Presto fn paal BRUKER, Pi DYSPEPTICIDE The Srentest id to DIGESTION. Foley's H and as ere and ie Tir be SEROTEC AT Lites HORII Na al Creo)