The Patton courier. (Patton, Cambria Co., Pa.) 1893-1936, February 06, 1902, Image 4

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    EE NE SAR RE 5 SS Aor
CoN eS A AH 8 A a AP OR
and Fifth svenner, alresdy paved, are
2 predit to the town and in their res.
of {ent condition will pay for themecives
twice over. The shortaighted poiicy of
carting dirt and tinkering at the sams
| street year iv and year cut at an enor
: focis expense is a thing of the past in
* | progressive communities.
Streets in a real live town are always
Li paved. Troe, it takes money to do
{#troet paving, but in the long ran it is
by far the most economical way, tosay
nothing aboot the improved appear.
ance and the increased valuation of
and make purchses that
- property abutting thereon, !
1H there isn’t money enough in ol
ier sury, and there i a Wifatd aes Pape.
the town for the amount necessary. The Pits sburg Times is the only
- | We are aware that thers are nomeroos (daily newspaper in that city which
| persons in Patton opposed to sn in. ‘does not bave & Sanday edition. The
crease in the bonded indeblednesy, but Times puts aii its shargies Anil MONEY |
Lia there. any reason in the wide world inte pablishing Font of Donk hd FSpapar
there six days Ld hE mew ile
| why the present generation of citizens | pacples beliove
i should pay for benefits that will be T pikne iia ar :
Javed by the generations to come? [should have one fdar’y
While we are on the subject of bond: The Times shows the
Ling it might not be irrelevant to remark 7 Sending
carey and brevity are ive war
Cin passing that the present condition | words, Its siiltoriat page is ihn
is o nl one whom + his |
Bave Bo Bpinion of, or if
fatars, unless strenuous Rnansial oeas- eurrent topics Lo the children of the |
bite sehonis, as well as thelr faihe B=,
: redeem the oredlis of pat
—— taken to ™ mothers, teachers and all whe read
| the town.
Abont all that i Im now handled by the i pabilcan, Kiving wil Pe pews of
£3] treasurer is orders paid in for taxes OF parties as well [ia thpat i
| those discounted by individuals and 8 oritiosd review. The box office has.
80 Influence over it. Peoples have bee
terest. Mme
drawing in Some fine day i oome accostomes] bo read what Tha
oreditor of the borongh wili petition ‘Tires says of plays mere that five
the Court. to levy an additional onal: | sare department in all nthe Pittsburg
| tax and then what a howl will Koop: papers combined. The Timas tritioise
payer. readers, whether it happens ta benefit]
Bi ther that will be the result or a theatrical manager or pot Tow
: PUNE page in fu charge of an ex
Oovrizn are px
bond imsae is imperative. When the fat. pert, aad cream, not bigs milk. is
el with display ad- | ter comes to pase, which from present (Berved in ie colaomine Tis Times slew |
“ rows local mer. indications wii not he long, why fio pay id particalir Spe ME bir dhnray
nr home dealers. make the imsee large enough to de matters, And ils ehuroh news bn at lice.
Y SE pedi bie and MERLE wea
More street paving and relegate to the ol : . REvern, Iis specia
BNErTw hers wR
rear this fine sOUnOmMYy Sencersing pages Any by day 5 perfect mired
aorid. Phe Womans page Ison {bien
: Al live up-iodate Mgrs pow sedi the J Oarefally edited one, sid vary we
: : necessity of bonding for necessary im. Who Knows The Times they ot
inp man, who 8
Ont 3 virvoos rape.
bj of the borough treasury will make that cof ceveral specialise and is one that :
ction necessary in the very near commends itself in He dlscnssion OF: id
and think. lo poiities its podicy is He |
ik } fravbies Wars 1a be traced to the kidneys
meriy cost from 30 to roo;
ent more: quality 15 just, That's Our Motto
Over-Work Weakens. CAS good, {oo Dnshes, Nap-| : :
: Your Kidneys, kins. Hankerchie fs. Ribbons. | ‘and we hve up to it.
SrA ed 2 §
Tnhealthy Kidneys Make Impure Blood, Novelties, Sacks and Stock. |
All the blsod in youn body pawees through | : Togs Tinware. Soap, Ete. Ete. ;
your Fxinayas oRos svar tisree Sifuay, . iF ’ 4
We have one of the
Finest candy mn town at 10 lagest stocks in the
of oniler, they fail to do Gro please. The price is
i 3 if LL) mata Cone from sxe
Kidney traubin catisny qc Sr un
aver working in pumping thick kidney. |
A he Mood cents per pound 1 county and aim to
Hew ae sick or su 2
1str work : : s : : :
Fairs achesandrivey rt UPL abs. wl IN right, too. If you
y “AF cons of uriz acid in the aE AR ERR pw oa EE oN : a sk J “3
<4 Blood, due ta negincted GF ely are not acquainted
Kidney troubis. : LN Fre by i : . .
with us in a business
heart beats and makes ons fee! ay the fre Ee i :
they Bad Beart trouble. Beckie the hear) " Hiner On IN { ee al Ag wiv. we will be
poisoned tiood through waits snd arteries. |
it used ta ba considersd that only arinary |
pleased to serve vou
but now modsrn sclence or sway that nesrly and guarantee that
alle constitutional dusases have their begin. sn . Lid - ! ay
Ta Jo Bidney rachis. : : il vou will come agmn.
: Fou des sick yoy Gus saales ne bere | Waldo Emerson,
by first docioring your kideeys The mild: | . : $v .
and the erin Ait effsct of Dr. Kimare's | 11 aN essay on eloquence,
| Swamp-Raot, ed said, in speaking of 2 man Estim: ates freely given
1" 0, why is it not from the already overburdened tax When the criticism is of benef: to 3 a
oh > :
Er eae of the mom ny fase w hom he described as a on all tin work.
by & il drug fifty rs Godsend to his town,
a ; : + Fle ig put te gether like
4 Ww altham WwW atc ch.”
Repairing a Specialty.
3 haper when wri ng Cir. Kilmer.
“ec 5 ae a, MN.)
Fi {th Ave.
| proyertients arch are acting wocordingly. this page. The Tio BL Rael pager
| Patton must keep ai the head of the Sit dugun Wonk fof wx conte
© Prosession, i Saved Him | From T. hr,
: There 5 bo Wore Besinns
Bore dominust political | parties hav. than piles. The constant i
_ ing nade their nominations it now | burning mike die ntiierabie
Hes with the voters to do the rest. Se Posil on i comfortable, The top
* lect the best men possible from the two - anchasing. DeWil's wit
- Hekets and { keep the true interesta of
tthe towri in view all the time In so do- of woud. it I$ aneqealled J 8 Gir
ing. The man whe eta political pre. wil, Ni Pani, Ark siya Pen (AES 1
: Judion or personal animosity siand in suffered with the prots riding, Blaming
Je Unti | used DeWite's wing hanof
town he lives | in is 18 50% a true patriot or sulve. A few boxes completly cured
7 | She bout citizen. | me. Beware of counterfeits © Ww
: WRC aD caLworMA
Foriz ive Days Tear vis Fonnayivanis Favorite Nwmriy Bewrywhess
- Balirang. Constipation means doligess, de Pres.
The Pennsylvania ratllroad person. ig. Tienda,
x. (ally coodicted tour to Mexico and health
! £ California which leaves Now York and suing iate the fiver. open the be wels
| Philadelphia on Fe ebruary 11 by special and relieve this condition. Safe,
i Pollman train, covers a large and in. sprody sod thorough They neve
tennely interesting portion of Nurth grips, | Favorite pki, Cw Hodg. |
America, embracing a great part of gine Patton, and Hastings Ph
Mexico, the beautiful coast resorts of
'{ California, and on the return journey Muntent ¢ Exftege
8 from California, the Grand Canon of Freeburg, Moy.
Phartiise iy.
of the cowiitry. Fourteen days will be the wail eaihped soniaia
{Apenit in Mexico and nineteen in Cali. 5% wii pay for six woke, (omen Shai
fornia. The Mexico and California 80d board, Spricg ters wall Legis
i Bpevial, to be ased over the satire trip, May 5 For catalogue andres.
b- | will be composed of the highest grade HENRY B. Mover, Director.
: jm Prior. ve Thing dining draw. ae Yue © oe hu jot received a
j observation cars, bested by steam and Oe ew Hine o Ttamen
| lighted by electricity. Round teip rate, © "WOR ladies’ and gentlemen's iy,
; « ail Ey: . a » ring ® Ing carde. Bend We your Grder early
a tring ro Ford phi 8 and get something ap-to-date. We
hk | the Pennsylvania raliroad Eystem are ep prepared fo Taemieteo Hite
fonst of Pittsburg. and 70 from Pitts. grav ; OF embossed curds of the [atest
1 burg. For the oar ¥ Mexico hoi Etyle.
the rate will be $350, and for California \ py
ionly, which will leave Pebirvary 28, MINE FOREMAN
* gts, For itinerary and fall jnforeas. Wasted, Mine Foreman Ins bake
tion, apply to ticket agenta or addrwg 0h ef imide working : edt
George WwW. Bayd, gunizt int gravel Sh ea Chitipriey
passenger agent, Bromd skreet station, With present
| Phillieiphia. : tons per day.
= ta hada Kien
Flartaa. tric Boning
| The first Pennsylvania raliroad tor full
ww a monopoly | Of the season to Jacksonville, and ai of thw present alias
oan idates for the Jowing two weeks in Florida, will leave Adu
Ihere are good men | New York, Philadelphia Fatt Hore and first
i the partizan who Ws sehington ny special train on Pel
iE toe prejudiced ary 4. Exsursion tic ily fnolnding
i of suffrage in an railway transportation, Pullman se
: {eomadat 408 fone berth), and meals vin
fronts in both directions while t trays fig
ie herd and on the special train, will be solid at the
novel heroes have lost their following rte: New York, $5 00:
: the Boye Who revel in Phitaialp stida, Harrbborg aod Washing
; fas 00: Pittsburg, $5300: anid at
| proportionate rates from other points.
Yur tickets, itineraries, aud other in.
i formation apply to ticket Agents or to
George W. Bovd, assistant passenger
Bgent, Brow street station, Phila.
Patina. an ates SX Pips
fas ory Ww i
A te Sra
ME Bo Pases = 4
CS herire ire. Ebenshoin: Po Fah A naw
Se = 3
SSE Ones jks BL aise For skis
dis se, Late, Darn, Gralees, wil kinds
«(the way of the advancement of the Plies and coud find nothing to fntp
Hodgkins, Patton, asd Hing] :
Reverany disordered
Be Witt's jittie YRTIY visors
Arizona, one of the the groat Winders der un LF Pe, ore edn est nie a :
y Waltham Watebes are sold by Lx
TOZER, The Patton Jnweler. Yen Ges do Better at
the Home
un. Bake ery,
its Andge | Good Shoes for °°
” Work or Dress
alace € Re Statrant FRESH Bread,
a Cakes, Pies, Rolls.
son, > Satisfaction
Oywrors in EVErY wtih { i arantee ad. oe
Meads served promptiy ol ¢ Old Dollars
CHiwe me a cal Ir V Our macaroons.
Opens Sawiays 1 I . | 3
ANCY aa wedding
F. D. Dunia fp Ea SND
P. cakes l ih 8) a
; a ber Goods and
{Parnell Cowher & cn | | Felts
ode ir 3 ry
Fifth Avenue.
PATTON. PA. | \, A iller,
" FirstNation | Bank The Shoe Man.
New Shoes for
Big Cut on Rub
De nti st! Patton, Cambria Co, Pa.
CAPITAL PAID UP. $100,000.00.
Office ap-ataies in Good Buti ng Of
five Hanr -& Lo wad 1p BURPLUN, $9800 00
MEWS p Wm : : oo Aseesista of Cigarette, Firma, Individg.
cmon mand Banke received path thie toe Savors.
| Pe bervn TANNA win sabe nd SOnsSreaive |
a = : SRR ; i : : t . elie Peat five wee ow alt hie Toned ;
Reuel Somer ille, : dol Liatia pagabio ln the prineg
{ ¥ Wet :
Atv: pas ie 3 Si Crimps rn ienoe will Tavvnoty proanpt and 2
A Lh} La ELT aad VE | perma a Stention y :
| Interest pend Foon tione ileguite,
A aa - Sig :
“AE Parton, Wi H. SaNDwoRD ; + >
: | J Having moved to our new
ERS Ion in the Choowd Beg iidiion Progident Uaablor,
location in the Fisher Block
work in
. Ch > now better prepared
~* Miss Susie Wentz, Chop, | Feed and Meal, |= = now beter prepa
than ever to do
Engadine North
ae Lamisdis Uongly ; this line
T FLODR | ; ; .
HEA FLOUR | W & sole agents for
LY Cambri county for the cele
and hrated
Ve A. M ur Ta V ? H SRE . FR ¥ vit "os i re i
PHYSICIAN & SURGE ao Bw Brooks Qil Co.'s
Gutta Percha
a as 2 Roesing Paint.
ro To YOY
Foley's Kidney Cure GEO. BOONE, oe ar
kidoews and Bladiler right. THTIUE OF THE PRACE : Yes chee riully made
hi i th Goad Balldiog. Collevtions | for all work 1m our hine,
ation for ; protptly attended to. Properties 0!
: TT sell and rent :
Tae market i"
Poly’ B® ss otire. Eroasi Fy ckiand | -Bubsarive for and advertise in the d ( H 3rper fo
and Gea. 8 Good. | Patton Cotman