ears po en “ennamn Kepeeian ; i Burns, broises and co ov eitremel f Atiminated by | patatal And if neglect A eitied resgit ¥ rea. 8 blood podem Uhlig oe aly 5% 3 venrs, | Hable to anh mishaps Bo cies Bod so MoAae (oavefal Asa rem =p Preis ite wate Tod Ia win hazel salvo i anogan raws out ; Lhe fire, stops the pain, sau healh the | wound. Beowave of counterfeits, Su ire | wi Impostor, Thomas Towa. | Care for piles. © De Wit's Witeh Haz } hitors, W. P. Greist 3 years, cured my baby of etpoma after Luo! 2 years. Justice of the | | physicians gave ber up,” wiles Jamon | 1G Noi (onstatie, I Mock, NX. Wabmter, Ind “The sor "| High Uonétabie, Sons hy were wy Dad she 8 hed ws Ho Pac | ve | = Loe Ldvesen a day. OL Hodzking, Pat i Mrs. Brimbsagh enteriaiind | oo and Hating Pharmacy. ab cards Friday night. Those! were the Misa Ny wit Luther, i : . Katherine | Blanche McKendrick | | mother's favorite. It is pleasant and | nd Mow. R. B. Bpanget safe for chiidrén to take aod always R Beott, T. B. Met iain, fOTeS Alport, W. P. Griest, | coughs, colds, croup and whouping Ant ban Reamer. | sough, and is the bast medicine made , hing purtios inst Thars- for these diseases. There is not the | reat many other peo | | least danger in giving it to children for | stack seeing "Al it contains no opium or other Dnjori. ous drug and may be given as confi TEelile, yearn. ss of Bioction. The Mathers Favorite. od | Hastings Pharmacy, Many a bright and Nappy housthold. {ha been thrown into sadness and sor {row because of the death of a loved one from a neglected cold, Ballard's Price, 95'and 50 omnia. and g party from Pation and | Hodgkins, Patton, howe Were entertained Pharmacy. at the oper hive | N Fackaon. Danville, fit, any danghter hat a severe attack of imesman and child |, grippe and 5 terrible cough sottied | B, speut Sunday WIth ober jung We tried a great many wife ut the New Gen pomedics without giving relief She tried Foley's honey and tar which! Bbe ; hese never bean tronb- | ! ! front dwn Trgatint : taacher hare, a. Bers. Optimtipution and health never go to | | ether Pre Witt's little arly risers * promote essay action of the bowels. without distress Jed with sostiveness nine years '' says: ® J. 0. Greens, Depanw, Ind, “I have tried many remedies but little carly : Van Soovs. of risers give best results” UW. Hodg | ay in town. | ine, Patton, and Hastings Phuritey. | x Armiacy. : Mall srders for job printing reovive | arefyl and prompt Attention at the | ‘w. . Sandford. Hp i ol A ns A Ass _ RRCEIPTS, $1200 07 225 Ww Te 80 0 CR HRS C$ izon or) atts 5 300 06 4,000 9 10,5686 87 8,300 00 $0,964 67 1&6 20 2.113 8 148 34 2,787 82 ¥ $1IA15 73 a : a6, 08 be A AN RS 9 863 52 8.025 13 7,463 95 3.955 3 1,549 68 2.626 41 $80 76 $4118 21 $ 5, £030 9 : ned Auditing Committee of the Patton Building & Loan | the books of the Secretary snd Treasurer, und ds of the Treasurer, hereby certify that the Decem honda : FRANK Noouons, | NM. B. © owiKR, Auditors. Chamberisin’s coogh remedy is the | it Is intended especially for | dently to a babe as to an aduit. Por! sale by C. W. Hodgking, Patton, snd | i i vorehonnd syrop is the great eurps for | AW. Hastings writes: | “f have been trond. plies, store fronts, window and door sport +f the finances of the Association as they What we Pronvise in this advertisement you e goods for YOursc if. cheap, but this SIS a Clearance Sale, and we has ¢ the after you see t wil find is I | BH ods not We 2 y kitow the for by owing pric Un al prices misrepresented will appear too named. Men’ s wool socks. were 206, Boys’ PR heavy fleeced long hose, were 20¢, { “hile Iren gv Women's 5 ks + & Men's shirts, double front and back, heavy weight, were 48¢, this month cloth, were Hoc, now 39¢, Boys’ We Ladies’ clean sweep price $1 83. The 12% c yard Good ingrain carpet, at 27¢ yard. 37¢. Men's heavy fleece lined shirts, his © alert Afty cloth coat, we made of Jersey sweaters. di es 11 lined, former price $5.50, Me? fines t ladies’ coat we have was a bargain at $9.7. clean sweep pri I 5¢ all sizes, were 13¢, 100 » heavy wool hose, were 18¢ ys ah 1, ce 10C per pair. wh wi Men's fleece lined underwear, good weight, was I 45¢, now at 208 | Men's ex Was 30c, is month 3gc¢. tra quality heavy fleece lined underwear, good grade, with fine rib neck, were 49¢, this month 3s¢ ( oats to close out at t onethivd their cost. Fine Kersey coat, well finished, former price $8 co, i this month, $2. 50. 5, HOW goes Jor Clean Sweep in C arpets. Nice stripe carpet, worth 23¢, this month's sale at WE PDAalieTis, wWortiy 400. goes nice patterns, worth goc, goes Wool mixed ingrain carpet, worth 6oc, clean sweep price 4oc yard. Rag carpe month at hs i this $3 50. _ extra heav y weight, regular price joe, Best rag carpet with wide wool rainbow stripe, worth 75¢, at 48¢ yard. If you want carpet examine ours and you will not bay elsewhere. Here i i$ your chance to buy window shades at half price. Clean nice window shades on spring rollers, Special sale price 845¢ Nice cloth shade, with fri Inge, worth 4oc, sale jirice asc. Special lot extra good shades, with lace inserted and fringe, at 48c- Our 10c Counter is Crowded With Goods ‘Worth 25c¢, all go at 10c, and They are Extra Good lantern, wick and all complete. Large thermometer with weather g liR%, Good sized saw; also meat saw, Large folding hat rack. We have many things on these tables, but not room to mention them. Last But Not Least is Our Clean Sweep in Shoes. This month we offer a nice patent tip Jace shoe for ladies at 8s5c. We have one of the largest lines of ladies’ shoes in these parts, and are offering them very cheap. Values: Fancy painted and gold decorate ad spittoon. Large wold decorated jardiniers, 1 gallon ta oil can. 2 quart tin coffee pot. They must be seen before you appreciate them. boys’ and girls’ shoes of ever description at one-half what you are used to paying. Men's Dre Shoes at Ste; Finer grade Men's Dress Shoew 81.15; also at 1.35, 1.40, and $1.75 Heavy Bookie Bho, sule price 98; Heavy Lace thoes $1.15; Heavy Can't Rip, sale price §1.60 ¥ Bring this paper wi vith you and see if we ¢ misrepresented anything SON EER SA sh a eh We have 4 Ne id REAR vy BE RE BY Remember our motto: WE SELL CHEAP, AND " WHY PAY MORE?” Hastings, Pa. Manu ineturors of and Degjers in All Kinds of Worked and Rough Lumber. Ali kinds of building sup- porches, stair work, all frames; contracting of ‘kinds are our specialties. Doors, sash, moulding, ete. iid on hand. Y par Paironage Solicited. A C “arefully \ \ And at the right price. That's what we are Buarters for Siationary and Novel Lies a speciaily. Hastings Pharmacy, Fan oF 5 (com pou nded GOOD DRUGS, esbhoro. ¢ head- Dray 0, M. Schaeffer, Prop 4 {He Celery King Seanses the eystemn and vatide in ap It makes Lie Blood pare 11 Denutifien Lie complexion, It crivew coneti pation and iver disorders 11 euros Benda tie and most thar sches. and Kidney diseases. C. W. Hodgkins, Patton Pharmesy. ANTHONY ANNA, Gunn's Pharmacy, Hastings R. F.B. EVANS BRENT, HARITNGM Pa ; At Com mercial Hotel, Bara. Carpma la very | harsda % on Simmeisberger, LIVERY AND FEED STARLFE, 5 and H: vit) rs 21 ation ny done £31 [YAANER & FRY, BITTER, HASTINGS, FAL Pull ine of Fresh and Smoked Meats GI | Hina AEmty on Band. Ponies eas, 5 pretion af Fury pRaveiRag sptintty Be nent editor writes: fnimement of Chamberiaints colle, jo and disrrhosa remdy, ait game in| eure for dinrehoss and plensant and | Tones Up the Whole System and CURES CONSTIPATION. Ax all draggisis and deniers, Be, or sent hy ‘nail, If vor dealer will not supply you. W. Hodgking' Fatioa Pharmacy } JUNTH BE OF THE PEAUE, Collections promptly attended to. Denlor in resi estate, one, The greatest aid to DIGESTION. Hen: A Mexican Oak of an buerease of this Pension, war veteran and promi “Sewing the adver. | oho : I am re minded that as a soldier in M7 and 4% 1 trom geiting an ineresse in my pen- | sion for on every renewal a dose of it restores me! Ibis nnequalled as quick 8 | { safe to take. Por sale by ©. W. Hodg: i Patton, and Hastings, Phaemacy Cutlery King cares Nerve, Slotieeh, pana MED. CO. Le Roy, N. Y. ; poisoned blood through Mexico in| contescied Mexican | dinrrhoes and this remedy bas kept me EERE CR SA fs a Fine be. causes quick or - they had heart trouble, because the heart is over-working in pumping thick, kidney- veins and arteries. it used to be considered that only ninary {troubles ‘were to be traced to ‘the but now inodern science proves all congtihutional diseases have thetr that ping in kidney trouble. H you are sick you can make no mistake by first doctoring vour kidneys The mild and the axisaglinary effect of Dir. Kilmer's Swam wk, the great ki - soon realized, © wandsrful ciires of the most and is sold on ts merits cs ex it stands the hig by all druggists in fifty cent and one-dollar sip You may Have a | sample bottle by Mail me of Seams Ron free. also pamphiet i Bn you How’ to to fine © out if you have kidney or bladder trouble Mention this paper when writing Or. Kilmer & Co., Binghamton, N.Y. R . FEC IN TE IR GOLDEN RELIEF : cobs Wha | TAURINE Are vom sanding ,