The Patton courier. (Patton, Cambria Co., Pa.) 1893-1936, January 30, 1902, Image 4

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    Slack RIN EU
o. That's Our Motto
and we live up to it.
16 ve
We have one of the
lagest stocks in the
county and aim to
please. The price is
right, too. If you
are not acquainted
with ns in a business
way, we will be
pleased to serve you
and guarantee that
you will come again.
{ Estimates freely g given
on all tin work.
: Repairing a Specialty.
F ith Ay e.,
P A’ ITO! N, , PA.
reli ved me a once. | Fl.
y recovered, wv Parone the Hone
Try our macaroons.
= Fancy and wedding
we Cakes To Order.
nde Cc. HAMER.
| Fifth Avenue,
Firsthation' {Bank
ut a hima] Patton, Cambria Co, Pa.
per point. Foley's |
ds positive protec CAPITAL PAID U UP, $100,000.00.
- - a SURPLUS, $19,500.00.
Assoants of Corporations, ¥
is and Rakes revel ved upon the
nes | :
ie terme consistent wilh safe hind COnMTYAive
| Sie Sar fo
Hteamahip teksts for mie for atl Lie Srmdling
Labi gi
wil Havwonr prom ptsnd :
11 vow
prrecnal atten
Trterent Sant 8 tive Aepewmite
fouscess and bead A E Patron, Wu H. Saxprorp,
en President. Crahbor,
bs Besehy mlves thi a speibeten will be
meade £0 thee Voorn of the © bh wy wen ith : 3 x ?
as goad, too. [rshes, Nap
| if Penny Peanibs, on Satunhay, ¥
1 3, be WP itamnbier DW RB nbeiter.
whe, Biron Maver aul 8 Tharice i
bor the Art of Aesemidy ol
caf Penawvivaania, Ey
thon of 8 Fay ¥ Aer guiratl dis Appr
App Mh, ; ents "
> Dr. V. A. Murray,
itis not needed. Price 25 and 50 Tipu
0. WW, Helgkins, Patton, and
Pharasey. re
(and purify the blood; it cures all forms
@ of blood disorders, is especially geeful
(in fevers, skin eruptions, heils, pine
“| pes. blackheads, scrofnla, salt rheam
gua nteed foo ctire won oe] und every form of blood impurity; it is
n bottles. Tubes 75 conta, ©. a safe and ro fectasl cure. Price 50
gkins, Patton, and Hastings | cents. C. Hodgkins, Patton, and
; i | Hastings Prarmacy :
kins, Hankerchiofs,
Novelties, Socks and Stack-
LE Tonide Bir thee focaneeatig we ial Tie
tle cured me. All droggiata
Ww EEK oS Gi COM Low Ho, PEE
You'l 1 find on visiting this store a bunch of bargains that will surprise as well
as please.
good deep generous cut.
sia ah Baie
Everything in winter goods reduced, not in a haif he arted fashion, but a
52 dozen chi Idren S s fleece lined ndeywe: ar r bought direct from a mill at 60 on the
dollar. Will turn them over at a like saving to our customers. They're
worth 25c¢ e: ach; we offer sizes 16, 18, 20 and: 2
each, sizes Gh to 34 vests, pants and drawers, at te each,
22, vests and pants, at 7c
£1 fe EH SRR SE ah 5a a i 0 SS
Ladies black, gray and tan } Kersey coats, lined with satin romain, regular price $5
and 5 5-90, now offered at $1. 98 € ach.
= Sh aeids
Ladies’ pure linen initial handkerchiefs, real worth 156, at t gc each.
Ladies’ black wool mitts reduced to sc pair.
I fants” red wool stockings offered at half the regular price, 12) Jac c pair.
Men’ ns s guaranteed buckskin mitts, regularly sold at 98¢, now V 49¢ parr.
nl Cette i Wl ns
Men's s 49¢ working gloves, lined, reduced to 36¢ pair.
Children’s colored ca caps, Z3C kind reduced to 8c; 49¢ kind reduced to to 366; ;
“and 98¢ kinds reduced to 57¢.
Blabon'’s best quality table c oil
cloth offered at 12 Vac c yard.
I adies’ black fascinators, 25¢ kind 15¢; 49¢ kind 3s¢
Men's 5 blue
e check jack ets, made of Alabama che -viot, real value. 49¢, special a at 2 2gce each.
Men’ 5 25¢ caps rec educed to ge: 49¢ Kind 35¢
Men's s Mad ras dress shirts, 75¢ and 98c kinds at £9¢ each.
Men's heavy flecce lined outside shirts, plain bien double front and back, welted
double : S seams, Joc the regular pric ce,
spec 1al at 9c.
Odd lot of stick pins, brooches, cuff buttons, etc, worth 25¢, | now v 5c.
Men’ S working shirts, odd lot, worth 49c, at 29c.
Men's S fine wool socks, natural gray. guaranteed to be worth 25c. at 17e pair.
Ladies’ of Ec wool stockings at 19 pair.
Odd lot boys’ heavy fleece lined undershirts at 18¢ each.
Men’ s silk initial Jap handkerchiefs. large size, 6c. worth 10.
Ble ached pillow cases + 42X36, S
Hemsite hed pillow Cases 45%36, at 3c cach
al at Sc cach.
1 better ay
ge m ——
ni ee ; a
Old Dollars
and make purchses that
formerly cost from 30 to 100
per cent more; gt 1ality is In sit
qe Big Cut on Rub
ET Laas ania
. 5 i
Ribbons, Feits
The Shoe Man.
cents per pound
5 LE %
5 rm Hy; i ne
mes, Timware, Soap, Ete. Ewe
Finest candy in tows at 10
PHYSICL AX po wi Ri: E tN.
Miss s Susie Wer br
Herbie shoabd be used to eurich 7
Frank Treadwell, Bennett la, ww 0
troubled with kidney disease for twe Foi
years. He writes: “I had taken sev. You should know that Polay's bopey
eral kinds of kidpey remedies, bot amd tar is sbsolttely the best for all
with little benefit. Foaliy [ tried Fo. | diseases of the throat and nage Dual
ley’s kidney cure and a one dedlar bot- ers wre suthorised to guarantee it
| | give satiation. AH draypgiste,
Gracel Shoes for
Work or Dress
Ki!ph Waldo En merscn,
in 3 essay on eloquence,
in speaking of a man
Hw Boy he described 2% a
Ciodsead to his town,
“He 1s put together like
a Waltham W atch.”
vif i
it 1%
qumd phywldions in
ahs ARR Epsantest sr With
HAT STON. 1 wins adaond fo ry Foe
jevis Kidn gure, The first bottle
gave immediate relief and three bottles
roughness of the skin cured quickly Ly
Banner salve, the 1nost healing oint-
ment in the world. All droggiste.
cured me permssently. 1 gladly ree.
o ommended this wondecful remedy.”
Take no substitute. Al droggists
Having moved to our
location in the Fisher Block
we are now better prepared
than ever to do all work‘m
thy line.
We are sole agents for
(Cambria connty for the cele
Brooks oil Co.s
Gutta Percha
Roofing Paint
Elstimates cheerfully made
ir all work in our line.
d.{ Hanhan Fa
baw £3 Arn “okt
Foley’s Kidney Care
malus iidoeys and bladder right.
The fragile babe and the growing child
are strearthesed by White's creams
wermifinge. I destroys worma, gets
digestion ar work, and so rebuilds the
body. Price 35 cents. CW. Hodge
kilos, Patton, and Hastiogs 'harmacy.
Chapped hands, crscked lips and