The Patton courier. (Patton, Cambria Co., Pa.) 1893-1936, January 30, 1902, Image 3

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    a ne ht hela ov Bix
in the fatwools ihe cloner
grass, ockamat and hist
ne involuntarily,
seoling ty man. It is
Ld vis uf pnture where
Fhe Steck reporter when 21.
i pircaan up thelr este.
bas een done to the
Ay in portations of
: Sh full satorlty. and
ber dled from fever;
of cattle, enoTany young
more nearly immune,
ught down and carefully
a few Janths, with ax.
* Shs ee Se dp hn Seav
Distinguish Color In
Toms of Singers.
r asserted by Giacomo Mink:
famous Sonos and crits
As the
the sol whe voloe i &
of the world. Hers are
, who hava established
the white” voice; Mazzinl is
EE St. Petersburg. = Southern
the other hand. will hear
he “dark” onea.
favorite with the opera patron
? Ronthern Russia is
tor the desp tones of Hs buss
Soon Lost Golden Cradle.
The King of Sweden has offered
to the finder of a cradle with
pig Bistory., In 1:20 a German
t@ sent to Queen Uirica Eleanors |
8 cradle of solid gold as a
present for her child. The |
in ng the propa: wes driven
bla gale 9a the shores of
ind of Torn, where it became
; wreck. The inhabitants of
nd massscrod the crow and
the ship, but the cradle war
d now les buted In a lonely
lsland. No
one contacted recently at
Rusisan government lead
at the Taphiha b beds at |
| was better than none, and that even.
; hy 5 Crpdnds ol Bn
the place
| being dropped between for the
‘poses of retirement.
for the opening there stepped from be- |
i tek ralief and grease » pret
S084, Bex 8 Alsata, os
i big employment agency,
jievy. He is stil}
without finishing a Normal School education at |
i fourth assistant
farm, worked in
and the hases
§ frocks, who was Miss Crabtree,
disappointment waeloudivand vouolfer- | th
| liar
{ carrying a banio
“over her shoulders.
than half an hour, however,
j with a whoop, aad,
Many are Holding
High Posttions i
at Washingren |
“This is the age of the young man
ron, the practical man of Uncle Sam's
“A notable
ease of {he successful young man in
government fs George B. Cortelyvou,
recrelary to the late Prestdent MeKin-
in his thirties
20, he studied stenography and began
work as a general law and verbatim
principal of a school, Improviag his
stenography all the while. Four years
more and he became private secretary
York. In a few years he was in the
departments as private secretary to the
he entered the law school and won
“Seereturyships, sre perhaps the best
apprenticeships for those ambitions to
fuential men of the nation every day.
“Frank Vanderllp was but 35 when
from the position of private secretary
to Secretary Gage
& machine shop,
studied in two universities, became a
reporter, financial editor and then went
to the treasury department.
displaying flags at Balf.staft or,
people asusily say, balf-mast?”
This question, when it was put to
An ea4y answer: “It is borrowed from
the navy. The ensign or pennant
half-maast is & recognized sign
mourning.” :
1 have heard that in the seventeenth
century 11 was so employed hy the
the end of the sighteenth century the
signal of distress recognized
French and English sailors wes a dif-
ferent affair, as the following story
' shows:
Anno 1785The French ship Sybille,
as powerful 36-gun frigate is sightad
off Cape Henry by the Musear, of 23
gunk. Now, the Sybille a few days be.
fore in a drawn fight with one of the
ships of the English flest to which the
Hussar belongs, sustained such injur-
Jury masts. As rhe ls therefore un-
able to chase the Hussar, she geeks to
hoists to the peak the French enslan
of petite figure and middle age 8h
has lived In retirement for nearly
twenty years. She jeft the stage at
about 17.
was making a tour of the
mining camps. She landed
drove up.
Crabtree, and a litle girl in shor:
ously expressed. However, any alow
ing the miners fairiy packed
where the ghow was to take
Two billiard tables had
together to make a stage
hind this curtzin on to the front bii-
d tabis a demare Hille creature
with skiris
slung pegiiginlly
% very cold, In loss
Lotia had |
svery mother's gon of them ia a stale |
of hirh-wrought esthusiosm,
gang ‘ta them, danced for ei, and
told ‘them foray stories with tirel
encrgy, and they encored Ber geain |
ard gain. Finally one man In the su-
dienes, carried entirely pwey by en-
thusiasm, cama down to the front
thiowing some
The audience wa
thing on the stage eried out: i
in government” said Chic! Examiner |
1 of the Civil Service Commission Ser- | young man.
After |
Later be became
I was graduated in law at 22
now president of the Commersial Bank,
| Chicago. Charles GG. Dawes was bat
to the post office inspector and later
| to the surveyor of the Port of New
postmaster-general. |
Instead of idling away his spare time
both a bachelor's and master's degree.
become statesmen and public men, The
| secretaries lo Senators,
tives, Cabinet ofMcers and bureau chiefs |
are in elbow tooeh with the most in- |
made ussistant secretary by promotion |
He began on s
me the other day, appeared to have
“¥os; but was 1 at first 3 ship's |
gignal of distress, as some say—even |
| ome of the good dictlonaries™
I The extrames roll
But, at any rate toward |
bY | trom the Hussar go throagh
E Bllgn
fox that she hus subsequently been dis. |
masted in a puff of wind and fz under |
} thom,
i tle by
entien her alongside, in order to fake |
her by boarding, and sccordingly she |
Con occasions of nati
{ under the Ergllsh, as if admitting that |
to Lotta. |
OH-0(0-3+0 ©1001 Bte-Oio
- Lotta. the ox-setress. In privats lite i
known as Miss Charlotte Crabtree, is |
8 most charming aod dignified woman |
Her singular infuenee over rouzh |
men wes exemplified when she was |
In charge of her mother, ihe |
evada |
>. Ham- |
{iton, one of the roughest camps in
the territory. An expectant crowd of | that i Be aed i
particularly rough miners was at the | SNS Witiety U tonhe wi
tavern to meet her when the stage
i When thers alighted from the tlage }
A spare. elderly dy, who way
been pushed
8 cutate
At tie hour set |
reaching to the knees and
Lis :
: neavier taxes than
fon this side,
EH Ler F39S9IFVI 9333S DD 332392999
“John E. Wilkie, chief of the secret
in another example for thei
He was in his thirties
Pregident MeKiniey gave him!
hig appointment. He began work when
he wae 17, but improved b
with reading and study.
“0. P. Austin, chisf of the burean of
statistics. another yo
up throueh the rank of reporicr, sditor
and Washington eorrespondent There
wan James H. Eckels, appointad come
troller of the eurrency when but 35. He
He is
ig spare tice
32 when appointed to the same re
eporigible position,
“Mr. Ridgeloy, the
troller. 18 also a young man.
A Wetmore chief of the
present COMP
in his thirties Commissioner of Xavi
gation Chamberinin was but 237 when
appointed. He was a Harvard grado.
ate and newspaper correspondent.
“Pean C Worcester sas but 32 when
ha became Philippine commissioner 8
few vears ago. Arthur W. Ferguson,
the new sécoraiary of state for the Pall
ippines, cannot be much older. ©
“W. F. Willoughhy. who was made
tremsurer of Porto Rion the other day,
is hat 34. He Iz a university gradaate.
Felix Brannigan, treasurer of the Phils
ippines, and WW. Martin Behuster, col
lector of cnstoms for the islands, sre
both young men.”
| Origin of Custom
of Hall-Masting
she is captured. All this Is legitimate,
whether the Hussar tikes the bait or
na. Pat the French captain goss too |
ensign reversed snd tied In & weft or
loop. Now, this being a well known
signal of distress an appeal to a come
mon buamanity which po geserous off}-
cir could Sgregard-ths Hussar at
anes closes. Fortunately, boawever,
her eres are at quarters when the Sy. |
bille, kanling down the English fag
af the peak snd bholsting the Freneh |
above, endeavors to ran her on board,
ing paturs! to 8 ship
not steadied by suflicient sall exposes
the Bybille’s bottom, and several shots
her very
By this time ancl
fag the reversed ensizn
dining in the shrouds
So much for
We know that flags were commonly
| used at funerals In England, especially
| before the middle of the seventeenth
tiesd in A
ednliey, not reversed or
weft, but Doating In thelr vormal posh
This practices was discontinaed
Hitle, though no doubt some
trace of its Influence is wri) sean in
tha nniverssd displ military Bags
«New York Heraid
| How Youthful
Actross Arovussd
“There, yon cas have my pile”
The example was contagious In
lens than & migute every man in the
& | place was scrambling eagerly forward
i 10 divest himself of ¢
lay them at Lotia's fest
the height of her popularity for rea- |
pons that bave pever been definitely |
iehes ‘a order to
The result of that sights work was |
the most profitable (n the history of |
diss lotta's raresr on the
either in Nevada or anywhere elas ow
Philzdeiphia Saturday Evening Post.
AAA AR Li V7 EU A HN os ol
Faovey May Adom Naked Pacts
Mast marvellouz asd enviatile
fecundity of fancy whl
gn A ihe
went naked fast
ith unl
he |
the Glance oft
i Benens.
bo 3:
eid Bi
Thi 5
tasn ity
rrvit fo 5
Faxed Dack Hamme,
ive pontiry,
jon of the
howe that ah
®utH Fient is
he | ge
Aotisestie preparations
po forded ints WE
dow the ines fae :
Gtherwiss Boao slr a it Yo
tally impregnate the wood with then
MINS Man, came
aw and
record division of the treasury, Bu stil
| track,
Hes Bolsts (nthe main shronds an
ar English
man-of-war comes up. and the Rehiile
i girikes her
Powith ie weft so dishonorably hoisted,
the signal of distress
bercavetnont. |
i horkes,
i ment
i eount
tronway priseiple 8 lis adaptabilicy | «
- i ail locations
i deep for it; the
: lands,
a 58 i
Wares and : Ca
Fihirg was
i RR ie
R Fans
] and,
ed 0 Rossiafora new method
of overland
The deyiog in auestigs In Yad
of Prince RRs, the Cea’'s Miniswer
of Way? and Commnnleation and ia
£5 simple that ote is
Aer that it was pot thought of before
The plan contenipintes
over tramways made of boarde sheaf
fron, content or any misterinl that may
for transporiation from Hoe Minne
tial; traction road engines are aol ned,
nor ean the Wea of drawing farmers
or carters’ wagons in fralss from farm
to factory to the nearby puithel towns
or raliway centres be regarded as a
novelty, The traction engines hitle
rio thonght of in this contesibn
pemsive amd 2a heavy
atde portion of the power generatd
thelr own waelzght, Moréover, a pie
requisite for thelr sucoestful euplod
{ ment je 3 hard, snooth and easily rol
Prince Khilkoff's initial experimenits
were conduoted in th
ing hix home Oindin
aid down and tpon
ry sloppy were
these two lines
at a distance spart corresnonifing to
that of the automobile wheels
en combings were placed an the outer
tides of the planks as garde to pre
Tent the mischine from leaving
With an ordinary three and
pne-hall horse pawor earrisge a oar
Bi laden with bricks, and welghing with
| Ite
Tt enxily Banied over the wands tras
contents nearly two tone was
Way at a speed of twelve Yess an
hone. The estimated cost of a fraps
the cheapest macadamized road would
cost Ave timex sx och Tie first neae
tied experizient of the new system |e
the new water works, which gre wine
built nn few verse from that vite. The
where an onlinary road cinld pnd dw
mle Various sahetaneos will he tried
for the new automobile rails wich
iron, cepient and
In the event of the sucepss 4 thie
experiment, of which therd lu po ves
sonable dould, fhe syafem 8 fo le an
tended throughout (he aniplot as a sun
plementary mexns of
wave Anather consuleration
the Rossin Minister ta extend the svi
Stem Is the impractieanilitey of avlinary
Buassian reads for
wheels are apt to sink bab deep ine
mire. The considerations dre as valid
in the greater part of this conntry as
they are in Russia, snd i 3 quite pos
silde that
solution of the haulage sroldewm In the
rural districts of the United
An antonadile san be bowel
and costa
Keep. The cheapness of the timber
tramway would lay the road tax hogy,
| whieh fils farmers with apprehension
whenever Supreved roadways
ioned. The point which
most heavily in fave of
th any wart of ]
he glvepers and board radia could al
a with egusl celerity ant ons Nel
clay would be ton soft. nor sand too
follow the rublde mone Ink of dry
Eake jong detanrs around thavsh
On grounds of ecunomy aid
i general utility, the plan appeals to one
c#o strongly that iy would be surdrisiag
f some of the fresholders or supervise
arg of our progressive rural conmnant
ties should pot give it au edly ial
Now Method of Round Boilding.
A povel syle of foad construction
has been stccossfuliy reseiied iB
Monmouth, 1H The ground was
pared for It Uy goading and belhy
Clowssd to
CIT owas treats
ine so that
taki ps oven
peas Sdn 55% #
bide 1s
rae Wmnasg «
¢ 3 5% Yaga
of Cha LY Rx au
Li dg
BUNGLE a way
fa way
a Tae
akon gad SEN
goth wr og wali of
tools, or a Cunscd hii
of 8 ship with a fuck ERA mnkog
great lmdustiial discover] sa 8 noiess
| colliars.
rranEpOriation. |
inclined To wm
the smaplos ment |
of automobiles of fromn three to KX
horse power for baniing ordinary carts |
be found readily st hand. Sone fron |
and wooden tramways have boon need | o
108 thet founntion ¢
however, are comparatively stow, ox |
that a «mslder |
park surround.
of planks were uatled, intend of rails
Fhe |
Way constencted Hike the forewing ie
jesa than A600 rubles per verst white! aa
0 Le made between Tharkoe Selo and!
line will be ald over swampy ground |
different kinls of
carriages and erin)
in the spring amd autemn, whoa the
the ganeral adoption of |
Prince RKhilkafts plan wotld be the
Keates |
at a prices
bot tle oxeviding that of a fesm of |
incamparibly loss to
wal |
the |
oad conld be sade to
river, and it would not be necessary toy
Secretary Long of the Navy De Le]
partment. has motifed ithe Pennsyl
vans Mastical Srhool that bereafier
graduates of the sibhool ship Saratogs |
will be given preference for nositiong
BE guartermasters on United States
The government proboses
to make this collier service the nu |
— HE ha may becotne {ndebt. | C1408 of & now national rimerve, which |
may be drawn gem in the ayant of | SF
Feet and
£5 worden deed ih Poitsas Paveuzes yes
id by aii Arugwists :
re spe pasar isms
Jinn are piwive in 4 huarer, but the tel
snntes ted) y avails jb tare.
1 on Reward,
RCL Boh po
The pesters of this paper will bap
Jesry hat fhm du mt toast ond dre
en BL Den atile fo «
ond at 0
mown tab
fraternity whnerh being a con.
tiaras, remirey; 3 ctinstited Bad
Sarr hi "
1 th g
3 ie
the nfant struniih by b 13 0 Tha onan.
stitatiog and assisting paturs in doing fin
work. Tos propristors have eo such faith in
fs rurstive powers that they (fer One Hun.
dred Dolines for any cane that (f fall to one,
Bend for Ue of tetimoninte. Address
F J Convey & Col, Toledo, Ou
Berdd by Dragnrists. 750.
Hall's Family Pills ary the bist,
EIS ie
Lakes to show Hn.
FrTsparmanentiy estred. No flix by merece.
frat selds will sot Mseclos
by them would be reqnired to Boul pets emailer » man's wit the mare reins |
| REN oie dhe orang
forin 1 was oder (he
Bows alter frst day's use of Dy Kiinw's rest | F
NorvaRestorer 82trial hottie stil treative fv
eR OX Kissy, dad, Wiareh 8 Se. t. Fldia, Pa
Newer ok a fevor unless you ave will
ing to grant sue
a om Bai ant Bs
Mra. Winslow's Hoothing Ryrip tor shildven |
teatidog, soften the puma rods cow InfGemmn. :
tion alinys pain, Sieres wind. alle, Bie abottie.
SR pro
The world in never eid 10 the wars |
Plan's Care eamiot ba tan Rhihiy hokan of | i
, Mins mpolis, | Mi me, Jan. 8
Aa i
as 1 cough eure dW. OV Barew
Avenun, N Third |
. 1900,
Experience way cost in deals, bat a
Rive a Roose isdpe,
Bent For the Kownls,
No matter what alls you, bondacie to 8
rancer, vo will seve pet esl until
bowels gre pot riRbY, Cascanyis baln
curs your without a grive 3 pun,
ME palaral morimente cowl
eon 30 Fas Rethng Four Nenith hack
Caney Can hartie the panund
in petal Rift rery tal ahi Bb fees
mampod on it, Tewars of Imi
in traveling the road to wealth Keep
the rghit wide
Many School Children
Mather Grass Siwaet Tre i
sail by Mother Girne, a sire
Bouse, New Task, break Bp La
“ars Paveriibneas 1
Troubles Teething Du : {
Worm, At all dragats pro L Hunnin nadie
: tse, Le hoy X.Y
ECA wits who wn Ford Look makes a cheer
ful ustand,
transportation | 29
between pointe not reached by rail | &
med far a0 ¥ ears,
The reas Paine Killing Remedy,
Never fails tn snr,
And AL Bodily Aches and Pains.
There is Nothiag se Good,
i Conquers Pain
Bold in 23. and e. Blazes.
wT. J ACOES OIL (1. Lovalowed),
TAA A dalnboinisisiabis
- :
Put up in Collapsible Tubes,
A Sndeiftate for anil Raperhe ro Mastiorl sr any
Giher plaster, and will sot Ulster he mow Melee
whan The pais allaying snd indie goalies of
hie arti be are wotudea ful
IE will sop the toed ele
a gion, bd realise halal snd wisn
Wis reopen 18s toe Teed ind ealose axlariad
ecuiite-arritant Ries, ales as an eilerpal retiely
For pains i the chet snd stooavissd all rhennwi io
Bearaldte sl aaty Soonp isin,
& ttl will prove what we sdutnd for snd 4 will
be fond 6 be inwiivnatle in the owaliobl Many
Poiibe way LL iE ee Deemed ol A Prsparalions ©
Fro, B8 sein, at 51 das $0, or thee dealer
ovr Te wea Ae 100 an oagnt ¢ & patie EERE
byw =
Foams gd
Be thay
The wasos surcies gar fab,
17 State Strest. Hew York ly
ae (RloerwaEs it
6 Eno Met than Slner
LEAR Ds snes Ay
Re Mintle | *
EE we Re
or Eider for Te
20 Esa of »orent Proetay « RB
BEA wy a1 earibont Foal TN
oni unions 1
5 C0. |
. imoerely ;
Veron Laxman, Saltla
S00 fwreit if shove Sve tern 3 4 pom
tengo say form oF for
a3 Doaging Stoves and aetsioed
Hr inden] oe Eimaye Blank =
Ten WA 0 EE Kae L bn menial
pein Ia mn il Be © wie. Sasa
WH. E. Doagtos, eos tan,
FE abos
® fRuodn are Sines tn mee
Sma. wd 3
' is oe i
, Postpaid,
1150 kinas
> foranly
Flaws» Geeds | 10 Onts,
w¥Y * a
BPRS Aes Rn Rely
w a ties
1a tia
FE pei Cp worth CITE Gaerne wile sealer
en HER nouigs oll pastas, wr wal |
sdtts Tell of magais
Ente WK cae Atom
vi Sens, In oa NE fins
# oA aS,
Tor Br