The Patton courier. (Patton, Cambria Co., Pa.) 1893-1936, January 23, 1902, Image 4

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    ART Bk a waar
RRA ates Mato
of the grandest things that any young |
thing else is her ded a8 well. Too many — in Mexico aml sinsteen in Cill- Pharmacy.
fornia. The Mexies and Culifornia
: lege door and never make an effort to
g ayy Mre' Mary Bird of Harrisburg,
ey Eaton vi Docker.
Ee ey
One cnr. one year, (on advance, - - - 0100
Avertaing m i Fae KBOWR Bpon app
No papers &neontinued not all arresr. |
s patd, unless at the option of ihe
tthe PostoMae at Pation as siheond
class reat] matter,
Ir advice counts for anything,0°Co on
onght to make the best jodgein
the state. He is getting “a plenty” of
: » Sewas states that he did aot |
y sensational gambling at Monte |
Bat what the stee] king might |
Sensations: other people with
; ACCORDING to Washington statisti
ign the cost of living in the United
Bo la vwelss ¢ per oent higher than
Pann's mercantile
estimates he indregse seven
: per cent and another agency says be
tween ven and eleven por cent.
A a matter of information the
would like to inquire how the
Times substantiates its cisim
> 3 2 '
Sake 5 8 your sign, beedbbr, ur lt
er Jo been bowing © up the al
reeguleition « of the St. Fimo
aps ih Hands i Hin vecord no’ t
Tecidentiy the hotel man bas
ry small matter to & country
“man, even if he should have
egated to the professional |
chronic office ekurs,
"| ance, 4; per cent of atlendunee, #7. ‘h
| Thome present svery day: Agues Don
naly, Anna Metin, Bavksal Handford.
sgries and convention of your |
| Roger Locas, Janet Brano®, Myrtle
£ Pome,
at : Ce : a i | Steady Advanen Marte Penry Direction
Shek, Perry Walter. William Whit. | s By The Pitiabarg Post. :
ford*, Richard Wiilame, 1 ora Crooks, We noties that “The Pittsburg Post”
I Alice Hartsharpe, Guonevieve MeOor haw fad 5x share of the prosperity of
3 mick?®, Helen Montieth, Annie Sond ne buadiose world in fhe past yeur and
gel, Mary Person®, El beth Shoss, hax maintained ite position at the head
Lillinn Witliams?, Ethel Yu ! of the aewspaper procession in Pitas
* Present every day term burg.
opened. ! “The Post” has always aimed to be a
Rexa B. LEWIS, Teacher. lean decent, newspaper devoid of sen.
THIRD INTERMEDIATE. I sationslism, giving as accurately as
Nomber enrolled, #4 ; average at- ; poumible all the news that was proper
tendance, +; per cent of attendance, for publication, carefully kessping on
a3. Those present every diay: Mar. : of ita columns such matters as would |
garet Whitford®, Gus Burkey, Willie give offense or do injury. That “The
Forsberg, Joe Gagiine Frank Jones, Post’ is esteemed and appreciated at
Charles Montgomery, Willie Powsll, ite full worth is proved by the stendy
Stanley Tober, Albert Wilsher, Grace progrem during the yoar just closed.
Anstead®, Katy Anstead®, Ruth Lon. The dally and Sanday isenes are
dan”, Clara Short*, John Cornelioa®, keeping pace with each other, both in
Gertrade Thomas, Frank Boyer, Ed. the matter of subscribers and ip value
die Chapman, Usenia Tate, Robert = advertising mediums. As to pews,
[hovd, George Jones”, (spucial foatares and ilinstrations, the
“Present every day since term Crepatation of the dally and Sunday
opened. Post’! is wo well setabiished that it is
Lorrie I MoCrosxy. Teacher, P0Arcely necessary to go into details
XK i 5 AER HI ¥ HE * {Byes
FOURTH INTERMEDUAIE. "The Post’ enjoys the distinction of
Namber enrolled, 54; average st paving the solidest circulation of any
tendance, 47; por cent of attendances, newspaper in the city. No schemes to
PO. Those present every day: Rostilda promote mushrocen sabseription lise
Biller, Minnie Flynn, Hope [FWIn, | pen evar employed, the plan of the
(Anna May Montieth, Elizabeth Nel |p 0gument being to make the paper
pont, Josephine Short, Mary Woomer®,
#80 good that people read it for its worth,
Fw iibnr Shank wiler, Howard Brady.
i not becanse they are solicited, with pre.
opened, : i minm offers and coapons olaptrap. Cir
: Sara Cummings, Teacher. | cnlations inflated by pernicions meth.
AUSIEMEBLY ROOM. ‘ods are of no valos to the newspaper
B. I. Myers, teacher of physics, or the advertisers, and the latter are
Hatin, Bistory, geometry; W., H. Bard, the frst to learn this fact. The Post |
mathematics, geography, [lerman, 1 100, has less retorned copies than any
| aigebra, book-keeping: Corabel Sater, ‘other newspaper in Pittsburg, proving
general history, Eaglish, grammar,
1 rhetoric, shorthand.
en: |
again the solidity of The Fost's circus
lation, for it Is exsy enough to borst of
B Grade— Number enrolled, 27: aver. A JArRe ontout from presses when
age attendance, 7 per sont of attend. copes are printed ORY fo ts seturaed
ance, 84 Those present every day: 80d sent to the junk pile.
Clemens Biller. Arthar Jenkins”, Eddy ” Daring the pant youre The Daily oat
E : nereased its subseription list 2.448
MoCurmion, Cliss. Abbutt, Broce Bell, | -eopies and The Bonday Post 8.410.
Its advertising fecond is quite ak Th
'markable, showing an increase of 1,992
Leniamne of advertising over the previ
Mulligan, Nellie Hopkine®, Mildred |
Lewis, Lucy Mellon, Dora Prescobib, |
Sadie Somerville, Thomasine Holter,
Bertha Chapman.
A Grade Number enrolied, 34; aver ;
age attendence, 3, per cont of attend.
aves, Bi Those present every day:
Jus. Brady, Lewis Gagliardi, Jobs Hop |
Kins, My rte Waiters, Zetia Woomer®,
i Haden", Jennie Spenon.
Number enrolled, 1%; average at
Kelipues fu $502
Io they year 1968 there will stony five
Lerdipmen, threw of the aun and two of
the moon. First, 8 small partial esis
of the son April 8, wiath
extreme porthern part of North Amer.
ica seed Greentand:
ani on te
& total eclipse of
the moon, April 2273 visible to Asin
and Australia and juart in Parnpe and
of stlendirnce,
64 The a £ 4 3 Afeicn; portial Howe of Lhe son
A Direse nl SVery Gay: BER go " .
; pres very oay ; WR May 7.5, visible only in New Peatnnd
Josen®, Peal Barton, Thomas Harper? :
: : Kr South Pacile orean 8 tot
qn Ooleman, Danie! Jooes, Habe
Jahn Coleman, Daaw! Jones, Ha mr wi of the moon, Oratobu wr 16.17. vise
in North and South Ammesiea, and
ROPHOMORE fi : ha a
IOMORE. io part in New Zealand sod the Wat.
jae Sent §
hone resent fyary
Anna Doanelly,
seber di,
se : A Profitable fT
wah broabbed for about seven
with way stomach and in bed
{ ima? mgs KE. Demisk, Som
wrvilie, Ind, “1 spent about $1600 sed
[| mever could gel avy thing to help me
FENIOR. antil § wded Kodol dyspepsia cure. |
Number enrotied, B; average attend. have taken & fow bottles asd am entic
i ance, 6; fer cent of attendance, 97, ely wel YY Yeu don't lee ty what
i Those present every day: Mamie. yog eat, bot by wi ly vor digest and
Jones, William Harper®, Hody Mellon, | sc meminiinte. If Your alonsaai sha’ E die
Cecil Potter.
Namber enriiled, boaversps allend.
fgest your food Yoo are really siarving
Kaodot dewpepsia cure dons the stom.
geht work by 4 grating the focul, Yeu
Eat sil you waat,
of attendance, 83. Present every day ode dyspe pain tare cares all woe
Ww hale number eriralied, hi aver.
Ar. Scaw as evidently knew where
) when be ssid au eollege eda- :
was tiob worth the while, There |p.
k of tollege graduates to- |
while admitting that education in
fai lever, do not know the first |
% of how to conduct & sucess
sens or even earn thelr own live |
xi, The man who wins to-day is i
the man with bright ideas and who has |
the pluck and energy to pul these ideas |
practice. College education is one |
OF WOmAD can possess, but some |
who possess it leave it right at the col.
put into practical use and develop that!
which they acquire after years of
et t Spi rit.
Chia Tlareh Milian
Diy child i= worth millions to me,
asad a bottle
One Min-
3 sure cure for cor
and lang troubidd
sa cough care which |
The youngest child |
it eh entire safety. The
lke Huet taste and rmcabar
Every fam
- Puliman parlor, su wiking, Sisng.eew-
Lingeroom ele Rng,
lighted by electricity. Bound trip rate,
Lenvering all necessary expenses during
; (the Penpavivasia ak yale
» fyet i Ww ond have lost her by |
‘during the month, 241. Present every tronbles OW. Hodgkins, Patton
{day since term opened, 77.
aed Hastings Pharmacy,
B. L My Ras, Principal. § Pouininnt Ehlonges Wann Speake.
EXICH ASD caLFoRNA Poof, Boxa Tyler, of thicage, Vien
Prosdent Liiools Woman’ Allianes,
in speaking of Chamberlsin's songs
: PREY, RENE] + wg ieriad with a sewers
The Penssylvania raiiroad person. cold this winter which threatened to
(ally conducted toar to Mexico and ran (nto poeumonda. § trled different
{California which leaves New York and remedies but | seenied to grow worse
Philadeipbia oi February 11 by special and the medicine upset my stomach.
allman twain, covers a large and In. A friend asked me to try Chamberlain's
‘tensely interesting portion of North cough remedy and 1 foand it was pleas
{ America, embracing a great part of ant to fake and it relieved me at ones
‘Mexico, the beautiful coast resorts of Iam sow entiesly recovered, saved a
California, and on the return journey doctor's bill, time and saffering, and [
‘from California, the Grand Canon of will never . on wi ithout this splendid
Arizona, one of the the great wonder medicine again. For sale by CW,
(of the country. Fourteen days will be Hodglins, Patton. and Hastings
r-five Days font wim Peasy vais
Estomy Nisiiew,
Special, LF nd Gap 3k Fo Bilis o- trip, pe
: 1 Tome came tO the premesis
Wiis x af Lhe Lygine § ¢
He Ins Conner of. Lh test grivie ghsderasroed ar Moshannsw
meine, sear Patton, a stray
cone, with: em
forebwad amd two
Owner is hereby potifl
£85 dame pay ald
crite and
observation cis, ated by steam and
the entire trip, FT3 from al points Of. pe of this sothes
ng dispamend of secs rd
from Pitis-
i the raise
Cody, whisk
ATH. For itd ary and fall inform
Clo tioked agents, or address
Wo Dad, assistand pia
wr ggent, Bromd stress
? | tsucbiod with kidney disease for two
years. He writes: “1
ia kinds of Kidney remedies, bat be te
} with Httie hepeft. Foally 1 tried For prankin Bate med. ut
ut Banger Rave
: your money will |
It is the most healing |
druggists. id
Pad taken sev.
ists ws lie
lo cured me. 1 Al draggiste. adfacent harrier RE HRY ¢ tosire thre sane, awl
Li all the rights, benefits and privileges of the
oid mea ore % r sale at this Dahl Avt of Assetubly and ity Supplymenis
| office vents a bun i LAO LsTos, Sebivibir
for these puirpases to have, possess and onioy
The One That WIN Surely Beat Fare :
nad Ronlette,
Spoery sonlicmed gambler in the i
Woril has spent swore or less time try
ing to fan oot send system Bs heat
the game” said now! innwn northern
airing mun Phe comport and
most plo uaible seheme i» the she KoowD
it is suiy ow dow
as progression’
bling of bets untill a winning docurs,
and theoretically it 1s perfect Hot the
trouble in that all gambling games
have a {imit. and the doobling process
increnson 4 wager with each sbarnioos
. rapidity that it is apt to ger over the |
stipulated amount before the winning
takes place,
“1 was at Monte {Carlo last spring”
continged the speazer, “aml waa snr.
prived at the nutnber of touts ahs lo
Cfemted the grounds pedditng eure |
[thing systems to break the tank. The
Indicrons part of it was that most of
the peddlers were seedy and poverty
cstricken in apbearance. yet they pure
parted to soil secrets which would fn.
failitls enrich any pivchaser. | asked
one fellow wir he Aide’ trey Bis aye
tem himself and buy a ner hat and
be replied very gibt thit be wan
working for a Syndicate and ander
bonds sot to pla
"Nearly all of those syste Ave
based on progression and wisnld be toy
CpoesiBle In hioh oly owing to the oa
sine Hime Nevepiheloss ] saw i nung
he = of srasil progression players af the
tabion and was tedd that they have
beets a fixture thefe for many years
They were nedrly sil boreible looking,
blonilens old women. wha began with
the stegileat possible wager and gqolt
when they won 30 fraoes or lees than
$4. A house oMeinl informed me that
thoy were tolerated about the place on
Cweeont of age and firmly aad that
thelr dally winnings wers regarded in
the light of a pension
“Tu the dave of open gambling fn
New firleans | remeraber theme used
to he several Beaken down aparin who
were sald to make a Hive oa the
garaes hy ‘progression plaving f have
my doubts about it. bowever The
Bett my etetn sid the andy systems that
will beat favs and roulette ie fo stay
away” - New Orleans Times Demo
Rond Pita Betore Yor Woelte,
Npeps write poetry 3ntil yon are at |
femet 30 anlesw van fall in love when
roa enmie ta Pair HRe the pieasies
5 hestrer Deg with stories.
hat be HF ova Exee a loading Men amd
Cog ent & ]
he ie
Partials Jeng A
etalon of mag aed
stanly of Bunisn elavieter
{ 3 pet Invent any
Lone pore Bava bap i
Harty vary PORTE Gen hase written
f p fed Nat Thews
often asvur Avabl attannts oat ho
mar That mine hax glready been
cand fa mune thas ode warmth and
owes ta De label
HRGE we opal oor
Phe piven 3 Baar
te Tue
men af itive 1313,
Fitter oil whionhl be faind in every
faareery wel on avery mniieing shelf
In tip of aranp It van ie g i free
reatie amd wll mer tard the dlgen
Flom af bn ane eediolnen, Hot often
geen ip place of cd Hove off and eas
efertive in Badltior ny the avatem aad
far lesa diag greenhie Ty lw reeves
meniled By swany epee inlinte hath an a
fousil and a ranie A HATH veine
i mver has A ecolil or rrarives
any melivine exeesr oa apooniul of
exftyi wi apy mii gad toarnig
whieh he rakes sepiiinrle Ha oeebdon
wok AN aveerent New Yard Pri
Bigipiy a Case Of 990 rtames
ous Can Bas tie,
TRE 8 VEY Youinr oman. almost
png te be awn on Hae S-. #k
# of the nighs S00 o ad
Bee Ctiatd tt ity
lad boon poked Gp by 8 oyelone
sommes here during his rasan
Fe was per utterly demeralis
thers wan something
that world lead the Bhsereay 1m
the voneluston thal all Gad not been
well with Bi
» ii
Tee he exclainind as He spur
around the corger and weal Guo into
8 poll fama.
"Hella ™ elaeuinted thar worthy in
stinctively grabbing 8t Him) “what's
the row
There wren't ane” reeponded the
WHA are vod rans
Pr ens tar al pd
Prue Fast been un #
1 Wali ld oan onan td
vio vail
excuse me” apologized the po
a Fou run alesg home and pet
a Four transile bed? amd the bilge
coat peotly walted the remnant ou its |
; way. ~Dwetroir Prev Press
Winter Ww Tent Fl
kd . Bran, 04 Mert Padmt Hay |
Hc ln Eh
When you ed n wot
diseases, nse De!
The Beat Poneavivonnly eattrontt toor
af the aps 16 Suita ¥ille, aqud ale
owing two waste tn Fovida, will leave |
Now York, Ela Big, Raitimoe and
Washington py @ int train on Pebra.
ary 4 Esonmsion thekets, including |
railway transportation, Pollmin ae. |
sompoclhhay otis beat end mate en
rants fn ath deentiinacichile traveling |
oer the deses i Drain, will De wild at the
faliowing visto: New York, R80 ote
wihiimhial Harrislmeg ye Washing.
ton, 8% 00; Pittsba py, B00; and at
Cproportianatiec rates tem other joie
For tickets, Mineraries, and other in:
noapply too theded agente or to |
fhenrge WW, Bogd, assistant p Aner
agent. Brosal street station, Phils
Advartising Rates
poGn in
Ralph Waldo Emerson,
in an essay of elog uence,
speaking of a man
he described as 2
d to his town,
gs ps 1 toe ther like
1 ££ ihn is
j= Rtn.
tig this time P
Wales Wr cham ope wide Bop
"OZER, The Pats sn Jeweler,
Chop, Feed and Meal.
Pest equ ipgied Mill in North
prt Carabeds Ansty
car, by Lieatn,
Patton Feed &
Suckwheat Mills
Wood PERRY, Proprietor.
Palace Restaurant
Al the delleaiive of Cie soa
Clyuters in every style,
Maal sorved pramptiy
{ive me ge eadl
Clpen Buddays:
F. D. Dunlap,
Cowher & Co.
pre Hr
At HngNT t
REA i : boo
{Rigs rd re Mao
< matin
Luding Of
m., and 1p
Reuel Somerville,
Attorney -at-Law,
Parton, Fa.
Good Building.
a "
Hurtg amd
- FirstNation'I Ba
Patton, Cambria Co.,
CAPITAL PAID oP, $100,000.00,
SURPLUS, $18,500.00.
wand Hance meesived up Lhe oe
le Leta consistent with sale snd o
Bisgnanip Heke For sale woe all this
Hnew, Fuseige Sha peapnbie in the port
af the (3d Wot
Papen will fu ve uny pomntana
peer bred aie tio,
Inlet on oan time deposits.
A. r Parron, Wu H. Sanpsonp,
President. { ‘nmbriey,
Patton Courier,
Promoter « ofl Publi icity.
known om
Appi athg,
Po EE unin $i tskies i
Beech Creek Distriet.
Condensed Tiove Table
X rant
Sir Pe
Wander a8
§ Foam dio
Nov, 5 oy
br Sl
wl WE
EY nm a AR BW God
ailing wn
Xx Rg ni LW pel Ka
Brsvmy Shun Junetion
Wiki bmn ane
ean i 3 wha Thana af
KEE gas % ¥ via Plies xr Bie
omy pone ow :
¥ ite AN adddn ve 00 pay ARP
Flan as
Feu Ba
burg & Fastern Branch.
5 Cabins Cerngdeell ui a.
RL nm arsamar with De
Pesigd urtieimat Re Joiney
3 Brees Hy. at "
Batirwd of Pufirey PAA
with Penney I vine milromd 3
: e ¥ sol Patton
FERN £2 Lodivirion of the
Spurn iy mailed wt Sahai with thee
Fh tba CHI atid Kost hudson mliway
{hows BE Diane Wg ap.
panty tes PE
a i, be
iF howdy SORE ah he isp,
N “Yow
funtiugdon & Broad Top ME :
la aif MES AOx 5% 1908.
i Mas il wand
AE a ¥ i i 3 .
Fain 5 2 4 Tone Husutsdon
REE ay SEED far Mi taites
SERRE HE, A tes ar M Thine %E 1 Na oi
deity Nae Li NG vas FF: andingdon (even
Crags Relic y ror Mt bilan al 4h pin,
VEE ws ME Toes inn ad THEE Pp
Faraday Non 7, ivaiebiers aihly) tenses Tan
shay. Bar at i aE Sa a, BET LE WE
& ammpretiae i ME Dl
wind Unin Berio, ME, g
Mail Gaves ML Bedlsk Sar
CRE i RPEEVIng at Nas we
Pare onves ML Theis Re
meri io 42 Tune ae. >
stb ye ORF Dentin MIG. Lead
BEING 35 0, eroiving of
Wiakae elosie coanesiione with =
mind aaul west al Huntingdon,
wi ain Hine
ks BE Hast ws cond,
ROAR, We dhs, ave
Ts, CIRY os
reeliste, bi ie
Ex presi
Aeiw Bias Wesel Anan A
Cambria & Uhearfleld Dividon,
Leave Patton. Fanti ws
ETE ae im rei
SE hau
4 £34.
HE NG TH GL RR uh arriving al Cresson
Lave Paton Noth wand
Trin Nay TH at HT a om arriving at Ma
haiti at Lith a mm, sod at Glen Campbell at
Trin Not TS at G07 fom.