The Patton courier. (Patton, Cambria Co., Pa.) 1893-1936, January 23, 1902, Image 3
= and the YeTy necessary fe skirte that have come to A FANCY BLOUSE. ~The shinple style fHostrated ex. the fact that tucking is not | able to the realization of a able waist. Ivory white pean f good quality is here charm combined with Irish crochet lace corn colored satin and trimmed i bands of the silk piped i black panne velvet and stitched «lige, tassel ornaments Bnish- nted ends. Velvet helt closed clasp. The lining ix fitted bust dnris centre back, : and ‘shoulder seams and rant under the plastron that in the right shoulder seam | $ over on the left. The Dlonss ‘bas single pleats laid af the end shoulder sean and is cnt away Beck and fromm to disclose the | { wihth ! hieh reach Cpiderable aire ETON BLOUSE Inches wide will ht repiived, with five p | oigttn yards of facing eighicen (pches wide fo make as Hostrated, Culonisl Shoes. ; The Colonial is a favorite model for a house shoe. It Is zuillless of Freoeh Beels aud bas dg enficientiy broad sole extensions Foagning all drousd foatire tx we Broad, with reniral point and Border FHitehing Unlonial hoor invaviables have a boekle of cons Eeualle dr fe sguare soem? wi brome as ur eng or aval bro alisringuishing ARE lotieas, and abwavs Is at tong. never pound Por ordinary use there is shoe dn doll Oxford kil for ATISCROOR WoRE oF evenings you bave the Colonial of patent eather. with gilver, git. plekel or bright sliver metal. BYnYY The Season's Favored Colors. Bisck, Black and white, amd some very delicate and beavtiful shades of gray and brown are (he favored colors this season Ow full pinmes on YiHiting and | promenade hats, with matehing feather boas en waite. Fiandsorme Velvetoan Costamen, Louis coats of velvet and separate waists of velvel will be much worn: {tien shirt wakax of velveteen in dark whades are velfeved of thelr plainness By a vest of bright color or white ma terial, giving a sharp outline to the oat. Girl's Long Coat. The comfortable jolig cont that closes to the neck In a favorable sive for cold wenther. The stylish example here 0. instrated by May Manion combines with this feature the triple capes and A A SE 3 4 a Scr pS RS ; bie collar that volls The basque Yop. | aay be varied by the omission of ope. two or all three. Dark red kersey feloth ia the material chosen, the oiges being smartly tailored with machine | stitching in black sad smoked pear! hottops close to the double breasted fronts. Hat of bieck beaver trimmed with soft loops of red Liberty satin ribbon and black tips, The fronts are «stylishly loose (8 Box style and join to ithe backs by underarm seams that with the centre back curves becoming. iy to the figure. wide revers roll back above the eclaning and the peck is fnlsbed with a turnover collar that The sleeves | {are in regulation coat style Sniwhed at closes invisibly in centre. the wrist with roanded cuffs. The capes fit smoothly over the shoulders, and may be included in the neck seam or folshed separately and hooked on under the eoliar, Coats in this style may be made from any suitable woo | fabric, velvet, corduroy or cheviot all { being fashionalie. To cut this coat for a girl of eight Fecrs five yards of material twenty. one inches wide. four and a quarter twentyseve n ches wide, tro three-quarter yards forty-four es wide or {wo and a half yards two inches wide will be required. Mocks FIRO0 feet, a Colonial finffy ostrich reach of the dogs. { paw thin, snd came 3 fear there i= only ono town deserving | same Rrasuolarsk, with a populetioy i of 28,000. in the explosions at Vesuyins in 1000 fd Professor Muttoueol sg thnntor that ono, weighing this iy it, A “unlgne specimen of archasainge™ | —an died Belleved hy I Goetz of he Berlin Erthnogronhieal Museam to dite from Debween S00 and 1000 B.C been unearthed in a feld pear Lands borg. A hares buver in Northwestern Kan. gas has adopted a new plan of buvipy horses. He pays so much a pound rood drivers are quoted at eleven vegies ail per pound, farm ors ten eerily, ordioary plugs five conte, In Labore there 18 or wns, 4 massive building made only of bricks apd mor tar, ht the Batliders. whe erected if noah 00 BO umiliestond thely business so well that the fabric de find the efforts of four snpineering suocetaive governments to rethnve | India, fon, can show plastered build ings white and shiue lke marie apd fx smnoth amd polislied as glass. One of the most enrlons plante in the world Ix the toothbrush plant, a specion of creeper which grows in Jamuiva. By entting a piece of the stom and fraviog the ends the natives make a toothbrush, and a deniriee to mse with IU is prepared by pulveriz. fug the dead stems, It bas been computed by geagra- phers that if the sea were cmptind of its water and all the rivers of the earth were to pour thelr present floss into the vacant space. allowing oth: | ing for evaporation, #1 O00 yours would be required to bring the water of tie ocean op {o Its present level A panper in Yarmonth, England. whe dled recently, had in his Bouse han: dreads of rare books and prints. valuing at thoosands of pounds. regularly in receipt of relief. Evi dently he had spent cvery penny he enuhd obtain an his hobby, as receints for large sums from Parle book sellers were found smong his possessions, i ——— A Brave Baboon. The analy mammals whieh thorogahiy noderstand combination for defense, is well a8 attack, sre the baboons, bot Brebm, the German traveler, gives a charming story of genuine and self sacritiee shown by ane His hunting dogs ave chse to ou fvaop which was retreating to some elif, aud cut off a very young ote yehinh TAO UD ONto § rock, only just ent of tse An old male mbopy abone to the rescile Blowly and deliberately he descended erossed the open spuce, and, stmaning his bumis on the ground, showing his teeth and backed by the Turton barks | of the vest of the baboous, he discon certed apd cowed these savage dogs climbed onto the rock, pleked op the baby and earvicd him buck safely. If the dogs bad srtacked the old patyi arch, his tribe would probably Bave | helped him. Burchell rhe naturalist, after whoa Bovebiell's sebra i» warned, let bis dogx clinse a troop. The baboons turned on them. killed one on the spot L hy biting through the great blood ves seis of the peck, and Idd bare the ribs | The Cape Duteb in the | of another, old colony would rather let their dogs Bait a bon than a troop of bBaboone The pesege of the infant ehacwms, which Bren saw himself, is a re Cmiarkable, and. indeed, the most ipcon: testable Instance of the exhibition of fourage and sell-sacrifice by a wale animal. “Any account of chimpanzees would be incomplete without a reference fo Sally, the most edaeated of her order. Bally, wha lived in the Zoo for over | Rix years, learned to count perfectly up to alx, and less perfectly to ten; she conid also distinguish white from any calor, but if other ¢olors Were pre sented to her she falled, apbareutly from color blisduses — London Times Great Tusk Goes Visiting. ‘A remarkable specimen of elephant y= fUsk seven feet six inches in length, apd weighing 175% pounds bas been dispatehied from Londo for exhibition in the National History Mu: seums, Kildare street, Dublin, where it will remain 18 loan for a year. The #ephant to which the tusk belonged was shot by Dr Graham 8 Powaall, of the Upanda Protectorate Service The beast possessed osly one tusk, the other apparently having Leen broken off in youth. According to experts it ie the fourth largest tosk knows, and cerfainly the longest ever secured Ly & white hunter ~London News Kitchener ns Rip Van Wivkile. A letter dust recelved feo an ofions In South Africa wavs that a subalter i a rvarieature of Lod Kitehe ERS wn Yan Winkle lending a centens A stall wo ta KRitehoner, and the one of his grip smiles and ring sehdier up a kKople rer showed else of av said: “it soap poly prevhecy, bat, RBA CY We will Bang oi bere Ard that ase. we wil” Fie subalisrn was teri uatil sesured had at asked for unit we ar duty is to win ag with TEP paraivead that Kitehoy the artist's name. From Tomsk to Ir Kutsk an the Bile rian Railway, a distanee of 952 miles, the | gave a of Inys were thaw as Hoh ol fens, required 810000 horse power to eject | ine fen hele Maree, COLIN i foes POSTAL RATES cur. BRITISH BREAD CHEAPER. 46 ONE y People of Paris Receive an Acesptabie London Bakers’ Bill Less by $55,000 a New Year's Gift M. Millerand minister of sommeren, sud MM. Moogent naeltnester general Weje New Years arosent gaia of Paris. Fragee the wtion te ors nr Ses cif Teraneny ma vin thie capital will : A rare i 1 i ims 18 A Grey Snead cared edi “gad fireat TE BANG srs fragt “sxe eet ? 13 Al eons ise American foyer y fnveipn fre nol Te a Tir afer {Ye fav iat from at 5 4 FFA 5E Four go fey srry ! } fright PL ERDOTL trade » a Roos Fo £8 By wil & §oam ad pp hies Poa Rh Catass " Exinnt fe Cured. With Yow seniiontinga, us Rey prpnat thie went diene { atarsh Ha sonstiTu kin Hiwemae aed in yi memt take infernal di } tarh Lore fakes her ¥ and sor tm Hive c Iv sm the hile seul Imnonite stetaee all's Catasryl Cure lo not a goeek medisiss 10 was presoritivd by ons of the beet physicinrs by this conntre % rears, and vob regalar pres sepiotion. is ward of the beat tunics Wmiwn cote bined w & the Last Blood purifiers, Acting Hire Uy on the sousoos surfaces. The perfest combination of the two ingredients is what produces such wondeelsl reelie in car. ing eatarrh, Seg] for tentimoninls, Tree, ¥ J Ourver & On Pro = Toleds, O, Bold by Drogyiste, price 7 Hails Family Pills are the best, A sea ane rte taken pes "i the Virth of Farih in ved and Aourshed in cape Eo Shite upd 1 1 Best 1 Por the Hawets: Xo miter what alle von, headaches ta canesr don will sever got well until vour | | beomeln mre pnt right Castankrs heip nature, eure you withent » gripe ov path, product | foul von fost 10 | oem to start getting your health back He had Heed | alone for many years, sod bad beim | iA BEINYA | morte nis Cas. eaners andy Oathariie the wetinine, pat up In metal hover every Dlidet has OCC viarapesd on it Beware +f imitations, Al Fibers af Afr WA TRE aa fe § ome hel nrean pi ® rar heat FITs verun: nentiy. erred. Retin or servons. moms after fiver dave nee of DY Bline's threat Noves Rustocer. $5 triad botitie and trontiee fev sr RB. Ke EK, ig. FBY Arch | ; New fe land ‘s meres tralia $35 £5 VS Ei iy Korn Winaicow s¥oothing Hye ap 2 for eliildven | teething, roller the gums redooes infarmmn. | Shon ailwyy fein, cures wind 2alle $e 8 Botting the feesl Uabortant New Aeaiaad hone 08 90 nbd NN Pie ¢ Care tor © smamytion ia oan infallile r Soagheand ens. ~ NW Sawer, soedicin Oewan Grows, XJ. Feb, ma, 8 Per Vorgalagibre na SH ahaa tidy The Handsowmest Calendar of the secsnn ln ten colores ix Bess {on ely sheets, hi inches reprodae. tions of intings > ed ¥ Monin faned by Gen aval Passenger © Chienge, Hib atk kb Br Pan receipt af Sh cen ; Geperat Fasanger Ager, Chicago. Ir oo umssailv the unlucky perein was be Revs ; FTE b Jk, {dave of the winter, cided that from Jaduary | sional, Flor wn ECR End } 3 the | Bat. viene | pert, i Phils Pa, | pepo 5 Ags joun a : Cherry begntiful © Week. » Bread is cheap, and the poor ot | London will have one pahlem the | engl (0 salve thronght thee dark. pidge i Throughout the | Letripoiis the opaters or fourpovnd. | made of (he finest white fiony, Shely aed $144 fovineriy, was sol 41. il Gs uly Shed the nuartern, undo and the Nast iki he kehold fread wad as low Rd per fourpsund jos! The Lone yon pach day an ie fogal ta CRT OB on day in lion or a total of nesrly Ko Te Teme 850 went Hn th 5% Were naiket of AEH vig 18GLE there prices. the dusters tnaf Bm’ VERT WHE wi ARKINRY dn Averngs | al then stood | Wh guarier, agnins “ohn Fanee Bros do met alter in price and these | heapelt olan of buns give bakers a hiasdsome profit. when LE han £52 # 18 al present, A WELL THAT SINGS. FH reid westh, A Texas Snring That Mat an Asciian Haro Aciompaniment. A sloping well ig ons of the natursd tiosities of Tesan In fine weather a sounding ike that of an Aentinn harp ie given oot by the well, At times the sound js clear: then it recedes as if far away. aml then it reaches the car very faintly. These chanites ake place every few miuntes, and with preat regularity, With an east a wind blowing the witer in tha well} gotn very low, aud the mysterious snug is faint A strong wost wind ofses the water to rise and the sonpd 10 dpersake in volume amd clearness, Holore a north wind the well plays its | wildest uranks. The ®ater rises near. ¥ to the top of the well which is aluiat 60 feet Jeon, and gives ont wild, weird noises Ste BA y : nsumption for many years. A last she was given up to die. Then she tried Ayer! : Spent. Pectoral, nd was spec : Chery ng you. can : take | It's too risky to wai until you have consum tion. II you are coughi et a hortle of Pectoral at once Three sees 2c. Mc. 31 48 dtr. today, & Hii iad hall-cusrtorn tia ad, and fing Cand It afifieted with Wenh BY en ies Failed t Do for or ise A LaMonte What W {lished by Lydia E. Phi stable Compound. Had “Diwan Mux Piximas i=l was § ; wn owiul state for nearly three ) with a eommpileation of female troutiles weno prrte good white which theoe phiysicinas caliod by dif ~ fereat names, but thy pains were all 1 dreaded the | » MABELLE LL. LaMORTE monthly periods for it meant south of days in bed in awfal agony. iy made up my mind that oe doctirrs were guessing : and hearing from different friends such good me ports of Lydian E. Pinkham's Vege etabile Compound, I tried that Lijess she day I id. for it was | dawning of a new life for me 1 ® five hotties before | wos cured. : when they were taken | was 8 womnb ones nore. Your ar Compornd ig certainly wonderful f my friends have used it since, and nothing but the best do I ever hear from wie." Yours, Mansriz L. LaMowrn, Fs 272 BE 3st St. Chicago, iil — Lorfelt If abeen tertimontal iv rit genitive H Lydia E. Pinkham's Ve table Compound could cure LaMonte— why not you ? TYR and see for yourself, Mrs. ce. Adds advises silt Wo TF Cr 4 nth Pm up in Collapsible Tubes. er A Subacute tie and Superior th Mustand of mg othe plaster, and will aot Blister (he wmond | Cs C] skin The pain slaving wud carte gus ites of Shalt wrt le ire wend. 14 wil) stop the tothe 23 Ne at rele Baadne te and weletion : Wo nevinnnrend (1 00 tha Dest sol waleet suterunl 3 adanlae-drritan: basen, deo se sn sxieenal tanedy | 1 oko in 1h clvet mind stomach sod oll riomatie, Baur and goaty opie A orGd will proce what we clades for a : Many De fond bo be tvatnabie 16 the hensahald Pople may TIL BE Lhe beat of alt your peoneralions® Prien, 15 conte, a2 ail draewsais ve ler deal Cot hy mami YhIn wnoant Me ue 15 pontine Shae Cw wl med goes x tah by mail, Wor srtiede shal be arviesied By the public wiles tut slip curve our labels an gtlerwios i 9 80 eine | | CHEESIBROUGH MANUFACTURING CO. 35 Sate Surent, Now Tork Gin Hr Seber CHER Rae A of Syrup of Figs 1s due to its pleasant form and perfect freedom from every objectionable quality or substance and to the fact that it acts gently and truly #8 a laxative, without in any way disturbing the natural functions. The requisite knowledge of what a laxative should be ard of the best means for its production enable the California Fig Syrup Co. to supply the general demand for a laxative, simple and wholesome in its nature and truly beneficial in its effects; au laxative which acts pleasantly and leaves the internal organs in a naturally healthy condition and which does not weaken them. To assist nature, when nature needs assistance, it is all important that the. medicinal agems used should be of the best quality and of known value and Syrup of Figs possesses this great advantage over all other remedies. that it does not weaken the organs on which it acts and therefore it promotes a healthful con- dition of the bowels and assists one in forming regular habits. Among its many excellent qualities may be mentioned its perfect safety, in all cases requiring a laxative, even for the babe, or its mother, the maider or the wife, the invalid, or the robust man. Syrup of Figs is well known to be a combination of the laxative principles of plants, which uct most beneficially, with pleasant aromatic liquids and the juice of figs, agreeable and refreshing to the taste and acceptable to the system, The quality of Syrup of Figs is due not only to the excellence of the combination, bret also to the original method of martifacture which ensures perfect purity and oniftrmity of product and it is in buying, in order to get its beneficial effects. to note the full name of the Company —California Fig Syrup Co. ~printed on the front when its gentle cleansing is desired. therefore all important, of every package. Louisville, Ky. — FOR SALE BY All LEADING BRUGGIS TS. . San Francisco, Ca. PRICE FIFTY CENTS PER BOTTLE