The Patton courier. (Patton, Cambria Co., Pa.) 1893-1936, January 23, 1902, Image 2
me a smile, my brother? BL kindly eye! my weshnew °R sky. 1 he. frmber. tattered ft at EL Por two rete would ave reid ar j1d4 = § Abby” i Hix mind was fall of what this do | 1 ing would have hess had he possessed | thr meAns Io oqrry ont his Jeving de penienost Winter's aver, fon with brisk fontatens, fthe last setlier's cabin on 5 soviinnd sarwn-pur howl -| before edie. Wout one fit a0 word o ed vi Ww n't you give me. your hand. my brother? Tet Sa wlore we part? I: oad ghten ny joad of sarepw rigaten mE eax ¥. pears been able to do real well by sires, The log cabin which was 10 be hin sister's howe, would, be well knew, he destitate of ail but the barest con Deep in his heart lay the fond wish to distinguish it by some ; spireinl Iazurs. “Fraps I have nek yet before the over.” he soliloguized. The sharp pip of the oid sent hi He pasecd his way, turned his hae on the rough char | ings and stroek inf a hamier road widelh penetrated into {he beast of the {dense woods. his isw But 83 Le continuad hie walk quick step was spddenty arranted. The | | vehi of the wind, even fn Be angriest nshing of the forest. never made 2 He that low pitebed, long tn his life Jack Bad hessd i the dismal yell but always under cir citipstances ncloding na denser. How “Line men In the bleak Nori conutry hated the speaking creatures which preyed on the few flocks of sheep A sttack children or even 8 win when enough of them came together g Many a wolf story had Jack Ustened | ta beside were peiting scarcer ax the conntry lb, Begr | Fhe eawmpfire. The animals fo peadually beens more seltied, he Bad beard of cases in which the | severity of (he season had bronght the ely thisgs in packs frightfully mem ibe scattered homes, He listened with every senss on keen Nis, it oak not the wind, Been in the short monient in which be stond still he could Taney that it grew louder, that snarling Bowl broken by barks enn WOLVES wen E CLOSE BEHIND” ning rays of the reddening a sparkle to the snow as set out on his Jong waik. inary took its last glance world the moon arose, a cold appalling to any | thas the forest laliovers 0 other climate, and re. nek, in bis Tirol sustained ) an of the house, was al before on ap errand of fn fully out of sight of id all possible SE CRTD obssrvation : ing peeupane he paused on nis heats Huson from the Nothing to do with the hr whic h his face as he carefully logs. | the wrappings to gaze <n an or- if colored glass set in brass, for the adornment of the : it's fine. of i. There isn’t a girl in the settle. that's got one like it” : ith a miore sober face, ag at the sun's rays as they rough the Zines and were re- the metal, he returned the y his pocket, “it ain't up really T'd ought to do for Abby, and in’ married. Father'd 'a’ given n° of a settin'-ont. a got one “od sold the skin, i ‘halt Snort ] miEkine hg roel taken from his hres: i And Abby'll think no end ¢! All ve been watchin’ for a Dear. and yells, He looked carefully at the condition of his gus “Fm all right ax long as 1 bave you” he said, giving it a pat 32 be hurried on. Huredf that really In oa wolf or it might be two or three of ‘erg by | the poise othe wooper | can get to the Huleomnb eleatin’ the better I'L Ike ] LH He increased his speed to 8 ran, but {the shortuess of brearh induced by the extremes cold soon brought him to a And in the dead bush of the for. est the appalling poles came distinetoess which brought to Jack ihre drst thought of peril. Not une well, of twa nr three, tut 6) pack, driven by stareation bBurrot of that ceaseless yoiil With all his sivehith the boy pressed on, toltrar adding spsed to Bix liane I was for life, this raseé-be Bnew © well mow. No ganshot wend with that park of yelilng demons The pateties of moonlight were few and far bitween In the dense shadows of the trees, and with straining eves he watched for the eurve in the road swhich would bring him to HoleomU's Aelearing Bay ant gulek breaths of ihe pursuing enemy bees £3, the i guishable amid their barks and Howls, Sack realiged that be had po XNourer. elas by id, an old by gine disused ax a dwelling conally lemporarily ovcupied settler cx guaking thelr way farther How ‘Tar be mich: find safery hese hr could only conjecture, bul it was something in the way of un shelter The wolves were close behind ss he dashed into the eabin, giving the door a desperate shove aller him. to fusten it. for the yeips tame But there were friendly rafiers ad with one leap Jack was them, With bis head reeling, breath come ing in heavy pants aud 3 falnmhess in realizing the horror of his situation, Juek grasped the thubers. They were old: he could alinost fancy they shook and swayed under him. He did wot & Elles i Pe £113. Ny thane i foo, ahave, gong trust himself 10 look below until he Two or three tlmeki { ove; | monotonous tivesthe shont, the exhil with a} avail}, felt Wimselt securely Po demons. leaning, that thelr prey, so pear, should yet be Beyond thelr reach. Jack did pot take a second lok With réeinrning Dreath and steadizr head be broumbt Bis sirong common sears 1 the on sidering of the slination “Howl zwar, you bras. You thi pg Tope By gol pe sone or 4 dor’ you? Not iF ms oa woods Have How pany of them wore thered I Wontld they never quilt crowding in 81 that dear CA few pwinents ater {be heard 8 fad pans The door had ut leagih been puahed) ghot, and in ope of the feantie fens x heavy old wooden lateh Bmd fallen into place, “Ah bere I ammolocked in Now what sexi I wonder which of us im dizgier when at length he ventired : {a glance. There they wire, the hungry | snauping, enraged | dntl slam —— the fin gnariiny Yoleow snd jooked for the | Cving 4 add the grain _- paris aught to mabe a good vm would wisrve to death fret” he mut termd. “Yon, shazbe” with glapes at his fore. “for you're bungry | 0 begin with, apd Tm pot. Only I'm | not so used to belng lwngry as you are” Regaining bis gerve and self posses Sion, with anxious eves He saw thst so jong sx be looked well to his bold | araong the rafters he wax in to pres. eat danger. But how was he to gel out? The cabin was built of logs might work for days withoot nakiog aby lmpreseion on is solid sides, But above hiss, wibin easy of his hands. was the roof. through which same smi fwinkies of blessed wmonlight. He soon found Séther, then Snbebed wiih 8 thick fav or ing of brugh. To biy great joy be found that decay bad gun ty work and the smaller saplings were ready to orgmids ander a vigorous touch ui others ware strong. Field oply to show Raid Fix foothizr wis precarious; | with ane hand be ust continpe ly | supers hmself le never could have told of how many hours of frightfully exhaustive hor foilowed his conviction that through that roof Isy the only hope of {saving his young life. Onde be stopped, aimnest Ih despair Must be about fhar waddin® time now,” Be groaned. Bis bead droped wpof his free bBapd "And if they knew mother sad all of "sin" At i oagain. Aw at length he cogld pot his esd oul 8 Dew lear was growing. What if mare of bis plirsuers were on the ooiside? Then there was pio belp for him. Bbhelieyiess be would surely frevze to death before the evoel night wold be ever Better that than the other, With bleeding baads, whirling brain, every muscle on on #irals with the Jas effory, Jack pulled hduesid upon the roof and peered over its | edge. No, there were no more, The | glaring eves the gassing teeth, the Bowie the pandeivoninm--all shut in With mmewed sirengih. byrne of blessed certainty, Jack sped Baek to tHe can for help I was a froile such sas woodsiseh ancl a2 rarely coms to their arating ph over the frogen snow, the heen reilnli for the bunt “Beswnh hardly fate thongh, poor Bentea- Jie kin’ advantage of Tein, shut in #0.” sakl ane. Bot sentinient did pot preva, as she alter nother of the snarling voles wis husband. “Seventeen of ‘em, ax I'm oa lv man Jack, my ay, Jou be rich on your bounty” Bounty! Jack had mst had thee Io ink of that-—of the Ove good dollars | paid by the State for each ote of the gly wealpe. And to think of all the good things Be could do for Abby and Thom olin! “But,” he Degan. “it belcogs to all of you~roa all belped.” “Not a bit of it, bey. Every cent of it goes to you You ost earned it wih your Fife * * -* & « ® . “The weddin's all aver, of course” said Jaok, fo hlmeslf, as late in the aight. be Grew pear bog, Bat po wedding bad taken place Mother and Abby, with anxious Taos, were siting over the fire, ats! he was received Wilh a maak of anen are. “Where's Hirao” was Jack's first ngeary. “Hiraw's gue back-he can gol away olive x week, you Know a Gove! And wih EL you” “And do yea think there'd he aay wedi hove without you, Jacke? And Wwe ot Rnowin what might» Ean TOA he weddin's put off Gl next onl ¥ 3 reek There was Hithe delsy in securing the Bonnty af the pare county town, Aust Abby relniesd tn sgeh a Ysertind sat’ fore of the hardy voung hots makers hal ever Ruoowpo-Ridaey Dayre, lo the Chicago Record Herald, 83 Teas A vaeable ks off Lake iL] inelude Bon | ads, speariegel Hath CTOCRErY roa se irted vrrgaed Eel fously PN fnew, rE edt EE ee am A Srvds of flu arrowhe axbhowds of slate, Sing, A0 eRoFmOUs masks of sigrilar frig siyie as st hie paris TH wba discovery ‘ the ex intense (othe neighbor. | Laws limen of a pumerons iS mn duet BZ tir sian age. The and sae SHER fan tis ate, Satie ating the riaisaioe af 8 con shlera bl wihteh niust have vith wen wiped ont or Rav © nigrated to other regions before atininigg any higher stage of culture thay that of the stone age —Lindon Standard. ¥ % tribe, tvs em————— The present population of Ecuador another | be examined his surroundiogs | Fie reach | that #0 was made of sanfivgs nid close toe) Thay woudd | carting wih bis | drawbacks a { serves 8 onl ithe earth would Kvieny t town : tok saw aud Aw Poin inn the | ait of ot elas ansd | 18 about LI0UONG, including ludisps. | To Food Wege : A Massachusetts repler warily know bow a the Lull game ime Keep them in growing coo | dition? Probable ihe heat pln wold ho 10 tat the Bay and foedd [t 88 2 slop in | foniandticn with growsd rain The hay shoul! Le sfearmnt bat If have pot the fae! es to dle TB pony toting Rat wmitsr nn and afier tiv again Com, fharong oly, oats and clover hay the averdge bor asd (hey fet threw tie un day ax siucd will eat up clran-- New Yor w Ba Witness Fons Fetter Thus Cow Tan SH Paw And fw average vesvly © to gan potlilage of the ong rd work in milking and Cir COMP wiih the ¥ d Ave more of riya will foralsh thn fand fhe profits Tram wilen will far sxosnd that of the sow. The sevtret of ancosss with poultry | in fait hal application Gf soma Eels % he fannot pais panty Hay. ary ay wa ses sxhmples of what can be done and though failures, no cause san allways be fousd Home and Fann JEeEN 5 [oasw Campurisan of Fay ned Pastas, Des it pay to nse 4 pasture: that ¢ wi @ larger profit be derteait ftom fowd that are givens gue of g Basture oy tf simeil Geleint hax? 4 nOnt fomrnd, at or paente: 4 Leary thal atont fonr times 38 moeh fod tained from 4 meadow by gllowing if to prods Bay than iy pasturing which means hat four cows van he Hep sn the fared aliens only one can ha kent hy pastiring 3. One of the hay, however la that ronsidferable in far is her tn pagnived in mowing coring and | the | storing the bay while the cons on pastors perform the Wibor Also that onrws given green fool ae pmsitavape prodaca more mil in the sommes sea wy then wid in equal dues svipy Efe is accotnortara where grass is consumed by the stock profiv Ean | Loran get weeds that they Hike wa Jie nee] : Rhye on [Ee wnefnatvely the wil] the sims and | Eration | eanld be ob | wsing the nd for i tay vise ool colinre od in dain hows suwdast or placed in heaps ont of doors, and covered with a foot of chat or with giraw Charles Ashley im The Epliomisr Destraction of Westerns Ranges. | Being born and rales) in the beart L.of the range west of the Rovky moun. Cin year the destruction of the feed upon thess ranged by the mmenss herds of cattle. sheep and horses, | am : constrained to write a word regarding tls destruction, Twenty Sve years Sago the valleys and mountaiss of | Idato, Nevada and Utah were waving { with ried grasses, encogh being pop ‘year to feod more Bead of | atile than has ever bosn grazed on ir any five vedars. provifing it had fell ne stock arin. Woe cannot term It destruction turned io bee! mutton orf horseflosh, : hut when the grass fx datén and the Lorca , Tal i mi. a trodden ont and the ground left en ois destrartion. 1 have ob 4 that cattle will graze on XN | Tange (rom gear to year and there will = the grass but with horses and shesp it is not the case. Horses ent the CRTR 10 the very roots, Mposing them : i the Bat sun, and the roca din) n genie methodn and no man | Seep Jo mot out grass when they (to ihe ange that they traverse. AW I writs look spon Mount Caddy and : grdar clouds of dist Hsing I CONE o£ ha meuption side yon woald see SoG sbenp In a drove traveling : # the mousials in the cool of the I morning eating their breakfast, They nip a [ttle on this baeh and oa Hts 0 that one, while under thelr fest ix being {rodden tha sol jerasmes, which thes seldom toneh, This brand of peep will trams and apron the gras antil 1 beonoves toe hot to travel then C they will te%e refuge beniath the bri and trees until evening. when Cibey will again begin Akelr mare of destruction, treading su thousands of favre of grasy during one sanaher This h Santi] now the maastalvs and esllevs in the searching sun. Nov seven a | sheep can axist in many of these once beautiful grisse plains PF 1. Feath- coerston, in Practical Parmer, son than if Rest on bay, and pust be | 2 given green food in sbms manner 1o he profitable Khelinring Tools The farmer cannot afford to have godt fonds and mac ine ry on his farm, nuloss Be can a®ard Lay protert then Tras the weather and Be cannot spend an hoor or a mee prisfitahly ap. overhauling them and making rv paire on them before they are HRely | too be wanted again. rowa and more expensive madhinery deft oat of doors this winter will de oriarate in valne nav than olieflnh, Fhe loss would saore than pay the in terest an the com nf goad Ball a } tn shelter them in andl in many oxsea exceed the faves on the farm If they wera not properly cated for when last weed, take one of thease fige dave and gather them up clean them oll all the fran work and paint all the wool work, | | Never mind petzing a piinter to the fob. Huy a can of remdy mixed paint and & cheap brash. Use any color that vou Hike Bur use it fresky, f/Ot AF An ornamenl bul ax 3 PrEReris tive of the wood &s the ofl 8 of the fron. We beard of tao farmers who | cwnel a’ harrow in parineralilp, and thought it should be painted, eontld not agres on the color Figaly they compromises and one his half Liack, while the other uaed yellow ochre. We never Toarned which hal! wore out fire. ‘While overasul {ng ses that all bolts and puts are in plase and broken purty mendad ~The Cultivator. Winter Keep af Cablosgn, Cabbage may Fug neg By any mot which nearly excludes the fri He, pre degrees of moisture, Xx i! hetiay ratio than if resting on a floor, legs protection. thas to réssive 3 proper degres molars. A omni way to cabbage by the quantity 8 to them ont in the groimd until the end of November and then and place them invediad on provind, packed lossy tognt hey Rada five or six feu Pa, oir ele foot spaces bs Swen They mac be thas left tll the proved is about to frovze. when the earth betw is rows, is dug and placed nm the Inverted heads thick, the tins nf ths shame Ml may he WE rr Kao and on tha oak the and we wai ba Hikely at mx 1} Sand RR win? six ned the poyer) in nlnesd Gif Fi SERTTS wi swing upem the the work by: hand in beat nracticalde. {tk ground has very i i A great ragary it as of Snpatante fu phos the earth times, making © mellow tao deep in Forming a tedmeh or to place them ino thug tho earth is thrown azaing the plow. The frost vans the meilow sarth, before very cold Sands sar In ooor right on a DiYvey many $n RRA THE meldow weather sets : the } § tocoBave bulldtings day than In cleaning them © oo The plows, har flee hart alain spied pairs x heey loaves nen Bienes ly i Sk ge & the heady with | ot metas If thr work is done in | the central part of the row may be | Applies nn the Tree, The rizk which speculators and | denlors ars willing ro mike in buying apples on the tree and attending to wryaating and selling themselves Pte the grows In large applegrowing Fregions it ix rapidly hecoming the ons tony Tor farmers to sell thelr apples in and iF one stadlion the anes tion of value and kpows how to cal culate the earth of his feud on the Dtreen It fe 8ogood thing to dispose of Cthe apples in tha way The purchaw ing companies are guaerally ahls to puke hotter arrangemmia for trans bation eeith the sailread companies 3 inlividual farmer. and they wpioy a small army of expert Tae i plekers snd packers who accompany them from one arcliasd to another They can phtssquently plek and pack apples at less expense than the farm er who must depend dpon whatever ho can arours (0 Lhe harvest ges aur. Mare than (bis the spseniators who buy the apples on the trees Know sw tn dbateibute the products The apples are carefully sorted by them In different grades. It might prove 8 pweful lessen Io any grower Cn study thelr method Fipst, Ceormme the choles applon for sxport or the fancy city trade These are select Coed with the pesatent curv and packed earefaliy, often being wrapped in in dividual tissue paper. For a barrel of such apples a packer void ma he axe pected to receive $5 and 38 In ordicary ng. Vere tow farmers could secure th pricos, The demand fa of convey, : Hmited, ta “find By the average shipper. It is the experience of the men who make a busines ui the anple crop that B meenrs these aX Crracrdinary prices The grade of Tait coprbee which usually represents the grads called faney in the ardinayy marke These apules are figs cEne fails and packsl But not wrabnsd ig pyper Like way from 3 te 34 per barrel, Below thea are the goml a # Fito Pra C help Yip Epes Bai gg nf hae fdli them ¥ bi aa BREEN fox? Fidelio AL { Then whivh sell in oparksta wi § Fen : anrenial ; whivly thae mas LReY ANDRE BTS SCRTOR, another grads, wis ta oedinary wed! fram $100 to $100 Barrel sling to market condi Anything helipw (hess are PE GER PRREEE AS cOmN givin wn canning, viii k dry. ir wd Lik Eh Fontes viper in is RN. : : the this way hers fy - apple ts gulickly sent to factory when the farm sod T 44 wil often Jo pay more for the troes than the grower it HW he picked, packed it hiwasel! Sua as anid in beginning, one mast know the val of hw apobss on the trees. The ape apeeidaters are not offering fisr the frit than they arp worth: it 4 for the grower to find this aout--% W. Chambers, io Ameri can Cultivator. more. money or they may be wot my their natural position in low boxes | {filled with earth dump moss. damp to to feed hogs on vloyier bay | of the food and st the taing, and havisg observed from year | in foal on any good tirtis damage done to the roots of | DUT we auld be transported to he soeng han gots on from vear 1o year, af fhe far wert Ue bros and bharven CC inlrsdpienitly proves & prest boon thera and the purchasers are hand | {a ardinary | They command all | mad choles | for about 22 2 baurel | they Never quit cortuinty y ripe. Lokers ars always in the wrong. Tie hook of Maybes is very hood Who robs a scholar fobs the publie. oa A pod companion Butter go aloo thus fall into the Sitch Lhory. Fur a fying evemy | make a silver : bridge. The diseases & man dremds, that .- Gives of, barefoot, Plow. or not plow, you must pay Four ont Whett 5 friend ssketh, thers I» 89 tonshrn ir The Hobaitiing to one wrong brings on dine he Tr Fooly puke fashions and wile men “follow then Wewar of enemisg reconciled asd met twine Dovid A Blow frog a (rying pan, though i€ I domk mot hurt, K wiliins.~ Spanish CAPACITY ot cHuReH PEWS. Complaint of Dasnsgs te Garments snl: High Bate fram Cweretawding. “) reget that in most chavolies Uiete | in the moiter of Gearing the CORgrege- Liss, mb 8 charcheoer, xb of today may be able 10 eal go epnrd for the comfort of the strans gor within the gates. Maybe he i pot aitogaiber to Binme. Maybe ©» the fault, io part. of the LF est ry "iodm freguently squecsed ote & pew built for Sve poopie. but wile by crowding is packed with seven AL thin: senson of the year men sed WOME wear wraps to church which MEE De removed when the attendants { enter the pow. There (5 00 sroaage met jor their wraps “Thi wecupants of the jew must sit under the seal “HE the service is one which reqivives j frequent knesling and rising. the hat, after ehviiroh, Jooks as if it belonged to a Bromtway cxliby. I have had two crushed and dested month. “I am free to. ponfess that | do not know what remedy (oc suggest That matier, [ think, is up to the demons, eldurs op veatrymen, “1 den that Dr Rainsford of St Geargite Is quoted as complaining tendagon. May it not Se in part dus to the wk of comfort in seating eo pia? The theatrical munhgers of the spect than the churches. Because asl vation bi free Lv no reason why 5 mag or woman © should be them, or why a man should havs his hat Wichad in By the mus (80 the pew behind, “1 oshonld ke slag to say something Caboat the woman who wesrs the Biggest hat in her collection fo chhareh But tha will come later. We should | be grateful fer jhe service which pee gules such women to get on thelr “knees fresguentiy, one car occasionally get 3 glimpwe of the Fasten Tee Naw York Hun. The Gorpal af r Betth, “ay bes healthy is the aatural state, and dames is jo nine cases out of ten, our punishment for some indie eration OF oxvens. “Beary timed we are {I {t in part of sty remaining youth which we sgn dar, hoadarthie or paesmonia, Is piishedt ry a strenons effort of vitdity, Cited of {le ta Ave regularly, sidwy, with a fre gallty thar stupid percons alone will devm sainlal or secontric “Blues sight hours in every 24 “Ventilate the rooms vou work and slenp in Very few people sven among these whi think they are well up in munlera leas have any coneeption of wall ventilation means. Even whea my voids was [the only thing { had in the world 1 slept with my window while open, summer and winter, and never pnnght eld in that way “Exnntine setiousty vhur ng of see cial oliigations) have the good: lense that ibsre 8 | neither pleasures noe profit In mest Hf what you regard as exgential in Hat line. and simplify vane gap iifp~nimplify it all you CR “Comnnlicatad comand warty ig the and Bb living brings worry. main enemy of health banpiness one fiendish mi robe thar dost more to destroy the heglith and happiness of mankind than aay ofhar. “Make your home a pleasant place, earful bt well within your means” Mami Abont People. i Bir Henry Irving's Pad. Fir Himry Irving as one peouliarity “that only those who are brought inte the closest reigtions with him recog nize Thin tg i regard to the number gf spectacies aml ginsses of varions sorts tht he always has on hand, both at the theatre and at home Ab the theatre he has (guite two dozen phirs ef one ind anil another. He i8 can stant losing #nd buving new pairs of glasses, and he pleads guilty te having 60 pairg at the theatre or st ; home. He whi) bas but one coat cannot lend sti motor Mans 25: aut for wool os come Nome He who rowy bravlies mast act go fan svideny disposition © stand wilt “The churel mote genple than years ago. but he bay CAND gUvernors on thelr removed garments or hold them on their laps. Mon who wear slik C heate, as most mien do who 50 to churel, have no place to pot thelr hats esoept © within the inst 5 that there is a falling off in church at country have dope better fn thin re : expected lke wraps by mulling ensiilons of For in that my E tory recovery, whether from and is therefore, a waste of your cape “The best plan to] svold lines 8 - Sal