SL eA A AR RS er _— the Hight shade, and stitched, worn FOWL, are charm. it Style ot firnimother, + the pretty old ladies gone? now with soft white the snowy woel with hands, surrounded by : Mottin, te. mage empire do not give ; La rhe rou ry due gd the 1 I un aivas ¥5 The blending of : beautiful than ever in creped amd slike and han endless Faast ng 2 THe charmed with a new soft os : ive ory and Jase green with a frail Wis clematis over A | | deepening from fate Cron ve er yellow, that boar dalnthesl pompadour deslyny. : Rich velvets, In plain, condod and fancy effects, awed] the Ist of fashion. able winter faleivs and are used not only for separate, fancy wales hat { entire costumes. A Black velvet with * | tiny white specks at closes Intervals over it Is attractive for p viressy stroet re own, while a Hunter's green ar roval hoe of young people to cor present style | : kable adaptability of the ix well exemplified mi ; aatiurn haired woman oa black suit | y three yours, who bor ifs a telephone | She hardier sixty telephones and also f a toll station of which keeps the books. She bite with white dots 18 equally appro priate and sivish, Black and white 1 striped velvels with the stripe in grad. “| nwted widths suggests modish skirts to be worn with fancy waists for sel formal \ wtf he Del Fueator, If thers is anything prettier thas an with chinchilla, the average obwarver dosen't know It Gre of South Dakota's largest orcly ards is owned and cared for by a worn. av. It covers 130 acres and hak vabd ed 10.000 bushels of apples. The women of South Park, Chicago, have forioed an fmprovenend associa. tion to clean the filthy streets which have failed 10 receive the proper at tention. Miss Julia Morgan, of San Francie, has just completed her studies at the Beaux Arts in Paria asd is the first | weman who has been graduated from that famous institution. Marsland is ome of the old-time | Biateg that refuses women lawyers freedom to practice thelr profession, The Baltimore Sun makes a strong ap { peal for a change In the law. Mise Mary Bidwell Breed Ia now | dean of wonwn in Indfana University, & position recently created. She is a Pennsylvanian and as graduste of Bryn «| Mawr and the Pennsylvania College { for Women, at Pittshorg. Mrs. Homphrey Ward Is a mistress {of Bpanish, French, Ifallan and Ger ran. Her knowledge of Spanish 1 eratore 18 such that when only elgh- teen she was asked to adjudicate in a ot | Spanish exsay competition. Women pilots are Ly no means on i known in America’s cosst towns. In { San Pedro Harbor, California, Miss Vincent, formerly of Marblehend, © | Mass. Is a most successful one. Bbw {Is making a good living and hopes to r | rise in her profession. ®atn by a a re matter y. By a carions cons = sport for any other But it means more yt Yer: it means glow. lant with color, the roetuess of earth, the of pure alr, and Mrs. lena Hehrens of Obie, Is a i wholesale saddlery dealer. Bhe iu ai _ i graduate of a school of pharmacy, aod “her kvowledge of chemistry was so vataabie to her hushand io testing nwt- als that she gradually worked nis the business. She ix now 8 widow and is i sole manager of the large factory. Two college women of Brookline, s | Mans. ave making a success of 8 aun. dry ran on sirictly scientific and eon womical principles, The clothes ave “wan dried” and bleached, and by & | mendes of experiments the foreman Smal Fiested sll the latest contrivaness and Ls | processes Tor beliering the quality of iri Valvat Is mush aed for hand some evening gowns The season's designs In pegiiges are notlecalde for thelr slogal see and slabs aration. Green 18 a favorite color for costs for Jitrie girls, particularly io velvet Aner luce collitr, beaver fur or er mine forms the triviniing. Velvet ribbons are now seen with | vedvet on both sides The centres iy in solld color with striped edges combin aiid | 158 1he centre color and white 1 depends “upon the Beem to prefer Amer en they can get them. ericin Wire who go to music or i chine-made 1 frre and are not bulky. Low dressing for the halr has mad 3 or for other Sure to have offers of The most fashionable hat for smal gitls Is a hig fat silly halred beaver, trimmed with leather pompons and fio. miense bows with long streasuord. Haad-kpit woolen jackets to wenr | for eXtra warnith under outsides : Wraps are miore loosely woven than the mae possible horseshoe shaped cobs. Tha comb proper goes dawa into the coll of | Bair, and drooping from it on elth Side are the ends of the shoe wie! j encirele It, The modish hat pin Is topped with a pearshaped pearl or round topaz or amethyst framed In gun medal, Crys tal beads with setting of gun sein] are used for some of the ony chad for which there fs a decidsl In just now, ‘The high pavelty In belts is a walst | bang formed of thin white leather, laid In foids. Rome are so high as to be almost a corselot, others are about il inches wide, Tue buckles nre ith and narrow, and semestimes are both in front and at the widdie of the wanuents, chug to ioe Few they when 1 14 ta dilate strong 4 with water ar the boiling point. The pony Bavor of tot. sande Wrane al Sree gad then redid. sneha 8 Ton often served Ar recepiione mpl Vat how” # usally caused by the addition of Wot por boiling, water to the first info. sion. A Jessen in Fils miniter may be Fmt fron the Bastian whe serve the ort dedicions tea in the world snd Why prepare i frst veow steone mak 4 ing it albwpoer sa pdossnes of fen This a dilated to the trensth wished with water apt Bolling in the sapuovar | Thin water ia pot silowsd to bot snd | 7 reball bat iw renewal ge pesded Freshly boiled water is insisted anon | by sll copnotaers in lenmakivg To Make Caron. : Coron in really a deliclons beverigs Li properly made bot In fine Saves ont of fen it be spelled in the process The secret In pevraring a run of soto Hen in adding po more of the perwder than is essemtinl | The 3 fed to minke if shoal] iF fhe coon iw to Be red fatabis. Not mare th : ful of coron shoals Bod ds atendotely gnnieen 1aix the eoeon with : Waler, ax ost people gee in the Baht oT Gn, : Som ie the | COUGAR BT the and asf ROOT AR the Hitter ve Mekparirny wth fn the soos, which with di rk medintely. Cocoa dos Bel mix well moa roid Yegnido and Bowl lan Ind milk that ik toa bot. Balline sosog for from Bes fo den minutes (suprove Hes taste apd arose ARierH 4 Queen, The Making of Puddings. Oply thé best materinls should be need for making padding: and about | the same roles observed in thelr prep | aration ss for oaks making The foamy shioubl be sifrd, the egos beaten mep- arately the elks strained and the whites added last. A pinch of salt improves all puddings. Bteamning Is the mest wholesome method of cooking a pudding. Put on over a vessel of coll water. and do not ding will é heavy. A pudding that is to be baked musi be put into the oven ax soon as mixed. [If it conka too fast it will become watery. Mar cooks prefer using molds or basins for | bailed puddings, but they will be mock Hghter If boiled in a cloth and allvwed plenty of room to swell. Thin cloth or bag should be made of very firm eat. ton drilling. tapering from top to bo! tom with ronnded corners The weams | shonkl he siitebed and felled 404d the | edges heramed, Rew a plece of ston tape to the seam abont 8 foger's length from the top. Jt must de Rept serapa. ously dlean by washing In cloan water, wqueere dry then dredge the innide ithe ri the puditing mizxfore Into it, tie secure Ir and drop into a kettle of boiling water. It should be kept entirely sav ered with waler and never stop hsil foe throughout the thine allotted for cooking. When done, plunge for a mo. | Creat into cold water, then antie the wiring. turn back the cloth slide ithe pudding on the serving dish and send to the fable st once-