Brest Ab a a a EC RIA 0 vary day ET : | doy sr 3 Foros mind fio dn 1a Hite, Hits his fs Bt a if plocatle he; ter of the homes, busy tox snd of rend to the hs spe 1 wo gedpet at kr eet oe the heat he NE ermisibia com vegetables, und meats the ah venient ar be Sy better clicain : went. oft HY eeeriach f the ho sn benefit if this start ti = eh a poarse of les ng which wilt i= ils tama my 6 rest be gilded by Ju own boone arrange. | atid varus othey irs ~ be taken nto cone Sarkis ht classes. It fs pot advisable to ooo | aathatiug thas three torn yeere any: LE Hew iy 0, egized) 16d iis pi rales ‘was pute a 0 ly eid the successful conduct of in and the. woman who en to Smderstand that the populnr sours, “Most ; to the old Have of (o-as-you- Pleas con- | presiding aitlonr who displays conan . ihe will af thie maierity by th = who 0 lg i pric oul Bt} Bone training. dn front, {long cost is of pale © tank, the shaped fiounse attached by Jess from th : sorolls of stitched cloth. the turnover | perceptible change In bis Spr tw, Med = collar anid culls of teaver. Equally lost bis bravado aud was frook sultable for eogird between the foges of fourteen sult pevenieen dn © £ Commercial Advertizer. Teentie together why ite Irish cull In darge and provided with thver | rifle colors to barnwenize with the cowtuui SS A ing of Women's eelings, but the gyp ANATION OF A BOLD HUNTER'S | F Sn a ab Epatitioy ark recognize | TRAGIC ATE £ i% tho Bt ecesaty) in holding h- = ‘ Prvvison, Who Tad Stat a “Phantom teunion ahd grad will of the minily = | Deermtlis Desperate Fight With a Biz | £3 sank the extremists groan tap Bathe intone of Path Found Later, parliamentarians will not Spree reel The recent state ment that ths Bis nee, but they are dg the manority) Wears w rownrd B rouklyn Eagle. The Fratutng of Boye. A tems enrly choles fu the soho] Der 3 et I mote to be fearsd than deny. feet that hanters would # bs more wrob® IB UB UE pp white deer than oo 1 wid | fit ri As. Jorg ga thee vn gen ove nears Falls, # fro TE of a wipite deur rocatis | to the 1 Ten : Paerey fa enitivated the Hal ¢ Fours pny Bo dell gen Foor CRE hs Hy hon id ne In wy owe £5 Yaw beng 2lrsost one 314 “of one of these deer wand rouset dis misfortune. on that fro thine im Fhe Hitaptanes Whioh Hefell Theoas | * KILLED A WHITE DEER|®w Unerring Work r a Tow Valued ste gre of the Allegheny X FLATDS “tne | Thowinna Dollars. 1 tng An ony Pa tinicy tn observe the HET Ag 4 AE said 1 2 Moon ator Ptiey the aiher day on returning from {8 trip over into Hanes heen eam Ths Shon tiedl ont in fin & : ; And he responds 1 nt ¥ fat hia large, som | WAR akon BOY Where rae pea 7 cladgred 4 | ton see mal Of HE wif ped ¢ following shies fehing The bowirnsd vr no BivadTs, ti | here it poepred & hy for fow min bank pemerinl sueh white deer as from | hank ciyesr th year fitted ght dike through | ty aver the jollepe boy ia 1 mnie the thickets and woods of the Alle | lus foe 1a the far} $a hoy fo Ui rhontes were safe {rin the Indian's i gare oF the white yoan's hulle 8 et Nis par ii wd mi ome db. There are nieve #0 Hylng : iy, li Wir to this rection. 0 srehnnts ask for the habit Clecrield of mind suited for werk wt uly fo day believe . that the eapwrisnee of ons work persistently tion, but Ite proves the conpurtion os ao thange Ha dived ilon quiet Riv. 10 met Lahe Kiliae of a white doer and salam eEsTgEne wy aud this power of th He This man was Thtas Bross : ; s from the sxercisr of many | who, with his wife and two your wa, and not cme Alone, Bo oof 5il sons, Tived In the Grain Wosls ou {trades and professions tn their Blegher senbryo artist to Jeasn the minltipllc a darederd] who was regard { cation fable. nor for the actor to Por | Banters 4% 0 good fellow to ler sess himself of the roles of granfmar | He was reckless and heave, but w with tonsight, hor for the man of sod snes fo get acquainted with the Jes | ors of History. for jnsiice and reveren fe pot loadsa ube ax Sinn Tait gd Cw hile hugtiog in the hed paceseary alum Intelligent discussion of all tradition | fears of silly sporistien, Hrooson's i wend lege far frim the bead of Cold Stream? range. $i rp owasth AF Hoe for Bn i TRA WBE 8 man of bioituee hatudy, Farly a the fall of 1853 Bron sn fa to what le rioht and frge Bro BD rifle eravked and the deer, aller a few i 7 scorns to me, an linportant feature of fepaspodie leaps, fell fo the ground | wisely explained, mont tradition Will | white shia died red with fis blood AL jestify Heolf or 80d acesprance after i Broason dressed the deer ¥ Bole) soins constitutivnnl amendment, It I was nn seventy five poling ioe, trues that discossion is often evr | weapping the ment in the hide yoplent: bot when questions are seri tht home. If he gave any thought 6 ously raised In the heme cirele, they | the fact that be bad Killed a white should he seriously stated Professor | deer It was simply to reflect that the Norse, in Dearpers bBazor. a et For the Well-Diryssed Baby, Among stanrt walkleg coats for was pasking slong the Wwe tables of two or three years one Is 10 | 1a the evening, but ss tavens were nt) ia sult white corder French cloth tuade tnerons be pall no heed | single-breasted, the arcuate collar } white milk and vmbrai curiosity. He afierwnsd resiombernd 3 | dnrse i} frp ried} Worse araand down a ¢ the le AE: 1% iy fhe shdewanll, af town and it sean afisarg ] : i Kooba eaplod a 4 Seer whee nat ff was) fo Vr Ahad i8 righi and true are] ooo aa while a8 Enon He was node” i the home frafong. turbed by what be styled the thal] "°° Goan 3 Shed 12 gently stated] and with a bullet through Hs heart, al Si entrain ; was none | Hasptly swenitiny Abee #8 4 | anarry, Th ¥ 3 Pe ar Phat n raven croaked vo head as he Tah esd 0 Fini i§ § hide might bring o Mgh price as a x Fit works afterward Branson, while | searching for the den of 0 pack of wiged with Thibet goat. Another of | woives near the head of Cold Sireant |g & ware Tencifol white material bad fell opon a pile of rieda sod brels daifty litte triple capes piped with | his srio, an sdcldent that laid lb 6p satin, the small collar and cuffs, too, | for sotne weeks, during which time hie An older child could wenr no preiiy ¢ jsh hing. After Morrison bad de fot Thibet far. WHh either, a white was visited by old Jima Morrison, the | {eetsen hat Jocks extremely well the veteran huoter of Huattiesnage Re 5 | is #6 brim loed wits white satin, white Jim had Leary of the kUilng of the | fos catrieh tips belog pracelnlly arrsbeed t white deer, and he was tid slow 10 ttl | nl { Bronson that be isd done a wt featid ; | hound war wo pale blue bos-cloth cunt, elhrollered | parted Bronson got to thinking shont | ard spotted with chenille; and tor 4 the matter, Dut, altboogh misfortune girl from teu to fonrteen & smart had overtaken him, be wag fot cope fastening with gold iad ensmal bute had anything ing Iv a long coat of powider-bloe | toresomse. He Jost his nerve om setrachan, Cc phunning sarh hunters ts yae Dright eearlet is so becoming to fair tee Green Woods and Hving the | bafred girtd, apd #4 very soart little of 8 sembbermit, {sont and skirt of soariet cloth jg neat. Three years after the | Kills of iy strapped aod stitehd, the hat wr “phantom” deer Bronsen started fernover ooilsr edged with de rong the turkey path in the sted sulpure nde; au a Chay © cropping the twigs loss tha, Twlght searlet zibelivs flocked with, away. white, thie shaped flounce of the beng Jd Hronson the pouched bodice, which shows a hastened to Ms side white silk vest embroilered with Ginek | He had approached within a few feet and softened with lace-Xew York of the sanheal when the latter jumpwsl to ia fond and ferceiy artacked hin The buek had only been wounded, ltd aa in such onsen, was a tiosl dager cus antagonist. tut Brogan drew his Knife and fought desperately for is Hie, The battle continued lor sine the the sharp antlers and front hoofs f the Lock cutting Brooson's leah stil the Blood fowed from a sooo of wounds, while the Bunter pepoatediy hirugt his knife ints the Geers sie in the endeavor to oN othe heart * Ten days later Bross ribbon Sillched gov raining son, wha ha Tor orpisaetiaiion. when tix father Lisa tes ding ia mp » Intesr Bunhte g raul ut imparted Freselh Noo to 30 a Ba age : 3 iu fad seen I. howayer LPeRrince Was 8 mys ht sping XT wo Len thelr way to rg eped rp SS A AARC TA et 1 Nather new Is a {purse with piste oa wets Wh sin hits o 3 for womies have ARE A IAS TTI Ton thro wilh baby SA fancy _Mhiey 5 ith lice. Biack and heantifal and vich irigh civ tiivse Bs is 5 : Thainas Br The atest Iolers soprmia oa Conta] vines | attached toa a ¥o Ko 1 a at CORE pela tle above thie: walsh, erinen how the tres the figure defined 1 the wounded buck has just visible. Soi. and then dyin vis ok pny The more familiar trie of round] the bopper had inlic Fd pia Blan with snd ksiife. oF four remevable linings ib deltonto en i Uinh's Industrial Frogress, ss iin ar honuet Wi rr tah Lag more tha adoghile oF ix nm There are many brozches of Ja] ufacturing plants sie: 180, the uum: mendes fa the forty of lew krots of | ber increasing from 330 © 1400, | atteren dovigus. From the vids of] » fo iy {many of the bow knots Haag pendants Rich Canadian ladinns, These arc frequently dimmonds, ced or $615 a head. weplored chath | vineed that the desil of the deer to Oo with £0 Neverflie that time Gn there was & “of Trout Ran. He bad pot g Hos | than A mile when be saw 2 hig bark =o i WEE phn eau He stalked the buck until be was titally et skirt trhnmed with rows or within easy shooting distance, wad | {atrapping, 1 deen collar of black sal then, Wiking steady ali, he tired, hes whnte ekin strapped with seartel en deer dropped in its tracks To tis oft Ha shraat. oir EN PAR A An Se I SR SA NRE Trivia she drive ha ang sever for an (he a Es ¥ Lat Tae was the 1 fey fhnpatiglil ¥ had the {prizoney thal he cone “1 wax infor who thar tae Bland. ef the best | It was fant A Very pen Sing seimal bat when owas iy og Lo Hike Li couraged, wel eT # £3 aut aourasl Tides n tein Lakes. Fie kami. RE STery ang eco : ELS | naw, are the pesuit of the woasgual cloth, the litte cape ot out io tabs ta dy when, A yar later. one of his sons Higa ; shaw an gbtler ore of satin veiled with ran away fron home and deft fed wii wetting, the calls to mateh, wind trece and Lis wife dled of & suiake bite ‘ound os well as the collar wiih black © Bronson beenmie facitiirn and nu and moan on smpaced with § artiste dil the lake id ta the evinng dao alter So way i sod Wan one | gare thal one Prisceton Man From Crawhiah aves Selaaiifie Discovery. Tr. A. FB Orman, curator of Haver. tehipate palgenntolesy ln Prineston | Eniversity. ballevaw he has made a din E anyery Which protres that thar deere 21 teh Fat ptritntian of Cire Owritnars fonind In Farrohe i roa. Narch Japan and fen from Alaska $5 Mexleon, Thore Ia a secant farsily of the feh, which ia fan md enly in Australian, Now + Santhers Br razil, Argentina fx whieh continint, gd flat anather Cyr inn the frst was pads Raaith Aiea) athuer continent msular at fhat seid Dr Opt are glen Tonal In Africa wad A netratis. Ax Chess phiraala have no means of prasaivie g large badly of water, 1 oust Be ialerrad that at seme fide Phew foTinents Wade spanned AR this fact atrenpibions ile ormwisly theory, Iv Orisnapn thinks there in frie doatht that In anclent tines thers were i anly twa continenin Htekiller's Aron Doatiy Woapon. “Another far Lang Plow of the Bat. 9 ght res, 3 nan trend flekirnelive i fotinn Terviioaw.” he 3 ar fram the Arkauesy ee there ian Lat pet tal ia the srdunry Hotit iow astern Yay; that ia By, £ not 8 Ian : ¥ Bias il A greek “Axfier thie had died reid ‘rita wed En iz thar “duh ikLbra right aris I8 mn veadly waipon, a" thar he Ie foriidden Io thee 15 Baden Air dvermary cea pr to predect Bi inet from deats or great haelily in pay. Xe York Firaen, Faster Than ¥ower She Wan. inode of pegniny ¥ie ors at the give oo great deal aff wiselicited advice Bg there da to Bow to Yin these dof the Navy Department. Rae pet py foro oritivierg with sly ¥ fap Sb faa £ the old frigate Verran, : Ie 8 sh » fy use one of the fast boats Uy the tae fur Bien Pre mais WH even pore pews Powe than the wo wean. The oa bake Tyoeks’ ax thongh It roa mdi peas, Dg siawly, the sare oaad Sais chanson {te {evel as the metidian of the Inks shivers ity dirsotion with re : ward ro the meat, 11 requires, bows PORT inte olseryating fo detect thle tide, Mo osmadl x00 thar the differences hetn een high and low water na lake hesidew fhe sembdinrnal tide, sens hat vo wen observed, called, in which the whale of swatey poeks or vibestes IW : ; { as how Hel see wn all for Ly wg Laat baineanns, ESR is ERS Pri op Lb : : ; Ler S¥eeRiy he 16.000 Indinus fn Ontasie, Can: * : Bo scmictimes there {8 ofc diacuoud and aca, own $9.340.000 worth of praperty, | . ous eatt JX level} Gadd an whe ak Ways agrees with us. » of the takes of Swiizess Somes Rare Birdy asd Plants, Toe Daitid Sates Copeal ww the Oa ry Ialatals peostithp vane Douls on Leave, and brought tithe Solihsonian Peatiration ar Washiigtan soe fare irda and plas Among the binds mre ware Lanzoeottl pigecas which weigh about 3 pays inel and a hall each Bee lane feathers on thels feet, god aves scarcely able to fy. There are Rigs a few ww THEE wo graih. Rn halt uy, which Xvid A bagaany AG LCRY {xf SUR aeaRTy ah i $x Repos Vinee Water iu Waoad, Br Yue ale Coban © thas charts ta carey wns ¢ ivisd a ball bread. who want By the i nates of Jobin Bixxiber He Was a Dad | Navy Yard who | Calum Bia 1 BE 8 re. iy £ sia a soxul deal Like 4 Pow Ww ih ai - : 5 “oc : Raub : : site lug salt water, nueavered, for Giese wo REAR RAY - $ nb RA YD AS ape fam ty of thew: is Nat! HAE Chain For the Drawing Room. Hush botton eaters bave for the tine betty quite sup rieded leather ones 88 : the mist correct for dint roots nee. syne farpely | forming noe rain | Xy wak formed by : 1 Iris, Afrien and fropteal Ameries. CD Faperae and Net Asierioa wore pros § 3 mann has aby found thet many land sulmals which inhabit Routh Ajverien | AA AA EE MASA Rp A TO SE pA : ; ww BE And oer lot (hat warry you; the | ow Laster than ever she 1 { # Atoka The stout | sieip in ber beria | toward the yard | They ire e3reed ingly durable. Pie Hight Hetghe For a ivan, Many divans es much of thelr con fort anal effect by einy too high. One foot Blah two and a ball! feof wide 20 ain fess toni is ; the prigeey ane A Helptal Hist, Il pony woolen dresses Jook droudleh iy eveirsed and wrinkled fee prick ; blowing pian, and Gore are teinpted. try to rut. Kstend dip 8 fers Gl esl of the same mats the divas, if you hare it, in Bot valer. Wring it slightly sod spoage Hie erased places WHS IC Then hang he dries 0 we pen alr, BE Dot in the wae creases will disappear 68 To Preserve Cut Flowers, A Doargoet sprayed with oater and placed pander a bell gloss will last many days kinger than if staply placed in 8 yiase or howl whili If a buttenhole oF a spray for the hair is required to jook fresh 47] day or at an evening feta o dab of salting wax at the end the stalls will keep fhe Bowers #h nr nany tre late, pritessos snd many other opie towers, if placed 06 a bed of and Kept owls, will keep fresh tor soni weeks whtle goch Sowers a8 foxgioves, sampnanias, ele, i placed im waler, with the botior: leaves of the stalks Rept under water, wil inst thrice as loug as If the haves weary stiipped off the stalls, Ferm, when placed in water. should aiwayy have sonie of the triads left in the winter, as it bas been provod ves and over again that no nourishirent CAD Le taken through the sles alma SA AR A The Tdent Hod Room. Every edd roo should be provided with the essentials for healtlLful seep and thie dally sponge bath Ax pugrly as possible the ree shonl be kept free from anything that would tend th contaminate the ale It stiould Be as large as one eomld afford. and the windows so arranged Fibs they tiny be opened at the te) Cans baiftom if possibile, the fcor shoul! ba lore Cand the rugs so saa that they can | be taken outdoos with ease for clade ing aml wise Everything abcut the roots shoold be washable. The bed shotld be light sad Sted with strong castors, so that It ony readily be moved The springs cuglhit to be firms and atm and the matiress of 3 kind that will no allow the beaviest part of thie. Body to siak sad so cause the sttotier 5 He in 3 cramped pewitiog. Above all, do not overfurtidsh the bed rool. Cream of Squash--One cup of coated & 3 I egunal, coe cuart milk, aoe slice one ra mi Rr A bo 3 5 fon, one ated esa-talf tableshions at ter, Two heaping tablespoons four, one teapoon salt, a few grales pepper and celery salt Beald the milk with the sieb and onion; remove the onion, Stir in batter and dour yabbind stots add seasoning couk two or three sila ules. Ririne Beas Sdiad Select saul ren dar Boma of unifies wae, string ad wisi tn sold water, then cook in Yall wlien figuler tre CoN Mr 8 feolander and vives in coll water, Let PoLhekn pal then Wide the ve ones until rendy, Mis sham thapaugls cepa the Propel dressy Sn ar clInos leaves is a agdiiien ne wad une ea thie sue IB pir MIX nel lwer ef suger and. twa aE, carth pha Bas thichened add no welout of atver, of voniiln ard the yolke | ed ier } an wy wiih a to bies : ; kpeental of wisn Sixig in the ef Loder piven wil baste a snosth Slllag mi DB wel and goarters A sont tart goples, stew wat 4 BHU wader as possibly ten Botagh a reve. To a quart of 4 tomeaptul of of pepper. ene master, two of ole cwdinasized niche Nir 1 open len onful of s< apd a al vinegar, Plaey over the Siro 5 oil ene hove: bettle while hot, al in wan a 1RIGR 48 cau, very tight. 1b should be about .
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