: nent editor writes: : ; theme at GF Banshees f ite kind fo c Bova on tance word £5 fit Sag A ie Beat Ont of an Tueross A Mexican Fie Pension. dar seh prom (the adver Hiylie, clint erg pnd diaper: wi ivaded Bh ABR he Gem TEE REE dinrrhoea and this remedy has kept me | : - from gelling fGeTease 18 ny pune By Bop | sion for on every reacwal & dose of Nan Pelt, & young may § hz sommers herd, has been “ XN. Y. at solege 4 most complete store rooms in | risers give best resale” CW, > * | kins, Patton, and nin Pharmacy, Sindy with friends in: town homme on his last Christmas vaca: | & few of the Patton « ont Jas Friday evening. ~ Lantey, wa on Wednesday. Now i the time for everybody to 86 is Bouse. The oe fa abemt 15 Over-Work Weakens Essly drove ter igh who soamt Anns Binder, 3 a %. Ly Par the banat sont Namdaey was ia £3 Bie Re GE, WAS IB prisaned blood through weing & ; byte ow 2 Comenn realized, i wonderfs} qh ng i wikh entire “safe y. The : Httle ones like the tasty and reg ember afien | helped thea. Fvesy fam- id have a botsle of Ooe Minsie ok Ab this stain ese it may be needed suddenly. C Rios, Pattos, and Histings i As a remedy DeWitts witehs hail salve I ansgaalied. Drags out tops the puin, soon hes the owhre of counterfeits, Sure DeWiit's Witch Hazel af sezema alder wo Websiar, bid, “The sores bud she wold two i five : | gether be promote easy o huis just fitted up, is one of the without distress the : 0. Greens, D $ ¥ a young people ery Mvoene enjoyed themselves at a danve ; siren. It In Lconghs, colds, 8 former resident cough, and in the best medicine made of this islnes, bat sow of Pittsburg. for these: Ghidnsen. : least danger in giving atrick Kinney attended the hinogn- 3 ration of Judge O'Connor at Shens Lom Girt wad may ba wads by DW Tega Ae § soit ANG Ge doitar gy restores me." It js unequalled as quick a Lenire for diarrhoea and is plossant and | whe | safe to take Foraabe by © WW, Hodig. f kim, Patton, and Hastings, Pharmaly : ith typhoid fever while at: : weed iw froan's Live Togethor i Constipation and health never go to. | Witt’ little wsariy rise | action of the bowels “1 pave been trou th costivenesn Rive vears,” says paw, Jad, 1 have remedies Hitt base wi tried many hs The Mother's Favorite Chamberlain's cough remedy In the It ix pleasant snd take And always intended i Sreup ante for childenn {0 for whosnlme tepeoially and There ts pot tee itdaniaine no apa or Oiler ajar given ga i dently toa bale as 16 sa a Flow Hastings Pharmaey, Your Kidneys. Unhealthy Kidneys Make Impure Blood, rd hey fall todo | shale wiry i Fang achesand ris. | MRE Sone tmns of uric acid J Siorat dus tan kidney trouble. Kidney trouble causes guisk or unsteady : | heart Leads: and makes one fesl ges they had heart trouble, be pk the SAT is] in pumping tink, ks ny 4 grieries swer-working it ured 10 be rongidered 1h troubling worn to be traced 1 fndera $04 and tha extrac Swamp-Root, i stands the Sie of Sh esos fain g%. You may Rive & ample battle by mad : free, wisn parmuhis? wiling yo: 4 how to find ; act Hf gay have x winey or tinder trobis, Mention this pager when writing Dr. Kilmer | I - & Co., Binghamton. N.Y. Makes < New Nerves, | New Life. ; [Tones Up the Whole System and : of the - and lange Deal La it your dealer will 1 CURES CONSTIPATION. At ail druginis ane deaiurs, Zi, ov wnt by | Sot supply Fou . u Fig re ANGHAT { IED. CO., Le Roy, N. ¥. | . Danville, IL, writes: he) had a. severe attack of and a terrible cough settled ugh. We tried a great masy | without giving relief. Bhe ‘horey and tar which ef. She hus never been roub- with gough since.” All drug- ands, erasked Hp and : in tured giicldy By ; dney remeidins, but te be Foaally | tried Fo ine cure and 4 ope doll bat- £77 An druggists. Fo Padusah, Ky. 'prites: case of kidvey Hiswase 1 o ladly roe ferfnl repiedy. Al dru gos tts. £. Ww. Hodgkins’ Patton Pharmacy | ! ‘Strittmatter Bros. PLAN MILL, Hastings, Pa. Manuisctaters of aud Dealers in Il Kinds of “and Rough Lumber. Re hake. Foley’ s Honey ead Tar |: he, early i it to children for Worked I} womwgeieiy a a aa Fr ow "He Arne Shoe © 0 standard Navy Master Wor or "2 Jolly Fur. {dn Xi Weginy.” os PTR M Tinsley 8 pittury tha tugs, aad paper TC Speathesd : ey * Tris, HE hes eds Feri © Phono writ 4 Wotueal Let La Ba ga x Fg howe 5 a ES Crimat “hed thy lags fe Heys 6 gx. Natersl Toi ay 3 # cae nifoeedt. RK STIG! FROM PACKAGES OF 2580 TALS SAT AND MEPPLR SET SF TREE TOL manpiL ANP T SRE Tag, i Shah > Taps, MAE BEAT NG ‘ hy 2 b > 8 Saks wo rn & iF 2 Miia £ H , Pa 1. In i b i Eas ] : i. | I : | z Bn 2 BOT SN : ied rags REL NE SHTITREY asarinl EWE INP Pr hen TAGS AND FIVE BROTHERS PIPE SMOKING TRADE MARK STICKERS ARE OF EQUAL VALUE AND MAY BE ASSORTED IN SECURING PRESENTS #7 IBBE® PCH FEN LG TREE. 5 AST Our New CATALOGUE ihastrited a a a TT ROR wechodes muay articles synstains (Ne post sutrsctive Lint of Prowents coe poate gros oki Our offer of Presents for Tage will axpire Mov, goth, 1900, NT THERTAL TOESOED Ok Welle your samme dod address plriale on ontede of § Tags by regeared sure 10 have pour pesckage scourely wrspoed Auk dn transit Taloguesf 10 NE stalniug Tage aad fGuwsnd i he Seud Tags and seguests By Pguests C. Hy. BROWN, dE 4% Fotaoan Ave, RAINE LERCH Louis, Mo. WET LEE FER NATED SES. FETTER NAS WERE 80 TAGE At Comin reli CRIME, TYeTY CL UNR A Great Nerve Meticine. Cader Wing Sanne foe sien aod adits Forme, Hastings Fha Foor baal rhein tdner Seditel Lies sairem Nata, . wnd Rittney SUPE. DYSPEPTICIDE « CW, Hodgkin, atte i” Phussoney, The Arusteat aks te DIGESTION. Guns Pharmacy, Hasings Stops. Liver 3
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers