The Patton courier. (Patton, Cambria Co., Pa.) 1893-1936, January 09, 1902, Image 5
Ll OIRSITRR EWP SRE RE Ra BF esi Sito Ln A ea a7 . with ferones to In hls cme the B thelr tl Hk hi wie furnished pertonal data. ates of colleges or institutions and 80 received | sche! education. We ent 8 unique spectacie a democratic uation led by | if grant coal beds in and of extensive deposits of in Michigan is bettes then the y of new gol mites. Con! Is a measureable offsct to ness of the clitaute. Cheap the one thing needed to hasten vile t of the mineal wesith ory. The asphalt sopply ar it shall prove to Le . will basdly be a lesa wil | tribution to the need of the | : aspbal supply of the ir; forms of pleasure have | ou i three lours and | 210 an automeb! bile over ute” to sway like 8 entboat a There = constant n has been bad in Minge: the new law making the 0 provide necessities lor a wite The first victim wit to the for uluety days, although ave been sentenced to hard ir at the penitentiary for three . This experiment In sociology e watched with interest. @ fear of punishinient as a eriminal will deter shiftiess esota from neglecting of thelr wives. It is not ex | at punishments under the law That Jrowiq a defeat, to 9, or the ‘time be for his family, 2 LH wad ig ot troubles she was foreed to bear? T 8 The ehild is gone! iw he exercised 3 : The yurther's Tine are white and deven. Khe sity we on its place. j of his life is focused upon that glass 8 whole pair of #pe That | While | difficult to reform ren. by law, | . ‘the first Sunda¥ after it came, that weed to tiey qd her + she sewed sway Baby rhymes she used to Bear, hg that the world was drear? | Whee in the ehild that used to place 18 cho aguinat her To En i face, CREE IBRWArE Where is the child wha made her Who wow tha only hote she had, For whos she 15 for prayed, her fondest pl glad, 1) MANE For w sie were lad? Lhe dita alos Ey claimed another wa his awn ey ve flown, but they'l] return anon Her post. old teilworn fingers bleed; lone in dae ped, And thin oak, solemn thanght sud ae | irl is rit good stongh for hum For AREA River, in fC Hinge Record Herald, 5 vim! NDY RHOWERS does not ask for tnybody's sympathy be cause one of Bly eyes Is gone "and he wears a fines counter. Indeed, the chief fun eye Every week or two he has a new { Joke about it. and In telling it he | lnoghs onder ad longer than anytody elas. “Long about Ahrushlog time” he pays, “l've got the best of the men | with two good cree, If one eve ketebes a thimbdeful of dost two Ketches two thimblafuly, ; 8 man with no eves to ssa 5 cont £5 ball a pair oughin’t to fetoh wore's $2.50. If I went to go to sleep when Hider Jones Ix proachin’ 1 jos: keep this bad | lawp of mine on pleket duty and daze off with the vilwr” Frow the mere standpoint of rm. 1 bers Andy 1 better off with exes than apy of his neighbors. He has the bie gest eollection in Bhelby County for week days sand eves for Sundays eyes for weddings and eyes for fuuer ale, eyes with stony stares snd eyes with romantic dreams in then Liv always speaks of his ophthalaic prop THERE WELLE ALL RORTH CF TINTS, erty in thie singular, bowever, because be can only wear ove movable eye at: i 8 time, Early in July Andy's daughter Sallie came to Chicago to wiglt | Of course every member of the | family In the little home down in Cus ter township must have a souveulr from the big city. It was easy to pro- vide for the others, but what to get for Andy-that was a bard one. Then a bright thought struck Ballic "Bay, ma, let's get pa a new eye for | Sunday,” was the way she put it, her gave brown ones glowing with Uril lancy borrowed from the iden, “That's just the thing, Sallie,” said good Mrs. Showers, amd away they went In search of an eye store and 0 | brand.pew socket filler. It was ensy enough at a distance 10 piek out an eye that would match Andy's good ope, but when Balile and ber ma looked tuto 8 case full of optics that were green, | gray. brown, and all the tots between ~well, there was trouble. “1 tell you, pa's eye is green, ma’ declared Sallie with an emphasis showing that she considered the nel dent closed. “It's just Hke this one” holding u> to the light a Nie-tinted specimen, *It's ro such thing, Sallle,” returned the elder Showers. “Pa’s eye's a light blue. Long before we's married the girls used to call him ‘Blue Eyes, and 1 | don’t reckon the one that's left has washed out.” The end of it all was that pa got a | eompromise between a blue and a green eye, ond it didn’t mate the other gue a little bit. It was not less than four shades off color, and moreover, it was so small that one could almost hear it rattle when Amly shook nis head. And hereon hangs one of his tock Jokes. Andy wore his new eye to church When Elder Jones rose to pray Andy bowed his head as usual. That Chicago store | eye saw its chance to show off before rural | Xorshipers. It dropped ont id | father g old-time friends whom shy That's plain enough for | And Hi Pdemthie under the aover, 3iave Clesmed to the bi, “Why, | tie in i bia the marble—John H wife and By” weet with a ready sale yenrs old, chased after the tughive. but tefore he emerged Into the aisle & nevly martial couple same along, § “iaok out, mithter” be Jsped, “don’t | you thiep on path eye’ The groom slid to one side Hie | & tan waking sn oom ran fnnks and the Wade Bin aneg} Sart oof Way. of frepversnt yous ten ou the every pew sx the wi gil the wheat Seld oul Eider Jones tried fo pressrve. the gravity of the service by cutting short Ista prayer and auinsuncing a hyn, bast Ly some frany of clrennptances bie “6: one thet sons Hike Fhe conserratad dros eyed boar” Not long after that chareh {neident Andy wend to have his picture Taken, and of course he wore his Sunday eye. boa he took boss for Mre Bhowers when she was geitiog ready for the | Jenkins girs welding, bot when man has bis pleture taken nothing bot Buanday fivings wil da ; “For goodness suke, pa” sald Ral. He, ar she tried to make a seventeen Hitle decent this time, ture jn just bored.” Sons tiber pie “Lilt your chin 8 Hie and Gun't stare quite #0 much,” adiponished the | win Bad not fo teed the Showers sasariment of look. | man pt the enreern, ere. Then, while the long haired art fat with the selied Hizien was fambliing about for & plate. Andy pushed that off exe of his around po that it peered | into an upper corner of 18s roar “Xaw look abet bere 81 ie card on the door and bold sill for 4 seoond” atid pw the pleture riaker throst bike shapry head underneath the Sark cover Aly leaned forwant for pn instant 1h soall-calilre and wixly dropped glans vail inte hig lap. 3 “There's a kettle too mich shade 1a the eft eva” eatne Tengh the savernons “Yurn Your rR 128s toe the righ and tea Lge yun” Any trned 11 w and the tnply socket artists view like the ofeniie of 4 cycicds orig. "Horse on eunckied the man 81 tha tachite, Vig po Has for the Grinks, but 1’ half price” iin FH ives that's about right for a man with only hall as aaoy eyes as No aught to have” sud Andy § ue wesk day pa's Sunday eve was mining, He serch tha clock sain and sgaln, but it was Do tee, the prize was gone. Mr Showers hadn't seen it, and Balle conldn’t ragine “where rd got to” sulject was taken wy anew. Paly { Showers Heped bis nogence, but for sonse reason ten-year-old Ville did not join in the discussione He made himself 8 mighty busy boy and Kept his eyes Hind to the Lorntes Sam on j hin late “WIL te, you haln't seen pas oye, have your? asked bly rasiher., There was a worwent of silegce awl’ Willie's lips quivers] violently. Le knew bls thine had come. “Johnnie Silver's at B he whit) | oridl : how in the world 41d Bilver get 117 presscd Mio Showers Hf ehe beat™ "Peat what? “Playing marbles” The next day Jobnnie back the store eve for the fileer traded biggest mar iran Todd, | in the Chicagy Record Herald st a ns io— Dumestie Teo Machines. Periodically the qresticn is why there Is nothing available shape of a small jee mpnehine for domestic uw omachine Boia wide wae, Thar such demand ily admitted, so that to seared all the moore carious, Bo dest, tint compaerelal enterprise dil not long ago gndiriake to sclve the probi nd answered by the statement that bn ar a similar systens tain number of elements in the eyele, such as compression, expansion and LR 58 prusperily, BALY In CLATHE ol servaus ~apdensation, regardless of whether the plant is to ture ont a fraciton of a on ar a hundred tonx. The banding { the refrigerating ovele and the saly : ithe aa of pressure requires skill~in fact, a skill scmewhat gbove the average, asd which canst be ex» {rected from ordinary domestios. 1%, therefore, stignd at present prechude the possi ity of small domestic lew or refrigorat- Ing plants, aod will so conticue pril sare sytem may be devise differing widely from those row [2 mie~Cal- sles Magazine. A dndge's Daughter Opens u Larter Shop Because she was turned down Ly tha Barbers’ Unlon Mary Clagett, daughter of the late’ Judge W. F Clagett, of Spokane, Was, has opened a barber shop of her own. the first one of {ts kind in the Sate. Judge Clagett was one of the best kuoywa He was once | elvcted a Benator from Idabe, bur was not seated, owing to a technleality. He represented Montana fn Congress in his earlier years. nen in the Northwest. After his death hin daughter sought owployeent In barber shops as a Hvelihood, Sbe hod learned the trade in Chicago, local unlon would not admit her 83 she started alove, keeping up union nrices and making ne complaint, She is a bright, intelligent woman, apd while her family oblects to her present efiploy ment she is cheerful and Jduiar mined to continu, Masy of hor patronize Ler, --Sen | Fransisco Cirenicle. afonnd a wd fa oa Ed Banes Y § §He back sent tittered sudibly, and 8 wave sets found Ih oan exci > Laat anlurtanate : ft matehod the patural optic about as well ns the rile : : fonds were assigned In fa fred the evide collar fit a Gfteen shirt, “try to ok a | | bimekiinted - fir the sayl PE & Hose you a dozen for - exceptions. noted, At the Shaner table the | Bepreme Johnnie : to fall town, and Asdy Showers gave | askel s % re Cor We sees IL BSS ar refrigeratng Po remy Slut peat and | is SEY. MANY eit : thin all core iuniese The whole question, bowaver, may bo | + i CEG better method of refrigeration has yet been found than the nse of ammonia which involves the use of pertain pressures and a cers | otf Cinbe girl clambervd ox bis Buses, and, £ seins that the fadis as they | around you, Ca Lis The fit cumosies wn Law Ce Was Beversed RK Rennes af Votes Is- | ; Aeotiar of the : Judge SYaw hooks are $300 eg £4300 Hiky find Hl have Bed HORT report was bag wire as If way Hien which Sup serene the finding off ti ey ¥ ya Tie Pie taken voles oT the for dapmges a3 wparabon, Action i gait the Compaty ¥ Eo. J Herp te ihe in triaf j ploye who had bean d Blacklisted hy or F forenion betwee : paenlers of the Bwited faiaation of charset © > esplary and 1 & 671 ox ing om of sagaay catideryrions and the dhivinra Tho triad oni to ction fled 0 tise case tended Hat the man b SR that Bb Bel swetals § avant of these thi HEA: Ru = gh Ba Judes to charges 1he jor ¥ tig furore or SF cate for tive he of Ce yarn eg WER & {oe BEd wher fs Cwrid sour 4 from Mang fpaade ab oor Hin voiee I Ra gertle os Tite te o%a / te: tgp attorueye i Rey { elmrping the ave rhibits af : % 5 Bac po HE un ek th #0 Py i hie Rintienye with Ths a pritig ia Eharp enough ko . to the way it whi | ting aw, with pats i SE ties Intonaiing of Jls The Ey tian for a uew triad was made i Es aa anf the Ruprene Court fim thy matter up. Ths pits Cphned the 4d fiviaties int i21i0e the Iudies at t f the eTect of the teinl Price “4 the jury. but foes ave a ef It by anyiny the law Tor CPpRMBEY was charged Womans wlhilic the jaw eating el tan defendant aca In holt fue box. Sar thers, Courts reverand the eof the ow a ie Tae Crake od for trial ou Cwtire Dnally ase CpG Te New , Cut, {ow tha £4 a ia ARE tae Wa IBA eso RO TAN SR Sr ER WORDS CF WISDOM. SIR SN {ood nt ~ghzorved are of graee~§ In gress alfiesapis 4 Io SE EYED Ln ise ce tot, ~E1 ne Af davziiter of * ig Sei i 5 i tA Eo STOLE HE BS ude ad uk ‘Tae Yetaty sort In purty io Bim 3 SER erg Re Lune wo gem ovity fad andy Yaron Bs iter to be driven out from ; tis thas w bo dsithel bp ollie Lhasa Loving mm fr and theo Talmud Have you so pach lifsure In business that you can ol aa of other people thas does hot Wisse 10 youi~Terunee, Dent Get Rich, “Papo.” a * Tie 5p RIL fie ths When ad Wala wire left vigwity thor Servants cliarged and the § ee eveniag feakier bad retorned bows afler aaxiety cml Dusioess worry. LRG LAI, when the $4 iwling ber rug arepud La Deck, rich asin into “the Lursey BUT DOW We COR ceil Sl FOUL Enos ge rich again, Tog You did pot cel Fi were ried, atl get and kiss you. xu't Cpapn.” Aan whose wealth keeps lia Lis rapiy. steep. healthy thay tie pledsures of LDS ~SUCoess, How to Teach a Vet to Hide o Ball, Many readers have deultless seen bears stemding ob oa volllag tall asd wainaiving thle balaes periecily while roiling it about the arena Mmve & bear who delights to do tick. He can searcery walt for his tine to come to perforas. He was taughi, os they are all tnaght Ly jog ging bis pedestal while be uid ww keep from Detar jostled off. Grads. ally the pedestad was substiopted fur a bath wit ian y Hat places oa it and # was {allowed by a pevieot spaere. He bas bern periotning (Wo. y2ars pow, and I have never koowo him to rm Redesign, wpoy legithionte ite, is Fa tae slip and fall off ~Frauk C. Bostock, a Frauk Leslie's Popular Mouthlr. ¢ Pin Ses i; iad Ciel oy ¥ Pe : predigal when lt oo Eline | disehareed owl 3 adi sage on ae | the | wal th give Tonks, | posting: pars | 80d the dignity of the nation's §¢ | Eiimatind wae talien Tor granted atte | End demonstrated is ai tie : Wins BC I: veieeity, ot | tasy sal be 58 3 £4 bi wis | ! Lp ] faival the Yimhits SEE y Vas hatided | Lat eoneiderable distance placement five which the gun is fo br tested Bs otnownated, This tk fo oly chatas ¢ clined. te concen | We powerful magnet which, when the Cotirrent in closed, bolids the rod osaw pended as an artaature. The rad bangs | laatrunient, {opening Phill back sarin a ¢ vleetry Bag net, | wpon wh of ail; dor that the | of : fd : the fest dus a oo | Bitzale of the gan, and the | exactly one hundred yards apiet oan forth across these frames 1s 2 net TPOML FORE {ork of wires, rather & cross weaving fo Lar Col i frame to the Instrument in the distant i boase, and i connectad with the elee Pte magnet which hokds the slender | Powtewl read children of a certaln fanilly, dar.’ "3 thin is ved with the | & day | th FSs gt i opened, Thea ki i Kaila Blade, fil and, energized bry the spr C plaking a minste nick ppun It jothis managed Wy and the Then, remismbering the | Stren BIG GUNS]: A ML in | wnuTe DHSERVATIONS MADE AT! THE PROVINC.SEROUNDS. PS fps oh Phe Taw of Gravitation Emplosed to Pes tergiing Piadeetile Viloslt ra Phin Agsn. | sy at ted Magnets, a Stoel Had, and A Knife Blade eX Hetlind ion Operation : £ rin Lovee id = Pe Tr 3 rs, nd # cet weak Hard’ worth of yed powder thie i bent guns, the in works sy THe thea hen TE 51 elie ery the It sere ale Ue «7 fot wy wetile, psd og CHE reqrred Phd work ne yours of experi Isr nr it ta {sc vores ion, SERIE Are t te 8 for wonid iridennsd > trig PYe “wooden walle” It lo pigaantly to econpt ball a dozen armor everal hendred pounds of pow QUE OF more steel shiot / tf Stans the ryiilong rep ridented in a battle sip. to say fag of thus lives of font hundred Hen fag. The wos when the testing af 8 gon i, viewed present lghee 8 aiipsihod, | tory sort of proves ot 8 ds { ths “nie thier Jdurleg the Hrge. Thete wes for of & wus fost. pe and i Ethos watch, Mat Gly ist Ir held ty pither, hod Borns demansirate | te hot] | to opel ner FREE Hay 4 Seti her sina of 2 & the pry fies % Lien oy ie fine iage pr afte welt the lain My 2 WE 5 By adel pt wad Gu hii Ierity Botha thing, for that o dtl penetration. The deny : on iS pute whieh stand nous ; the oo HLiry sgalbet the invasion of alte are Jestgoed to hurt shells ; Olle with Tan explosives against su Lenny slips, to penetrate thelr are) | mor or valoerahle parts, amd throngh | { delayed act i Blow them ont of the water ® | So, after a gun Gas behaved propery ! cr DL With powder, the fost for veloclhly il Uineposedl, sud this beings Inte ose ani “0 imstrumgent which performs its task! | with an mecurary which la simply poe It ix seed to measure the | visleoity of the projevtlis and is cabled | A chronograph & Dusdsraental law of gravisation, and ix Dat one sim 4 principe {res oa of the shell fuse, tosinding. It depetidn upon fhe ge and esopileated,. The ceriaiply sinyple, bg geodral wal the chropograndh { cominty of a powerful magnet, & steed 5 # LH vig FHINER, asd wn koile biade. Thess three ith others naturally related Ww them, are tiounted In 3 stracturs set Prony the em vigte hireind when the place Ia din At the top of the machine x in the base of the nt oo odes oF (his tdade In tak spring hy s a other The rok founda els the Instncuent fiend ato the ground a © grenlest sability way be SNe an aperture asad a Euile slaced poi Yu Boek wun y dita inmd Vo return to the ten #0 2 Fre erected on the ae - bupdead yards he Hay thi iad EL, Back une wire, which rung from the Tha second soyveen is lke save that its wire rung second electrs magnate, : Wing Deel the knife bade 4t tie sae of the chronograph. Then, with th current oo. the rad i the knife blade restrained nst ths spring, the gun ie Ored The projets plecees the Srst soreen, wire fx broken, the curvént is tae sully snd the rod drops. The poo the Brut, tag { dpetile speunke meross the hundred yard whet siee, Dreaking eleetrie aud plerees the second sereen, its wires and breaking current, This releases the past which the rod mm Mg ths Linde fies forward ged strikes the rod, By tise the projectile bas gown inte the great sand butt and buried ltsel? nitked steel red has dropped | ite a samb-filled receptacie, The ve foelty Bos Deen denoted by the prilliza- tion of a simple law. It is Keown that a falling body falls sixteen spd ocoe-half feer the first scared] thirty-three feet the second, and so ag In this ratio until it reaches earch, applying this principle to the vodd, BB Known that the foot was ex. hdl actly at the level of the blade, so that} Ly measuring the distagce from the foot to the piel, gives through which the rod “has fallen cavity aw. that a body falls sixteen od one-half foes the frst second, It is readily debtor tiined Dow Joug the shot has required i cover the 1900 yards betwesn ihe Khia gives practically the | Lge UTLEY I eras -nratiesl auto selly he {stir bis pon. Ack that best suits a fil Lead, sed 2 rsteeial to arises which Is the prod Canehinery, agninst af | charming tte He ferfectivn, aad | praesshially : he mex by pesling heen | GRIT Wenpone, they i: tha sotively 3 2a a phe ga! Besyile, tum ¥ voi ars seen 10 Tote | Lepr E poet is faciiliar ¢ 3 F mitizate ory DRY he i i Ah gp ba Int row the prov. | {ng of a gun is as carefn! Loheal gn crwradine sa Oe testing of a ia purely 18 foe 1 ETE ta; ARISE to Bear 3 flan say “Sos emerges of 8 BY An het Fe. hf ra ol pragaet bn dempagnetized Cart hitherto, Bowever, Dee Hraat | SHAT, the space mira ‘wilocity of the protectin York Post. Ri A Foon AND BRAINS, fi eS lg a wo rent Thinkers AA a Role Are the : Abwteniiouny of Sen. 1 na prusage of Lix “confessions” & senting upon the Daivee of drnpkens pes, Delaney concludes (000 the oX F&O conden silicate na restion of He. was aw ard ON and Tadd ey, drank pot a : beatutank, i This is Jergely true. for sven solid Fie od fay produce at any rote, great giening torpor, The vomfort of a good | dinner giny have suggested 1 writer's these, wa Qoulit I if ever Srom It x the enipty Stone hig 8 x 2 har »* With 4 iver Sow ort frock | before, res the entry of o sobstactisl Wendell Hales with wat blunt of wit aud selentifie moles thot gave the distinaticn Co his writings, Bax discdoresd. aes 8 very point. He talks of the “bul i egded felnws steawitg as they and shows Row ta meet the dey Aande of thought apd inaginstion The brits must have mors thas te share af the clreglating blesd. There most be fo Sival I the fall Heer oF &i goat! ne grils of the riieos teGbrase. Do sot ink hurd. EHber your kieas of your ini will de neglected ail He 8 sorey weight viens your head or your nately, The pose. Rall-stérving iy aad SR We nny 2 by pefleciing thet In Ray cases Lo ’ Weald havi Doms BO puet If Be had not starved Encugh fuel to sostain the fre of Hifo de fevpsanry for work, but Soap on 11 god you will deadens the rer Raetind ame Tha prest shiph ¢ © great wWarkers It any diredtion Het phreinal ohe, ldve for the part Been absten slots men. HE mavaraily of small sppetite they exoretaed copstant reatraing, og fromm tho pu vr af Bigher Tune ¥ orsent od every enargy the atranl sativities of Iablt ston beioe the ud o uf sich peep, ind I be os natural for thers ts est less, to k Jems and to seep lens than thelr owe. Thus In a long line of Ine Miectnal acdvity, many sere of hours sre aftlized for the cruiln purpose wh ch fir the case of ether men are sphandersd une the dina lable or in the mere nothingness of alsep or ling. Carlyle was jostified in declaring 8 papacity for work fo lel the essence 50 genius. Whatever great man's Jife rend, Bo matter how brillant hie satura gifts, sooLer or later be Ie | feiond to have worked with unswerving euastancy snd bo perturba ble devotion tera on gitted Bave ft no mark; it bein the wil and the power th work that pe peniun asserted jaalf. It Ie ig HY a ft penits, i hie worked Lo o shying” Juat becaumy he does not work “Soandac” mast de denied the {ithe In the sataral selonces and pros fewdions such as medicine that degen 7 wid nen, the ineviiablencss of a work for great achievement iw a Bape, more obvious than in the service A wf art and Jiterature. The artist god the writer of genius are gifted inmatrations falling to no rad of 3 talent, bowever hard he works Yer svap wo the genius works to (Bowl hin losoirstion, whether it 3 apd at hig easel, nr Suakespenare at his Thek with a kind of frenzy of a wiiientie snd ao coptingogs determination 18 ra pou te fy 3 men Bat wx ole Boni the w hey No lope af the oiafederatad billy tomar, mined seek et play £360 anata DBT Ave Ba ft is, thes, thar tha td Le worker Viessvr the world With. bela demiand at : DOR liis wel tet same DU van 3 yerer ON tho ast degree tf en auiae. ~Leufd oo Lanes, Fish Bits Cable 300 Fathoms The Eastern Extenaico Teleg Colnpany bave brought to our p Ea interesting fact IO consection Ww thie interrantiens, due FUrioNs 3 En pled, whieh are contingally iz wabomarine telegranh ealdes. Fay apparently Jue ro Ssh Lites, Lave i tdtovedd from time to tip INN @ soil of the shallow water sectiobs or hit CoOmpRnyY's Fystery, which ; either totally interrupted telegraphie spppmanieatina er bave seriounly | afs fisted the working of tho Hoes lew established in deeper walters Juve ry sion attacked. Wo dow learn that & | ; rimaved a few months ago trom! the cuspuny’s Syduey-Nelsoo section tas great a depth as 330 fathoms, finmd to contain a tooth firmuy xed in the cure of the cable, although the spear interior portion of the chble suntaising the conducetor—was pn ol by the usual sheathing of tilek wires apd onler coverings, An & ecgmination of the tooth proved to sedong undoubtedly, to a species of the exnet variety of which euntd pot be identified, Gut It appears that five Known varieties of sharks are fisted to exist at a depth of 300 ath. ams, and one at a Sepii 8 of even S00 fut bons. —~ Leadon Standard Slower Torpedo Boats Desired, Foreign paval powers secre to be Feinandipg much lower speeds from torpedo boats than ware specified a fire years age, Numbers of these 1% tle vessels have been bully recently which are required to rua at omly twenty-five and twenty six Kuals, Frapee's total income from tases was $540,540,200 In 1800