The Patton courier. (Patton, Cambria Co., Pa.) 1893-1936, January 09, 1902, Image 2

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    RRA in FIN GH ERs oF Re WF HG
y fay the an
The hs sce sd ne.
# quest
vs 8 i th ening. fons froma enur
ANH 2 :
Ba when 1 wonid inter. that Feorer pray
Hh Ipitom Songer gtaved mm
7 “Not Li ” ho whispered His £ $
; And 5 Took of bia ye affrave 7
” a Poni wniely aha
(She iy tha fume» may Borro
s. power; the fae of ;
ail Living Hye sev
Rt x TOW He
Finidhed fhe
TE ve wore Sringiere © oa Ee rs
Rode ve for ro
tie tensands or Norwe.
3 and Swedes det upon
apo, comparatt tely few
stood English. Jt was
* Bow quickly they
= ives to their BAW + “n-
d 3 women windy went
days as 0 Idizzaras |
ed ore Selling gs
by jo Pements of the
had, he would turn to his
Si Bot them. That Torgeson should
top the only oe mmong them to fall
to rightly seep sit the pew life in the
Republic pained them. They enrnest
it labored with kim, but he would »
Panid the storm was growing
tistern. When Suna Torgeson ade
knoarn hey dele to sted the dderrict
school Be swore joudly and at frst
{anid she should pot go. Later he an
j Swern to her pleadings:
“Go i you will. but you put sane
{ thing between im two you will pevsr
met over. I sm as my fathers were,
If you would be different, al) right |
Phot i owill go bard with bah of ng
inter” :
Anna Torgeson was steapbi of Dmb
noel Blue af ays
Fi or bed
children's sal
Aedion but fo gain; when Heir was
| unchanged
$8 ¥ * * * ¥
All through November snd Decor
| ber of that dreary winter Anna Torge:
| son roads her way to the sc hocibouse |
and worked for mastery of the Eog
and Joa ro adidas, To
did Bot go with Ler, He
A 81 the
be oi Bor
Giant theo
Hah tongon. | ERE.
fara, wimdiag the
Tedder, or bronding aver
cups That bis wife
| with Liza wad the bBivinbes
bad ta sadunn He wn
mah -oniva oO
4 i Lt font
ow world nat tart i
id fa oul the
Cs Be oan TRA an
fd Lars © aren
¥ sehonthoowe, Tag
8 i} matter how disap
with thems. “AR ect
fdon. understood a few worils of
When a land office collector
tr the last payment on his final
je he would speak to him
i Norse topgue, Then the
{ the Government reached
Orgeson was frichtined. He
is vows and spoke In English
the fltle to his land vias clear,
synquered in this
Smuts. The sotiiers
hb ant lands of ihe Noth
ongly religions, hatd workers,
all halite,
the winds he fet then
sided, unless nelghbors
helping band,
When dangary. ee wert
ef the season, cane, Bo Tange Tie
or assist tei. Sa wile was the
between husband and wl
he eveq et tie Ney Yea
without the dine «
never missast wifes. Evel
shen Anna T “Ah
he borer Ten
I Baye
vas changed |
1. at Fie
Anna arena Wott on wR fhe
seit praying every
Hy iy to ali 4
Bhs was benntifal
A when Torgeeon made ber his bride
I Motherhood bad ded i her ENTLIE
| She bad mind, toot Toll uted
inence, & rare apd oy tor knowing
the best and ih
SoH of arrender | di p
Lone to atend the dtstrict sehool,
35 | When Torgesn fioally gave his con
i sent she wound her arms about his
peck spd Kissed bis long tot Da
| medion poshed her away and growbsd,
e | He wild not sarrender. He onme to
sight to ber teed
against bor
fhe Jove and
» *
& A a for {
i #
Singin, ana the frat 6
Erglish rightly. Her neiithh ya
of win bad Ynows ber etore her
issireinge, rejolied over hie Grogs
“Torgeson will Te pond of his wife
Ful they sald.
But Torgeson veralned Stterly |
* ¥
A Javuary Gay eame vihen the eon |
roe warm over the mew coversd
in the ir was #
the Tn bles pave
The Hay
lust way to the
Trey bad
: An Bn gil dairy farmer gives the
hod of testing
He Haken 2 price of fone
1 meal Enel
ng faldespoon oieal. which
with water,
mwas milk,
te of on at are, at
ot from vi tn sno. ;
he pupils o i: :
Fray iens of the
ered The ehanes Ii |
hrf a nite
he Fino.
eter HAG
Cine Ar Was £1led with shoot hat et
ghost The {ely
the schol Joaked ot pact
ur th the growing darkness Every
women present had oo sn th gadde
her Lome bot Anua Targesos, Every |
child bad 8 man pre
dren of Anna Tora dn
tor bar the old
“The rest of you will gn on maid
Apna Torgesan
Bete. I and my ohilidpen will stay nn
135 this In ater”
Same offered to maiile
SPP a sare Toe
or Borde hes
Torn they went thelr own way, but she {
very ginote, and they t heeton
Worse |
tor their own safety. They werapet |
forether Puech food sd they had Jen
from noon snl
pet avaeh for Daur teoatlse Bat for the
gave 1 fo her twas
baby thers was Anns araaninony¥
bre ast, Just gu the others nrepared to
Anna Torgeson exile 10 ones
Torgess a will
feet Ir 28
AY Kate ¥ am sale
And she wrste In Bag
“Treasr Hashend: § sn
school with the hablem = Jn s
o * - » *®
Late that afternossn. with the yr ¢
ww lal storm be had ever Roown howl
ing abotit his Boome, Torgeson gut that
note, and rhe lwarver did got dare leave
ign for hie fe, so Serre Wak the blast
#1 can't rend 11” grumbled Torgeson,
Re this other read It In him, and
then Tornpison ermnpbed 18 in bis band
a and sadl; 3
“Let bar stay there. Rha cares riore
Tor the wehoad thisn far me”
glance af the writing of the Buds Be
stand §¢ nb Tosiger. He was Qorgeson,
the ohatinate, hut Bis wile aod babies | gee peguainted with this plan do pot
were over 1a that schosllonse without
mich fuel or food, He tok with Riu
j the mas whe bad brought the note, abd
they Brough the Boorse out of the
stable and they fought BE Bie never
fanght he lare grains show aad old, i
pn EA RA bbs SE
| tuitare to
| pot have been prada
Fle sat before bin god tire hour after |
I our, and once snd awhile when be
thought he war unobseritad be would |
i pew pleve of land we
cond not read. AL midnight he could |
t, then procsed as
trough | By ERIE held of Toe long evs
Tower 8 ire the uti 25 that he
rack spring viear of gal The
over snd 4 work x Ep
ing the carcass
ater, Baek sed
sealed. een
to Epow when
{151 18 removed.
ihe Bob wy 8%
Then pwing
bog. The fares explain
BAYS The go Farmer
Thoveugh Caltars, :
faite «fen it Is possible by tnwrvagh
bring an aod whieh may
LW suyihing near
what 1 abonll jo a sigte of Bligh Ter
tility. Of this faery we have recently
hed pond proof. Un a dooiparatively
troutle for some tisse with wireweed,
a species of gobdesrad. These Who
“pend fo be Told what a hard thar
Is to opet whl of, (It Bax ong EEO
roots. often stretehing out fate the
ears fve or elx
avery diverting,
my, pin Bich)
3 Ased they Lal , a Deo & mabe i
WH Fy i Joo
Beal en the do
EE wi Tisel sien
shy Ber mew ove Rul bole
Kad Paine, Age) she Jeaped 16 BE
wad tage Bs his aH 3, peTer
Fram Fo Fol again
Damsoge Pate by » Horse's Fools,
A Boston Witaraaidle er hanisst wah i
frares bas calvuigied ;
that & shar p-shind lanier puiserizes
twenty four pounds of oad Eaters)
af A mhcsdeiniesd Lighvway for
mille traveind, He mrrived 2
sul wave Autonootile Teples
j A
subir collecting, with the 8d of an «oe
FB nd & Ate Drash, 86 of the 2a
2 hy ih wt Th Sry ‘B
Whi performance be
wily wm
Wa Stine BE
go eniien SO
Peang Agr wy be uareer
of © pea
+ erly oF ph
Lp amaatiasin | RT
SEY WS ts tie Jouaney, |
wis ai 4t as when be started from |
{hat Ler lausband ight Fer awaken Mets
iad %. a
It same ap 4 roboa fa
tatu vin thoaght bx ke
Caliivator galing we might Pot
The result was
! haopt
*opdenes Bt was risk Sea
plants thet wand
tare haying we
thet fold, ating on a olan
! to draw wnder every stalk of Cw rank
bot sun of smmmer work. And it di
and there sists of the
theasr up thelr heads,
Tor a Ye, when we went on with 1
barrow asd fave the ground a good |
Theve the feld lay alli
we sowed] fhe
sevied ft down
The sunshine and |
i ¢ frosts of winter had done wrap |
than we could with a¥ ogy back break. |
ng wark and wove thin the horse ad
stirring un
winter, Thin spring
and to ents and
later sud tina hy
i ge
When to Market Prrontadm
| aed prices 4
ino season ol forge) x:
Seeks or aewnibs
mesl, two quarts of
gronod buckwheat, four guarts of
wheat bran nnd two bandfals of lin
pie i hosp. |
i fikewise at a
Lat TL the he aver the
Ce found
i 20d pines. bor wheres deep snows Tall |
seaidin 35 5
Bo ole BS Sh Tuy Va ih Sk fi . 3, ¢
Lhe chealipg rack abd fake soother |
Lheniselves, |
wo add beet Having
Then we poaded and ot thet | whprun
long the bugied nmler a wit
very effecranily. After having we
took the matter in hand again, Here
weed hal
"Hers we rested :
igh thet they al get thelr goods i
Misrket abot the smn Ume.
It is far beter to beld off 8 few!
at the first gin
ror fteelf vet. aud ten whens prices
recover a jitle hin the goods but
Inever Biovery lerge goewiitier It 8
Petter to Duet Your (rope in install
paenis. A severe Jom may iho be
Aeved. If prices are poor when You
ship thems, the whole ssasen’s (Pops
will sell for anprofaide suns
in boldise gods The matter of
Whrinkage nist be considered. In the |
gran this smasunts to
ceiarae of 8 few
sent aes
ted Abe
Hyast So oe
Pag 2 0 oa ponrriedd 4
dnt ba we wih fisste bat even two
pan danger of kek
WTA, mast |
oo hime ver :
gr ok minh, |
mammoth storage i
i ¥ For teeta ail furs :
; roduets sand wEnivddy, Speculators por
ohuse goods when prices are very Jow
pnd sbare In Bouses for o vies
49 sardine, pT ne 3 a wane ita high rent |
and ccannesiony Matly favioers kave
redsoned that if these speculators and |
denters could Bnd it profitable to store
thelr goods In winter they could &
ft on the far.
This @ geoerally false reasoning for
the apple resson thant ihe storage |
houses provide alwoldtely against any
bate From iosests or rad and lp ow
large axtent from shrinkage, THe:
Tere canfot preseryss their prodnets ©
crdter wimnilarit favorable conditions ;
SRE tise sneval itors are rent
PED md ra) A monients ov
tage of high prices,
spuatties. This
givew them an advantage over ihe
fagmer 1 every transsetion~N. T.
‘Whiting. is American Coltivator
‘Protecting Fesrgreen Treek
No mors beautiful fawn frees oan
than oar padive BeniloeRs
luring he winter i Is bard to Reap the |
CL yoene trees af thoss varieties Toamy
tetug Tafly broken down Tots lad
5 his parent eras |
i She igi -
roid ¢ af Vise i" al
oy A :
aire inent
batter Ld an ath fram
: w
the Cd Fue 2
Hie ririe aid Lied -
the omy 3 ie which ultesgen, the
+f plant Toad
= soil Is i dacs
ny tol alee 4 gan.
tis protested
thea of thelr
hoses tu giants
gal It hes Neen
SPER Hr wag ite same
3 fails cian that he
bingy ® aphnal
Pest ints fe a ring ates
3 WER Pe
coli Ly peerely
salad polat,
g so the Muan
tg Jot Bw #o VIN.
Pally a aime CAT csiad. The
5 pe a
_ Begliad 3 dentine! pormsarkabie fen.
uty haviag She be noche siripped |
of the snow, bat
bg A
wer ranches
iowa by the wai
hy having the
AG sxeelient
grorwhelmeiag. or s
(be miter veiled, Now Yak Rnd |e
of Ferd. Ae introduced nln
oF soratoling it jot as the
yl vires ig saduead ote The ARTO oy
Fat fis arta with a prepeed
oid jre
o hrcaeh conturies of entiation,
2 Xolaine 1 ss being ativihotable
Eada ry
& Tas resold in a sell in owiieh
le an ahusduace of Mee andl
fire, oie adapted to bacterin dee
These soitinaaliy prepare
sisi iation hos
Pa farttiey. Soff
ecw storie thrensh continted
ewe the ex havstion of
nik apes which the oe
Dat wid theese SIS
share of fortilsery (Oe
reinal ferdiinte,
recent Enowinige adds
1% soll is set bepels Bi bee
ar Drona
lronmend Tor
manuals SRR
Tos lipart
at LET The
of 18s oLGne
¥ine, older Bear. Se.
few Tein Be 68 5 PAP.
x emt Ti ide wurkd. This 8
stanly roe of Hie Siler idee
seh Stoel lag the Deeg
prodecing a superior ghstle
agi cultures are aw ee
in. Washi ngton laboratories
4 the prom: igsy
tie placed he the
of the UBErY. when Anwrien
Ge te produce an Ine
was viade IB Nounane
her part ol the wordt. 28.
sterifise bis apply
ir wiih 3 pure
hel, de at
wk aver of
ths af BR
a Lng
wat winiete,
ELEN whe
3 Waly poe
se contd
{al po
hE gel of
wf erring
Tamons get 4
colored sath
of dug ©
Samet He Aneriehn
CRTer ai Queen
30d Mere.
Fea da 2 inet 3
26 of many Afferent varies
farmaticn of ‘he lund =
The Department bas Gad a spe