meeting of the horough Mel : : and Jas Steeban, of Hastings; beid Monday night. AM. J. y served so mceeplatiy w of good, bard, com. E made an dnal Gfficer | + accepted Bae revigoa. byt ote candidate for the : ? ehief-of: pr od men on Pamper, and § Probert : Goi Was : the saperintendat of | Water Co. To, Sppaared and ¥ acti fir fruits and ot he fire and wlice hig stated shat the fon of the pale tax ordi wenled the fact that the JTunt Clearfieid Telephone C5, bas 6 the borough, the Central ing & Telegraph Co. 8, Creek Coal & Coke Uo. 2 k made the motion that elected Chief-of-Police ind it by Probert aad carded. & Cleurfieid Tele- Fon ‘of Bbepsharyg; Messrs FE ways and : wih a ; Rbge HH owiiship, : ap spwinst the doar ©. Then Mis Hail pened ered fron: the Hitle ohiidres 8, sums be han lo some Taken in all the only festure was that Father Time pernyits | ted the wheels of the chrimometer fo roll onward, forgetfiol of the fact that : his pointed fingers Indicating bours. and minatos would makes it necessity to hreak np th sant patbering, Those present from a distance, in ad. dition ta a full concourse of the town were: Misses Mae Lewis, Emmi Shee ! po hay, M. Woomer and Neil Lutber, of | of | Hastings: Miss Elizabeah Flynn, | Fragality; Mis Anna Yeekley, of Porte age; Miss Cecelia Flick, of Johnstown; | Mime Jeane Strawbridge. of Wilthoms- port, Messrs, Jas H. Alport, Meoiain, Duo Reamer, Heory Fasly. : Suhin Res igi . Kepliznrt and Donald i Daves, vf i abafley ¥s Davis, 4 Pick Aiba of Cts dade, and i ; Flynn, of Frogality. WESTOVER. The school direciors pot . pum lust werk ner Sylvie ln Burs Reporte fram pothority state the Fad iis: edit taught tig New Was ey sre re Bliss Hall Beane bo : that Tinsed) to bso ii ws oud trom treet I of Senstifl Cate 4 fear i BT LH Eh ay Birertars wel and tie] jor half the term mii exon ome Hitle fellow. s They wanted to expel him indefinitely, bat under the compulsory act ¢ pasied to kaow what lo a » as was not Bt to Hive and certainly to die, so they tied hits lode, Ort ters in Shang of the Tn Bow Ed st 8 frenis sandy 5. 15 ‘was eft ont. The kind officishs wow wen} #0 far an to gi out pa the street “and call litte children in for & treat fafa schol. he inti Frowdve dine Red fhe that made no pretense of ary. Bogoh aote denote ‘and kind hearts and will oR preme raier of 100 univer, That sail O. K.,Senator, abont thane : tweaty year leas cmatler ap to ; if anvthing. Bo on we go. The fire 0 bog Westover in the A big cotapany bas taken hold and Mr. Mower our tafinery mas, bas taken qn interest ia You oan res done thal AHA fish. v [oiay is hound pear futnre. assured that all tires aad will bas TRY oF BneBdty this ait in the tackled the citizens 1 ject Without are PH does direct fray the prasl | Purience in the handling bad dx Utesiag Fg L441 iF til pony or a kicking male. Who is to blame for the large amount 1 of merchandise purchased weekly in ite enjoysbie factions season, in fact, of the town’s events, was the Assembly held oldstein Hall Friday night and forty couples at the very unfavorable weather a much larger reprosenta- society people from nearby asdc was by the Germania Or a, of Lock Haven, and it onda an the charasior of the selootions : and very materiitly Gmtrit PRI a time tod enteh Opsoeniag train for home. ishnients were served thortly midnight by the local caterer, Bd whe did much eredit 1o bin. rewise satisfaction io ie aswemblege. 1 FU Cp Sa Paton by the citizens of this place? | A litle matter of ten or twenty per reent should sol casse people to lente their own town and go elsewhere to ‘bay goods. Yoo should hone odustry a all tix 5 all girvomslances. Mrs. A. P. Fry at this writing is ser iousiy Hlalthough the attending phived ‘cian, Dr. Hoard, of Ladose, more serions web in there wis nd chase for alarm. The ron rails frown the incline at the coal company’s pple ame belay haat away. Had any one auy hope of the coal trade starting up at this place, this move will certainly be to them. Tasnery i» runsiog ad time weekly pay roll is sogoe Capwaal for ibis time Of year. Al La ace on 2 Band BA Tega X Riobwert Miteledl, Chand bower, spent Sunday eish | and frieands at thix Miss Ulile Berkey Alum Hang store and post Pak Ey ak BREE SOGn own, Joba MM. nnplessint | iit ik, Ee £ olaked, Fry anid : Tmlnintifs in Lars LPR grand 5 sim be 5° Preeperiomn Lg This Bod of Lrington, Carroll % Kreger. Carr thie matter, so patronine and avdir ‘Mining gave Lond D lms Bis opluion that unless something a stunaer PENTINENT PARAGRAPHS Pithy, Printed Pies People and Place Pensiit ings Born To Mr. and Mow Jobo Koosik, | on Sanday a son, af Harry Kinkead, Joby was hers on Wednesday, Ed. (with an attack of appendicitis Bors To Mr. Long on Monday a daugliter. BREW Fes of newing actpaaintae pay Ansonville, was res ois In town this Thos B. Soak pel Rruel Eitery Linn veal with frends Bewcds Oreedr. cee PRY IOU Chanded doe on by Jadpe Mobday side sly of AVE RON way ety pan be 2h tit {mes Si SALT, A 3 4 Piss SED, aintogs ha} : and Mex Albert Coffees, nda Inducted Into Office. gris VALUABLE PRESENTS. Little tw confined fo the house Whew Were Given © Crista wane {08d Wateh -Morvis Chairs Were | Prowseied ta Fores snd Pepe, Patton, and in fe Before & siifionrew art Were prewented with wrk of the bar, Fro avis and Fngiater ; a 2d Baw 3 watch wh The presenta TR Wang ¥ Allies Martie and Kiz gh ui ? ae PETRI same. 4. Le. Elder, of borg, whe stieoweded Bis? = a Survey Hy E ET sve Geo Bambuid Seoretary, Jin aitehwly ; * Treanarer, Fred Mid (the Malioaudld conve Toahoraton to tion, Fred Mitohedl, Ufhonsss Powell 1 swipded wi room house on Bent 5 Aven far As wrasy Regal Somes ah mated hat it will gos be j oles Pete base ate gees fo what a Roesd Jooling ¥ouaing want of & eemicle THN Septidsiar Fediiradier. rites E Sn. TRANSACTIONS ix REMY ihe Coomary That Chesget Bade Rectsiiy, Annie Powell of vir to Patelek Har township, $90, Aanie Powell er wir to E Patelok Harring al, Carroll township, $100 frmtay Bepoder of a tor Mariel vB Bridget Tonilinron to James Hers Asleghe ny township, $2355 Tillam B. Riga Pherisan ef ai of al to 3 Lownshy {Chom Dryers. + Minlag company to Loyal hanna Coal & Coke company, Adan hownkhip, $1. Samed Ke to Pe Satan; 1, A: nme tow Rabi hw Peter Gillman to UG. ME townahin 8135. Job A a Se, el Jones, Eheraborg, $00 Robert B. Baker ng company, Hop EP Beed et ux Mining company, Rn, A Miging Thomas B MeClain Bagerion Coal Mining company, Cirroll town. ship, $47 EP Rewd et ax COMPAny, Balertan Larrodl Logs krwaship, Le {a Baloertan La Carroll townabip, Hewdd of ux SPAT, to Bakerton Carroll Cond EF] - Bakerton Coad Carroll township, Ld R330 EP Beed et ax to Mining oompeaaly, 1.100, EP Ried | Mining 1. 00d J. L. Spangler of ton Coal Mining township, BLA Dane! H. Hastings «buy Bakers rion Coal Miniag bong i ps gL or nase uh 5 2 REE : WH, Coal Lrw nahin, Bakerwn Carvaell Bakerton Coad Cary et ax GX SHMpAnY, swnahip, ove ad pd ax et ac company, Bakes. Carrol Fas iE WR Rey Eaton Deckor i443 Fear na $siiiar rr OD BIER world PeRars. Lay VER Low nalip, | OEY Pr ot ¢ ambrin CARRY | hi siden, wins snoreeded hina! as Sm Arbre When gona Hm these oerens with At a Aieded remem wh Judge Barker Ants upon the pEresatieg fsbo had He £3 Tin Seon Cones Barker's term of offios, which he said, were mores cordial than ¢ he Sate tring Judge, he deslarnd, ihe bench with the is a ne x Rods win Gf mie Lhe CoEREE eoninties Tha ro wiksid jeave hagh apinion aad wambers of the thar Debalfl be would pre Barker a token of their He then handed to the Count walehi of beanbifn Sheu! 5, bar, ams on sent to Mr # gold when Bak mseribed on the nner case si Hon A Barker, from the Members of the Kar and Coser O%iers. Jan 8 1h ¥ 3 x i lis ren Judige Barker deities of deep fesaiing. bo SRL gave evi He sad. words adenquale YO express his aati ments of agpreciaiion, and thud be was sadly soached By the roferenes of Kittel to sardind polaticy oy ¥ witch ad ax £0 the embers of the bar. On his own part be sca say that this was empha. wally true, as be could ot reoall in his eleven years servies un the bench a wingie jovident which bad aft ia We he art anumosisy toward any member of regal profession in Osmbris county, and ihe revodiection of thin feet would be warmly cherished by hl. As be fluished speaking Judge Bar. ker started down the steps fron the bench, and at the lowest step, met Mr. (Foner, there on the way 0 take his seat Then in the change of officials wax the administration of the oath of offfes to Uharies I Troxell, of Heade mew prothonolary, who thas refined This was followed by actin of Judes 0 ; ist at er {davis We i fice. raf offieial whe made the following orders ¥ Shartuagh was appointed af Hela fiir the from tha ET A stenographer eonnty Conrts, 5 OW Jarory’ far hw wheel sghl toast 10 the oil 1p 4 Whe sl oul Hsnied brid. 3 send A pian OurE i us choad SRA Judge O'Connor and Oth ers | Forbge Barer the Heelpiont of » Hass : the enlire sorih of the cianty, was well repressinted st Ehensbarg oo Monday on the ocssion | of the inmagoration of the new soanty convened the bese Harney Kitie ii bedwonn the iH meoRt fend edt wonn Dimeell and who had risen and walked by We stil Dave on hand a few fashions! able Coats, Skirts and w aists that we are going to close out at prices that will bring ‘the answer, providing you are in need of any of these goods. Ours is a stock worth seeing at prices worth knowing WAISTS, COATS $5 00 Talfetia Silk Waste go at $4 90 ; 5% Coats go at 5 @ 3m © 200 75 2 75 Satin “lg ‘ m 5 Mercerized: weg 35 All wool 0 5 Planneleite 4d w *E 55 4 aw 3 Si £5 Ke SKIRTS iw Ricerta gro at 38 wil, Fr Bald i £% COATS $10 00 Coats go at § 80 vo one * To Fx ty. #5 a Respectiully yours Patton Sut mmm : : EF a 0 mm, LL d= db ment i of Black Worste: hnished and unfinished in med- i. § yeni £ um w eig rhs. DINSMORE BROS. Merchant Tailors, Patton, Pa pie A - oi - Qa Pr = E Pon = = Yo - E Shabba RRA 413! - You Should See ne ® sapeth stock of Verwar it's the on wiea That actually the case ware You exhilur prec ciate its } EN we NES dns A LIT TITRA * su HO : hes, clocks, nngs and ail kinds of ew All aur goods up-to-date. af wate AiIWRN SIN STOCK. x ery Eyes tested hy the celebrated © Retinonoopic Tiag™ fitted. Lenses changed, five of charge, st any Lae, that cost $2.00 and over J. C. SNYDER, leweler and Unticia ana g Lise correctly in soectascies said by foe $3 Thad vu ii. Laing, i ambria a MIRKIN & KUSNE R, Good Building.
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