The Patton courier. (Patton, Cambria Co., Pa.) 1893-1936, January 09, 1902, Image 7

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    oA Rk oh Sy 1h pl
Tre Perry Yu avis 0, gave
Lat tewt pila coanons of ita kind to
th pate af the onpe or bise oN
CP aeidas pam di Tapes WO
: havi ER Aaah Brger, ft bh rumor
that they were a burlesgoe company
© kept the attendance down. The show
was a good one and one which any
lady cag 100E at
John Van Pall, a young man wih
: spends his sammers bere, has beep
| teieken with tiiphold fever whils al:
Poughikoepiie, I NY. at eollege and
being taken to his home at { ‘entre
gether. De Witt
Hall, Pa.
The large feed warvroom, which Jas ; n
| without distress 1 have been trout
Boas 48nd of an Tuas A1 fre nnian.
A Miia var papain
Fert elite wpites ; iw pen ad ve
a. x
$k BG
Ciarrhinda wn
fron PRE SET
Calon for éx
| pastored moe TE iw nneguailed as quick
pre for dinrrhoen and ix plessant and
wwf bo Sako Foor sai bay iW Hain
Eine, Pasion, and Hastings, Pharmacy
Pon't Tove Together
Constipation and health
Ue dL ear
promote easy action of the bows)
¥ > t
WH Ties fey v pleture fin ts Yd pis as uf heli
Rest of we or
wp Crometie ©
Natural feel”
: ‘MeNelis Fi G8 Jromt, {BLE pul nis iB Oe of Lhe : Di +a i
Jd With costivensas nine Years, says!
most complete store POOR in the IO fs a : bat i
: , Ch peRsive, DIBURL IW, TiN Eaves
gounty. Mr. MoNewiis is 4 wholesale ERP BIW, 20, 2 |
‘dealer in grain, bay, tour and foe,
tried fnany remedies bul ttle eariv
risers give Tewt resnite’’ CW, Hodg
Dr. J. L Mahaffey, ot Philadelphia, Lins Patton, and Hastings Pharmacy. |
© spent Sunday with friends in town, :
He Is home on Hin last { hristmas vaca:
Mon. Chamberlain's cough
Quite a few of the young peop mathar 4 fvarite, I in "and wed |
“of town enjoyed theamelves at a dance safe for children fn fade And AIWEYS
at Patton on last Friday evening.
Andrew Lantzy, & former resident
of this place, dat now of Pittaburg. |g, nese diseases. There :
wan in towi on W oddnendiy least danger in giving it to ol iiddren for
Patrick Kinney attended the IBRORN: {1 contains no opine oF other dnfr :
sation of Jadge OVConsor at Bhins- | nem 118i :
; burg on Mondsy. dnntly
Nowis the time for savory boty ta 0 bax}
heir tee bones, The joe is about
dnehes thick.
$H.. 1 Eesly geo og
. Bumgler, Carnpiitod
© Monday,
Mba Anna
quite: BE for the
ML Butw, ashipne
ipl te
wen with hee
Cat Hand
W. LL.
town on Bonde
Henry Taylor,
tow ni Tires
The Mother's Fiviriis
pomendy 6 the |
cores It is intended wpe
| poughe, caidas, croup and
cough, and ws te Bagbl friend]
, Over-Work Weakens s
Your Kidneys.
Tnbealthy Kidneys Make Impure Bland,
rod TASH
kidney troutie
Kidney trouble causes guicy or yu
hegrt Deals, atl maxes one feel 39
they nad Heart route
Chil Wiarsh Miloons
My cia ie svoria ms Pics ¢
sive Mrs. Mary Bind Harrist Mi
Pn. vel 1 wound
SOG Ip 8 tad 1 not
ne Bsut Jolt
Ale coun oute sre ol
goup and throat wid lang fronbus pag
be : ¥ rear Eine WL bed :
An aomoiutaly sale eongh ours Whinin ne sig rin the & gr dan ie : Horwovcron
acts i The yonngest : BAuais 4 caves
LED take 48 waln entice wifes THa ct . : INE? uF
Httie ones like the Leta ai ;
how often it helped them, Jovery fat ct You thay RAY bp 0 : Bl
ily shouid Have a bottle of Ooe Minile samp bovis by | RET Som i Sits Re El ¥
vough cure baady. Ad Lhis Radon (ane HOS BBD PR seiang you now 3 Hes . mortal
pecially it may be tected snddonty LL : Agger ty
ol eR Ng aE ng Lor, Kanes’
Hodgkios, Prabtin, abt aiaalitigs
a1¥ pametititinngl Sia
Har Bux
Fong Tas
5 of the mr
hidden Easpreiaily Llasbie.
Burns brojses sad alls are extremly
painfnd {ariel if peplected olitea ray ’
© Blood pudsoning. trea wees pspmcdi Hy : Poo ri Gb FO BE TORRE. BP) TAR : ,
fabio ta suoh mishaps becager 01 so : ; sim A : y Satde dot
pareful Asa remady DeWina witch
* banet sive is gneguatied. Draws jal
the Bre, atops the pain, soon fieals Lhe
woud. Boewhire of connterfeits, Sire
Coeure for piles, UDeWitt's Witch Hugel
gure inv baby oof scrim i
physicians gate her up,” as
[Movk, N Witheier, sie, Ph Sli Pes
were su Bad whe sadn two 0 five
Codressen a day. UW Hadsking, Pat
So ton, and Hast ngs Phy rin 3
J da
4 New Blood, = ! ; 1 Fw i af Prmpenty
New Nerves, Bm SEY I A
t New Life. | rH |
Tones Lip the Whole System and |
CURES CONSTIPATION. | | N/A Allg) [7] cover ree
mtd Mar i absolutely the best for all Atali a {nad ) P ay ak 4S 89 apa and Torwaril Tags
: righ i dealers, Ba. or wenl bY af i A
i dlssisen of the throat and lange, Dials ai > ot Fo Sn Cot ou. 1 Fig sare to Mave your peclage
ers are authorized to guarantee if
72 GL ¥ ju + Kh, Le Ro * N. ¥.
&lve satisfaction. All droggists, :
Our offer of Presents
You should know that P oley's botey
* reaasit Sead Tags ged
Iga] to
oe : oe W. Hodgkins’ Patton Pharmacy |
‘NN. Jackson, Danville, 111, writes:
‘My daughter had a severe attack of |
“ia grippe and a terrible cough settled | Strittmatter Bros.
on ber lungs, We tried a great niany ‘yr
pumedies witbiout giving relief. fhe PLAN NG
tried Foley's honey and tar which ;
eared her. Sbie has never been trobb-
Jed with a enough since.” All drog- MILL
gists. :
Chapped hands cranked lips nnd
roughness of nhe skin cured quickly by Mani hatta rire of sod Teniny
| Banner salve, the moat healing oint- >in
ment in the world. All druggists All kK i nel ) { Wi Or ki {1
io Prank oP ec adwell. Benneth, bi, was and 2
“yroubled with kidney disease for two
| yours, He writes: *'l had taken sev:
eral Kinds of kidoey remedies, but
with little benefit. Faaliy 1 ried Yo All kinds ff Balding sun Gy x FH E
Joy's kidney cure and a one dollar bot. yen veoh Fats wire le E : &
ge ii i
tle sured mie) Al druggists.
Ww. L N Hay, Padisiah, Ky Cet
1 hia) a severe caso of kidney diwevp sn
and three
gonthers Bosino
oth sticecss, 1 was ind
leva Kidney cure
pave ina wpe let pn
cured te pgpnianentiv. 3
omiened ne wanderful reniedy
Taleo no staliitite, A131 drneaists
Many a bel
hike Len
one fein 4 negiocied
harehono «1 BErRp ;
ment, . Prise, gh and. 50 vents . Foley 's
ogling, Patton, and: Hy wings
. Kidney Cure
makes Mhidocr and Bladder tight, |