The Patton courier. (Patton, Cambria Co., Pa.) 1893-1936, January 09, 1902, Image 6
in view in thelr argument over de guppy oe . ' : ; P Se — tails, Noto of us want to go hick KILLED A W HITE VEER | saw 4 BLOODHOUND IN ACTION MEW CONTINENT THEORY. to the old days of do as-Fon please Lon : aaa | Unerring Work hy . Dag Yalaed at & | Princeton Man Pram Crawfish Makes ¢ saeptines, bot the - a aim FT houpand Dollars, ashe EXPLANATION OF A BOLD HUNTER'S | Te TRAGIC FATE 3 ¥ Hho 3 Helantifip Distavary. he Hixdgptunes Which Hefril Thorne Yiecrronin, YW ite (lad nhain dit hantan”’ Pinerinitis Desperate Vight ¥ith a By Pirkei le totans of Bath Pougd Tatar A Course of Training Intended Yor the hh Daughter of the House, CC Perhaps the pvernge bose jad mother of children wi ofa tl pare to be fens hat APIA. fat that hnnters would no pore Bil aeeied nal a bored plenrell th : ; : : : £ {her come {ma bicker, j oy peridd for the oddentiaga ur the FRR Ye atone) Hain wr those ju Citas, Cut Plowsrs. a3 tianioie gone br hous profitable rr i nly freien BY fo pegmding an enter ie a hoasokeer Adal 1 Lier incary ale pam antl, ber | nents gs to time gb 5 Hi perronal vamtters 1 he take Ciiderntion In etarting het A nmketing ol CL mgany thoes go © ons a wok Safer the Dd he GE a Batugrda ihe butcher and gr le roc] waged with Thiber gv Another of | wolves near the bead of Cold BIR. ne jeader and Iino a (a Tl it keriate Chonda i i ve Tek riser shouli be provided . x Biv a fun iyi 3 pian boa 1 felt wiped § Pied t pike 5 Tip [pois ies oh Ei fis Hae waver f ci ? v; ait ¥ an : soaks ey pir sh peRrntinte fo cales Fist sleep Yisr the Well: llsvased aly. sb areniel oeida 5 veanniand : Cee twice now say Monday CL Mhareda, clases opt be Lhe othr days, to rest Peldnd, and Wednesday atid Haturds eha tegober Delng careful to val Fenn ta oraidee edeh tH have J etraetion penitry, veges blen, ty Jperies. The rates chargeabl dnmtroction must vary according Josation, and als the means pupils Lach bonseleepor will be Ler Sewn best Judge on this point, An the pats adsibon toey sheild arrange oD flue own house markening Oa peas Vee prder the tenchor’s direction Gah tho proper aad rie arpa nent of kin can Foeer Sha Ya ow tical 3 Forosree he vies bY he pupils inte one's own kitchen Sy aerapre the course af jeesntls HY bintieeks ony win In Ugeeel will be better Gited 10 Her own classes than van (her i this article, Shopping Cissses ean cover a tude of wares, those refered Keeping 1a topck with hossekesing, and dealing with the selection of talile ‘Yinens. toweling eto als wranll house laens, Kitchen old utensils. House furnishing directly in the housekeepers Gany realn although an Cs will grow with the oth Gnd this branch cau also for Fen tee same oes~Every Lalo. * M x sR Rs hid ; Warmen Partiamenturiane rer a fewer Nears past i fad, especially SEON Les ! neetoad with ale aad orhor organiza 4 1008, to stucy pay laa in Pan tn Pana th in Dis! ihe fini AEE EE Charani Vea ans FE CAL parhinse sary Yaw adn WOE Esl} vive Satta Lb Sait FREE 1 ty sass thon oraaniiat : WA posetion Had set mon serso fact nial Bw aire now achaowlk decd to Lie actors in tha sucenesial Ary medting, and the wotian ng uttention to fiitle irpeauiariiic: sae partiapieniiry procedarg is quietly Lu mull 1s iat effectunily given to unae ginrud that Dor Tour ros po flings BW 4 11x —_— a : hers tn mot the popdiar Coulee 3 Ol Us ave tod Busy wl gquibbling over gall an alo ing of ty impor Weary Year bused one? cn Eh EY aed EER Be x 4 x wie i have Lecoite ficw os the pat water | pany of the bow knots hang peas Rich Canadian Padi false Indastiial TP ragrose, i 4 figs whi are ¢rodnstingly Insisting Of hese are freghs : aris ‘ goon Tading aun Ht: Phar Oh aon, bpeitil QL ROIGOTIEOR OLD SEE sud Laos own BO RE 000 Wait tlic real bjeet th othe association baw! gue pearl or $615 a head RE