The Patton courier. (Patton, Cambria Co., Pa.) 1893-1936, January 09, 1902, Image 3
vel system for heat i ATE iB yogue In Ulristinala aud Stockbolm, se pach seat 1x 8 porforaied meal bog, apd in hls are 1H tie reit-bed is of copprosisd coal, so prepared that Bo smoke or odor results while they are burning. Yel Bank of Enclard This 8 Lecatine in ever relasnd The wort or nel : % seldom SHOR, &f this bunk by : {ie oo hilstmest, : seid for Qanly Foctioh, vring which a aate ahoat a Zi forex 2 ciraplation A enrious {ota REGIA has heen is th an English graveyard scription rads as 8. follows: “in Cid Ces years. Also | pn died 197 t 3 HE LIMITED. wenn KNOWLEDGE Was when WAS 1 father of the ae win Abed | 1845, Ascorditiz to tha dates given | gixiy ve yeors older than | Relogns’s twa space leaning tow. i srisenda and the Asioell, Soh are tiore starting that the tow £ at isa, are safe 5 A rumor Was Buxted that they showed signs of ne, aut a costmtesion of etugl pronoraced ther As andi as over. Thy Asinslli tower 18 G10 feet Meh, and was built 1) 1109. The Ga: | qeasido wae built a year later and wis glans taller. Ynt Is now only 153 oil an tcl! Bat om however, 5! Mur Haberting Audet, a French: | woman, who favors equal rights for | woes, has hit won a novel way of ih spel, The pew Drench | ats ES repre gent Bo youl vesting ler hand on a tale hieh bears th words, “The righ of de ‘Muie. Aiert Tas Cane to | Pade a natty of bine stamps | } alow a young map resting his oa tablet with the words, “The | hts of women Bhe recom miei | ut rho Believe Ia equal rights to | ane of (hess stats to each let i fay aide with the official samy | A biness naguscript fn the Paris | fr eo. tint uoaestbetics for fa were used In China | rear ago. at states that when a duet a serious operation j 8 gave a decoetion to the paticat, who | BW einents Leonie as ingen. | an if be were dead, Then, as the | regu Ae surgeon performed | operat aiid 0 uf amputation pethioved the cause of the wal then ho brought together und so p theses, and applied nk 9 MAfter 8 cerinin pamber of the pativt recovered, without xy need the slightest alo ie operation.” In a southern departmert of France, very long ago, a well foto lady married a youth of spend tendencies. Anxious to win him mm bla pndesirable compan. le Hit ppon the notion of foge ber husband ax secretary in ] {th some charitable work she was fom time to time | oi For hits services with the 1 bit 5 fixed ralary of 20 no means of his owl, ed to aceept the gueerly ft 1s related that Hime fs ime fie “struck” for pages, hut the wife wis pda the he and EE Anefor- ark the age in which & New Orleans jeweler, has If been since you saw ‘you had to wind in the iy with a key? You find them, and occasionally find one forsale. The chances that when you do run i which is to be wonpd | Fou > will ind that it ix now relle, a #011 of sib valve. The tact is 0 of the watches of thin in caves where they are worth sent hack to the factories, and put on the market em-winding works. The nee of key-winding watches al. It was toy much trouble, ed too much tine, and there the perplexing problem of tea key. The stem-wiading x4 a business necessity, and | why It is {a such naiversal une It is a tre saver and ntly a money saver. In iy the time wil come when per-Taced watches will be found market for the sanie reason. ae, yon know, to open a uke open-tare watches. st m of winding ls gone, hy hange will be the disappear: ay HaNew ind will cast over the hom- fn radiance ‘of beauty nd Se A AS. {Care Gan aged seventy-two | he 8 “lay fursire 4 clared the irrop pide BEI giency “Xonurs ed a rude, ov cupied CATE. oy bid i he fy s Wo Pavia Re BeyaR Whi (ae Apiet Enno i Sai § but iw in perfects iw that the poms] 10 yout anbivd Mi “New He loans Sau om pranravel of yrds Td 361 ed Foung wn % Cay ied, nd &h fiat Et | SREY Bg On Hav Engi IR tpl Yily mane He i © Sw re imtte cpry nitoee ny dear fore soi trad soe rita th ing you try wi WERE IR his Wile a oc ppoto Gate slag’ mar : $i: nye minty Then (hia hay PoE iE Tae idl is 8 thelr feive than all at the wniie finest aingular fart that Gy each (ose BENGE pligeeteg To ie, M “Pent 501 Sind think much of 3 ym wh enini aloe € he really ane! i u Tr “Perhaps ait. Falls: Shit a whan re HN { mare Hes ina day, fo Americn- Thmn wn Gilnhe Ate Kiven Ther» cre 4,500 muscles in the body af a moth ARI AAAS ASRS ASR RISE RR NE Hit hee NEVER nose! the bottom : proprietor will Ye glad ta re platnta alam Gon Chal rest 6nd Why whould ela) to ree “Hecaiee they Le tame oe Yeadon mene worth” wna G9 Tir SER Aye panandaing Kira FA Si wonnd eleand ¥ Ta THE RIZRION or 1 ATUHS rere are SPER Chinene ny if apes born 3 aie Psi Wel It is pure. It is gentle, It iz pleasant. It is effcacions. It is not expensive. It is good for children. It is excellent for ladies. It is convenient for business men. It is perfectly safe under all circumstances. It is used by millions of families the world over, It stands highest, as a laxative, with physicians. If you use it you have the best laxative the world produces, rd din TE poli ey EEE Lal stoma Paw 1 n fog LS bor | tinned ad) SR clocks in Bucking | it {1% a work of no | i] 5 Ho There ave ¢ 050 ham Paice, and arani imporianes to key fgugr hirirman OY 28s Frostrute With nsomstic Tihines Within Twenty Years, the towtimaonizie Jaeata LB an 8 hen A saflerer anmng vid, Sore Arena this soit Hamat. these Cwenty via 1 have remade Ae pial Mons of them vertiand rheuniatis ments srl emibrosaiions gave rma auch Faced Jacahe OF] 1 fHisind M ensed the ra eet Tron] bas done i roe whit al ay Began yo Gr ia pr 1 ben strad, % » vote, and f alan ome ol ft aug of stew throat, #1 keen red: asd aball chanting edn wr Yr overy manne in my power, an I consider pou deserving of every spp 35 pla wy rer Rental a he. one of faceache sod Wh All a Happy Soar, j sp ie Shoat cries we Twho san Nainre's g Cwm Sloman the Jerusalem's Ancient Water Supply. The PRESTYONTS Lhe aie + ood pry. REINER the have brought fon of th . efty, wr ng a5 3 BE ham psy EREORR Ree ey NUR SE Christ rnaa mans Thar Pas Nook Eaten : This ectry ae A if the avesens had | ak Liguetion pores fo a ror ated and tha forget Ten Che mee of Natures s renee ¥, his wondaslil Hees oan Weer aml De wal & Gemma tha ©ptem wir fon ihe Blows asd heath. 4 ta * friend HE Waar te Thin? We afer Cone Hondewd Dollars Toward fos ! £1 Ww i tarry HR canned ba clirel By Hall's t Jetaerh ines $2 peeve AY Wa th mn Saretien ney for thes thet 15 years, a it wh © EX a driers a Ry irs mmade by 3 Weer & Tur is WN sands Tire Colin Tay sewn v &. Mauve, 4 i ks 3 Tevkti y ting the Feser RIX : Irring all of | Lind varie sds | | ax acoug het | Avenue, No sther remedies 3 CARRY : Tenn wan inn for on nntax water | fant ins sivou nd] foros sEAngamAL. jong ide snd sone | : or hy sending thie x Ha wh bh} pind sag 5 Lene, = ; CHEESERROUGH MANUFACTURING CD. Bent Yor he , Powels. Ko matter what ails you, hendachs in a sameer, you will never in wall a nl Joue i bowels are put right. CHBcANBTE § eave Foi wilhani & Fiipe oT eRe natn ™ oh FITS Bassin: “ated, sons star fived day's ta at f ie dy $i triel b ot iz BH. Krrve, Lad, Fut Pa Mew Winslow sn testhivg sultan the game, r to £338 tien. wiays pain, Chl is odin, The a DeTiiae. is ty pt 1: taka A Wien inti interested : Fiona {x we oy fat gE ie RDOL Mian Jag 8, The man who pe Ap tha ast ANE | the most. A Union Soldiers’ Home. srkahia anldiers’ hone pitt bon Johinadn Emin 13335 A roms pow bailing at £ both TU whore A haath tg | ¢ =] Dave Rest Ayer's Cherry Pre- | fort in my house lor a gre ALBANY § ars. Dt is the best medicine in he verid for gahs and colds.’ ie 54 W Akama, At ves, N.Y. All serious lungy troubles begin with tickling in the throst You czn stop this 21 first in a single nig i: with Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. Use it also for bronchitis, § consumption, hard colds, and for coughs of all kinds. Toren shoes Pie, She, $1 AN Smmiieta IF Bo pers Baka OE, _ Camenin ory dowtlr B oo BE be Wis 395 ok Cs, Joon SHE ea “ ¥ Put up ia Collapsible Tudes. A Subaittats for ant Spare fy Missi or any | skber plaster, ant Will 504 Rlister Un syost delicate Nie The palm aflayink sod mores gia His © i fei ston the ibaa Manan, at pelines Davi ae dd selaiion. We recone 1 an lr bast and wifes! antennal | renter drritans Snow, sles as an sstanal ready | © for pabne ia the chew sn i bv ae k od od Thame Be susaralyw end eraty © splat : we niin for Wy sell wii : L (aps SAF ory be te bait of Al PRE pesparsiiae : A tri will pres Ww? be fanmd to Be tvaliadiin to the Ronselaobl, Pri, 53 onatn ot all draaabilng or ohare Somad uty wn will send yon a BY By mas, Wo artinda aliodld be 4 37 Bt.te Streut, New York ity. Its component parts are all wholesome, without unpleasant iy free from objectionabie substances, It acts gently It is whi It contains the laxative pringip It contains th native pr It contains wholesome aromatic oy ere] Shon hike All are pure. 11 are delt icately blended. All are ski Its value is due to cur method of manu the orginality and simplicity ¢f the combination. To get its beneficial effe Manufactured by San Francisco, Cal New York, N. Y. Louisville, Ky. FOR SALE By All LEADING DRUGGR after. cites of liquids agreeable and refreshing to the tasta. fully and scientifically compounded. cts — buy the genuine, en eects, facture and 10 ss fnadey ALATA at ey the pris Silke: vroteny | x BE ELT ae at i Wieasrs, Oxnard’s and Cuttings ews Vout guomr industry In this asd an fhe editorial page Cov Evening Post K panset ferpatiant article is interested in SUSAR : 4% grlvoresl fs tavest, sgt, THE REET RUGAR ISDUSTRY. Fre Evening Rost bide the hoartienl Amarin nlivetey fre own dion : ita way jpaning on the Amang 1 supports (ndimsirion we are gisd to ROOW, is duction sf beet sugar. At alb pears ag. We written 9 ovine HBT on 25 eL TF tend is ak pitas v rh “4 spk * sah Teo 4 the Rosky wr thid wan the srde at that sogerading «3 beet Loalpain the BE. 2% thix 100= hoy wiil be adraitind for v nrosent rates of con ought to be Logue Fa Eww JExzat apt a t Ounard and AY weition for the se the farmers of the vs zn more largely s af besiz for the Fils was a laadable asd ghoaws th anit IRI AS 7 itl von make ori thie Silla by exposed lo slianpas my the chow Tat De (iat ot Wout 28 4 at aranaiated, JiR cans sums grawn hn the Lelan Be og wiaek anal ollie hae pgrvied Im A and thence bs : tor. where, tle is put throug A then shipoed Wr « whe pay posele ca alonzside a beet Sugar ! Fan; i trivia out the re Reed and grasuisret artiels gt one fell wvasn | Indesd the advaniages of the wradisoer of heer wizar for supplying the domeatis caraninmian are voTY greal. We have po doa that Messrs, Orxmard and Cutting ars wihin bounds wien they any that “sugar can be pro. panier thom Ff vin Be In reatote Tor thin are t ar i fe fn nar 4 India dgemi ha Furans Hate ha industry ja after ally asrieultoral ane. We oan dense] aoe in all thar crops, aul maar ia a i ad pring” it 2allows as naturally as the making af for frown whet, if We CRB PrO- Kare wheats cheaper than Eorops. thet satgrally we ong produce Sour cheap Ce yee dy writers of the tier do not Gn A-priond ny to prove hey can make spar at oa profit Arid Thee point tha MeKialey n sugar was free of oo af the artiele was four Yet g got profit of $3 made xg ¢ Leet sugar ditions, fot Lose roe Saw that warring 2 they reanlt Many Bartel sligtion Baa Bi gs hy PEquanin Lae Six 3 Wan TIL OO $8 Ly or hes th giant the hual progress bas feet news Yepar ny Pig {3 Heal x SRNR Hd hE Sor) dn the O toll gain thelr STERN) toed ea i Ea 5 FO was alps in F anirely f sai tule thirty The did : aad “ne HE erin Sepahle of a } iam at ie a ax the p= sate free wpb tpl 1 To be enrol ual rasdipre of this tains of the he people in dorigi 4 in vasure Wwhiel ‘mite Niateg 2 Cuban pos % the rrass de coupe for thent is naviag pro goed. and moe than snsasient . xxnard sad Fag i% so FIOTTN W. MORMKE a rote o¢ten Cif B. ih we need. : witly the jelter ne abrir, ens ih hart ig p Lint : cl] ea EA TEAR WELT Whi : DROPS Y ome 1 a poe Ege ofa wel Geren Bia oo tewh anos and FO dn ve eaatiasead Frogs Ur B 0 30588 6 avad Soa U Aliana, Sa rod Medal al Vatials | xresitle we MolL HENNY st Ad ASCO