Al RRR ey corner armed gn the aroun a Ao 1 $00 | marvel, 1 found je igs 1 tuned; and over the road : fle, 4 » mist was stooping, of viewless hoofs, myriads, Araoping ! # ways of Fie wind vr and Anear amie to it, gi wang an, one be one, os travelers through it uneelot, | parted from av wpesed the ante , and Hitien Y saw Then the con! gram. nodding snd waving, A warmur of bees was iin an the breve, A tinkls of rivelets Javin Velvety banks where the riders reclined Asleep in the untronbled weathpro The beggar and king, the sage and the Hay “Light. light, ve gentlemen, cease from | your winderin 3 Wan is the ui i ges fT mands ning, Rest ve will. Rileges is beat” Bat when 1 1 womid enter. that t keeper gray With a sknleton finger siny ed vi “Not ye "he whispered And poi look of his eye sfiraved Tem Janey antimety showed {Rha ie the future may barrow); Oo. saves thie fest of the gallaving hall bern thee aguin--and too “Regt ve mow eoberly, sirivine is sy, Finished tie shuns snd Bight 1 ve were winners or 1a one for you, Bode ve fur wrong + 4 rani. ihe thousands of Narwe ps and Swedes sel upon of Dakota twanty ye cotnparatively Tow “understood Boghish, It was thovich, how quickly {hey 10 their pew of nt. Wh he women worked prairie felds with the nen, while re Allers of the soll and carriers they yet found time to much of the new tongue, to orican schools ated to par s American books and newspapers. hen the font hard winter enie many of the men nd women willingly went 0 school of sued days as the blizsards ermitted aud | pored over spelling ia and ardhmetie with the chil A Dirave people were these do ants of the Vikings. They were by speculators on (ue side ght hy the elements on the thet, but the thought of surrender never entered thelr minds apd they ronquered both adsenturery and storms in the end. In the HAY Mondows schivol district | a Norwegian family by the name Torgeson. The mother, Anna, was rhe twenty-two or twenty-three oll. The father was thirty. The threo children were trsldiers, 100 FOUR for school and looks. Nevertheleds en winter sitivol opened Anna Tor son, with onu child at ber breast and two at her skirts, forced ber way who met them, That Torgeson should he the only one smomg them to fail to rightly accept the pew He tn the Repnblie pained them They earnest: iy labored with him, bat be would not tistens. When Anna Torgeson nace | known her desire fo attend the district | goon he wore loudly nnd at first gnid she should not go. Later be so wwired to her pleadings: (lo if you will, but you put some | thing Miween us two your will never get over. 1 um 88 my {iuthers wore, 1f yom would be different, ai} night, But it will go bard with both of us jater.” Anna Torgeson was straight of mb and ble of eves, Bhe wan beautiful when Torgeson made ber bis bride Motherhood had added to ber CHArILE She had wind, teo<gulek witted intel figenor, 8 rare aptitude for knowing the best and clinging to it. For ir children's ought to stiend the district seViont, When Toargeson finally gave his cone sent she wound her arcs about his neck snd Kissed Kha long bot Tor- geson puri her away and growied, He wetid not surrender. He came America but for gain: wien that was Jail, he wonld oturn to his folkland, wife a teed . » * - * - - All through November and Deceto. Lor of that drery winter Anna Torge son fade her way to the schoolhouse atl worked for mastery of the Kong ong FIRS. Xo “. ™ oi he ol : i GOING TO THE SCHOOL. across the prairie to the sod school bouse and asked for admission. Tor mself ad not £0 With Ber. He ort to change the order of things ‘had prevailed in the home land posed to be n Norseman to the ile dityx. He would speak in no tongue’ but his own. He would go to no church but the “kirk” and that not existing on the prairies Lie would without worship. He wore his peaked hat, his ofled | cont, his skin trousers and avoided his smerican neighbors except as he was forced to trade with them. Although goon understood a few wounds of Mish when a land office collector came for the last payment on lis final proof notice he would speak to him only in the Norse tongue. Then the strong arm of the Government reached out and Torgeson was frightened. He broke his vows and spoke in English "until the title ta hig Inpd was clear. But being conquered in this fashion angered bint. He resorted frequ ently bia ites drink, and the entreaties of fe and his friends could iy keep sx ie = « 0» The Hay Meadows district wis ai ee. COmMBURILY. The settlers were stro iy éliglons. piodvrate in al habits, ki als lish tongue, Torgeson stayed at the farm, winding the ¢atlie 0d Yael fodder. or brooding over his pipe snd {¢ups. That his wife should fot side | swith hime was the bitterest thing bs had to endure. He was pot a bod spaneonly a crunlly ehistinate one ahd paving started on the wron ath would not turn Baek and fin air. He might have pide winter a bright ene. He taken ont the sledbe and and the children the saort schoolhouse, but he would not Bo matter How deep the snow and foiee the winds he I#t them go alone, une atded, nnlosa neighbors pave them A helping band. When Jaunare, the worst month of the season, came, he wade po effort ta assist them. So wide was the gull between husband and wife saw that he even let the New Year's my pass without the hove celebration they had never mised before. Even that night when Anna Teorgeson caine to whet he brooded In his ehialr, and, weeping, begged him to be the mun of thelr first days, he pushed ber from him and anawered: “1 am not of yours changed, It Is you that has changed Tot moe be” Anna ‘Forgessa wenl on with the gehwol, praying every night to her God gnke shin believed that she Hi eonld ft vend § Bent open t I have Dots that her. Husband might yet awaken be one wh (school she was the most apt papi Hhe wis the first to learn to write English. and the first to bo sMe to spell English rightly, Her pelghbors many of when had known ber before hor tagrriniee. rejolesd over her Ree sp ampesen will Te proud of yot,”! they sald at gaint : Bier love and comd » » » A January day came Whe Phas Warm over the gremiried and in the Air Ad whlsner of F Mendon folk se lnd we Fira S85 the a CIR. Mey af frag z thie beauty of natnee, at Tenn perrar of sot and deathly coll All ! rian the 4 - a} Rew paves, he pple with- ¥. AhY grit the warnaih. AL hooh Thr thn Gren £4 potion The y in ft the soen of Ldder had Balen to far the mir war Llled wig y soot 1 the goin ike t hopped hoes The tavive papi of the sot 3 Jeoked at each ther In the rowing darkness, Every woman préisent had a an to said | bor Leone bmt Anta Torgeson, grin of Anna Torgesan, very | ehild had a man protector but the chile | “Phe rest of you will go on sald Anna Torgerson here. 1 and my children will stay oie 111 this Is over” Some offered to guide her home be foro they went thelr own way, but she | said the storm was growing worse | every minute, and they mest boston | tor thelr own safety. They sr ferred together such food as they had left it wae} from noon an ad gave it to her nat fel for four wouths Ear ips baby thers was Anna Toribon's breast, Just ng the sthers prepared to leave. Anna Torgesen eajled 30 one role tay 8 mnthen Toargeenn wil warey, 1 will send a note, pg It to him smysehow When You 094 that ho way know 1 am sal And she wrote in Fn ‘olny Haband, 1 feline] with the bal whaiut me ANNIE TORGESON" * # * »® * So » SP hae IR KOTED fal a AAR Yate that afternoon, With the most | sw lul stort he bad ever kaswn hawl ne abont his hote, Torgeson got that | vedi and the bearer did not dare eave | Liv for Ris file, 80 Boron Was the Bisst “i eat read 11” grumbled Torgesan, | So the other read §t to Bim, and | then Torgeson crumpled tin oy baad | al sald wit her stay there. She cares riete | for tha school than for me” fle st before his good fre honr after | Yiu, nod once five awhile ein he 4 thought Lie was wnohesrvad he wood | glances at the writing of ths ALte hw stand It no longer. He was Yoarrens, the ohistinate, but his wile and balies Al sildslehy Hr cot 1 J An Boelish dairy farmer gives frlinwinge as his mothod of | calves: He snakes a porridge of foar gusris of | Gunrtd ef gerry meal, Twa gro and tek wheat, four quarts 4 teed two band? ol ® Hel elf receives a Loag porridae with water, te, iFig. 1, thet elon it then ahoown in Fae 20 Le he Bor over ihe tron by tating held of tae Lang lovin Taser it into the trough so that the pick springs alear of the bottom of fie take hold of the oros Gown. lirow, ; ERT i i ne side th the nther, hack snd forth, antl serfact]y wea ided, tle Baar, ” t gays the Ohi % Farpier, Thorough (altare. Cite often i po exiiture to Leng up fart Aw tots ray | net have been prodocig soy thing near what if siouit in a sate of high Ter tility. Of thls Tact We Bave Pecan bad goed prot ¥1 i pew pleco of land we had heen having trouble for some tine with wireweed, | a specios of gollenrid. Thowe who were over in that schoolhouse Wi ihont | pinch fae or fod, He tao with bin thi men who hdd broug Lt the nate, they Prought the hoped oh fogehit before Against SLOW aol cold, and they palprid the scnods. a wile | J Tr GREG | away, In Iwo hast can {isa forever, bl Beige are sognainted wilh this pian do nos 1 to he told what a Bard thing 2 fot gel ord ook. 02 voots, often stretching out je cart Ave a wx fot kad 2 FUEL stable and they fought as nan Bever | Anna Thargesan | HE pote with fo resch Ber Ho had cone and Bike Joo ape wk esopht in his anaes + i a in fhe Chige Recurd He iil Damage one by a Horse's Hoole A Boston mistomabile euthnsiast wall Jeg = 1 Wis plants fiiere: WOR wit Team 8m Again 3. LL ecient od : gy a pepcbant for Bgures Bas valoulated | that a sharp shod twenty-four pounds of mille traveled He arrived at this sult, says fully colievting, with the atid of an ele velope amd a fine bros, ali of the trial loose ed Ly two of the hoof Seats, Gh pariatao mane peated in widely Si af ty res) city, ane sgterind i anfrrd aed TOON faee by =x hool-Lenis, tisngily Haws AW AER RIVE SHYE, Ink Tig fie I % foales phat Bp TOE AY hile Rex fap on rod the rapid deteviration arpa hoofs 4 and shoal he nhs, Boy Lhe Boor oi fbiotter, AS A Sy SS A ide of 1400 Milew, puieerizes Avtametile Toples, by care fglover amd (nothy. the frosts of winter bad dons nore my NAR ENRTIES $n a The nows comes from Berdn, zavs w= XL ¢ » t * the Westininsies lagen Fo. Bhar Iie Yang Hest { the horse wi sone wesks previous te the jousuey, wis as Ut as when he started from | Mets ¢ Fianoyerian Frais Fed 34 i Laut snsiier plowed that ty draw grey weed. Then ihe = hot sun Brno Work A And 7 very efiec yall CL ARer haying ink tock the win ter in hand again. Hy and there jiaikx of the weed Bait Hers we reat | throw up thelr beads fur a4 tine, Wik ea Went on with the barrow and gave the gronnd a good Btirring up jere the Bohl lay ail winter. This spring we sawed The] land 6 cals and seeded It down to than we Cori] ¥ith 2 Ine Sark av ore wf pion seating has i ait, YOY any farm product Is avorw ard prices quickly breech. Bada 10 othe Lair, = 8s 2: gs § snow when ihe proper sensing point Is reno hied en Ewing ont 0% gf on The sunshine: gad | avery one pl ware of a wt break In prices. and cach one tries to} got ahead of all others. 0 result i& that they all get thelr goods In wiarket about the s4IDe tire, It is far better fo hold off a few Waeks or ment he i Her wi ery ries It is Ens be drs por ‘when ou th o whole asgeens (robs nay Fans for the frst glut) wattor af earl fa the iis io i a fe wp | asothe oe : anything in fe : in the eis AME stan rat wine ail farm ciiatnea pun are very bbw a for a vise hile high rent farmers Hava aniktars and b oO RIOTS tieir goodn 0 ¥ 1% Heewise at a bio the farm. Tivs 8 generally fal thie simple rei ent: sravide ab siely ngaiust any ib from fpsects or Tala Kad to a {svas exient from shrinkage. The fates cannot preserve thir product funarabie conditions, seulators are right | sadly AL a moment’ jus : warket fice to take advantage of high prices, ta moll Io envemous guantities. This ples them sn advoniage Over ihe ner In every tramiaciion. ~N. FT. oan Cnoitivaton Pratecting Evergreen Trees. Xa pices heantifol wh reel can se found than olr native permlocks | EBOWS fail Siro the winter t is Bard to keep the atid ploes, but wher de troy 47 these vavieries from tag badly broken down, Tas partienlar, are often senviy ruined, sot 1 andy Baviog the branches stripped | he AS SORA I HH A AA RAY reasoning for that the storage ; gas A SSE down by the weight of the suew, Lut ; Ba 1 are haunt rently tied, down the hragches It pays to ake a “ne ean bring uo sar oRTe wand | be utterly sp oiled ~ New York arib In & season of large yield (ais in more | HE by havin, g the Be hiranehes for a fal higated Salil wear, coh} FARE ae ot SE PE a A EA AAT A BO De tes, Bead of the Departmen of Aesipatiare, {yy hie revent lecture in Vw oan ow argl the vo inade of 8 rie fad snien of (he very commonly winton that the gol SA dead fin traches. thant to be fer Pith Mn A sod glbmoiialy Hootive 28 850 inch fron Far an £% wonderfully : = in Lan at he mente Perend Yi JEL gels SpE develop 4% oy wa. A very WTge Hm. a mms. sos rites avid, whith Is fama iow hic] hoGitrogen, the ; clan? food i \ sterilived 5% fuitile prhuins ; 2 prowess) ; a of thel smmiide pi patare i He has Seen 5 bear the save preatithiny 3 with an elite point x Gi this Vy the Boman 2 ig fost now 8b vive sryhody’s mind. The are intradaced te 7 Just An the : 3 the ayslin ey ares with a prepared bakes i.a Sea ett ¥ srosntion of the od. = in a soil in which wianee of Lime and, ene adapted to dacweria de These sostinasily prepars signt assizilation, thos the soils Certility. Soll 4 through continued Tit cirleg x the exhaustion of Ah operas npn which the ofy put when these are i 4 of § vs % ginal forth £53 inthe light oF recent k kaowiedes adds oA eail ie got Delon dnl bee gaat fond ug irnnent fo fannie FIA of Ly tae Pi part vis Bele ont that 108 : hin Couns peer, wilt. 5 few years bw ou 3 PAP ry the wirki. This 8 of the cider mins spt has had 8 Np studying the best © pr rein 3 perio gai cider, and enltiures are DOW Hew : hd Ashington lahoratorien, smiriex od oR con: or oy i g bn pia po Sis {ia : wf the of she county, wish Anerien be ad aide to produce an Che 44 over was vonle iB Norse svt of the world, Toe Bis apple With a sure mek, on at seach aver of wlerilige 2% Ladaaians 3, ysford ia 2 he ML STARE. rior rofercing aus SU. AxnDL. WHS pers cojored gatin lection, Cty afer Ge American Fosyueen cand Mine BH Tole uber. apr Lins arated 3 “2d 2 lak Giles an boon ; att vation, i as being artribntatie Secauce
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers