The Patton courier. (Patton, Cambria Co., Pa.) 1893-1936, January 09, 1902, Image 1
PATTON, CAMBRIA CO, PA, THURSDAY, JAN : | ted the wheels of the chronometer to usincss Transacted at the Last Session. SH RYAN. RESIGNED Clef of Patios aid A 6. Storm Biweted | Vadtior «Water Company Sap \ and Councilmen Clash Horns L néw chief of police was elected at ar mesting of the borough held Monday sight. MJ. who hin served so acceptably | e past fow months, tendered bis on and it was accepted with no disparagement to the other at officio that. the borough has way that Mr. Ryan was one of wt, Hf not the very bend, police | nnce of a. nrplensant Taken in all the only feature was that Father Se Time permits roll onward, forgetful of the fact that! his pointed fingers indicating hotirs | and minutos would make if necessary Baio break up the plaasint gathering. ome present from a distance, in ad. Wien to a full concourse of the town were: Misses Mae Lewis, Emma Shee | han, M. Woomer and Nell Lather, of Hastings: Miss Elizabeth Flynn, ‘age; Miss Cecelia Flick, of Johnstown, Mins Jeans Strawbridge, of Williams | port, Messrs, Jax H. Algort, Thos B. ‘MoCiain, Dan Reamer, Henry Easly, rol Jas. Sheehan, of Mustingd John !. Kepbinrt and Donald L Shodmaker, - Etmpsbarg; Messrs. Eiirid, Fry and Davis, of Mahaffey; Davis, Bima, N.Y. Wm, Evans, of Giese; Dick Edeibate, of Gaallitein, and GG [Fiyna, of Fragality, o $22 ST WESTOVER The school directam mi ri . | pugzie List wonk near Sylvis in Burn. : gous (Side iowneip. Hey wrt from hard, con 7 he made an ideal offlowr | fi 1 was with grat reladtance that | mellmen ueveptedd hie posi Waa but anu candidate for the yw and he was elected withont | b i by pooiving all the voles cast « Storm was promoted from stroel | aner ta chief-of- police aud his & say his next promotion will ve | Barges. a se present at the meeting were mt Winslow, Secretary Lhilieco Qounclimen Cordell, Cinpbell, mick and Probert. Brown, the superintendent of on Water Co, appeared and d in a dialogue down the water pipe on West venue, pedr Fifth avenue, was ander discussion and itis near settled Bow as it oroagh denies its responsibiiity matter snd the water compauy s refuses to oct. In the MOAn water is fisoling both ides tg y by refusing to freeze. y to an interrogation of Chair. bert, of the fire and police . Mr. Brown stated that the was empty pendiog repairs pipe had heen ordered and as poceived ft would be put in again. ul biufl of electing a council then indulged in, Curfomn ble cach receiving Luo votes, id not vote. sion of the pole tax ordi: aled thy fact that the Hunt. Clearfield Telepboue Co. has n the borough, the Central nting & Telegraph Co. 83, ‘Creek UCosl & Coke Co. 2 ick made the motion that Uhief-of-Polive and i y redoived in- Blectric Light Co. ackson, $13.80, Maggie i ¢ flat $0.58, Pation 2g: 11 AN EnorsBLE FUNCTION Now Your's Anderably Held wt soins Hall Friday Night. the most enjoyable functions season, in fact, of the town's was the Assembly held dstein Hall Friday night. thirty aud forty couples at. the very unfavorable weather a much larger representa y people from nearby T " music was by the Germania Or Lock Haven, and it outdid 8 charactor of the selections and very materinlly contrib. the enjoyment of the partici bt owas only with the pgeeitesl fn hours of npal EUROT that the musicians were to depart in time to catch morning. train for living, n te» were served shortly y | Cold was J with the 1. The old question of who wi then, ih five nis tf ber story he refers yon to ber nose Flat used Lo be with a ted beautifiol out ppusage meal, those bad Httie Cup aguinst the Then Miss Hall fos F | Mins Hall s prave {Ive red SOWA Now fated from iinnka like weir fige Boss standing a pt door on the olsie apetier | Hi ia ix %i3 Yeury the plan ik » uit ati hor | Fir mony her eyes, aver ber Da haaly boss Mee ie ir i Bi $irh, Sli nag iH Boon. ‘the term all cacept one little fellow. They wanted (0 expel him indeths but guder Loe complsory wer purzied to Kaow what was not fit to live and certain! ¥ ro die, so they tied him loose. aed $45 ude Gm TF yok fit Officers in charge of the United Evan: auch Nes Ke Spend Mabbadn seboot oo trea the sohoot to fruits and candy. was fl oul went so far as 10 go out od the street Land call Httle children in for a treat that made no pretense of being schol ara. Buach acts denote christinuity and kind hearts and will receive dae feign ered from the Hite children aod the pupreme ruler of the universe, That is all O. K. Senator about those Lwenly year leases. Lo ter Jou thie matter up thay sre not worth bulb litte, if anything. So on we gu. The fire iii clay is bound We boom Wakiover in Lhe {near futore. © A big company bas taken hold and Mr. Moser our Lannery man, bas taken an Interest in the malier, so you can rest assured that all will be done that brains and money can ao. compas, We notice that a correspondent from this place in the Searchlight has ‘tackled the citizens ficitel movetnent in our borough and handies the sab ject without gloves : does direct from the shoulder, sume he has in some past day bade Wa pie ‘pony or a kicking mule. Who is to blame for the large amount | of merchandise purchased weekly in’ {Talon by the citizens ( of this Placy ? ie own ‘town Tana go elsewhere | 5 : ibuy goods. You should patronize home industry at all times and onder all circumstances. Mra A. P. Fry at this writing is ser *jously fli although the attending physi 3 3 § | clan, Dr. Hurd, of LaJose, gave it out aa his opinion that unless something more serions set in there wis 10 calise ‘for alarm. The iron rails from the inoline at te coal company's tipple are belug hauled away. Had any one any hope of the “coal trade starting up at this place, this move will certainly be a to them. Taunery is running tail time aad the weekly pay roll Is some larger than usual for this time of year, Robart A. Mitéhell, Muait's hand bower, spent Buanday with Cand friendd ab this place. Miss Ollie Berkey lell Alam Bak 10 tare ghikrge store and post office. last week fur of a large Election time is drawing pear. Be carefnl when you vote and try hay seteot the best wan. f. A Youmans is stom Fee snd will move durin week to Dubos, Miss Joasle Cassidy, of Mab pent Sanday with friends in wid Hear town, pradsang Lepr dis FAH vor : sells tons of Hour of : Frugality; Miss Anna Yeckley, of Port- | af 5 thie door: ain The directors ond snd soepended for half ¥ 3 tse ’ The kind oficiales sven Striking as he £ $9,055. perience in the handling of a bucking stunpey gy PERTINENT PARAGRAPHS C Pithy, Peophe and Place. Born To Mr and Mrs John Koosik, Lon Supay 8 Bon. Harry Kinksad, of Jotinstown wi ws hore oni Wednesday, I | with an attack of appendicitis, Born To Mr. and Mra | Longe on Monday a daughter, BF Wie, of CIWin ng aequaintancos We AnRonvilie, was res in town Eilers Linn has retarand fram a visit with friends and Dewi Ureek, An opicion foandhiad down on eladntiffs in the wilt ¥ reiabives ab by Jadge Barker Monday stdin the Witkin aad arabe va Pronneily F Morgan Michael McTaggart, huaedd of Nativoal anditors, a0 £306 for Indiangprdie 106 seis bsokes of Sed tue Linares Miu Mo part BTS Laine pelos Lad fist fu fila Eons wiry gan : ieeting of the Patton tooai Laon, Woof A held on Monday night: dent ies. Sinolair Vie President, bamifiedd Secretary, Jas, Mitchell Sno) Fred Michelli Delogutes 10 the Natiooal convention, Fred Mitobell, Thomas Powsil Jem Hl. Hubbard bas be contenct for nhiing Le: { py, award Lhe Bit Croom Boas on Beech avenue for Abe Hemet Seameryiiie IL slab fiir ERE Fearla re bur rant a good looting young hacheior would Capant of 8 pesidegee of al chiiracter ds To whist SRANSAC TIONS 8 REALTY Pesipariies in This Eod of (he Coasey That Change Hades Bociniiy, Annie Powell wd vir to Patrick Har Cringron, Carroll township, $80, © Annie E Powell of vir to Pit Harrington, Uarcoll township, 8 Crusiav Benner # to Kruger, Carri! township, $455, Bridger Tomlinson to James Hers, Allegheny township, $255 William B. stephenson ef Catherine J. Stephenson, Chest Labi, $5 { onidaie rick aL Soi Ux ol ail Wo Low Mining company to Loyal hanna Coal & Coke company, Adaws Ctawnahip, $1. Ramos! Kelley Crissy of ux to Peter Sanger, Adams Towed] I aor Mi Salome Stateman, tw Lorenzo Bateman, Adams sb $100 Peter Gillman to UG. Miller, Adams township, $1205. Jobin A. Jones, 8 ux to Jones, Ebensburg, $000, Robert B. Baker to Bakerton Coal Mining company, Carroll township, 4. Tiriath 5 gx to Bakerton Coal Carrel EP. Heed et Mining company, E P. Heed of ux to Bakerton (oal {Mining company, Carroll township, To Thomas B. MeClain (Coal Mining company, Carroll town: ship, $087. rR P Reed et Mining company, $83,325 E P Be Mining $1100 EP Reed ef ux to Bakerton Coal company, Carrell township, ur to Bakerton Coal Carroll township, wd of ux to Bakerton Coal company, Carroll township, Mining $1,006 J. L Spangler of ux et al to Baker. ton Coal Mining company, Carroll Lownshin $2600 Daniel H. Hastings Bakerton Coal Mining we toownabil, 2 of uy ok ai to cop pany, Bare sy Pixie us WEEDS wmv Dhan Roy Faton Decker has entere Fis morandd vear as edilor iw lad Loe fiole TO Gis. Mr wok pecple of fiation of FWRY MITA called foe io the the PW Wi ; : : ] CATs he Fabra, ALTE Vo dow. Woeliban, ing for above letiers Bay that they are “Advertised. BL Wi (RENE, Postmaster. sks Bang berg, Jdolan Perstns valle Lhe : They Were Given Albwirt ; flies i N. Barker an Comm men Ploas of gE. sid thors : Were township, to Bakerton THEN Finted Pemenlt age Pertainings ta + Judge O'Connor and Others Inducted Into Office. | VALUABLE | PRES SENTS. Jom confined to the hose Toa Retiring Okada Jadys Barkef the Reeipioat of « Want. | Copal Morelia Re Wateh Foromanied To Janed med Davis LC Patton, and in fact the enlive north | of the conGLy, Wan well representon 1l : henaburg on Monday on the oocRion of thes inaaguration of the pow oo uffica; Befure Lourt hirtig fficers were P resented with Te fhe t & fhe Pros gitar xP tine, ef Bey being the penipienis bhonTary Frain a SOTHO T doh Gaaore Alors it wateh Thaw ol Barker poco ived 5 4 Ait | soml BAO free fain gbaechion WY y Adlarneya Martin and Kittel] PERU Ed Tq CTR on Wilds aa a pnts af ew ledaia reget Irian ¥ 4 Y Ri Bk pi papi As Aly RETA WAL, BE Wien that was Gombe F PE a lid WAS CS ilavie sdminislersil by The throngh fend LAW ER pore : 4 do Eider focal] Bumnael! ie fe who suneesded hinsell as County Coro per: F. J. OF Unnoor, who saooeeded A, Judge of the Court of Cambria county; M. 3 £ Famseif p Foil acine many HA DRT YHA pias % i oer Hamed barg, sho Survey 4 dl £50 LF be Miller : Bo Disted het CI OW HD ea eeciodd : A Blarney, When ceremonies had been gone through wi Attorney Kittel rome Rnd at Joh He relalinga f Sum £ 4 wn Fuki # Low ¥ Lay PRIMER Hiei aiways Hee called beliwiven the Coarse anid the attorneys during Jadge Barker's tern of «fee, which he sald, Hare cordial than al athe comintivn of State. The re be deciared, wound that rad i the pring Judge, the bench wath Tomnl will of high opipion and ii meinbe rs of the bar, and on ther behalf he would pre. Barkir oa token of ther Fie then handed wate of besgtiful ise ritant on Lhe satil 30 Mr. pigard, 4 goa design, whi Das ier following: ela the Hon AY. Barker, from the Mershwrs of thé Bar and CUonrt Ofiers Jan A leat In Low reply APA Judze Barker shesice of deep feviing, He suid words Wery nade iy sXpcess Lia senti- ments of appreciation, and that be was aupecially toncheal by the relepencs of Mr. Rittell tu cordial relations which had exiviedd between hinsel! and bar. 1h Le own part be could say thal this was vaiplat- cally true, sa be sould not recall in bis years! service iv dmetdent which had lefl in bis Beart animosity toward any member of the legal professing in Cambria conaty, and the recollection of this fact world | be warmly cherished by him. gave By guaie le HET the members of the even Bilt benob, and at the lowest step, met Mr. ¥Conaor, who had risen and walked there on the way to take his sent, township, the new prothobolary, This was followed by the nets who made the fullowing orders: F. C. Sharbaugh ficial stenographer for the county Courts Thee number of furor’ pat in the wheel for the current wis sel ab eight hooded Arguise Loner was iirih Mon . January iy Lanes BE will ploasg A Fer i Hien extant al order. job pining Gly vos BL € hire Wein j anty convaner] Lhe snd Heo sirm, while dudgn, which tn “inti dohnstown, as wave $y the onze Llaey an the bench a As he finished speaking Judge Bar- ker started down the steps from the The last act in the change of officials wan the administration of the oath of office to Charles HE. Troxell, of Reade by Colonel Davis, who thus retired from the office. first offetal of Judge OConpor, | was appointed of Cumbria your We still have on hand a few fashionable Coats, Skirts and Waists that we are going to close out at prices that will bring ‘the answer, providing you are in need of any of these goods. Ours is a stock worth seeing at prices worth knowing. COATS 50 Counts go at 3 40 a0 L 75 a5 112 WAIRTH. | $5 00 Talletta Silk Waists go at $4 00 3 00 2 00 2 75 Satin ; i! 1 50 Meroerized hs 15 rE 135 § Of } Flanneietts a% is 5 a bd 5% IE of BKIRTS 40 Bkirta go al #6 00 49 3 28 3 48 s N7 i 58 fRanne v4 All wound WE 5% COATS. $10 00 Conta go at §7 50 ., Thanking you one and the ind hoping tha at our dea one of both, wes ; : . a 0. mes TR S18 or aud are all gone. ust r ccetved ad large of Black Worsteds finished and unfinished in med- TTT | ment ium weights. DINSMORE BROS. Merchant Tailors, Patton, Pa. Ada LLANES symm Tm Zikibibiiil bili stock of the greatest To examine it The de- Our superd VETWATE. It's sight in town. TI hat our Silver Ware. 1st inspect the exhibit caref efully, and in detail, before vou can properly ap preciate its superior merit and value. A FULL LINE ® i 4 ¥ € = . atches, clocks, rings and «ll kinds of tew- All our goods rand nu 1p-to-date. by actual 15 the « of w elry always in stock. ngs Te Eyes tested by the celebrated : Retinoscopie Test and glasses correctly fitted. Lenses changed, free of charge, at any time, in spectacies sold by me that cov $2.00 und over, DER, san, Patton, Pa. Ie eweler and { Optic IS QVET.