ant fevelupments fast nines in the : thay the des fu wii HE frat He Hovod shalle that Tixas will t o gerond only to California iokuilves. Regent fig shows that the mineral Cin alroat eight miles lone ‘wn east and west dire duction of quicksilver in Cab ga enang | Ww » mupgly the oat 5 ative of ® the A ated 1. ol thy ‘eecretary of Agricdl FY ATER SAY 0 Sb SE sind Panes) ¥ pared, Nolita ax neevom or Ars BERT Sich Batibe a i treatise fra Kine, iad. : , Phila a. max wad fe or Shes of ty % tag if. : syrap tor wh ildran En the proms, red uoss inflam: MS, Gorm wind calle 254 a biotale, “ a not Batieve Piso's Cure for Constimp- an egal far coughe nnd colda los Tate Springs, Ind, Feb. 18, 1008, {in ten ction) six beatiful A 8 shisots, 10817 ircohes?, reproduc. paintings by Moran. fssued by Gen: : nt, Clilengo, Mil: ool be sent on ran ¥. As Miller Fate. of sartality in in Switzeriand aftsfourth in thirty YEAS. ed Aver's Hair Vigor hair from falling. bottle cared me.’ : fitge goes a Yona way. sn't take much of DO GLAS NT pret Lis weary ge tie est Si deilars BY Rees whore ned sells ore wens nn anyother two Habe io Stoo shirien placed B00 aad $5.00 shoes of a Found ko he Just an geod, Hse two rs ordinary $3.50 shies, 4 best Jeathers. Inciudiry Patent Colt, and Nationa! Kangaroo. I I. ut fd ing ni carative ous ites of BE wil ator fh bot hikolie ae aed mekntios ivy wouty a hy tr ela will prove wling we clabm for it, sad i witli A865 be invaluable a tha household, Man, OALE Be Ale Dest of al) ¥ ur preparations b veniis, at oil draawiily, or otier deal nw, @ this gnoant to as 11} ostaws ni Aris # tube by mail, wid be ectpie | by the puidic ante earrion our Jabal, as obiecwisa it 18 nl ouGH MANUFACTURI G coy, fire tion. | which who was niin in Pian, i pedded in {if they are Lig quite { have found to suit writer In American Tile Peatved Land Land that is tile drained before win tor will pot He covered with walter next saving and will stand plowing reveral wooks varbior than up Traini land. As the water hills Lidow warmilt and air follow, Heit inhi Xi rieitinre, Crone, Yo DEK, prnants in Peeling In The pg Cars AERC spr #4 rye, beans ATH RSE acy cline on the yar BE TEG meres Thin comtravtion of 1 Fay vren gm follows, no NER’ i of 88 20% acres last yoay, aon wores fn 18EW site rating pga in 1870 the Unblan Fandom YL 83040 noves thin your in other Flue ote a ve ATES isi gs iy returpod ge nde orn sons, Wir and boon withdrawn fx the daat yours plone bag Incurred rea of this lose fyvittion earn ahort of sabi deren hag eroppings Tae Firut Thi sen in daring whist bran AMY ar Carn crepe i nade Sd arron BER Ka preg ut up of 4.112.280 noren ol osis, ATH Acree ol bal oe 1.546141 wheat S00 083 avves of bo 3 aeres of peas ated 87,950 artes of rye. It appears. then, that nearly i of the entire orn area of the British felon fa gevdod ants, whilst eliminate the pulse corn crops, and have rep only to the cereal corn, the Gals poTeage represents more than halt the taial Ah 5° A Use Tor the Patato Hook, Cool fall weather fs an ideal time to gather stones from the meadows and tillable pastures, Thelr room bas meh value, sand it will not pay to let wm comber the ground. To avoid ckache and sore fingers. a potato hook may be used to gather the stones an a boat, and. if any are partly im: the varth, the tinex will more readily psex under them than one's fngers. The large stones will have to be handled io the old way. 1H is useless to expect an ideal meadow with many stones on the surface, even onite small That all changes are got improve ments ix shown by the following: A hardware dealer advertised few in potato hooks and | nafghbor for one, The lmproved tool had tines of uniform azo the whole length and flat on tha ends, The bluntness is to prevent pairing the tubers, but when one is acratohed i nakes larger wound than would a sharp tine, IT a sotato becomes io paled npon a bland jarred off. and the potato is Hels be split open. In Basd ground the Hsien Kuvh not the Kind to stimulate trade York Tribune. sent By i ting 11 8 nod Ae Po sg Ve CRUnEEs Ways of Staring Cabibage. There ars several wivse One that ery SAVE 4 Gardening, is to select the best dreatned positions in th garden Then with the plow ot spade open a trench running east and west about eight or ten inches in depth and 15 inc BETARE trench we place string of wood asout four feet apari-—these aot 48 suppor for fence rails, or any laid over and parsliel with about two incase anal on We put te down finishing with a thicd ru and along the centre of over the hole put and this iw covered oo inches of sol adding weather bovoigas very oold or vo ends of the stand ope 10 « air Before pliting the » well, bow broad pirces of wood rows Of ennb A coat of di } with ¥1 1.08 of dry and turned downw to allow the water to dealin obt of the axils of the leaves. See that there is a drain or fall from the pits to ai low rain water to pass away. Another successfol method is to open a trench cast and west, (hrowing the soll to the gc. hh; then packing the heads closely together with the roois in the ground, covering up the roots and stalks up to the heads with earth A covering of leaves or straw, etc, mukt be put on the top to protect from the coll. This can be removed in mild weather, giving them the benefit air and light. This nlan is especially advantageous to immature heads, 18 they keep on growing when the weather Is not too severe, Winter Work In Pesch Orchards, We have the worst droath years in our immediate vicinity, Sti peaches made a moderately fair Crop of elegant fruit where grehards were well cultivated, which is the rule here The yellows prevailed here to a rath er unusual extept although 1 think ft has been more noticeable on ac count of an usually rigid enforcement of the law regarding its destruction, You ask regarding mummy fruit and dead twigs. In my orchard, where careful pruning and spraying are practiced. 1 do not have tiem, hut if I did, I would certainly remove thom in the fail in my orchard is {if any, aul of the cover crop of oats all pruning until to got broken mba, orchard and get my wel stated | jeave carly spring, then ritsh it thraush before the buds starh It has happened here that a lar centage of has have heen Killed dus ing a severe winter) then in order save a crop the pruning must be Hpht Re pars ‘and this cannot be determined until after March 15. We walt untl that date before pruning at all the fron Ia G268.3050 srres ast seen not far | 1a 080 eno-hall | i oxo) hen nethine fm vom tharong fan ¥ i ad Io thousands of 155 | worms and grabs of wire they of | U - should be raked un and burned. Ht in| pests these foaves harbor in win | Cter they would not be saved for bed. | {ding or snything eclse. Many ferawls under in 20 f8ure | up the leaves after they have all {en snd bra then : pad Ps i appearance, Tha only fall work 1 do | to | 111 was working In a southern on chard 1 feel sure | would changes the | plan and finish all viv Groning and fer tiliging during the winter months, hut 1 would pot, under any circ wmstances, practice what | have seen Siti southern orchards that is winier pine ing or cultivation : fe faliy con vine af two things in peat Bi First. ary disturbia whit 8 Live ing stops fu any pruning or diiting Ms active introns fnolinadion to BE mutter timey 1d pie vor ty when i Phas tide Raolaad Measpdl in thange Farner Very BOP a my penal we of fy iirade Bullisy, cyier AMakitug Hig Gite Lah mle ghd b Broung wiki, ¥ Fad the ain ranping a i faa nto the 116d Farmers propnrly SORRY rt Srpte my jetringe 1s HE ORGH cond down I on ahare posal gi $53 in BUM OT, a FN ihiar for 31 als hear bersnels The deaw oft freely Work] very enuily. } sav hitter twice and somatimes In third water, the water bong 10 de grees tolder than churning telnporas fre : i salt it to gait my trade sing mostly one ounce to the pound. | have never uscd the combined ohiurn and worker. for 1 think the tytter has better grain with the charg separ ate. In packing | want my parEsges pa clan ae nowsible on the oulside as well ax ingide In packing in tubs | have them Dining up aod fold over the eden of butter one inch, then the Wp cirvuind is pul on top sad tucked down betwen tub and hong | have had wipe tell me that my batter nok well when they took a eover off the batter vhs suicoth and nls in putting up prints the nme care shoud takivar to have fail weight Gnd a in maine batter from An it Tew Bie pli 1 abi can Blane work bees be spp ied * periitnd highest Hae in kop yg ge Sp 1 Cale Rive having the sane regular Vian Ue {6358 rignt ge de Hoe wk 2% Ty # BY ret 0 Li Yall Treatment of Insedin, Cans the fall and wine Cire io an thes fiom ate in arid hi Frio Law waged : AR i ayy EF 0E § PR! % bie #aT fATian 0 andere ezes from hatebing. Many x3 on the twigs and in ibe hieR hard {revs The trae Gea grins bury thems fh th ore & 4r the asp and tnalde of he hierin? Sie an thee oNn RB oearefully in the oof CEES can be be: bark of twigs and t way, and if immediately cots will be proves: hole this yg from coming inte the world thin hibernate ntly, and in 5 Torres can easy be Kill, Even ander the trees trunks of frees to mist HE hunted for ib the leaves arenRd were generally known how many Beet a post the leaves and goes sleep for the winter or deposits eggs theres to Batch In the spring. The only wav to prevent tile is lo it will Pay in at | an the work even spraving HUE down Ehing wud intere vestment. Not 86 mich goad in kee ingecta as this soe ton of the frees In fail an, penred ovary baw pie var, i Rowen fen fects folie and 1 that the ib will fake op gun Mauy trees will be fous small pinholes pruned off and gent Colonies f P heiae tof spring: AReriean greenfineh bird family Mpe 86:1 sing. The The of the gine {to pier mor ell on ’kosums biackoap cowes BEX and then the hlankhird, CRE, of thess IIT UN . A PDATK, ad Hie 11 od i Tha | bore in the | he | with & plecas | 3 : Taps i fall | WHERE. ne FAILED, He eanld bull or bony the market As he phased tg be Jusiined | Mes by ihousan $8 wrought ress inalve : nite 8 raster mind Harn Weary shige pit Eh AeoRn, Thyses wore pais Boon the end That were @appod or #01 in snotion Hy the tan oid his 2 He lad by tint fmaand frog Inther ‘hy didnt the hae gh on Hthe resaen he didn yoann wan't $4 fan the JBRBARY salary avordus svinnail that His £10 wpb week a Mrz Neersite. Really now, Nooritoh that's quite a plain 1 ea pecinl iy mile that pomeite of green fibbons ~Thiv' re not green vibbane, i merely a modest little bunch duliar bille "1 hope sald the drummer were quite satisfied with wy repor the past month” ely,” Bead of the firts, of it that really exo tiona” CAnd Wihial was that? expense hill” “What the woman al Weary Willie yoy Weary, giant eat that rae last time 1 sas “bt 1 make a 8 the foothall hin ot in the Nos the finrae: vay Kit fngers and Virodue thrpe beavers! murmur pinver, 6 i the presen Tl dF were deg fie yess ching wg WEVA, CMa than io begin fOr muss Tomy, Te broae it. LANCUACE A New Venture in the Work eof Lertme spondenes Sehonls, A goal deal if boon done hy ge respondenre weho in impart eps nf gels fit hay Ess Pai iid especially fone who do so prising to learn that one can correspondences gdoeviakes 10 teak The method 18 to su { with a standard Edison phi nogeaph Original records made by the (instrue tors are then sent to the gladent in Buceesiion Bs he progresses, } as ho reads the textbooks and them he can at any tine have machine repens words of language he is 811 the instructor. N recorde are used is 8 “master record’ by the instractor, and instructors barn in which the surious groken do the Word he sure of absolutely vation, Tals ta other ere studied a1 ever they oe Fig when the generally portance of Man ang bSpanisl scheme will piu The Madera Vv. What did NERY AYE SRY reproved hiln [oy annoring xed By tion in vennay Year, New Yori rata ia whi woman. $3000 AN SRA AA eS FS 5 FA ; tad i INSTRUCTI ION BY MAL | Amerk KE As spoken ow % or copied Prenan Fanstods Dry | Tho (rerman hv torhids teachers in {le schoo! to pull the sare of thelr vapile Many cases of deafness have heun shown to have resulted from gnch punishment. Pach parka gd a1 tu thal any wiber dvs and Bold dry | ah IrRERise. Ost ey a1 they wal wrk Anse Eh ress The trouble do 5 word deride 3 oh 9 hives { way i rare s HALL & RUCKEL New Yorn - DROPSY. LW pricovrRY. ies SE Pe Shp t ged soda Worst cm lon of Yeareeiieiaie an FEF dn od potnacd Frea. Pe RON SERER Ea % ax 8 Asizuse, an {igh Hadal ar Ba Exposition, MA CHENRYS® ABA SCO v Lot 0 Tom Eye Water PER Jiaflirred with PERG PYRG tide d only in 1-Ib. Package: Premium List in Every Pack ge. ~ For the round Lica heads cut from the fronts of [| | COFFEE wrappers wo mail FRIE the must valuable pools ever affoved. Here are sone of the LION'E LATES: 3IFTS: mthninrs’ faye, fh Re Eq iri 5 tewiving THE TRny Cainred Wax Uravoes § mineing Agutes Toy Xin This Pradts tar 11s wipe Twps which rhe nrod SRE IRS In Shaadi woeti=kgews to fu mare ta Bie Fob inlets snd mow Peas,” ’ we FY ek wen” a “abhauie pup irs amo Il SL LEY SY Pex o Fine Pitoies UNA cad Baga” fv Tammie ¥ t iitle mn uveth PRIEN Boy sud dinpate Pip tempat Fe preity, Ding mee! Rbeare snd Nelissars tow Avs the proveuts Reve for Jou; fiaitanhoie Srissars we send ninng, Ladies Peakaivesasr Juchhnives strony Beligtous Pictgres, rich nnd rare, Cimb-onrid Neveiaread over where ietivasries tar daily nae, And Tapestry Cavers we dan pratece; Sabseeiption te Americas Queen,” Packet Mantel Safes: the best yet arcny Men's Nocktios, snvied to design ~ Muspesders that ure resliy toe I And cond Rcel Razors, hnllew ground, With Leather Hazor Stritps are founds A Wedding Ring. a Turguoise Risg, An pal Risg will pleavwie bring. A Ginvier Ring for voutl ur man, A BreachePis made su ticatest plang A Silvery Bracelet iar ihe wrist, Aud Belt Bueklon nee nthe lst Mair { snbe made af Tartoiseshell Bix Hakrpins of the prams, wa well And Rubber Dressing { oinbs so fare, With flair Braoshes a varied Hae A Porcelain Clock sarely charms, We've sine those that give alarma. And Warchea, toa. far xither sex, Which man orf Wogan fli Runes; Theo's Hasdhere hielo Gir man and wife, Yoace HBandikerchiols to bast & Hite: Aud Ter ibe Ladies sptcial ase, Bapperters (Garters, we produce; A Shappiay Bag. or Ladies Bel, Or Vosrket: Beak to held the “geld.” And Sitver Ton or Table bpoony Are Listed tu aay Prewian beoas! A Richer Kalfesosharpuod keos, Couspivanss Ia the Lis tasers, And Lines Teawels housewife ws pride. For Lies Heads we will previge, TaptheTrushin that ave wiroug nod Bal, With bristle white and geanineg Ard Silver Napkin Wings sa neat Taolir rant vou bat seldens mevt: A host of gifts both sanil nod great, Noo pamerans ioc onumariie: Thev're hereto meet the taried views Qf those wha LION CORED ase! illustrated Fremium List in Every Package. . Woolso Spice Co., ToLERO, ONlo.