ERR AI so 6 mA ae es ir Lo Ghar a PATTON CAMBRIA Co, F a abe REBAR, is |. or Cortrior Wil as s Judge of « Nae % J 5E hria 3 L YEARS, ype omikine of Bl Dues Cham Fran Ci na nd eid bri 4 ed eye Tarvin thay, i Jute Fon EE wit the Be whos EE althetiih ' is ssoerted tht negotistions to hat and were | condom ied betwenn fiends of the priocipais last F ridiny ‘night. Both sides Lo the contest stil wously deny (hal a den of gay alind been made anid that Audde Barker ] $5 thal past ten Solock with ‘dndaes Ww hie, Pall and Babley on the bench. Mr OUonnor's wioraeys admitted Ih : Ney had. | Tot hewn “hile Ww ahtakn SUE petinh I ta ding this dhe oe ave it nd They hen AONw EEO pontest, the salient fens res of Which are ms follows bie at denied that at the rand gtion many egal wales werd re jared, but iv Ix digiared that fhe greater nanber of thom were for Bar Cis aed that, we waza 1th Ft hore were 1061 diega Viies petlirned for Bariar, flatedhniils of Lie el LAE, . ; No. 8 stated that in Roh Glow wre oles Wore retard they doers Moo nnor, bal for Parke r, ghth BY Afieation relates Lo pad townadun, and tw re RVers that the polling phe trict bs mot, as alleged, ont geographical mits of the rel that the vote peturned nih ward of Jokinstown Rims avon, iy alleged that the vote returned is tilegal bocsose It is a egal horough, no charter ming record, and the same charge ix with regard Wo Bouth Fork. logos that the vote of the test : of Jolinstown ix illegal beans judge of elections was not sworn the insjestors were not properly As am township No. 1 the distion board was not Ee oretin it is alleged that ole or votes were cast for Barkur by w who had not paid their taxes, 0 eitiuens-of the United States, : “district two , or who cast improper ballots, It is alleged that in eyery district spt. Tuninelbitl and the fiftewnth d of Johnatown there wis aise persuaded to vote for Barker by prom- ises of reward, Foal i is alleged that 313 v tes . Fioal iy Bed | ° Department were not necded but once say § that in iy abatnee of : b conid do nothing vise, is ve declaring Fragucis J. , and ther finally als Con the other, Unnpl church Wednesday it sa rolltowsn, leaves a family of whom are growin ap. Mr. and Mra. Harry Todd sod ‘children, Wyckiiffe and Henry, re turned Satarday evening from a visit to Mrs. Todd's parents, Mr, and Mre December 21st n the Catholic church, wilh interment | in the Camidy cemetery, The little t Foreigners of Flannagan Run Ohserve Chirstmas, SANGUINARY BATTLE. Oe Moo Par ep a Yas Fight Again ! Cereant ERD kbp iin frei kad ravnew ph WW on pa eatin Pong Mate ¥iving Liwy gn The aha {Relat Coad serves In Baar ae bv Lhe rnigaen : sel Bs A el i Boss did ® Ye FRR Tay & Tre fret cand to bo rich Wie IL Vrideesw WeasEG v2 Andrew Baranaer, Paral Leoas sod another daagarian with = sn anprogogndesbe Fie. much boliduy cheer and © Beran ood (Ginna <t okd-tashioned fights foe wh wie shades of Flannagan The wen heed on witht: Wolkko on On YE nn ASE Blk wire thie weapons sed, and whan Lhe amioke of the conflict bad cleared sway Walsko carriod as totnenbes ot the oecasion thee ugly cuts on the Pear cme of which eqs stitohes anid the gil Bands of the ang pooi Wan conrdeted the gether aad Walsh % Jatin thin oihers mgtee ng fim 2 BE Deke for | PIE we Jil The DORs Thoie fng orml 4 steve Paar was soother pipon abased VETERAN OF A pws aat tae Bast Ball dad 20a ug Seat Tivos PBotuse Hiv WH Abo Orcas They Pyatic Wivero fargest Poserg! Beer Hed Site Fie Bowser Ha aide ESP at tha ssne time The oongle Ged 4 4 : : Caf Windber on i From the testimony sidocisd 3 ap pears that the gquarteits drank 60 Me Aclnnis sgoonnited nm. Fira, Pabeaedd awa al having arn Fairies foi werle Was 10 Tear BEL Mr Adsiae was Adams Bhoanests Augustine a 23otas He endieed ad ps Ray i Sine Huonaererd ana : Ht Angas Lye T hoy push, atbouph his feelnew of Hh ge savEG him fram fate of ¥eisko. fie Lad Andrew VPrebibi and Jobs Walshe arrested 1c rhein aod bempt to kil, sothouih the Salley Was : discharged gl the heaving. Pokar aa hed rest of 16 vans ll ao age phases 5 hive With a Beg keife in bine of the humble al Fisnnagan, and that be only escaped a horrible dean by jemi Shentigh “ window and striking tor the ia bor. Welkko was & witrss the cident. Luter Pekar whee of fakiior oi ban ceompatresl Lo (thirty beers and settiv a PERTINENT FARRGHAPHS Weipde and Flaoe, Mrs. Maury Burke, the wife of John died at her home oo Fagt Ma. Barke, gee avenue on Sanday morning of drogay alter an extended ome The faneral was held in Bt Mary's RC afternoon at 2 o'clock, conducted by Rev. Father Pierron., The ipterment was at Car Be ides the hipband, she W. t!. Lingle, at Patton. Misses Bessie and Virginia Lingle accompanied them evening. Philipsburg Ledger Walter, the infant son of Mr. and ¢ Mrs, Geo. Uiearhart, died on Saturday, | The funeral was held one was siged nine months and ten ray 8. “Phe County Commissioners have Guititain, and Prof Bent of South Parke, Prof il appointed J. W. Dick, of Morrelivilie, . to he mertantile appralser for the year "1902. There were forty applicants for "the position, including Jobn T. Kiioe, of this place. “The services of the Patton Fire Preptors do pot fix the salary, during the year just closed, This is ia record that insurance ¢ompatios do. | ing buiiness bere should make a note of. ‘daugiter of Mr. and MM TH Hughes and waa born at Slate Hoos, : P resent, Soiree, dha, CEES En MirYihe Laer pares in ines Mr. Adams mar of Prank Resco Tels REY BINH WHS Wid Lie Feaiward Bed hgsbmng an death. No the Summit, io 13. She was : : married to Frank Reading in abont Pithy, Ivinted Poasdiings Iaitaininge too 1845 © She bere po chided Wo sitar Beading or Adams £5 Friday oeening st I o'vlonk SOTO Ponies GIR Ws sunsed for the ances af Windber srl thie roiaing Anke tothe residence of Mr Adame’ sok John ab B46 Augustine. The fa peral, which was in the aathoie chee was the lacyhel ever held in 80 CAngusline, the procession Lo Lae ora Clery belong almost 8 mie in engl ehiidren, all of COUNTY SUPERINTENDENT. Twa asdiiaies are Alpeady Atnnoewacsd wd Seeking the Nabpur! of DNreeiors Athoaght the election will nol be beid until May, sspirants for the posi. tion of county superintendent are al- ; 5 : ready button bollag schodd directs home, returning to Patton Monday and securing pledges, There are al bowever, but two avowmd catdidutes They are Prof br Jones, of Evensbarg, and Prof HL 8 Bender, of Johnstowtd Prof Myers, of tus place, was tated of a8 sn avaliable than al one thine, bat itis understood that he will pot allow the use of his pame. Other possible auparanta wre Prof Biter, of Sion fire [mtant, who § served Lwo pot bese According to the law passed at the wig of the legisiala i Fheange * Figs 4 mtg Ene “in the sanity i i fhitmbrig will peswive abeaih BLE ab inorease over Proll tibsgn's proses salary of $10 «Gladys, the little danghter of Mr and Mm. FF, B. Morey, wos the hands some doll offered by the Bon Too store for the beat Jelter to Banta Chats, 7 “The Hiversman of Northern Lanp bia county have held several meetings >: lately for the purpose of taking united action in radsivg ihe rates of Hvery hire. “Win, MePherson, of Barnwsboro, the ‘efficient president of subdistrict No, 1, of district No. 2 UMW of A, ras in town this week. Protestant Episcaps] services will ‘a Hall on next Tass Well Noown ar even BEY Lhuy Bivpw HOW Year p Crake advantare of the Ww poder Le THE WAR Finember Fost He Tate fu a» PiGer he Was LE Yagi ig is i 3 CPR THE Herman ET DEATH IN FLAMES. Prowito auly Be a neni trie Flux pe Mawed Meer a Marl d rosea ng Now Bare on (38 Ixy ho Lederer ane WSS Thal vi PREY Pas Lhe #ip fawn aul thal one fim ie an dhe Dane {y. Hohabert, 1% years oid, a Wak the viptim of the fen, Jeonad in asgmee of Dol more finn Invhes hetwosnthe Quer aml the ronal, Where Ls Eraw rE far a; § deal in x pipe, Sohubert cuts 1h Hew salted in Bla ownoaeath He vil fs the span followed by & belper. Ths lamp Eo andl Bl: kk <atin. 12 inches And iad He Bry ya 10 Im now atiered at $6.G> wid fire for thn ol soaked wooed and baste Sehabert coaid got out Be wae fii Te 145 death The helper in we mainte bad crawhdl out Aller a Yom mid oY boa ang He bugs Taw 0 SPORE Ra Sas i $1 3 iid prd Wee Tha hein Brathers (00 100 was eganizead 1s sid wan odode ou three VOR ugh, dentroy ein fad a sleet and ; aot iach The other partic Bona So Slone Loa H. Dsalinger, iar Dnt : H. Denlinger, of iltstinrg, | EEnera: { manager; secretary andl renee 2 Laer, Toe ows on lew BD ling aoa obs ade about BLO 008 Wilh an nen. wn Gf B6 Ar in The A polioy $1 000 was sincelied a Tow days be fore the Bre. The building we asd ite sarod. Notwitistanding the loflam. siartedd froan a tore bold in Bis ; alt I athies % & ‘ [aches 10.00, mathe material dealt fn, this is Gat the = a fag gs Xi n St La edn a second fire the comps enced, ihe Aral ine being at the Bpan- Fil Ak erie gler wire nonem, whieh: Was velit ros AN EX{ SELLER] SFPORIUNN ¥ Booystime Chdhaug Ce lo Thiapeins oF al fae | raeaven Niel Regnod oes of Cont A sale that i expected to eclipse ali previous efforts in that line in Lis seed tion ia to be inangurated by the hey stone Clothing Co. on the 17th inet. Over $1LO00 worth of goods will be disposed of before the sale closes and active preparations for the event Are Dow ip) pores Additional help will be employed ane it is expected to make this a record breaker in that line All the goods in the store will be marked down to cost and below. The stock will be classified and the figures on them made so plain and low that “he who rons may read” will be no tke sale, but an honed en- deaver to get rid of & big stock at al most any price, preparatory to bu i 4 Dew oie BE VErY basineas Bouse poeds § viean- ing oat once in a while, and the par elas ing pablie will profit hy this vow far BGoRIEe wend ai fae Corps thin week will tell you more ahont it amd each suis will keen sou inforn grasp in the SBA ¢ A FE PH Te portanity offered oy the 4. BE. Kirk di | Hardware and Fursitare Co. For in. ‘wanes: With every amounting to $35 or over, we will give free of charge a beantitul picture, very pleely framed, suitable to adorn the | ; ali of any be ie Read yours awn Countes. gr ahd Recapha Ehenab AAT Wis 1 Low on T “There are tin vases of fever in Blaodbarg. The sale artistic he ware, Ye exhibi preci: ats its super 3 yx Cand, uy 4 i aa a elry alwavs in Stock Eyes tested by the celebrated Retingego fitted. Lenses changed, free of charge, at au that post $2.00 asd over. il our gous HH Lila, RY Ll to-d: ate. glasses correctly A widak hy ne Hon. Wiitiam Jen ning Bryan will 1 | deliver an adil:
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