The Patton courier. (Patton, Cambria Co., Pa.) 1893-1936, December 19, 1901, Image 8

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    RPP Br a SR a
AMA SIE Lge rs AR mF
i She Ph ar ty ST SA
y ah ie four wo Sik pon
the mot diel essing aceidents
ave vie been atiod oft Lo res
wd within avo w miles of!
aos of 4 stream onilod Whitmene
Beare Joli Sraphcis has with his
been running a log job for some
As near as we can learn the pas |
{are are about as follows: Aboot
wk My. Stephens sent three inf:
iy bayu and two other med to Pip |
ra dean which contaiped un large
number of log and it world abpost
am was not very Sabmtantially :
can] apeukin a“ wh
Oke breast gave way to the eis
minith tht had been gether and
tening fox 1 som hows 8 pros JoRin,
pi £ three ist
Water sk Bhs
Me. Soules
Baath Yu EP Hines
fonnt a Lil he
% 10 naling
wars GE pany
feiigenie Thi
pens sonsERit,
writer, vcd haps sik 12 he
{ntornmnt in Baptisl CRETE
Funeral wervieos were hell In
Bapiist phi Hy Hove Sigmund and
Recently a yung man from Syl
OL On B Lrain at this place and Wine
dered the condngtor money to py
fare, which brodght forth the usa
juestion, Hwheme fay, pie se PF Hae
Was tha prompt re plas aller a
dep wtady Condos
ald a! Yea, nun of station
banda 17
4 panier at
peo er enticed ut the bist ol ORE puri
nr | he F. kL Higmuad That in i
0 heh they tie ine
he haan ough to have drojied
papot or a wheal 46 lsat. Do not
aw if there wii nny reniging os HA
| Exposition, ter hye hed
Cand fate partici apy
hal Peat ti guide
thak both he
hie Chay teston Fo
Dorking the tonto ©
aroling Iner State oo Yew Indian
i harleston,
8 CU, trom December 1
Pennsylvania Fiih
sell eRoHrsG Hoke Farieston
Cand return from all points dn is fine
Cat Fedieod pares, These tekite will
sold daily from November 50 to May
Lm aod will be of two descriptions:
Seon Helets, bearing # Boal Dont of
June 4 1908, and sievep day tiokols,
{good to retarn within a
eluding dtl Of sale hut got oro aller
Junie 3, vEL han Bie Rae 8 heath dass
(good to stop off en toute For ruben
cient Siete fay IPPON.
cetvhor 21. so thal Gedord Deg ins
ees Wie Le
Sante GRY ake 1 ab ap paliaiien ol
Glan is far
rifled Eo
slericy oan when ads oa
fuanbal be the company Hide uy
Wine Fed
Are the bosl adver lisard far Foley's
fsiey apd bay and ali who ase it agren
that it is 8 splendid remedy for eon he,
olds or sore lunge Al druggiste
Editor Lyne of “Daily Post’ i hike
ipuburs, Nod, has ested Lae feria of
Foley's hotwy and bar wilh Line reanits
WE hse nad Ba greal maay patent rem
piles in ney Pamiiy for coughs and
cous, apd 1 ohn Boussbly say your
honey and tar is the Dost Ling oF toe
Kind 1 have ever used acd L vernal say, 0 0
Br non in ra ai BAR drag
health wae bin bowels move ote
enh day. Wher bids 15 26h alle vibes
te, disorders Gi Ls whonaity awe, hile
loaaivan, Hestao hey sympa pmii fi praem
fis effect. Por wile by £0 WW ody
¥ kins, Patton, asl Ha
r the prrpos of nant (he
ay Ind and erecting poster
Mirkle has & foe live of
candy, som costing | ne
ww one dollar por pound. We
: Ladome. Own
: the Laeldp
aver either a Sood Foough,
‘Horehound Syrup
many aver throat abi log Lenihan
ageh an coughs, colds, bropehiiis elo
4 xP 3 $ a £9
that [te pranes ad GOHE EVEIY WHET
Prion. 25 and Beenie OW. Hodge
kive, Patton, and Hass Phasmaey. ©
the affected parts i su
| plaster
pond food and wiipsbine, with plenty
Her form
glows with health and hor fase blooms
An Atirsclive woman thrives on
of exercise in the open air.
with (ta beaoty. When troubled with
& costive habit she takes Herthoe to
cleanse her system of all impurities
: plant rominida oue of
hk Sogn in ihe
nr ¥, N. N aay: Chis.
Cotiglt Reomusly is the thet
Have over acd, 1b is & fing
wredy for croup wid never
When given as soni as
becomes Bodrse, or even Giler
ough | haa developod, it will |
¥ his shod: be
mona. "w
Price 50 conta. OW. Hodgkins, Pat ;
tin, and Hastings Pharmacy.
Among the tens of thovsands who
have used Chamberisin’s cough rem.
ody for colds amd 1a grippe during the
past fow years, to oar kaowledge, nob
moaingle cine ban ruse In pias
Whitfield & Co, 240
TET Thos,
Wabash pve, Lan, oh
a stad degre
hat city, in speaking>gd this, says
“We reo mmend Chamber
i héipLe tna Leon, as
it uot enly gives
peu Overy, bl
deny of Ja grippe WW roniiin poe.
Canara Ai y
Patton, dod Hasthees Phacmacy.
1 potas cure,” writes I
san, bf Hayfeid, Minn. Te
years | was troubled with dys
I eonid hall nothing on
Many times I would be
come to my bed. Doo!
said vol ive. | reast nue
menis on Kodol dy 8
i bogar to.
Now l
amend it to wil"?
Cores sll stomach ;
iw oaale by C. W. Hadg
and Hustings ne HoALY.
relief until 1 communes using Oov
LKirkman, epvidngeist of Beles Hover,
“Hi “1 have no hesdiauon i eed
will ety cage lime
mpies, bolls abd other
This i natose's
Disease sod danger larkes in the vie
tal organs. The Biood becomes vith
tated aod Hae penerns health is ander.
fall to perform thelr functions 2s na
tare intended. Herbioe wi
Hodgkins, Patton,
and Hastings Pharmacy.
A cold, coitgh or in grippe can be
nipped in the bud” with a dos of
Poles’s hovey and tar. Boware of sab
stitutes. All drug Kista,
Ab Fvangetivi's Story,
i} sutfersul for years with & bron-
Cehal or lang trouble gr tpioed vious
remedies but did not obtain peoaient
Minate congh cure, writ Riv, Jan
mending it to all sail
tol this ind One Anal «
(alld Immediate relied
Ceotus and all kinds of
Cou bie
For cranp at
3. Ahaotiitell sande Vary pi
CHEVY Palin Alte 19 TRS
WH praaole | che elbiiren. They
¥ ation of Lhe how: | {
saps ping: cramps
Hodgkins, Fatboy,
0 W. Hide :
= Fin LEROY.
PTablor's Buckeye he Cinlimenl bus
been thoronghiy
1 years, and is a positive cure for this
J do ws good aud aso
be office Ext
isost distressing and embarassing Gf
ifroubies. Price 30 cents in Dotlies,
1 ip ubes, 75 coms UW
| Patton, and Hastings Pharm
(i the Bont
shaped, thee
any wil
jer ARYA HB ow
£ ¥as As on :
O% EF RR GIG RL 1 vaily fig gre vd a Hd : J
2 : fs ay
Farry hed slate
! 7 song :
For sie by A WW, Higkion
mined whenever the stomach and ver of 1 the ur ary §
Lon ap.
the stomach, regaiaie the Liver, where
pther preparations only reieve, Price
fo morsel oF fod, Fis
Foy 4
50 cents, ©, W, during the mghi. The m
CPA ed,
fosiand fOr mRnY
Persona thy enadartcd Tours.
Toe Pennsyivania Railroad company
sprenuices the following personally
Mexico and Californie A forty
wath will leave New York,
dye 4
Phlindeiphin, Harrisburg and Pits |
burg February 11. The parly will |
Ltpavel over the entire route by the
“Wuxien sud California Speci” the :
finest teaity thal crows the tontinenh
a : AE a Le a 3 3 oF %
Florida thre bags Lo She Runny
will loave Now York and Philadelphia
| Pobrasey dand 18 and Machi 4 The
feat ban ud these admits af
#1 wi waa Rk iis fie BREW
Seketa for the third Sour wil
to return by regaiar Lee
Fhokedn for Uw anove in
bi from principal polls on thie
frgisree thiatrs
Passenger Agent 8 Ne sik
EAL Emeral pPasion
foatoramalisn YWaniod,
This thanniantyre
Chaviog alwave eile von
Pr medieing Cat Gute in BEES
% 3
sever ha tv EC Bite
Canive rs 3 Phe ties Yin
ity won
Lath Cees
id He pane
yt Lave wi appetite
for jour Wm
wind Liner
SAimerctery st has
ulasiipuaty rid Fe fate big fiver ard
Hodgkins, Patton, and Haat
ges Pharmaey.
Cbs Ha
A rent deed with my
Lpepnested to bey Foley’ ;
Lelie wo and be four days | wie A
aont fabldw 1 you % fh to avod es wrk Ag pain, HOW 1am
an : oe : swat’ Al drages
these aliments Keep Your bowels fags :
ar by taking Chul rigin's stiotaach |
ward liver Tabet ad, They.
Bre so Ray Li aki ik fi and pantie ;
£3 Preonmfit ded Yana
ir . Mia 3ail,
ing un long Gliess 1 was tou
Phaeed woaves, oan add vie
PARLest Hegel waive andi Oi
Cwonderfol rasa [I was plriegty
hile ob sii Mdy
11 is the asl wks wee Tose TORT
te riig
1 ii aalii a
Fhe test Planise,
Whoo trod
ack or pains ih Loe ms
a rad anid you are
war than {of :
Her ir aflurda
Pulte a
| Thousands Have Kidney Trouble
and Don’t Know it.
How To Find Out.
Fill & bottle or common glass with your
wise and ist it stand twenivolour Bours a
sin SE Ar -
ting nic
ea! fat pares
55g Asisin, pen
fer and evsry part
Careeiis in 3
o hid wale and 1 ’ §
Loon bed effects following use of figusr,
wine oy beer. ke Homes that unpleasant
neces BE Co Gh 28
during the day. znd to gL yr
Rul ne
ord: Hay elient of Swamp-Root
5 the highest fur o :
derfyl ¢ ¢f the mont gitreamng cases,
i { ren 2 a medicine Fou should lays she
or iE Bans
ot Bing
{ times foe Lhe Season Gr 1901 |
raw a veals. Bamipios free
Pudong Md Var
fs fo
For that
88 4, rod foeling ”
= Hao
superinduc vd by high.
priced tailoring, try
We Have a
Stock Purchas
for the Holiday
A reat Nerve
Bn 4 cenabs The ny sled
Celery Wing | piires Naree, Stdanmeh, Liver
: ad Kidney diseases,
Ow Hodgking, P
kind &
Chop, Feed and Meal.
tow is This to
lect From ?
Patton Feed &
an Franat
Y oar Patras
wri ITA
Hastings Pharmacy,
oh HGRA Ra
The gv
. o 4 7 gin Ar ew
rap bs aig ta DIGRE
's Honey and
wags and Op ila cough.
Henney UAn
Teech Creek District
Condensed Tiree Table
th, A, Se ot 48
03 av dof
i ration
tna EC ; :
seis Shouse &
Foley's S Kidney Cure
and bladder right.