The Patton courier. (Patton, Cambria Co., Pa.) 1893-1936, December 19, 1901, Image 7
er v to Find Suitable Poison Has Deferred the Fate, ie digs ire heros ning an upmith post in the West and thelr ex. | bat i 13 ardently desired seoomplishiment. Professor of thi Kaneas Stare Agr ieultural th © ANEes Stanioy, pars ii fre destroving the en run Over by the dogs In {male of some nd voleed bla # saline the prairie dogs occupy million and ‘a quarter scros, BROT Lantz, who had charge of the C80 HH wnpropriated by some means of pesty has experimentisd with pir Pro ar mit months, ha ax yor hits | od to find any that ts successful, A JAAR AR J bl Lguarters. Turk holds that the day begins | otly at sunest, At thet time lie hls cloeks and watches at Lhe ir of 12. A watéh whieh could r weaks without gaining or le around the tree to fy Pwhen frightensd nest bale an fast as A minute would be of bo spodial | ale to the Turk. Scien Wd wpe want io be be Weil for Christ. bo promotes hapidoees wd Teralore take Gerfisld Tea rp Hi derangements of stoomsob, Midgere of bowels if clesnes the oe Bn andl parities the blood, thus revovhig eRuse of rhenmatienn, gout Arik mire : Th ds good Lor young and | and has. been held. in the highest many Foury. Phyniziane recommen bis ws write thirty words a minute yinr travel § At the rate of 500 yards NaN Fanrsese on do n of plain Wie bani spot the kettle, Fold Tr ail dryg- a A BS SR pA a wt element in Asierican popula per will be plansad boy at Soret one drains dims 18 boars in all singer, 1 thot te Ontarrh, Hall's Catarrh i the only pewitive énrs now known fo y nedioal fraternity, sind cimenne, requires & sonatitntional —r Cure ix token inbers nies the bacd Kind mae hire ts sur inces of tin system, thereby destroys ihe foundation of the diver, und giving : ttre ih by building np the cone tion astiating nature in doing ity ; he proper isto have we xanieh faithin w power that thay offer Ome Hin. a Dollars for ane onsen that 3 {alle vo ours, Be for bint of testimonials, Address Onnxey & Co, Toleds, Oy by Pret The. Hate] ily Pills sre the bast, cinco inh goad deal like an alarm We get maxed to 18 that we don't 4 Hpi I year "go my ale was ar Jory fast, so I bought of Ayer's Hair Viger. It and made my ¢ rap! diy, until now it as inches aeagtt Mrs. A, other hunger § of the stomach. § for i instance, § church. They know : ia om woman ‘pame Patong the oil const of sit inhibin ; + eas. at the Brat or third atiempl—pever at ot wo ciatm for 1", and Howitt | aver pe ® Hs frat. try. wi ail Beusbod, Massy that satisfivs bio } | eral yours, when one spring a blow it to : chance Predhead friends, fourtenn to eighteen inched Chant lnige snough at the month Fate RRNA FB ery i Olhines : small pls of obi inl fromm four to six clear while Cntareh being » pons. LRptted, Cnacuigte im YAriely i least : Ft the : partial pln (in splits af tr LD prta mores of tuts an acorss, to be ow An the gates of LH ever, find thelr way into the Hille they are not eafos thelr own {and turn {pl lanea vou will i tome and hisart as quietly as the good | 5 SY you | win {latte runs for 25 cents, and are women who are | | pearance vebnriotio meee. hay 4 rolling op ing to Girn over on his back Is a come mon sight, p but how many pesipie $6 artian 03s Lal, an skoncainn 1 Jo put | IGH MANUFACTURING C0 | regulating; lew Yozl city. 3 fore ving i behind eneh other in a cof abreast, | i i i ! | sre I a : Wenting Fahits-<Dist and i game pair nralria | Ale ta say positively, in i ft RAYE 7) Faure he did Bt ont of pire 4 % wl % ast Kansan Logislatiurs 10 he aned for acorns were thick on the ground : "kk. mt the bass of his nest trie, TRIBE TRAVELS oN PASS, Cail SIDR Se Fan Loving Fustings. ‘A Bt. Panl ean tribes to Poguiat Helene Now : Bonded winded sers Br old pak trea paar his eral yours, Whether ihn Si tral Pacific Road. The bigs free | waa the fre which the pass over : | hint af : for hin hack anid j por SRYS 85 man a REF fg ink # bet Te rp nee i Har he tuanght weld, ha foe. | sf omischind £Yer tha protat si, Thon Uwe tha Joli birds 1 have wonld hunt BOE ing oil dora ex ¥ Hid Sie and ‘dav frie ala him I am fiment, har 13 srurted thn Fags Naw York an ley rail The) rian Aaliy P Yes oR he trond aping 1h C wise an i omriy road, ve L Chlcigo wars 0 pid Dknoaw that ithe he ; the Indians wii noacornt then the would fake alter him ne nit! he regreated into Bin post, “Rey (ame bark in the spring enrly In May and took up their old Early in July | or fosir young birds Thev work too young { first saw them and satd etimd for the they could But vary lew daye they “Ee EOE, was inhavitod for mee storm and 1 had 8 Kine of my The he in from and fo wie my be y word with Ppothey pad f which hag as I ayer happonad fon the ralirosd you min go saat Ly the fact that 1a eomild Ben climbing SEY gus three bo ride theo mips make thos the traine i plat fara of Blind {tha Jnatiorms of fon the platiorns win Vir They SW YY i baggage oars, Blind bagzage cars ET of the mail and » in 8 ww The old tree the NBII BY empty flit cars. Bomethpes a freight train pulls f5to Reno wilh of Irdlans and hed haa of frefghtocand there for any of them 10 pay. Ie possille pxonge for them lo 1 1 they aboard and i ihe Ses or got to the fit ihe State, { ends thalr pass eo tha 0 ¥idk 3 F PEA be FIR A ted or iit the bird, nt large and rd “Almost gt once alter mating the birds began to bhalld, apd It was yory interesting to waleh the way they divided the work. Hoth male and {ee male work with industry and ghieers Ininoss, faking each olhef Rr placs 48 th working one tired. This bird des not bulld an ; gone the ¢ dom B&B Ree haodine gga are | fn nan att of a The egis of sonics Mooeter. waresd iia Renoradiy yu i an phories for 8hips, Cian monly % ¢ nf O33 Bw Ta Am Sea Ra with wg 4 4 Bf with ft in the (0 prov sa aalinin mnie are row the pest ; ers are selon, Koad are rel ha certainly believes in : inaedta foray at 3 Riv subsisi 8 ¢ odie g marvid, He i fond of green cin when o an FRETE ying prisahspere. wd cloman in thr lay an They seem vory fond of week Reina, bgt pre der to peal these whet they can. } inatend of cotlecting them” ronitiead of few vw thie is of oiler third le a Bri YE A a AR og and posta rUntrY |ong af the | Unalile 16 Ktand For Months Becasse of Sprained Ankles CUEED ny or. JAcOonS Gite {Prom the Cenlil! Tignes) Among the thonsande of voluntary snlorem. ments of thie great exion of Be Jeeabs Of Tor | wprsive, vii noes, snd sorepees br that of Mrs, 6G. Thos, 4 Ainsand en Bead Xeni, Yabo, Ed Postrpridd, Gout Wale, whe -ys “1g iu with press pleaser Baad Ladd my will. Ing Wstinony lo hs nvniaalis exeelinnns ut UE Lamepid . §i Sv aC HRA AN Ohseart Lnting Houses, The mubitade and the stranger wiih] the taetrogrils rarely, | £5 sie | Sige siraetu, GF restaurantis, i #8, have a cilenteie ail | Yio Know New Yark Sue of thes side atrent pearae Hite P Ln, i, demure in manner gi RY Mon, as well as realfizante of the FINE houses, A A SB BH SN 1500S These | your telsbraied Si Jarre £31 In ty own cae, UY avirndneet $9 Lin walling down if into ih wy ankine wen phan ae peversly that 1 ane Rave ; was yah ta aan : { pian Jimilered was teint Sivies, dat J aeed beiped me gait os § Jacobs Off, when they Bamadiately became better daily, and fa a short time 1 wee abies Wo go about, and sons after 1 was quite cared, I smn now determined to advise all pervoma mf fering from pains to Sen thie wonderlul recs pdy. which did so mach Dor sma” Men. Thomas hess not endiphle what tresimoeni aha paraied wantlis sho was unable to sland and © é which tine whe wip ml 2 senbmre to upset that had ‘she on well known medio ie mie have eseribad 54 23 ox wekui 41 : pon pred pain npwarle of filsy 7 : Gewtory know there iy : propriory of 5b Jacobs (Hl hare born awed i ed tween pald medals by Siltront Inbi rise | onal sikibitione a the prowier pain ling resusdy of the wortdl The sitiaiiiees wiv tho | mad this gears wore inesell Duda nde tom the paddive ani thie | posed largely of the most eminent medical : $s inal ¥ Filanily ald the moderately kopt Rios in whieh BY, fae : ple who patronize | (Hl is Bald by almost svery progressivi med. home people~New York Commercial Kai pian, | Advertiser. i China bs frester thar ! ® i pain, Gesmeny, Fr : United States combined tr thy eve 5 ad WOREn petile of a lage enter nnd leave a the cashier. who anid she knows them by Thige peopin are in business iilde strents, They are Ht i te trades pe ie great rity. HRY Cla Goto them : You iil at fi thelr diet 8 they tein to iy te : manner. The luncheons in thess | SER freon the dinner i A GOT of pb ts tin 8 Eg pu: 3 Hrs gh FEA8% frp if i eh Bug eolle 5, ASR pM A RN RSE FAA SO A a 1 are wr $4 Lan aes. AT FEE Bi dwoarial The of ment, tattle he ; Yisgy ae Pee Fy oc ® F Ko B® Or Wilk. with BX ELE #3 i served, A nh Dr fue Count the Timea » Horse Ralls, To see & horse when 81 pasture the ground : re avin. Pest For the Bow " No mater wis. alls wv headache eater, you will never £5 welt ust bonsls are put right, Casoantie bop nates gure you withont A grips or paln, eBay Batural movamenie cen Lo SLAY Ke Hing I CARES Chandy 0 in metal © - eriry tuiiiet stamped on i - Beware if is itation S50 Tha bent a maxed for onrwel vrs Wish All - Merry Clucistmast a = Filet save the Dundee Courier, on have potiomd that tin doing this hore INE 8% inva criable ralp? The rile 18 that be rolls over elther gre howe and: pore than three al- ! never masse In other Hing ithe weoond { tempts Hie if the firey is a fallure the second alway Lio either rolls quite over nt gives it up. He wmevaer ma return ef Ta re ELK fine adequate reason ne sver heen ol. repisding this tho umber of attemnis | win gance of 13 ! Cwho tell ua why a dor down. and wi No tered wirange ouslien ness aft Ere iret Nerve Ir 5. %. Kus Har explain Ee Beer makes four atterinis to roll over and never succeeds at the wR ARN ths tan, Albay; min SIF Win 080% Nir they are Lig fornihiie mo the Wes! woasiegia dl Cagse Tor Syma!!! Wages, employe pays for superin | tendencs and inspect] on. Boma pay | more and some less That {fz io8ny a ih a day maa won i pea gay it nnd for the RIE to think fur him F him, and snpply him to the task. The ‘he contribiites toward thigde who superintend him Mabe 10 mistake about this; incompetence snd MMeinciingiion require supervision, nnd they pay for if, and no on? elas does Philistine. Every Pisa 's Unico fe tha b forall aleclions 0. Expsrey. Ya Letvist 2 $0 WIR WEY % x i fact y WARY YS 4, 2% A © Christmas Ph flasapher : x this tH gunner 1% bk ries wid makes Plute indians still Ride Free on Con | » * ROOWe ga wall au wy tna ANS i press cars, and om top of the dors and | here is any : . $ 2 or tir rod wich ihe 29 Er hs Ane 3 OF CONDITIONS. It 1 wore Blessnd with gall ved ying had o ily brains, igo i - as A SONG Ferry Svenson falise a 1 amaitaana Cdoraestie ; Ball, what an infertai xk he! Ne 11. Nag ap Can goky Mra Phaser Xire * Mabe : : 3 ; adapted to tho | case How Truly the Great Fame of Lydia E. Pinks Vegetable Com pound Justifies Her Orig- ham’s inal Signature. Lydia E. Pinkhant's Vegetakie Compound. Ia Comnlaints, all Ova. Z and Displacemens 8, and is peculiar y I will 2 nti rian troubles fof aramaatio 2 NE Tr lear atin, ¥; of tha We and ecomsequent Spinal Weaknes Chango of Life, cases of Backirohio ine ever Known i: #3 pola tumars from the Ut and Teucorrh ee than gn i% al 5 most in this i 20% ms ir eneatly stags stm Enron on YT ealnnes of tha SE b soatyarion, Heads It h has cured moro other remedy the world It Hitsolver ands Irregular, § Si Sto Thats hi, Judie a 3 : ache Cieneral ix ily yields it. B Z pain, vein, d peri: pes sindbis 8 in hartions ¥ wi ith tLe e laws gs that - bin Lo a sin t E yrstonens it tom, aril is A8 CE me = x EXLT ween 1 Hae and backa nes arose derangiarnt oe tha teri, ailing this Kidney Cvrolaints and Backache wd always ours No other female widespread and wmpaliied endorsement. has such a record of cures of fenude troubles. Those women who refuse to ascept anything else are re- warded a hwndred thonsand times, for they got what they want — 0 re. Sala by Dirge “is eve rT W here, Ee fuse all substitutes, of either sex the Vo racdicine in the world kas revelved such No other medicine % Gv aa Z RS CR AMR eI Harry? BB ¥ $15 in Lan with willing to bs the papers them? inet hrs 8 FEY iq es get ain Tati Our wo gto Nie ten br 6 ori nt have been print, so th vr 3 bail fade i 5% i Hm nod © Bi One kas aad wh Peenlinr Taxation in $atimned, Walk Pom otan ings aalnres WIL of mar oh her : out of the district ot to wl SWEET me 8 Sold only in 1-1b. Pacl Premium List in Every Pec ee I ny tos tasde cut feu five fronts of AION COFFEE WrIPPOrs wo mul FREE the most vatcabie presets Sve offered, Here are some of the LION'S LATEST GIFTS: Catoerd Wax Draven mBalary 1670 Eavaelian Araira far tha bay Rive Hine Dats iar Haale givia Me ring Tess whieh thie mechin pwiviag Pax af Juohstraws a lively guar, Fine Pictures, sll woilikaown to tamer Seki idhond aya” nsdn ie plans, As will “Violets and Borax Pens” ok ir fon Honven!” sa gem afar, wf Tivels Tanie’ sows puppies smn ely widrie Swepethenrts’ by wey cate Allure pretiy, boson dinpaiel Roas “resi “hon ex nud Neliangrs too Assvag the prowents pre far yong Battonhale Selpiosu wa send slong, Toadies’ Penlioivus ar JavkEpiven strong? Religious Pictures rich nod rare, Cisthbouad Novels vend everywhoree) Dictivsa rion Car daily wae, Aud Tapistrr Covers we pan produce Siabecriptian to“ Lmdtrionn Queen.’ Pocket March Sales Lhe Boxi yet sonny Wee's Necution varia Da design - Bospendors that are venily Snel Aad goed meen! Bazels hollow groand, Wik Leather Haver Straps ars fodads A Wedding Ring. vs Taruusies King, An pal Riag will gladinure bring. Aviarasr Bing far 1nith ar wan, 5 A Brogek-in sade on raters plang A Silver Dracelos for tie wrish, And Deis Devhiles aes in thie siats Haber {aonb mn do af Mauetulscmbin tl ig Hnirsisaal the sine, as wally And Dahber Grossi Cambe se Ras, With Hair Brashos hurried ae i A Variwlals Claell aniiriz sharps Walvis alsa thos thal ow aloriis And Vr lew, pha beif 2A BES, Which rns swans san a Whores Handiariliing Lew ilagdloriha Awl. orks Ladies spinal wee, Muappuriors fdarieos, we prince A Shapring Bog ar Lasties Hels, Or Puchot-Bask bir hild the Ygeidp,™ And silver Tou ve Tabla spaans Ary fisted is aur Vroom Buane ST sled mas dad wily hw fa i A Wirehew Kulte se sharp and keen, anspicmans in the List inven, And Liven Powals hpusowiis's pride Var Liss Heads we will provide, Fah Orasies thar aru st ren: aad duo. With heistlcn white nud genuine; Rud silver Napkin Plays we nent Phoir equal vou bul sipbdom mes A Gops of gifs both wnat] and greens, ~ Man wimp rans to pamibetard Ther re hore to meat ie varied views Of those whe LION COUPEE asp!