The Patton courier. (Patton, Cambria Co., Pa.) 1893-1936, December 19, 1901, Image 6

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the esaestuation Presider Meine
Thousands of men have heen thrown
out of work by the flieds in Pennsylva.
nia. New York and New England in
the miming ditriets alone R000 men
anil bows are wile as the result af the
Aooded collieries Hundreds of fan
Hes are suffering from cold and ox
posdre in their Hooded homes Thee
from exposure in the
wirndi, Pa. The waters
ive 1% forming. The
v crippled. The frecre in
Southern States continues.
val Arch Comprisdeon, winch Bas of
of the proposed naval arch nd
: | nounced that the project has be ;
: — in Which an agreemetit js | porarily given up. The arch and g
: i g | was to have cost $1 300.000, 3 and $ S008,
tween Great Britain and | yf oon pledged
States whereby the tatter | Leading repre
$1 an t lathmian earal capital ‘met in conbers
: to discuss means of b
Chettar feeling between these
ments of mdostry,
ts, one hy Seiator Creditors of the del
of Texas, and the | Bank ai Hinds soed
| charging their loates to the neg
| and misconduct of the directors.
i Two partes Hunting burglars in Por.
late one eds foir tie
§ been posed nd voted down.
six ya who voted again
Th Pry. owas, on
EH oY AIC hieves ol blazed away. Three were |
8 Plackburn, of { wonnded
3 Stephan Majtory. | Joseph J. Novak became ill while on 5
A R ; of | hos way fi 3 atch a team at Inglesio
a: Democy tic Ser Station. pear St. Louis, snd frome 0
if ER ’ { death
48 i Ry the * pa " to Carl Athens a hypo fiat awoke in :
: :
ih Ww aiey, Oo xa | Owinka after a six davy sleep, but went aig
he. of Nw Yo fri Lanth another trance when confronted by
3 fan allege
eth I. Rawlins, of U als WIth {The Be an Federation of Later
Hanna and Willi ii Sows! | Cat Serantn Pao declared mo favor
eV. $% 2 “ on eik ye i“ wae B io
ote. They were Mecors | | trade au th but refused wo ih
inne, of Virgiraa, and Thos SOCIATI A officers were re-clec. |
’ hos, | todd
gi Farts #
foe wie, i i Manuladtorenn of copper wire ar
Yoo # TER vt oan 4g de yoy ¢ SO 1 vi iY
5.9 of Nevada, Repub fe Avera ed ane cove 3 n $ ee td
remainder of the Senate | uss sected 5 fal] this week.
for the treaty, rm the te of bi te, {
ext itep to he taken by the Gov « VS Rensevelr. the
nent in the direction of constricted reorcive. frum Rion in
the aml will be the ratification of =e the “convention of
ww the Governments of Costa pve ian of Labor
and ia, giving the Lnited rane Te oh oi
the tah of way throvgh Centeal | go 0 0 slabs wae
fea. tose pected there will be fq futon ix fo sigh ng He
difficulty in sesurine such a rh! from State militia wis
#10 PASE 4 INN AWMBOLIE: | digenrsien, It wa
an of the cunal
addre sad to President : Sy es bin
n which defiance and disre- | Cr
re Sha aly set forth, are pow
resotted to by the Chicas nie
The Uni bed Seat fed 8
eh & ¢ csv SET OE merit tow
f 1s fake
en Are
fa rd
conference of gntrch st
hin ei
. shire bry
Tr i letter: & over 8
ft sheet atid address ; :
WEE Arroside
chi are of end deiment
i barges of saitrestment
Yranglt agains afficers ol 1
yor i eon
higcts to en
. frst wb Ta. to ¢ pigrate danmiesed for Jack of 5 ufient ev
yesir prisms nor penal tobe
ues, will stop the on
Event if youd
; mst barren rxcks th
i) Ee — so do pot think
e dial of Progress can be trned |
Ct a an Sh
Mut ! : Bonelarry
ts on Concentration Camps at = "1
(By Cable) ~The delay in
of the October and Noo
i areal 8
tration camps, which were just. The won
wa a due to the gov hand
Seth ome Fond of oficial explana. i o which Polish
ee Yaad
Pook now issued shows 3156 he Crimes
of whites in October, of whieh f-4IRUE SP
342 were children There were | 7 18000 15
lis. of whites in November, of |
§ were children. Tins makes |
zumber of deaths for the [ast "720%
thy 13.041, or a death rate Ap Maln (3%,
HORE 253 per year per proon rorized the peo
; ii 3 there were 1x8 mg
ts plans es ni
id reports by medic)
death rate on the "4
as one ins tans oo ba
gees brought in consisted of igh
persons and three dead bodies.
FAN A 4 bn es
Rie But Nearly Surv,
worth $
{ broke one
Tego. She was discovered b Side yy
So vi At a convert given by Pade
ol childrer who went into her little he hemeh
to buy candy two days after. She ls is an veteom
ne frozen and starved to death schon! scandals the pianist was prese
r has been in the free ward | with bouquets tied with the Poli
/ Hospital since then, and she ors.
. president of the Na |
gate at the Battery, m New York, an i=
4 While. rat ¥ wey , president of the
3 5, * ox & {
Leovirt, gives harm all the credit an ir OW id
rt, gives him ali the credit and glory | py ayy Sequits wr. Long to Withhald |
Nera by a sean. ihe chars ot
Freer for the glorion x 5
qilted in the total destruction of ft
Spanish ships. a
George ewe
Bat airst Dewey Seis He Won the] | Sem C Lem dnfiral
~ Battle of Santiago. : he pa oh I
ives were lost and two per ans w it die (ina Fatehelt, the Deciston in Against Ad fn view of the length of time which
mira! Schley, aed From the Standpoint of | has elapsed since the occurrence of
n Majority of the Court He Is Not Vind events of the Santiago cami
(ated. Admiral Dewey, However, Was in Consett recommends no further proceed ‘
. Wain ips be had in the premises
the Male fo Favor of Schisy. ; George Dewey.
ne x ; Admins) 18 N,
{Specs ial} Blame « 3
the verdict of the | Judge dr
Judge Als eRIT
eo than grates, because
Li the destruction of Cerveras uet #5
senior in command at the battle, and the {
| core Seely that hay condiset was that of i
Approval of the Report
Washmetor, 12 CO (5
Adoral Sehiey has decide
| again 5 Gd 1% iki af the court
doer in the Santi ago campaign prior to]
| hin supersession by Ro Admiral Samp |
Pann was characterined hy vacillation.
xterinens and hack of dh asterprise,
The : invesgatio it,
| ndings
Wag my eon
rmportance, Hon with Rig consniae
: ; end 3 cimtre ery hoy and Mr NM A
Bas hi aly disruoted the nave. bot Balswere Ae a fesult
; which fax rent the sutire ¢ :
Inst tead, farther bitterness has bes
x i the Sonter EET
i © it
ferew, the following letter was
Secretary Loag
is ry
Sate 3 ot ;
irals Benham and =
rasmbers of the
apnend their signatures |
xpres TT 3
- Flufiogs of Besham ned Ramsay Are iar i
Agsigst Schley, | upnil Ae
£ 2 £ ¥ 1
aptoon of the najonity is as fol wre
se Schley,
Reser Adnues
Ff nuneel for the Applicant
Oe of
f fh yopres
e ogranted, am
aes and the du
saved the wuad. | wertibald aati} the Shjtctim
ciived and he had kad 2
coaneddr them
of Sata Bari
cenitven WARE en sept cn JEUEG And SOunty mone
with the port hittery and turning % | [remy Uwnartiient to
Phan eared ; it
Brooklyn scound with port helo ief of the American
mmdare Schley caused her to lose
ave posit win with the 8 pH
Lk, expecially with the Vizcaya ant Dewey's option that Ad
; ie crammiand
Lingo is A queaton raised
ehgines rn EVoG
he events ie the
rep et reg
a Mania.
inennle are Ged or mtsing and
airy. He y requested Sec.
z 5 5
alary Logs Ww « aid GOraTal of the
A Passsorer and a Freight Come Together men : :
With {irest Force, the Occupants of the i e at ie Ea ps
Smokisg Car Being Povoed ia by the of 15f Virgin . fr the seat in the
Locomotives -- Oly Tyee of the Halt 3 Higinta « oh hae heen te inated
Dozen Escaped. ie thie death of the contestant :
; = 3 Cither cates are Seventh Al
Reckiord 1H. {Special}. —
the surf of x condi
ders 15 supoosed to bavy teen
a head Fest ditan on he 1
Jornen 3
itentral between Hein and Pores
Ts tradi were ep¥thimd
senger rin and a through fre
Pong west. Al a Felit sgh FEIT ai
; pies sentative
my : Bath 5%
ef the survidors Bo rel the
Gms were 1 i
The termversture way an
BN Tere, 2
ser, 1k sory hone oe
ein he made he
Catan Reyenoes Dect ne.
Affairs of the
Mise Denariment gave onl oh se following
Howing the Saami revenue
Ls Sirvany Ls New York ani Pesnnyivieia Rise i
x {
Above Danger Lips
aver the
aver the
Long's Plas for Naval Reserves
Secretary tong has trivemitted 1D
! v4 for the arganis
of 1 United Suites navel reterve,
: cificery anal ied
wha served dur-
saan ad officers ape
for service during
at war, the men
¢ for not leis
eid during et
radustes of the
4 : >. vols =
hi a i ‘ sie or 1o
Bilt for Purchase of Telegraph Liees
AE 5 A Ys iv
Army Officer Saws Behe tian is Rife
fxland of Loos
| Steadily lacressing Demand Reported By
American Saclety.
A Aurorara ld,
tommadore Schiey Was the Senior Officer | »
in Command
Demers opinion
pial Year wat
improving. She constantly | Besides the impending action of Ger |
fact, however, that when many to enforce clans against Verne |
she broke her heart, and no one ruels, an uprising 18 thre
this iftasion. | country.
was robled of $15. 0x00 hes :
The work | 2
and nothing wis |
ery pail the bank
atte: qiprea
+f uly 3. oR
; ah ¥
a aus arid 1x eyt
$8 ar iy C.
dngion, 1
y & A 9
Jury in the case of Mus
EE Ase
tod the popular ig won which anoe bial
that from the evid SR oh da: ies 3% The Gar ett a
failed to derstands that Colonel Hunsiker repre
sents th Steel Sorpergtion,
=i WISN it Af
eat at als
Arms of the
sna) encampe
st Hanford,
font sand it
5 Sy Li ; ; E3iy nia and
GE BITE ON SEMAN oitabe Beeafe Usast sone Hime Cex] year,
ADGE Hits EX. gi yi: bart Hegel Sef teow REY Wien Be would
John JL Leaf Awsaghed i Coart 81 Clpwes | 2
land, hin :
Bape eme
SHY of
we Dlanish
Testes have
7 z f i exit Lie
pomnaion of LE ney volgen
' : EHERE commits
heompitiee to draft
~anare ag TIEasIre,
Ho 2 x E P PATIL miroduesd mn
Pardon of } 4 2k L 3 BE R8 itinw : 2 pension of
1 argh 3s
alto a bill
Linus no " o! § pi WE AIR. BRL aaerhitaly x national niitary park at
wie to odes
OR nL the
: Ee Was : ; ; etd iH 5 telson. git Wansas, 1
ire brought ti foe : mn Miss Eau tradced % fir 3, or the government pur
heals of the oi £ the Western Lion a and ‘ostal