The Patton courier. (Patton, Cambria Co., Pa.) 1893-1936, December 19, 1901, Image 5
: ! Bd Hunter, formerly * | postmaster of Patton, in pi syed as n hook hesper in the Adams ixpress Co office in Philadelphin | = Sid yon get over buying useless | : a pair of shawn, shippers {JE you want fine lanndry WOK, ‘leave FOLr Inundry with WW. E Pro {ets the Harber nyanne, ni for the are nil peeful, at Rhuade's Mai Leu | LaThe sotial organization Known as : 1 The dolly Fifteen” i making propa. Risk! Bogie ball on Na SEE Wills : atinone ta i visiting Now Youar'i ave : partiontars . Lawronee Lo flen I Bawyers ard | Merriman teary marriod at .jof the bride on Melutyre svenue Pr {day afternoon at 5 ot olook thes | Lmpire Stenm Laundry. fy The things for (hristmas gia? Now bay | ar leggings | 2% 5 i oand Doesn t the cold Weatael put you in That's what we se this Neck | () Woods. what we are headquarters for in for farther! ] Miss Fannie | the hom Quality and P peremony wis performed by Lisnrge Boone, Fay The Commercial hotel buliding on Albert Thong left Wednoadny 0 spun avenue hae been sold by BM, busines trip to Pittsburg. Wilson to County Commissioner TM. and Mra. EC Bheshan and Joho W. Alrhart. ninderstood that WL. Nichoison Ninger was visiting remain as landlord. | ; Mk | For sale Headguar Me for boys’ and men's. and. cigar stand. : po, at Rhody's. right mia Ddng Mrs. Job R Cordell in quite il at Other business takes " Lpwoer's tre. Call on or address 0 Db. Hales, P'alion Pa A bargain to good business. Thi Bon Ton store is giving away very ot Their ly ertisotnent fn the penal place quotes some Brood $43 worth ‘a henduoing Gow Enlendap (purchaser of one dailar's goods or nore, Mis Jontile 8. Crain ia again wie ¢ ws olerk in the Patton post 4 Lingly low prices loc holiday gots ~The Lat Hiristtias Buyers’ Annnnnoemant by the For a gon have, hnir ent or sham : call on. Darfield Wilkins, Tift das, L Stratton, 3 of Puitipaberg, The Ar Bliss hon baer hy # rencewin : acquaintances in town page. Ladusorated for the holidiy they present many secvicable It the advertising solomis of ung pifts, the Cour heforn making your hol: | Ta thi Hoo purchases. Washington F rriday. The wonderful Boone Yaki Oo, will Bunnie, of Ehinsbieg, representing t be at the Hastings opern hota on | | Nineteon id ditricd, Introduced a bill onday night. : for w Federal building in Julinstown, The COURIER office will be pots bo cost $120,000. The muksiry was re. he transaction of business every. j Torre tiv the proper cormiiied day next week. i Lv A New Year's fssemibly Music hath chars to woke the hold fn Cloldstpin’s Hall on Friday age broast. Buy a musical trae evening, January 3, 18 The Ger ment at Rbody's. : CL i mania orohestra, of Look Haven, we ioe selovtion of hristaae furnish the mosic Mewira i. storios will be found on the mond ; Prindible, ii. 8 Lingle, i. 1 Dnusmore, of this ise of the Countar Ata. Ww. A Metlon, J. NM. Gi : hie Pig oand WH “Dandy stock ladies’ holiday slip ites hat pers;ail prices. bie a Ruysr wl Carri Cd we Mas Ellen TP. MeConegy, & trained nurse of Philadelphia, is pow atiend- ng Mrs. EA. Miles, fay, yong fellow, hair that girla A ndalin or Puttar Bh WHY bgv fai Ai Hhply a wEditian, the litle Mew 12 OWiH Greeny, vl with poeumonin, Wim. Yeukley sf Represent £5 Erkan fhe {say pre than Sir the al : fair in charge Ths free time du faa canhot hak wiate WHI ies Shine ia marry. Lao fining. first 1x a iow ir mizate dangchter of Mr. 7 ec Panel + Sine PatEy are Jun We Spent NE oan’ ting : of Heese 10 pias mn niargend tes VIE Bunt "ign a was vi ind ¥o.% wi FASy sain, ro HL. writes: aay wiih A pricws Sons de pW franta Ay ng : Imapin CUinkoown Wo te Wer CKeyerons Croomisa Co, nena : : . ik SH FOE SAT BE LT, 158 every style, fresh avery one wisi haaieal and cused the y ; Hestanrant. Families | : vd by the pint, quart or gakton. : racking If you are in peed of a good BRAVE, erinl.] shampoo Garfield Wilkins, | aventn ‘harber, will suit you. a ui Cdnerar "eb 0 Hae Wkly PCI - All A uid PIRI JU. lids panes ~The Cornet for 8 year will make One ects ear put up in nandsome | for a gift. ; KEYSTONE CLOTIING © 0. Mr. and. Mri. HH. No. Aspden {will | the holidzy season at their old | ein Philadelphia. ows for ildren. | Buy your useful Christmas pros. | full line of r ts here, Save money on values. : ki Is % Kevsrone CLormING Co. | nas of 1 0yS for R. Wrycklund, the proprietor . : so Christmas. sr’s Rest hotel, fell on an last week and broke his Folding Blackboards, Horns, Extension Tables, Bagatelle Tables, Games, Guns, Whips, Tubs ‘and Washboards, Tambourines Carpet 1 | Sweepers, Etc. Ftc s| Nothing More Than 10 Cents. ot HARRINE e little daaghter 2 John ¥ the Kirk Hardwar: and tare to. Et jook at the tn ps, hich will bé sold between now and | ristman at half price. weMrs. Jolin Asheroft and Miss Alice Asheroft azo visiting friends in Philips | rg and from that place will go to their new home in El Paso, Texas, » Slippers Men's 60, 68,75, 88 cents $1.50. Boys: 80 cents to 1 Big- | t stock in town, RKevsroNE CLOTHING Uo. For gale Ci hood residence property | on Magee Gight-room house | with ba pom. Bald very sheap for | ) Appl At this office. : INGTON'S § IND 10 GENT STORE, Fisher Biock, Patton. Ya All the delivacdiea of the sei RL Oysters in every style. Meals served promptly, (live me a eal Open Sundays. F D. Dur lap, it ia : will | Pool and billiard room the all of present for Keystonn Sothing Ub. will be found ua Lhe fret fsa ay : and Bivens ab witli bo will Detilin. | pragcuing ai stopped the 1h rst ia present for an absent all | Palace e Restaurant | | bi cents. o W. Hodgins Patton, | su-Genars Sweguey and tha Eye a Specisity. Al] and Pharm : i salle wil stv ve prope aliesticn. and Men's Furnish Hats. [ings in endiess profusion. Woll Gloves, Mittens, Neckwear 8 % Thompson, Good Building >hristmas Can Save THE E Bee our *AND WX HY Pa Ge and 1.15 JUyers Money ai BAZ AAR, Y MORE?” ae Bien or Borsey $e. ne Silex Be Shang i foil cartilages Tes, Tes, 81. 0 up te 2 % Nise Les edge handkerchiefs 50 Reolior sein Lie, iets he. Re The, 1 0 and 81.20 Tiny 5 - { nil he & dhs roo: trninw (oe, 2 photo aihtime, S0v, i Fauly ibis 4a @ : Par Wilk snore : bail hes awk Se Tee, 15, toe, The, Sk PR and er 1 200 wml up Ww iH, s ‘Toy gans bo, 100 and We A BC blowks be, 106 and 25 Chilis rockers io W i hay the last dl ig Be, by ae and Me he aul Me hotest have been sold. money at THE BAZAAR, Mannish $ gia on feny RMOE, Eract Sprouts of Pos Sha Yo ™ ge en Quality Shows were awarded the Gold dal wt the Pan American Exposition, fa Ruy 1 Camb the ET Rl races aa ai i ichures, woman's shoes : dike of which were never fi seen in Patton for the i ore in 1 you want warts gu nda call on ung 5 s pri ; IIE 3 from 75¢ to $5.00 / are the himt F Mire 5% Cave Lave 8 oy 1% bLatlan alors for HUSA Iv rw Clarion and ail kinds of felt and rubber better ones Cprodds Po | ; ‘each. A Big Line Christioas Slippers. : ; = But that 1s not all, for » have 4 hegntit parlor, bari nguet, k iller, PA all and sxanine stoo gL. PATTON. bedroom, in remarkably low price. Still more, we carry The urgent stock of Iron Beds, 250 to $35.00, L Centre Stands, 80 to $4.50 Couches, $4.00 to $20.00. Morris Chairs, §7.00 to $15.00. Rockers, 99¢ to $8.50. Diners, 500 to 83.00, Sideboards, 88 50 to $40.00, Linoleum Rempants, 25¢ to Soc yd Carpi, 6c to $2.50 yd. Jardiniers at half-price, Patronize the Home Bakery. FRESH Bread, Pie, Cake and Rolls. large variety at almost any price. © And do not fall iwrgest live of heavy and light hardware, along with the hafore mentioned, is foand Fancy Cakes to Order J.C. HAMER, . + Fit! PEN i ATT ee J. E. KIRK'S HDW. & FURT. STORE. Ave, Avenue, PAT Dr. V. A. ‘Murray, PHYSICIAN & SURGEREOX, POMee in Ariington ioe, Baxt to Prstofiics, ¥ cP, Pe J 4 3 1 C promptly. asus of Delve soe ld ndlantion FFE HOURS 7 19 a ba asd 101 Magee PATTON, PA. "DR. S. W. Worrell, ; For family ‘use In ntmboriess ways | Ballard’s Snow Liniment is a useful | and valuable remedy. Price 23 and Office in Good Building, Room Nu. 8 The gel Siesein 8 PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, amar Patton, Pa. ne at present, hint those who wait il @. O. Brady, Prop'r a T he first 2 thing Wik want to cal your attention to is our trian China, consisting of won dishes, cracker jars, choe- tups 4 id sancers, vases, jugs and a es, This line of China is to be 4 cases ta the left as you enter our from sc to $10.00. In this ind prese wi to please father, mother, you come e arly. se vou will find a line of handkerchiefs in embroidered borders and scalloped for the money. In the next #1 2 ¥ Sa Ta fife hig villi $O% in vases, , ete. We Last But Not Least, made by Maloney semiation of turn market. the little one more ave int call at our store and see willing to part with in exchange 11 a Merry Chris Vein your servants, Fallon § fn 50¢; unl assortment of fact every kind of lamps at a | omm—— Also. Heating Stoves snd Ranges in to remember that the shell faroitum Jewelry, Watches, Ringe : Diamonds, Chains, Novelties, Ete. The longer you put it off, the less hkely ronment, You will instantly confess terial for . stmas Gifts. i my not know A bi X + haolately hi Sie Y. < iy Fi now, but just and when we Ey e Wet x von thought of £2E2 ¥ ¥ an will ha sc prleetiadbl Tet nal lumen Aired, Co. SNYDER, | ¢ woler and O ptician, PA’ Te JN, PENNA. BR ey ae Wa a oh ad a Gig Pop dd InaEes 3 peer Or nve 4k Ag ‘xd EN "tka 4 x appropriate Christmas Gitt rps 24 L arior- nf a5 niece nNeoessary Winter Overcoat -— pe to get it. oy