The Patton courier. (Patton, Cambria Co., Pa.) 1893-1936, December 19, 1901, Image 4
TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION V, one amy, in Rd vanes, eo sini rato PRPS Aiscomtinnid anti all arrears | Ape fry paid, mules at the aption of the $a the ¥u tdi mY Fallin se erm eh mat] raatier. Tun Gov BIER wishes its . hrge and < s Fdeches Boia prt a4 : Standard and Ce lebrated iy growing list of patrons a merry | jo ; Obristmes anil a happy New Year FS mo ——" poo Xo naval Court of Ingolry can dim | the lustreof Admiral Rehley's magmifie wiotory at Dantisgo. rial Len, Ww. his name aud fame | i hearts of i countrymen to day, : cilgues to the contrary aE you expat 44 conquer in the bat tle of today, you will have to blow | ir trumpet, in as firm, determined I you take your whistle only, | liy aside Your horn, there is not a Hy ¢ soul wil ever know you were borti, says the Clearfield Spirit. The ; n who advertises with n short and sudden jerk, 1s the man who blames the printer baoavse iL wouldu't work, We min wha gute the hosinges gees | lots of printers ink, not a clatter pot a aplatter, bat an ad that will made vou think, and pline his adve setising ds be 2 plans Me store and stench, and the fia tire of his teturiese is ae solid nen os warren who has studied the horse ; and pie qudstion, has this Lo ey On : eerniog those animais: A A mule will live 2 Lo ; ia ie snehalf shat a Horas eds, and do fs work, A mnle’s working yours wre twice an long as those of & horse When a mule rans off be always koeps n the ved, Boren alwieys tries to smanh things, card of a wile hurting soything in d i HY. bobaved and industrious that people : esplee him wad talk about him. You : rd Bim socused of being & vie Welrasu 0 ri ong ever To fact, nomote 1s wo well nloer; fmt when you bear of a heing kicked to death, yon will at fi Hine 8 a at to pin guilty of wigs! Kevin sented vamp Woh EL argovd in lis be. yop hie wld wasn weil nrdiie of Nine Vis & Ardy silacylle gold an a prover woe in evidence that the’ made of raspberries ATC of acid init was : fin proper condi or the retail fale “ ears receiving nt uigation inw, Fa Matra Notte. \ cam to the premesia of the gued at Moshannon No, 13 mer Patton, a stray calf, light | Cand two white hind feet. | _ notified to call and | er is horeby same, pay all damages and the 4 of Mis notice or the same will be ot secording to Jaw. MICHAEL KRURE. BeoWiy Evacrmion Flinn. er with an old established the Boftulo, Rochester & Pitts. way will this year issue ex- sursion tickots between all stations ite ine butween Brflaio and Pitts : rg inclusive, including Clearfield vision, account Christos and New at's holidiy, at a fare and one third the round trip. Tickets will be sold good going on Dec. 24, 31, and Jan, 4 Joog, limi ted for re- VI sky better and tar, It prSer full to tons no taken in time, All druggists. : Lynch Winchester, Ind, at life of my boy to lof John (iantz on ‘avenue I am frente like the : servicable ( hrist- Makes a and suitable a mas it, We have it in Knives Forks, SPOS, Children's Sets, Etc & Everything in Hardware.” That's and at prices as the Towedt Skates, Sle ih l Horse Blanke "is all scasonable goods. J.B. CORDELL & CO, Jells and Having irchased the Store Fourt stocking the same with new goods in every De ¥ Fu partment, Canned Goods, (aroceries, Lame, Crain, Etc, Ete. Flour, Feed, Quick Sales, LOW PRICES, ‘Small Profi ts Come and See Me. rest Frycklund. oy Gould, 1 and better prepared than work 1n his line. ‘timates This. Town Needs “Watching.” Is he your husband, your brother or your son? We have noticed the poor at the als STOCK fellow garing longingly good Watches as he thought of the worn out worthless time his Doesn't he deserve a Does , any Christmas present ? Then, in Our prece if poe ket a 1 on one ? {He deserve a possible list of sou givable things pot one that will So periectly | meet his appreciation as al CTE iN 8 WATCH. TOZER, The Patton Jeweler. | kil and rent. Our usual small 's ( hristmas—1a here because it rie has many exceptions. BR iF IX eS, T OVS, Rugs, : ik 1ne LF Bibles Books. y es, Ebony Novel Dolls, 16s (: HOOVES, Umbrellas ult Br t.uh Hons, Sterling Nove Handkerchiefs. Fascinators, Blankets. Ja panese w are, Pictures, Dre Nn Pa x CHOC TION 3 in ties, terns, Kid Gloves, Largest Line of Toys and Fancy (Goods in Northern Cambria. & “ AMARA nai bles. Size in every respect, at g8c. 3 3 inch best kid body dolls 25¢, sold Teacher's internation elsewhere at 35c. wl tr’ 16 inch imported Id elsewth 3c. - dn ndings, hy sleepers, at g9c¢, 19 inch kid $1.00 a 3 Bd =) 13 INC Tie $5 Inc h JO Ite we ¥ well worth 7 op w{. 1 5 inch dressed dolls at 49¢, se Id else where at 75¢. 18 inch dressed 1.25%. Double finished and upward. $ ANN] Carriages TH i 0 SC Ci C i no to "tarnish 49¢. The Bon Ton Store, Tinningand fi! Plumbing! i Reliable Huving ed to our new lacation in ‘the Fisher Block we are new be ter prepared than ever to do no this line. We are (Cambria connty for brated Brooks Oil Co.'s Gutta Percha Roofing Paint. The Old umber, John C. is still on deck Jd Hive A powerful engine can hay ean't expect ro keep up the wear and strair : a weak stomach ir Do Or rslner our stol replaced, and we cannot stop the human machiner ing repairs. Fut when the stomach {s unabie to gest He aie fi od: to keep the body , We on use such a preparation as Kodo Dyspepsia © 10 It igests what you eat, so that you can vit all the ¢ ot want, without any d distress aftereating. ar * TE hg 3 Heatien of of Kodul Dyw- 51 : 1 work i} rane # sal 5 for cele- sole ag =}! do all the Es- cheerfully giv- all classes 3 ever to 1 need 4 Soot hi ne and healt ing eatin on for 2 sores and skin : Slsrasis, we DeWITT'S Witch Hazel SALVE. Beware of counterfeits. Cn on Of ALT work. Bepairing JOHN C. GOU LD, Xen pve Toys tied ae ¥ d. C. Harper Co. | Parnell, Cowher & Co. savks Tow H. A. SEITZ, Dentist! Office up stair in Goad Balding Of, flte Hours - 8 a to 2m, and 1p m. to bp om ‘GEO. BOONE, JUSTICE OF THE PEACE OfMce in Good Building. Collections promptly attended to. Properties to Makes New Nerves, . New Liie. Tones Up the Whole System and CURES CONSTIPATION. Aral dragtinis aint dealers, Be, or sent by nn, (fF your desler will not supply you. LANGHAR iE PEN £0. Le Roy, N. Y. “or (NoURANGE Hp BET ATE AGENTR Hie £ Fudd Pa Phan ¥ IIT £ Fors SHEE, Miss Susie Wentz, RAVE PEE Ag mein aiid ng hots | 5B pugres oes Pretiolg i Cpaisl fv t fons 5 pre i Fike Bs 43 ont uy wf pti of 0 {Piano and « gan ir given iar a Somerville, % ~ LF eg rand Ly Revue! ® * we tet ML 3 Es Bo GE $4 (LW, Holy on Pharmacy. be Ln ix sia a2 (Ofer in the Good Budiding, % a