The Patton courier. (Patton, Cambria Co., Pa.) 1893-1936, December 19, 1901, Image 3
: | marks which te a goo} milker, but there is re ghide except to weigh the 8 fod. The farmer will on bare en in the oe adbira pre fs a Yacaney it wil appear ‘White aver 1 is ; bets for sheep, and It is : fewer insect attacks than | i Valae of Wand Avi. great dificuity in the purchasing is the fact that ashes re. even the apparently ox containing from 10 to 29 vent of mofetare while the propor: of nobitare varies according amidity of the atmosphere No estimate can be made of the ¢ ¢f ashes, but 100 pounds will in about #3 pounds of lime, five of potash, two pounds of phos acid and also proportions of tesin and other mineral sub It i= seldom that ashes con guficlent plant foods to reach he vale of Ho per ton. Values of Claver and Timothy, i& said that timothy of good qual mtaing a little more than a hail ad. or tonrteentwentyfifths of = of nitrogenous matter in Good clover hay ; pounds in 0, or and a bail In 25, and lucerne wo and oneafifth in 20 pounds xplains why clover Is so much tor milk production, or for fat- stock thas timothy hay, Mr 8. Woodward claims that barley is better than timothy for feed y sheep, but he probaldy means _eut, a8 all grains should be yet in the “dough,” or soft i to be (rushed wp between the id finger. We do not put a ¢ high value on straw, corn stover | y kind that has been al and antl the seed Is fully : Chemiats may only the water has dried nt {he material juice of a & same thing as the e Well or broak. We to the rat fruit, al we own that the fruit dried in the evaporator does not uo- | he same change as it ussd to the old process of drying In And dried beef will not good beefsteak by soaking it Hing Forind of Cows. ‘of a Cont ‘opis type ay be Jersey as well 8s re or Holstein, for the type | up and destroyed, Sheep and pigs will | ! be tendency to produce milk ‘all times, and oven under unfavor conditions, more sirely than it he Iargest quantity she can to produce), can he milked gly for years, from one calf she is properly cared sigh as the milk is not good fy use or butter making, the ghe can be induced to gradual reducing of the , bit never hy ceasing or to take all the milk yielding three or four | Jt 18 better to take such e it to the pigs than to Fher Rader, but do not give 3 pis, Like the ‘col. ‘given directly afierths it may be too physical, 2100 henting for the ROW, Ay con tad with this. How cow be served spain om to produce - » A thin cows, and ‘with’ ‘matched Boards; heavy paper between the i three windows in the wo in the south side. | rim in a large yard in the summer an have never had any trouble with me | | weeding out of the poarer cows. v | profit, then star tween each pon, 80 hac four pens can | be tirned into one if necessary, which 1 do when not in use for breeditg sows. The upper part of the bullding 1 made into a henliouse, with a giass | front facing the south and an outside entrance to keep it separate from the Fog room. The entire building cost $254, 1 keep about six breeding sows of no particular breed. They are fed on whey except when suckling pigs and for two weoks previous 10 {arrow ing. Then 1 mix in wheat roiddiings or barley real the latter preferred : August, After weaning 1 fead the pigs skim. {milk and barley meal or middiings, till | they are two months old, giving them I all they will eat. At the end of that ! time substitute whey for the milk, | but continaw the neal with the addi | tion of a few ears of corn. The ob ject is to keep them growing and fat | i market them in May and October. my expe rience Being that pork brings the begt | price in these two months 1let therm | 4 19 im pigs. I mausily Resp about 24; guymmer and the same in winter, I keap a summer and a winter duiry. go that 1 have whey the Year round I. soll my skimmilk at the separaior for | {ii cents per 100 pounds and get the | whey back, which [ think is the most profitable way. There ara four things necessary for | the profitable keeping of pigs, viz, straw and plenty of it for a bed, and all they will eat from the time they | re dropped till the day of killing. IT] feed my bog: regularly three times a dav. and never Rave squealing hoes My neighbors sometimes Temars, “How do you make money on Boge? no mystery to me. You can throw a eat through the cracks in their pens They feed only when they happen to hear the pigs squeal, and wait until huskiag carn in the fail to fattenthem. They dump in enough green Corn in the morning to last all day. of which? 1 would rather one-third ix waste] have two ‘Taahote old corn than threa bushels new for fatlening purpuses— New England Homestead. 2 Notes from Many Sources Separate the young roosters from the hens. You cannot keep the poultry quar tore too clean, If possible, fesd pigs of differ rent | ages goparately, It's a dificult matter to faed much succulent food to stock When fowls are deprived of green OO fond the yolks of their vgEs are a very pale yellow. Thanksgiving market You ean never have a good dairy | herd unless you have an occasional | If thers was more attention paid to attention paid to doctoring hogs. Hon that wormy fruits are picked | tend to this work and do it very cheap | iy. Any farmer who persists ducing anything that is not up tn the standard must expect lo see hard timex, clean. to eal up Any more than this ix sure wasted. When a horse is “off his feed” hiran mashes with a little careful nursing | will generally bring the animal around, Don't Jet the fov.a begin on fence tops and iu treds Many | enseg of roup have thelr beginning | in this way. in the poultry yard. Hens are af dogs, and 8 bad scare will do much to stop Iaying. gnd Langshans make the best winter In vers. Brahmas are good also {ive stock may now be watched and cared for to advantage. Be sure you have all animals in good shape "1 to go through the winter, the hat have had rest Soe that the roof on ponitry housa ts perfectly tight and the flonr ia Ary Fowls will not be healthy if com: polled to Hive in damp honxes. and the whole flock will do better. First make a few hens pay you al the large foek. Many & man has made bis hens un profitab e vy starting on too large a scale. Porn’t let the hens go into winter | quarters covered with mites. You wil | not potice them 80 much in cald | weather, but they hurt the fowls Worse. sumer is a lean, tender and juicy ment. Sheep raisers should breed and teed so as to furnish meat of this character. One part of corn meal ground as t finely as possible, one part of brant i ground with the corn. aml ong part ol cottonseed meal Dinkes an exge br lent mixture for jambs. Treat fowls kindly, and teach them tp regard you as their friend. If any 1 are to ve caught, don't chase in he house at night and 1 Maybe Thatan Yaterested asker i n to His Own Speech. wy Have often wondered if the aver Age aan or Woman sonkl bear thelr | awn Yolees while etigeged In conversa. tion observed a thoughtfol ellen | whe Prockiyne Fridge's New contin. | yesterday, “and the matier £66ms 10 Ing Seasition of the Painters Who Ap- be open to Berions question. There 18 | ply I Bouserivaning Which Preceded an old oxpression wee] under certain | the Application of the New Fresh Paint. nosy conditions, which runs thus ‘1 conldn’t hear myself talk’ and while | | Firooklys bridge is mo Hight task. ak this saying hag more parilonlar refer | puaueh an the present oocl an the IY THE ARIEL JOB Sin i KNIGHTS OF THE BRUSH WHO Patetirs declare that painting the erice to a shuation where the eounds | pL... been greatly favored by a jong ; are rioting, I am inclined to Believe | | spell of jood weather. It iy said that | that In at least fifty per cent. of the | Biz bridge devours paint as an sleaniiness, 8 warm piace, good dry | It costs me $2 to make pork for every | i self, se he proceeds to apply biz | This * Stange, for thers are siniefnen who | i talk i & a 3 i assembly hall, statesuoon who i either straddle or ignore princi te for - the world, | safely figure that, in many ins Now is the time to carefully wateh | and tend the poultry intended for the | : of the human vores, sod It has worked i wonderfally well In sutdoor perform. 1 anoex” sald a gentleman who is cone the swill barrel there would be less | wire for the purpose, in pro’ { that (live the hows only the araount of | month before she freshens, and | food that they ean & Jonger time, we think | better that she go dry | be | i at to roost | Don't let your bunting dogs train afraid The Plyrsouth Hooks, Wrandotics | Some strains of the lJ ht | ent area of the pavilien, a difference of It possible, keep all male fowls in | A separate yard They will be Jess likely wo fight and injure themselves, What it wanted by the mutton cof | I have the sows farrow in March and ¥ | iwanices one i® net copscions of the elephant eats hay. and that no re sgniar 3 sound of one's voles, 1 mean by this that one js not definitely’ conscious ot the soanede, The toned five pot woll | defined in one's mind. Of course the waves are heating on the ear drm Bat 1 fancy if ene shoudl stop | | analyze and clussily tha fones I would he mot fomfasing The wha talks idly, and who ways thi : indifferently, probably bears his own { voles. But where there is feeling Land animation. and oarsestness, and = | conversation, I do not bhelleve there i any well-defined consciousness at | the sounds which fall from one's Hps. fn are (netancss of course, when one's voles iz most pleasing and soul i ful. as hen one sings some gontt | i mental song. or hans a soothing tupe, or rociies eras and Hille sRits from | { great erations, and things of that | wert. Ome Is géperally alone ag such | times, Yor, in iostanees of this sort i thers are certain mental panne! ations | { which frequently crowd into one's mind, and much of the sound Is host | { In the pictures witleh come trooping | | hack from sodpR ear lier thee in life tI am econvinesd that the public | { #praker who handles hig snbiect with | earnastness and animation, and who | | believes In what he says for the wake i of yrineciple Instead of paliding his | it i 1 ¥ { way with bombast fo high political $1 1 got Sack” But when 1 inquire | : | their way of caring for their hogs it ia | | preferment—in such a cade 1 slieve sometinges lay i the epeaker is dead fo fhe sw pnd of | vor as the 1 | his volce. His mental {alties are | crowded into the lea. He slips, as L fr were, into the shell of his themed, | Hb forges (8 gestares, making them | unésmscionsly. He doss not kee hi : hearers an vi weades thrangh the storm | of applause which may greet his say ing. His mind fs tornel back on 2 | prin. : | ciples to a certain gorips of facts doen net happen in every in for the sake of heaving thelr | | volces ratile against the wills of Ihe | snl stitute londness for logic and who ® the gake of position, prestige and poll. | Bat 1 was speaking of the common run of men, the ordinary fellows of and 1 belleve we Day oR at least. men snd women have Bo well-defined consciousness nf thelr | own voles while engapsd in conver | sation” “Pheatrical men have devised a curious way of controlling the volame 4 Ai pected with the West End manage Cgment. “They use an ordinary copner Wa hive one harp at West End. In length it is wut ficlont to reach across the front part of the stage, its ends toaehing & po ind | | directly above the two end footlipghis i We have strong thia wire asrosze the stage ation tweive or fifteen feel] | above the footlights. There had ben wonie complaint on the part of patrons | they conld not bear ihe serforns era well from the zeatw further Yael | , from the sage. and we concluded | to try the system usd hy managers. We siretched : | wite the full length of the fennt | of the stage at the distince indb ented from the footllghis, After pub | : ting ft in we began an inte roaring text | | and we found that the wire realy im : proved the ability of the auditor | hear sounds on the stage The wird | geek to Keep the somnds from scald | tering so much and seein to faves the | voles of the singer oul to the audi ence In a more compact and stranger forms, if 1 may use the expression. It grr as a sort of sowmnling hoard ind soine way which I do mot anders grand | exactly. This wall wire has made an enormous difference In the hear Bg | Shenits | £% {probably Gfty feet or pore. The volce | of the singer has a clearer sound te | i the auditor, the avticnlation f= pare { diutinet, the velume is greater, and. i the situation ls in every way ime proved so far as the hack sesis are «| etneerned. It may be that the wire i tends to hold the someds ploser to the Legrih by giving the waves a dawn ward drift jostead of permiitit Cehery to drift upward, and | wider ard Weaker as Lue i | spread Gut In oa greater &ir aren. This, i Bawever, Is mere spacnlation, We kKtiow the result of the experizient, for I since we put the wire where it 3 nuw Iwas nave received but few complains {from our paitong “LXNew Orieans LT mes Democrat. i Lake Winnebago Shallow. Professor » Wisconsin, Feo A 1x vibrations St A 8 SR AO Marsh, < | speaking recently of the peculiar of Lake Winnebago, sald that it remarkable for ita shallowness though it is almost twenty el; fli fn length and ten or ih width, it has a depth of only £3 fi five feet. This is due to the fact th i k 5 " are Mines ing and that the falet is gradually filling is bottom with 8 earthy deposit. Bat Winnehago's shal lowness rnkes It ow rel fini; it is age ductive known. Rhallew § fave more Bah than deep ones, cHieRY, perbans Leotuse thie be ers tiation ou the Lotiow ul tae sialoyn sandy % 3 LG 2 ipdeed, ar 1 man | nes : hit ome may eall sovifainess, in the | handle oR Land seiap LOO B Lwith « ¢ wai hess 15 i of 5g cently Ee mie thie ; the men Cab 1 place, ha win {these ohne Pomerons md py og thi Hi Erun { tn ried i estimate can be made of its appetite | fn advamie. 1 is only when ihe work | | baw beep compietod that the bridg Lguthoritioa are able | to bridge CE new diss Mn regular farven of bridge painters ts { hae beech employed for gone yearn Phere ate always two or hres men conceited with the department of Wridges whose hnsiness {8 to do wueh odd % of pointing as arise, gt Bon ui alized foree to of painting the Brookirsy bridge. Becsase ig pow gual either to Bire men o8 pecially for the work or to sulilet task of painting 10 & cosiracion Thi yaar the bridge department has awed | men which ft hus especially hired for the purpose, & pe ods a the Ile {i neéds a pond mane painters and several weeks to bring (0 a finish the i work of paint Hog the bridge, for it should be remembered tha work of laying the J Babes part of finn thar tales ¥ 3 fates 50 math jaBor is the wi irk at pry Hminary clianing Paint canhol to ctorily Iaid on the top of either yust or dirt. Painters who are cans lesa of the quality of thelr work will | aint over raeted fron, Gn ia the | theo auickly her on the ihe work Ht and dust poornend of trays itesait work can be properly gotten rid pri ig areliminary cleaning Without thin the paint i by a therourh HnR. cannot le rpade to stick tw the iron unless Jt is ald on ln extra agant and roinots gnantities. For this reasen a corps of cleaners Pt who as [ar Gre day ahead Fim wt work oon the hridge As posible, have kept of the painters, Feary mood cranny of the brides is hing gapinred Jdrinaln gind ad pd. and those | whi Me porvous abrnit the safety of the hridiua or #50 bays an idea hut tners may be a hidden and undetested | crack In the strpture can Test in pesce for a while. The hig bridge hay andergons Almost as thorough am ex | amination as If It was Deng tAken to pieces. As suioiy %8 a © gichmnker wild detect a broken wheel ip the wath he was cleaning ao sursly P clesners and painters | discover and report say sivioms Naw { they might find in the hridaw work Panote who wate the work of paints ing the big bridge think that i is. a dangerous and perveracking task tor | the min employed bot, as 8 malior of fact the men may they would | rather WHTK a8 pins an the Brook. | vn heldge tha upon & goed mRDY | houses or apart ment niidings. The gay that on the ridge they what they are i aiWAYSs og Be and a: he sganan swinging we Another that Br hing whivh Yeuisd Bas Lig danger | the Ya Pros. swinging sca¥old so that siaferiahiy reel 8 new 1 waving the stage. T REY TR: intora will na wmply eourt a fall bridge IRore Ave DOUG wns. Be srowely ropes Which say the preadway and bridge floor is By lack of ssenre places fn the painters seaffokd can Op the Ei and roost parts these i lonsont the grosses dow Bat 4 A {he a Ha En which AW URE dangHron oes ary sthing by can bring during he bridge, The more fron golf witha! HOTA TONS altived o Foove the aw; ihe uf the together bridge % =R paint ing CRD, Al any to the work i Leeaie of the ron the siage pink and, NRE Bio 0 A year SaRy nEinR slages most of the w er ¥ matter 15 thy lovalionae nary pad Of hana ing bite og aia WBE And renal : Ipers take the pope ard draw Bim ui to moins at which hale” " inrw ail hy omen vn masts and gear The husiswaius Bad Ly in painting rigHnTs the LE A the lake's cutlet Is constautly deep n | 5 i aii s LIONL DEI § kes always Cog: | ships The worst part of the work, und the the © Bian. ty A iy br : ahan HAIR : Bod ie Fh walking op t pore the In ent this giddy path a wile { tenon. lo ax a hang one whi I wars, ase Wh Bp is il. bat rane faa & dad aE will either | be above tae ‘Wkmany i ted] how § ; * tnuch paint and bow many hours of A, {ime it las taken tO give the of thin it : painting tahe brides is, : painting of the Ironwork on the : Way, ay safe as that | ye | dangerous i that the mere hat goon Bakes off the : meatesl Bi & #0 Rs Pl ns obey | he never jacked fr rouipany . matirinis iB pe my egies EY f nd ne and troublesome tank Nisus As the work of ny ov eY the asd en af the 8 alfodd in Hes 5 = : En tn thig secomation. Early and lat ite of the 8. 0 hin Es . hg fact i fim, : i ire ropes 5 eyed only task which is not rendily under the work on the i any a Ho ean see thal there are | FRU many places where theses Baud rails | the 1 tower is ab ant and rigky a one 828 | The actus! risk of death js not very rarer Bes a strong hold for each band ar og Wire : for a fow sation of tiey np | place for his feel co freon tely nace CRAYY tha men shall sometinies travel dwn on these cables In ging over nothing in par. ay HM ow opis 4 {of painving the bridge, and iar : are used to afford ihe men a secundr protection on sacl side. The cabin slants 1 & piast aneomflortable angle for walk although ft cangot ie noticed 2 i plaberals cont rivals thers is a great | deal of Jarvitie vibration in the eabia much of (his shaking iB some ex apparent that the men will only : the trip in thelr stocking feet { or while wearing rubbers painters Are | hand raita are reinforced with ropes | - i and bound down atl certain places wow When the al work ihe 4% to make sure that they will always I he within roach of the men's hands. work of i the | fouls i The easiest task in the hE cour of it ts comatderad the main caliles to] i ns nnpless : in be founs. | great. for at ail points the adven | ka oan again find a HY ana wire rope Engives Sora H 1 LIN B¥Y 5 Tonite Loans W ies 1 Bart If he slips be has : only the horrible sen dh Ln he Sr ; | Eman 3 WERK mol Pasienger Agente I. ANE ABD, Arnona = : Lory Hin PEER ar a wowed sXe Lewin - Eluntingdon & Broad Top e : Railroad. pn fhe roadway und trolley track is io tevdiey men and Irpek t they take no preci ever. and the men the to he constantly on the | avoid lee] % sim down The wor the preliminary eleant wien 19 DrogTeeR noRriy oR what now | a month 1t will 18k the best parr of another | | thirty dar to tomplete the fank | Brookive Eagle. A SEA capTANS NEgoLEWORK. ad ssa t the Age ot 4 Pe Whiles Away Tiae on Vine Embraisterion Josipl Franklin of Charlestown colo. tn a decidedly pnvel fashion hters rained maore than 308 g poriie on Rallivan street wit thitiom of Bis own peedlework, ard several young pent iy H 8 #1 bikerien, WE Wel : rpiereg spears, towels. mapking, Cwroneht in malar & C drawn worl and hemst Canes p I Mr ¥rean i Be 4 apd pre wise for thin diy. story of how this cheery aki piatasrate dovites, Es The | Eeatieman Happened fo find gach em. Ioyraent fn interesting, He always eed 8 Lemy, active fits, first on a New framypabive farm then in many paris Z Loot the world aw shins captain, and lat. About | Ler ma a huilder and dechrator. ju vars ago. while wirking on the [pon ® af a Bulldingg Be fell 10 the ground | amet peceived secon injuries. A brok- ew leg meant months of Imprisonment ‘and hie active temperument rebelled Cat the smforoed ilenese Always 8 : favorite with and noe ; By mathe @ogirt comeing the dea of Frame hive Bim {aay WerR Cand ving fa Wars iran ah hig ih i Ba Flaraction a few pf 0. when rn Aid thelr hands wort Ta this world 1g fe eater t et ra 10 © hay tery An Fae YRRTR fd %s ai sized avy be. and ¢ ection! In and. aching isa Fe oper Thowe sear 10 hin lls ungeceksary wat unheard of aut of wean Tor % shite fiving the ugh. he Teeeps at work. have #174) fieh an rua Spabistey Poor he Seta 5 Banrs open while var 4 epwmrmer gs vaealaa ; : AWAY contentedly and Ha fer Ye Peankiiy 8 lk Y «2 what 3 pretty Tain Noth ¢ have antime Phan ty have BE what a Dhelnfyl sires hands ani Wha age Bf 85 a ne einE thin him Eee Te op 8 S400 ix fh ¥ gual A Rakk A wore | Boling of thie | Bi Sitar sn sh Pent i Fixing hin eye upon the lawyer. wha Pigg dele the goon, the bre eReRET rh ands & Rinpay wainst whom owl Kgmpnt . wy folded his ay (red. Ls TAA sie the : and Ye Adromsing 1 L phevtrified The this fashion i hau been nal courts foe ‘ have always found Cpmeeal 18 the Nrst ; denen ~The Beaty TER sractising in tha i weure and | the gvaatist plates evi THabp erimi tliat give man. to t Sapposing, gall the ariist’s wits giana i the house. and rear trawiing through what would vo oF SQunpoee, NOW, hat 8 Ying hear » = i if LotR aRppoie we Had Fn and ston right thee lw | scord-Hernld The bridge painters say drivers are so pnacesstomed to seeing ped | ; : i giving or workers on the roadway | Twidbas nt 2 5. ma i Hunting EE of painting the bridges ino % 5 birthday Anniversary Tie pests With In receiving and |) ¢ Han- | shown, dell tae | ve, besides | fo hing of the | Every ptitoh was at by | | nw hime aad furthermore © wink frvery plees | Wi mane acraainianees Lyme CoRrSe | LA Tnn ACEH ETIe ; x Manis Line Expos, daily... sebssia S Sn york £53 hi in in. : sionpla stitches niet ha is week days. Fusiine daly. iv gts Sanh, FARA {lpsonher and he | but 5 df i af high commercial vaine, inagmach ax frapieal couRtiies. bear witness in artist a, 3 Feith Xa tT Assn olive Ais mir ME. Dale of 36 5 arnvias at gE ies Bor: Poet i Prin Naso 4 ¢ JOE S53 £8 a. oy : Tostn Nox 7 {Fan Line tvs ME. niin opin Xo, 8, Sundays only ven Dnt fr Huntington A Lp rE a $ 411 radns make Sloss sonnedtions with he 4 i Bu both est aod ‘wont at Huntingdon Cams NM Gaom. i FAB ARR NA Sia | Pittsburg Johnstown, Eben$ burg & Eastern R. | otidmued Tine Table in offiet Now. - SATE = WHER EREE33 ESSE a Row Eas BARR WEAR 222323 el ped a) el Ha @Aiae SEW ARIASy . Wadlevala ies ” SE Wits wilh with I" BBR tio Tee Si Expr Accommodation, dally... eR xpress, dal i Sen daa is Ex Ry en IEP ond She catenrds we Paeitte Expront AallY Commins Way Passenger dally. nna Pirtabinrg Expr Mai 0 i ans, j wae Cambria & Cleared Divison. A ov Me sth@ pm. arriving st Crosses. AL ASS pron a Tone Patton. Northeard. Wein Nou Tat 0 A me saviving Rater 4% 1:8 a. Mm. and al Glen OK MaiGa, Wm Sos RA Re fer ni 408 pM anil wb | ARTIFICIAL WOODS. A Process Which Reproduces Aptiean Pp. Ds. ance of the Real Thing. A process has inst been patented for making artificial woods out of pulp so as to imitate anceh costly Kinds of me Hogany And fosewood. indecd, the ims vanir slaims to De able. by the help af his machine, Ww reproduce the ap poATRNCS af guartered oak. curly mas ple, birdueye maple, or § practically any thing sine that grows in the forest, 80 perfectly aa to decsiva the tracued eye. Cilglosale such achievement should be the more expensive woods are nfurts within remch only of prope of means, fhe rarest of them coming from distant The provess does set renrpduce the textures of woods, wut merely their appearasce. The pity {i thrown upon a cylinder by an alr niast project through & sumber ol pipes, and sn irregular distribution ot } telos I= obtained by var Jevices, such as varying the tntonsity of the blast and causing the pipes vibrate, In this war RKOots | : of the natural woods are said to be tauBtariited with surprising success ri foial woods of this kind are avail a for use as venears, the ment of which is 30 extensively st the srpsent time. Nearly all of the Impurt. od natural woods are sold as ceneers, They are out in extremely (hin sites, because they are too costly 0 ba geidiy. Mahogany, rosewood sod (asian walnut are most in dw and veneers mads from them from 3 cents to 10 cents & foot. Some vananry are worth 20 ceots a loo hough pare shavings, i as : log of a rare wood is ee in as much a8 i rincinal wae is for the rounterie ‘woods in the