The Patton courier. (Patton, Cambria Co., Pa.) 1893-1936, December 19, 1901, Image 2
BA SS A Sr POINTS REGARDING AN INDUSTRY THAT THRIVES IN CHICAGO, od em A Dark Alley 's an Essential Part of a Hold:Up «The Highwayvman O0en 8s Friphitemad me Hie Viciim Ire A Preity Mare anil Bafa Methad of FPratesiinn, = The Chlesgn Trobune recently con st ion Ee ne on ighwaytsen must be ely vil shonlders ahd must have 8 ir fn anve Hie t thiow up Yo Hy rooted wii lentils ax Sheppard or 1 Pr Bo creme ane ] money ba deri oid dea of him. IL is rotons no hlehwarmen of that chusg Wik to gidvanul tage withon! a Bet fortlights and freshly painted seen ery, and parhiops an srchesica to dule Blow fied Ccroepy me 5 : : But tha vot the sort of highway. wan thet. wots wyrsateal. ARG BE CROs wha ave taken nth engl 43 fray he | Hed fair examples ¢ a ve lies ne, AE fH easy to gen up man this inten a any athes x ra Robin Hood nor Rm Beartions More often he is the Iaiter general rule 6 that he Lx ax paribiicad lek omitted crhnmnl, Irving to make 8 vi ing thesply, (# mire strengih Kothis wii enrrive fred Bd the anp an 18 exdrgeraion the nrecians Hmpresston of Thee HI min WhO are the police 54% Are. Wilh a fos wd tlamu, the oh : innix, Trey : Tibor Bond whore honesty i airtel ®t 8 ronelaerably lower Beare than the ahlility to get mwny fon police, They grow ud on the sireels and then fall into th habit One saloon in i trict in the harbor of most hag men who are, es the Hheriv” A Bight phice | at Pont ae men ir Juttet, Mila Hives of ob aging there In glory in gine men and Love waa get pisce by mistake, mre there to and talk crime and erimitais police of the Har hot the piace rub in the conce titration uf ihe ciey never have to go far to hk the men they m Yao police have "slool plasons, are hired spies in the piace and they wateh it closely, Haddap men in ey Lrg are to he foand thote, And few pihor places of the sort, Bul are sad Iscking in the qraitics appeal to the weker altur the tareseie in criminals Gh the exceptions 10 the als that up ten are cheap thugs, The exrip i tions are safe in jail The commen varity go armed, of aourse, but the armament ie bs old Yashlomed, usually, 8s the custom of mounting Quaker puns of wood. goon a8 one of them is artesisd revolver ia confiscated and 3 pe ig not found in a haystack moo dom than is a good weapon found on p houtup man. The puns aye aenally whonp bulldog revolvers thal might have cost a dollar and a quarter, i the industrious holdup men paid mors than two dollars for Ble weapon be was grossly swindled, Bowe of them earry sacks filled with lead, mud wi these weanons made in the humibee home of (he ooerater must be cliased the Elungshat ar bit of plugged leath- er which is more often than fot con stricted at home snd Wo the nds ia taste man wh i 3 wield oH. ‘8 Mavs hold-up men Deen §rriat TEvQiveTs which have wiatimes it siasing. no hawmer, that constant companion sptinned revolver, has been A handkerchief makes the hist at most holdup men do not il They often forget to pal fispnige when they hear their spproaching. Bometimes if thay want o mask, they wonld have ogo ail he way home for a bandRerchiet A dark alley 18 an esrentinl part of holdup, The pedestrian walks past He mouth of the alley, and then the oltup men gets owt of the shadow dith hig recuest for monsy, pay ie at sight. It follows that if pe rians do not walk close to the wall hing fine if they goek the curls tone, or, better still, the middle of tp road, they are comparative fe, A black, soft hat of the sombrero rder ia 8 means of held-up jr evention | ir i sergeant. the Heutena Hee ih tain, and the plaln clo ¥ Are pi re paths T : Jury mE Reni i% Dover a 3 } ] as frig tiie men ¥ ‘are holding fn : have thelr revolver pivier Lhe pose BE pein inn Sho they are goat rie h ase 1 LER ii Bi Methods Used by 5 Big Frpres Compan: fo Chard E i aeninrinus dies ane of a trang satued at 31d and this city op sipiain some of the wavs in which fia coamoany pro ts property jrtyusiad to it for i g 2.3 inne of can iN a ba The antioe ; 4 a an there mre just ms men in the Bast as in the W : a fo Bae iran as in he SA 7 AREA pifivrent rot wand diy HRBEeS. : C1584 DUTTRRY of he COMPLY. tut in reality anoisor guard for the money, also "Aries in tha woth’ anit unknown as a : emulove to the vepular np When the money arrives &f {ia dest) pation other men, iso tnkpown tp the piesseviper, are therp ba ting the rain. and the per fs followed a rs comely until the money Is actually fab benk to waleh It i8 von ipt Is taken for ic Vitis, of course, a mogsenzer ode casionally ‘goes wrong’ end rund : away wilh barge amonint of pmoney ty seldorn hannens Nist of the mea Eson hazand: SHR A Duooids Saielde mn BEC EURE Lnown thom and fall to appear profes k3 far MANY Years mYsia. a wood duck that foil aeved in still er It i and wlan he dame £5 : tack for it under water he ¢ 5 auld Rie a hird hanging with was quite ead, oR WHE NETERERT) "He hunter Brigix Lue committed a to Reap from Magid ifts mortal enemy Times.