The Patton courier. (Patton, Cambria Co., Pa.) 1893-1936, December 12, 1901, Image 3

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Des Moines Citizens Provide a Site,
but Council Blocks It,
It 1s probable that the question of a
United Btateis Arniy post may be
ennsiderable factor in the Des Molnen
elty election cnmpalgn noxt spring,
he business men of the city pearly
“A year ago ¢ antrivnted the funds med
essary to purehnss op sie for the post,
birt the city councl! dallles, One “ond
fi the poverainent insists on Yaafour
‘eatadlishing tha post {8 that the city
shall anpex the territory comprising
the prapased gite it 1s generally doe
sired that the port be inside the iby,
iy onder that the more saHigent ma
pisinal authoritiss may
gathering of restrts akon
MINE fires iy.
The Glangow stu dent.
31x tHe 1s plain ard hard, aad of
or poor in easier. Hig diacs Xf
calls Bim cath from }
sariy he who comes
from the suburhs will
what, after all, comes
soe? The tardy ee
up the eallvge hill
warele ali dark the Hg
windows a brisk apie
sal age Magasin, thet Hol #
hun hus Strick.
srrpmbie ol nn to v
the=s 1k time the roll cat,
he heat heads nf ha nod
soraping thats any
word he ise
sporting paper, 1
proad in tae hist aly,
draiohaess of let us
vevancing statutes. and then
relensi oothe college ploek
Cont the hour, aud anes J
‘and wind Inthe gusdrangie
some reward fala for easly
Clastes mest ald dar ous Drom
iH a0 pom end iT our §
bas a spare hoor, and Is eager
‘work. hi gues across to Lhe Ba
warm reading room, were 8 Con
with a Ueall” may ineite him 16 ois i
everlasting as uppninst etersal piish
“ment, or another with a fold }
Jakes, may. to absent-min
Bim the same story thisce
Porto Rico's Lilieary. Plans.
According to pepommenden (IAN
the Cartas Libvare building tor dan
duan. FR. wig h a bi fost Bea nial
will Be two gto Yl i 5 sand gle
fronting on Plea Colo [Sh fen
Hews, “ha social Hi ;
sipnovd a8 an assembly hall
Poor will be provided with
for 100.000 boalE aw $ fpee ie
Cir Ie deklgnad to srange two fe
rooms, une of which shall be for
Has Appeared Before the Assassin:
tion of Throe Presidents.
freke's commit hag heralded the
death by sssamsination of three Prost
dents of the United Bales Preside
Lincoln waa assassioaled on April 33,
(1865: Encke's comet aupearcd Janie
Can Asan and wae vigibhle five month
Vresldent Garfield wan the victim of
ihe sasassin’a onslaught on July
A881. nnd died Reptomber 18; Boeko
toned appeared Auguat 20, 1881, aud
wan vieihls to the naked eve Prosi
dent MeRivloy sar attacked on Bes
tuber 6. and dled Beptoxaber 1,
31501: Enche's comet appaared on Ab
gust 15, 1501, and was visible [or sev
eral weeks,
Tir A a RAN Noid i
Cv We relund 100, for every ackage of Pore
want Fanos Dri that fails to give wtisiui
Son. Monroe e Drag Co. 1 ‘nonville, Mo.
The Japanese enriNauike of 1703 win
the most destruntive on record 1% kiles
100,000 people,
© There more Catacrh in thi weotion of tha
eunutry than all other disernses put together,
wid antl the Last few wears was supposed to Le
inearable, For 5 proat many years doctors
ih Toead disesen and preribed
remedies, and be condtzutiv fling to
sors with Jooal treatment, prone otmedd i ns
‘aneatile, Helsnes haw proven catareh th bow
pomstitutions] discase and thovelom reguists
gonstitational treatment Hall's Catarrh Cure,
mann fsctarad by ¥. 7. (Heney 2 Ca. T leds,
Ohio, ir the nly constitntionsl enve on the
; it js Wien internally in ones froin
3 1s neta direotly (nm
riaeix of the evi,
otis irs {or any¥ cows
a lary snd testi
old Deng :
Hall anil Ro ul the lest,
There fre Xo 5000 Bel tons He ing In
Sixty yeurs of cur
nd such testimony as
ye haye ¢taughty usw
know, it’s dou
est cough remedy eve
ade. And you will say
$0, 100, after you try it.
here’ s cureincvery rop. °
romenlt Ge ag. J
} i", ae 0 8%, Le ss.
CK Sa Cohn SR A HA
A Iainiy Decnimltion,
A dainty decir
talde fa a mines ©
with their peculiar fo
fespecially beaniiful w
Venetian glass of gra
gaowad to fharntie
in winning enrol
of the odd eircnlpr toaves she
company the flowers and drogp ovit
How ta Boep Faron Fresh,
One pont hosel ond
always hal rt f
aowray she did
chs an and freeh
an frgtant
The Care of Yair If sha,
veel, yet
Bre rareleas
fe wash
fom had in which there
drufl twice 8 wiih
The briochen should
nied hot, water,
i tban of # scant abl
fof water, CUnre shoal
: | wet the hacks of the
yashed and
CEpray om Lh fh :
Lr aiid tay
ge in ® the wir to dr
bar fys
ner being
Colors in Pournishiings
In the Birnichine of the house, or
the arranvoiment of a single
mony housewives da nit gy
tention they should 15 eolor 9d ln
it Lins hen prover that oodor ap
BRONer dedlires
i Har wns
and 8 exciiing, even
{mm the other hand,
guisting: 1 pr
of distance; 18
ren lek tha ced
sppear higher,
yeild by ab
rong ; 4 {tn
Yellow ronveve the fend
and apenas to BAe Rsre Tow
it will Jessen thie height of
LexngRorate the prominenin
np or other obitels on
placed. It Is the most intends of
F colors,
Blended with semi-neutrais,
Isparta to them a radiance nog thor
own. It gives & particularly plensd
definitencis and bLriliapey WO
mpound colors, goch as buff, vhs
nut, harel, dug. aulsan, asg, ole
Green tv jon Reelt rather a dull color,
and the efioct of a large proportion
emeralds or bluish green na <u
nation is apt to be harsh.
Redd 12 the only eolor which
OCuicas i Pariie
ions are ready
Hitte ries of parsley
end remo when
eralned gf the finish.
Ea i and ad tod
tmnraved (ish
Bor Tay nt ;
moves the odor
Glassgrecable alts:
Yenny Tarte-
eupful of raising ob
and rind ol a
yolled fine. ©
bread ernuilis
tablvaproniul of
wegr. Make the o
ft inta pacers
‘square. Put a
mixture in the
together and bake i
a moderately hot
Ezenlant 8
pid boil it opntil you
a silver fork; then dr
yery fine, 1 using aiways
in handbag it Add
geant teasraonisi o
ful of popes. a ab
hater, a leas
cRisnp ar fauee, ¥
crural and the Leston 3
exon reaerving the Idk
fold in the Latter at
either a large diel or
Kenilworth Ranch Tmnnlines
a quart of flour, ope cup of goed
ard and half cuo of buiter;
futon the flour #itos
one teaspoonful of baking pow
enouph milk (0 md
his 18 rolled out a
an inch thick and then eng In agua
Into each square is laid a hat 4pot
peeled and cored and the erust tae) Jed
A Spreion of Spars Whelan Ry
lowed in the 20 0 inchs.
Teadie io Stand For
frrse vid
medicine for gov
Chrean tivive,
Endorses Lydia EB Pinkham’s
Vegetable Componnd After
Following Its Record For
wie Todi a EL Pink han § ee
etabl tr £ vmpo ind as ih blensi
t oft, Ib her
AER 2nd alos
If sou are i do pot hesitates to
get o bottle of Lydia E. Pink
ham'u Vegetable Compound at
ence, and write to Mrs. Pink-
ham ot Lynn, Mass. for special |
adv deo: it Is entirely free.
How to Get Rich
ws A
Sis 2B amd 6H,
Weight 28 and 39 tbs.
do op Clas $id.
Sie aut i
$3 with tale;
1:35 “uring Bireet, Partiami; We,
New York, 277 Braa-iway.
Hua Veaoriwee, 309 Rariers a,
Put up in Collapsible Tabis.
A ivaitars for and Superior fn Maes oF amy
Vhs eke sd will nek Sitater the pot delinsle
SNH The pais slavine and sarsivs gnsiitien of
Phin antic te dre sondeeial TE will stop the tadhache
AE hee, aed relieve hades ie aed acteliing
Wis Merman lB ax Sie beet sud mifosd axtirnal
Canal nt weaeitant Tuan, sine aw on exist ready
bursts set ponte ¢ dnp
A trial wi peave whint we
Bio {ost fs Tie tended bi 0
freaple say “TIE 1 the eet al all vou preps
Prive, £5 venta, 88 511 Sruprists of vine dosha
Ld pa menting this Aneant So ue bo Poel ans RlaEDe
we will send von a tio Ter mand,
Woortieds phan ld be agen of by 1h sie nie
ihe Akene sreies sur abel ss oilacais Bo ob
17 St.te Street, New Yor (40
DROPSY 5 siormyes
dm Pe of Ueatimbio op i Tg frend
lirve. Pr EK 5 SKLEN s SOME, Fas F Alavi, Bay.
Zr is
Tw, ' Proof on S00 nid SOLID sho are wile ot Ee wane high-grade
lent hers wad in FL O0 and S00 «liocs sad aire just an good in every
Haier poy Baveing .1. Dongias shoes with axme #vaet prices stipoped
* pre ogy pest of (belie aad 86 ein asta)
y SEE fw Deatied | BLE and
20 ol Hight soles
Acts Gently;
Acts pl easantly;
fcis truly as a Laxative.
tured and de
ReCauSe HS come
ome and bes
Hi process of
3 the vy arg
the medicing!
are obtained
sn ef plants
laxative and to
teuy the
San Francisca. Cal,
New York, N x
Price fit ty cents per betlo.,
around it. Have ready in a dripping
pan a syrup made of one cupful of su- |
gar to one of water; lay the dump- |
ngs in, bake in qui tek oven 30 to 40
«| Louisville, Ky.
nutes, Serve with an old-fashioned EA
For sale by all druddista.