SR A ph $1.00 PE ER YEAR. § Fithy, ulated Peps and Place ati . : Both | Miss Sura Holter friends in Philipebineg last week. : of Tuten Pst to Operator and Miner, \N AUDITORS’ REPORT his Subbiistrier hows # fivatifeiog 3 yon wani pb onloe Uhirid mus pros. Cert, buy a book at Kinkead's «J arats No. 105%, thie offen, omer, Le thrlubas aden that will repay aki P. Meaban aft Moods 1% member of the where be Tay cinintoy ng iter bry wooo pa How Eo Wh wed gevaral Dy lots tlouse, dx os a Vist frivods in Dogs cotntey. MB Mol was in town over Bunday to Leretta, where he delivered» leo ture ab the armory Frank Zentmyer, the electrician, hax been tendered His resignation by the Bosch Creek Coal & Colts Co. and iw no longer employed by that oom. pany. A neat little sum war netted by the Lisembers of BL 1% Hrown’s Sunday fschont class as the remuiil of the i fui sid festival held Saturday afte poo sd evening. HE ddd Barker wing hls contest? : ar will be the fired time in the histo OURIER has in DE the audi of Pennsylvania undor fhe presen sort: of subdistrict No. 1, from | constitution that a judicial contestant hats been socessfisl Frank Hipps of By Cludis Connell, of Ebeneharg aud M ‘8. Bent, of Houth Fork, have uppointed a” teohers axamicing con mittee for Catabirie county by hisle Supt Schaller “he Coumienr has Just Wandsotie new line of type for ose in f printing ladies’ sod gentlemen's call ing cards. Send in your order curly and get something up We Are sigh prs pare to gravid or embisad cards of the latent why be Garflold Wilkin the weil ksown Fifth avenue tonsorind artist, and Mise Liswie {dwane, of this pdaog ried 1t the Methodinl Wednesday evening st 7 ode Rev. Dr. Deaver. The Couns joins with a host of friends in extend ing congratulations and host wishes Clerical orders for the year 1801 will be lssued by the Baffulo, Roches SA Pan American B10 Pinder will plese hanes fo Bink Prestitent Sel bores Organi Me wie Hating Meet the Sirensihen the Orgeliization. wil og holding tii in iin p for the plarpes of strengthen. organisa fon for the past two An open menting was hedd in W's Hall on Taesday evening, was attesded by a crowd o that taxed the capacity of the Bowens, uf 5 af lis way ® Faslaitile hat “acrimonions dots. "whic hi Tr, fn hy Mr. MeKay and { hersan on ono Hide and. : wall. wh Wr “Rociatist ; eaters on thy other. There are ‘oi ty five sen in Patton wha re Ling thee chock off snd the or ; is determined 2 haat iid angler, Misa * your audition ta ving Kenentned the be mie! ye Tree, Mekal Mapai of ] ty reprrt wx Pittiowe RECRIPIN, wed u Variant cont ven pas bes froin vie i ij por ont chock | Sra MY = oh uo : ¥ Yosrah i trom ANE AE to Tes, : . £0 ERG TE Hiro nile Furia be il Sih Gi Yin 05 oy ih Rag 0 As $1000 wee Ra : sion pre 108 XT Al in LET HLM 4 A LOS eR ig orto, food all hein Mat well kept and 10d wigs to ordained clergymen baving | je sular charge of churches located on or near the line of ts romd, Appia tion biaoks will be furnished by ticket UHL gpents of the company and abot be | : there 8 ad noth er part forwarded to the agent ad Rochester, {on tyke, general passenger oh 1 N.Y, ssanny oa i ul LAT 13 il 1d HOE retro 3 Nev oraers will ta mega Leopt | on dividned clergymen, mide on blanks by the company and eertiisd to by ane ls LATS im ¢ Aenea, ¥ yOu commie, ; il Mites ¥ Hapgicss WELL REPRESENTED in £¥n Ei This Becton of ibe Loni wt Juhnstown, +7 3 SR arya ied § " tS A ¥ Northern Cambria soundly ‘aie sat of CAwenly. ws donkurs and it Mew Treas of Bub. pepresented al ie een grange now in session mt (Hon. J. J. Thoma tbe address of welcome on the Pomona grange of this which was deseribed as a short tal § uf | that was full of good humor and he aPDY 3 bod Lia | Hespectiuily, uk » SANUFURD, {anier. : fet of Hstriet No. 2, UMW, has on defi day in the Firat National | in style. He spoke un the county aml of the prog % 5, 190 his - o crite that Michiel | lof fartaing interests mad he Haewiw duns on Gepost fo the Hastiogs | Lealled attention fo the mineral re 10 ae Bec'y Troms, of Bub. distriet | SOUrcen and the industrial tet Nook U, 8. W. of A. iment which are so. rapidly brioging J Pa er ty : To nt] Cambria to the front. The Johnstown ; : This {i bo eeTuly that we hold | Democrat furnishes the following: nthe nani of xeentive bem rd of | #, and Hn the the leading Saves fn the state Lirnige, | was busy last night at the Merchants’ Sei, Sesletgat Cashier, gevaiop hotel. He is an enthasiastio worker and | his friends predict that one of these days he will be found at the head of the or. ‘der in Pennsylvanin. He has good stuff in Him Mr Gooderham in the | youngest wan holding offiee in He grange. Alex Strittmatier, ooe of the clonrest x | headed firangers jo the state and the “teader of the order in Canbris COURT yr. Lig in town. He is ap advanced thinker along ecanoile lines ard ba power iv to walatitole the following ng « evidence for your ¢ consider: ial : presenting questions plating to taxs tion, Ris largely due to gent inflaneunce that the Grange In this | county i ang of {he foremost in the state in grasping of 7 Jugisiation which concerns the frm foe mrions fits ge they save it a a Tals and in to 100 cents. every evening fran Deo. 18th to Christ is has en EPS Pdeenl ing A Aina Yor | was visiting | hill, | tanta to Mr LORur, i Ege sd Cease af Rp shoceselig test for Staph White bediidd : ah were borne by GF ver in and srround & Pittsburg Railway Co. ax in former to pike on Lhe foe diay Er ob Cand leases C01 BO Pw Leitgahae To serve of the fine farms | 1. 8. Gooderham, of Patton, one of | greooory man, has ordered a large stook ends Christmas books from from the bad effects of two of Patton merchants will keep open THE JUDWCAL £7 nil foenter forges wee lle Aer pl the FEiy, ite spt Charges © Thr juticial ites aru charge and iy pg § argh Si i alee im posh firren! EI Rivanabu ENE eSiauEa timevy, of Altoona, iM lori poof ¥ real Atay EH during he adasinietratios Hastifige au Governor The Vogt will Orga frist they wil WOT x. Yee if the five! sor wad thelr coins wile $i Hof besind fii orl. whereupon Juris Har ; Ly wii friorta Ww Ble he fea CO Le ifnsement wi foim odaAry Boni bo seeds wil ¢ cif Preynioaer alo Ww 8 3 id aE 1% 3 aia I odweegt Fray HAGE jet pret inde wi PFGE fi is paderstonst. of pouren, COntent Lhe : ¥ bis ae Nh gh frie TH bare DY Law svn Tam sas nat the rate ut the thine of the oon. “oar ut an nd Sima the 0%. orn gah 3 fia Canela hare been Sarg Chat ponte Lhs? Line present wew ae 10 GR DeNKIK WAR sed 3 ESTOVER. YEAS AED a topapan J Bai Lie hand wa dirvithers, = Liniier Prisazly, Fie WORE ai # town and made RE poBre ihe fire ola Wakta ver, wnt is th worked al AWE VRE Was Ten sy Dawe Tribe of parities WG are Bere Lo iy i i, Fi 4 Baht a EAE Boe Jirc ine fiat Ab Ronin ae et : al ia Profiise, 00 that had nosey and means to develop phe ciay and budig a pail to sana ue. tae brivia, 50 Caine the available: lsng lease With ar abou aa Hae LEensy Your Hopes to renew fur fon Spr, further and per haps longer time would be granted which walk [6 bas the sisted nd rin then & » iii Led every mist ie He Sal, pupil y it 4 Ee ¥ the death of hiss appileation of |) Parnistiad Wa Jirend, tant bere LPOEm TEE The poopie have & whsiaveie. more of oar ool thie place wold Dave da Lelievs Lian Lisire is party othe at of 10a 1 Sah riot RETR Pioagaaio not Sage paet an HERO Y Lows parly am ply Tavis th i= ral adne one of We odie, Bona Moore Moore to follow, Poe pat mx al iow Moore, There vould think of them and Keep opi the good work, Frank B. Markle our busiding cash intima 18 wily of Christmas goods and rather strongly that the yeu end his fugle blessoiiness, 3 sjuiet, ye ah 14s wii that endbon falls 5 he slo TWH RIOD gnened ; PY Ia station hopse Mi of incubators heroes Taal wo k. Wm oF. Beet maid the only eork serew tall Bouton terrier in Clearfield county, Jihn M Tomer i» work Joly’ 8 panbile to annforiers AP Fry xpent the whole af week hs ou of his log caine $d sedition. {ERIE : thiatiks of B Cambris Wvoshig, fwenly oars fast Walliams : : Sh owas devas . good Marg AR, : phs options aid sities ti $i) wamitioury ol aval inal T H F H i ; NS . oii CROSS SU IT. Fartios Fiore Renney Five Shee Deeari 2 Pampdiy Des Pend {ORR senbiioen 1 bow tnisile Phi wes $aproaw Baden, Gh ie wan, at tified that Pitor asim sp Bp tem. ¢ Hi ¥ Fly FiAE¥ efit EY Wale {rn ed bose idig Yoana Sas Pe CFR BInR slrawt, ing ie its Lali thw dition and were Cy fat Loan Lome in a wiehiarged wun the Lonrt. Fhidp Suattig approniea a siintribaste funds in the estate gave Dass tnd Joan gd Lebo Mis nsiin, 35H Hameon Rpptniial Giateitte Tats nthe mhirtanig Bh mie ot Caro ud vased, Th #r- ERLNA2 We id jury ponsprsd of David Grill town, plasierer, Ramunl Junnstown Wirt, termed, mi afar! faviner, miier, East Tayi owas Some ph Bia whip, Lvr ize P jammer] bi Sicha die, Hm, Fayior township, miner, John Bea ner, AP Withams MM. on £ tar mer. | i Jolinstomn, mil Band, Ehoades, Adams fowasuip, J. bi Estes, Babies, acilgreiy miner. Frank el Eavimburg, thers wile ids £ Al y Allen Hose, x A sinus Lee a Panna ais FEE 4 yo Fiesta ¥ nt aey SREY UAY GR * Fis SERiLY fo a i EITY and dis Patton clivistisning ones, soins ve Bearish, sid a cougars cans up Wendeslay, with 8 ve rid of guilty | Hoth the Huns Ldve 10 275 Hoe and conta, Se eu will Ra Bo Ni Ral br be OY RAGAY Lntipie Contenl, The Bon Tun store with Bae Onin interust fo the Ut oi the last Bain! ii SEES 4 Sinaia cs The TaN nN, HITE 26% SOAR Am toy he a hat avYer wponmibie following: Lisit of appears on Unde Dai Canitly 44 dao Lak squeese the “Sains, “Bes Kinkesd's « Christmas books. : W hat Pricibman ? ES anta Ula { i : he most wants Best Costs Lowes Prices os = guality. It looks as though he had suggested 2» Yoke Overcoat and ; she wanted him to bave a suse C Coat, f, Mufer Tie, Um- f (Gloves. Pair of Hosiery or If you want to see a hne display of these goods come here, sorted Vv ERYT HING {o Woman or Child for Christmas can be found que all eystone Clothing ad Shoe Dealers. Directly Opposite Bank. navel ou Tuesday before & Edwin 8 Reese, 3 3 ALi ame of Mew Baspdrpn = sm bok 3 amd most The comp lete stock of largest to PATTON PHARMACY, “NUF CED.” Es | eB ZUMA ia SAMS UIN Holiday Opening. Christmas presents for men and boys. a: * far Christmas will a% orpamen ne and Clothing Department.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers