The Patton courier. (Patton, Cambria Co., Pa.) 1893-1936, December 05, 1901, Image 8

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burg. Jobnstown, Ebens
burg & astern
R: R.
or | Time Talis fi on Nor.
4 22 BERT
® Zwmme
; Re2REn
Pain uti
(Union Station)
& H BR trains
withall XY ©
EY oni
= Waltevale o.oo
Lovk Haven, Wii
Fi tiie with Houle
iL wale lonving
3, a perintendent.
en mR
RO, ARILY si imnmmirrrisairins
prea, AA Ep dd an
z32z :
; pei »3 » ew #2
- Leave Patton sonthward. ¥
a! No. 708 1.708 a. 1s. neriving at Cresson
"Lave Patton -Northward,
1h No. 704 at 1047 8, Mm. Aine tir
re m. and wt G
Nor 108 18:57 p. ATHY ng
oa p Jom and at GlesCam
iladelphia &
Reading Railway.
Burn Hard Coal--No Smoka
ins Love Willman # rim Depot, Fool
Pine WE
New York th Philadelphia T42, 108, m3 ]
OR, 10 po nl Nanckay Sis, Pk wm
y A "wo
Thibvded Muth HWonding, Tamnqun, Me
filmit i ie in iw aehurk ]
FB, 106
CC Peains for Wiiliansport:
ve Now York win Vaston Sida. i
ga dls mand 1 pon
hy itacely Sif 114, £80,
a win saadinys TRH BB
teniling Terminal, 4 40
psd 4AR pot, A
wl 4 oat, Hay. tn.
rays Jain Hay
pdl hat oilies and tts depoy
Paw Mu |
hee ion] Tron Bole and Fesidations
ii Fruita tn ah Vis
Nov 80Ma ll Tne Huntington |
enpt Rundi fie ME. Datuk nt 7.009. hy |
Tru Sr di 5p. 0.
Yu rive eave Huntog
Ds Aa Tit. preivineT at
we pomneeiinne st ue Ted
Ya. sod Ouralworiaod, 3
North ward,
No. 4 (Mit; fares MY Dalle fo
ou Hr 13, SEE INE AL Hanlng:
se. pL ets
o No. 2 (Fan Line tnves ML Dallas ‘or |
on WE 0 p,m, artiving al Heoting
it oy.
| Na, 8, Sundays only) eaves Mi, Iie
Hunted al 455 pom, arriving et
: tina ae plows tonnections with P.
Re both enst anid wert a Huntingdon
: . Cari M. Gack,
Sn Grenurad Madge
mp oh
oo Behools,
t the scnool extension session of
‘recent conferences of public Im
ement societies the reprasentative
¢ Public Bchoo! Art PSccioty ia
rod. the biackboards which pow pre
guch a proportion of school room
first, because they are §o ugly,
1 alien by which blocts are
rily represented in nature and
ire, The county superintendents an
that the excessive expanse
ckboards was being reduced In
buildings, but he had no hope
ie ‘hat the days when children
: he expected to “shade” with
te chalk on a black hackground
ear an end. It is, indeed. a
strange that a practicable
ite board" or gray board, on
black or lark crayon has not heen
The need for [y—although
yhody accepts the ‘tradi
lac joard a8 Something be
and ore in ira the natural
ns of light and shadow to out
an hardly be lgnared.
) cotinty, California, has 200
i the output this sea-
400,000 pounds,
! township, and
to men of Sates
New Steel Plant— hoked to Death,
Scarcity of Pi iron Closes
Many Mills.
Many names were added to the vet
Porans nil of honor on the pontion $i
during the pel week as toll
Hampton MoHenrey, Witkinahurg, $6;
Tames V Davis, Crawinrd, $5; Moses |
Bolden Washington, $32. Wilhian
Jones. Parkers Landing gi;
iw Einter Mt Holly Springs
Pletehor F. {hallant, Browns ow 212
‘dohn H. Lenty, Shousetown, £5
| Black, Eliott, 8%: Henry Noss
i Brighton Bil; Esther §. Arh MH fean
‘ton. $8: Nancy 1. Swaiiman, roy
sonia. $12; (hbristinna Knopsnvder,
Rock woud, jz: Willinm
Altoonn. $12; Lew! PP. Whitaker,
' Beamville, $10: Joseon Coty, West
Alexander, $12; John C. Devine, Joins
town, $10; Nancy A Fielia Rmith
field, $8: Mary L Noffeker,
Flora. $5,
Creek, $8: Matilda Brunet,
Mary Henderson, Media, $5
A drowning accent reported at | #
. fiods of the year from Canada and | "0
CC Cplitornia and the tempetate ragions
our grea Aastraiian eoloniag for | : 4
: Baten A510 Stake ary. i
Clinton, six miles above Freeport,
in which two men lost their Hives and
the third was pulled out and revived,
H. J. Coyle, aged 33. and two broth
ora, named James and George Blasolt
aged 24 and 30 years got in a boat at
mn Kelleys sintion to go over to ihe
COlinton whar! boat,
Tia leak and was subiacrged
The boal Sprung
Blesett and Corln went down, but
{James Wopt np till a rescuing party
brought him ashore.
James Lewis, posimanior and story
keeper af Claraton, was attacked by
Ltwo eolofed men Saturday evening,
tone of whom shot him in the an
The men entered the store
Lehaned 8 revolver, digeting out with
GL 108 1 1p. meine Great
after the men and caught one of them
"by the arm.
the man with the tev shiver discharged |
ihe weapon al Lewis, two whois tak
ing effect in Lhe Rm
nid Pir
Sey 4
oil paving for the Wel pon, fowin W
A trteRle enaups, and
¥. A. Umstead,
Hartman Manufacturing C ampany, of
Nuw Castle, for which a rec piver Was
appointed, says that the receivership
{a for the purpose of fact ing a reer |
ganization and that the company will
{have ample money £0 vay fil deblk
He claims that the stock 18 all held
by Eastern capitalists, and that thers
i no intention of shutting down the |
A fight at the American Heel Hoop
Company's ron works sl Diincanvilie |
Sanday, terminated seriously, John
Thompson, a tramp, wield a cleaver
Lor big knpife and catching Christ
{Langham on the left arm. simost sev
ered i feom the body. Joseph Mob
fey, another mill worker, bad a late
kash cul from his tight eye to the:
point of the jaw.
Rev, Charles H. Hemiath was bn
stalled Sunday pastur of the First
Lutheran Church, of Washington The
i eharie to the congregation was dndly
Hatospon a i
ered by Rov. F. W. Kohler, a me arian
of the faculty of the Lutheran Home
inary. of Chicagn The
the pastor wis auade sv How
FONEBVBTE, of Gravusisirg.
Valenting Leopold, proprietor af the
Fifth Avense Hotel, Ford City, and |
John Callatan, 8! pr. have |
been arrested, charged with CRURing |
the dentn of Van Buren Bowser, &
prosperous faymor of North Duflno
ah furnishing HguoT |
srate habits, thus
violating the lguor law.
George Rowe had an undenal #0 |
perience 81 Connsligviiie. in which he
waE noarly killed by vutocation. He
wig employed at a now Tithe nk. when
a slide of yulekennd buy jod xi hut his
one fer The ationtiaon of Alber
Means who was passing, was atiract {
od and Rowe was rescued in an ox
eanrcious condition
Rev. Duulel J. Hamer,
oldest Jal JPR nal
if not in the world z
in Hanover, Th are 1ay,
your, Dunth was due io all age an
eatarchal affection. Cd 3 to the
! ministey In 1825, he oeenpied 1ae pul
pit for 68 years, and during that time |
held charees in four Slates
The Dipited Labor 1a
ron, will make appilcation io
American Federation of Labor for in ;
corburation papers anger the lawn
that orgasization. All the a bor baddies
now represented in the vanoua mil
will be nifijiated with t
Hawkips's Home Post, No 1, Penn
gylvania Division of the National |
Society of the Army of the
pines, has been
of Company HH. of the Tenth Regh
Edward Jones, aged 27 years, of
South Donors, was shot dead by Jo
seph Beappla, at the latter's vegldance,
where he wag mistaken for a burg
lar. Scappia gave himself up, and
was released on ball
Judge A. V. Barker's lieutenants
at Ebensburg. announced that the
election of Francis J. O'Connor as
Common Pleas Judge hy a plurality
of 71. would be contested,
Taxpayers at Falontawy will he re |
quired to pay per cont. additional
tax owing to the failure of Councils
to meet and approve the bonds of the
delinquent tax collectors,
The First National Bank of Donors,
| opened its doors for business Satur
The conl tipple, boiler and engine
house of Saylier & Dawes, near Greca-
ville, was burned Saturday. loss
$15 S300,
Samuel Harper. aged 19 years, of
Buena Vieta, was shot and Killed Sa:
turday by the accidental discharge ot
& gun. ~
In a cave-in at Coal Center, James
MeCormick wags almost
killed and two Hungarians badly in
, | Jured.
The ghenango Machine Company
| works at Sharon have closed down
{ the searcity of vig iron.
: po tod ¥ his inn
The peep £85
president of the
charge 10
probably toe
; co | camenr. you will never ger well sat your
! bowels sre put right, Cascaners help palace,
| cnre You Wilbon a grip: ar pam, procdass
He Weal On
organized by fhe
Washington county members of the
Eighth Army Corps, mostly me sprhors |
Been Venom for Rhsumnatism.
Dr Térc a medical man of wach
repute in Vienna,
sNeetive romedy 107 rhe niatism fh
saturating of ths patier {
the venom of bias
advocates as an
For the mrposs
ha extracts the venom, triasaring it
in quanti
aid applying ft arth
jv in the way of pondtures. He |
3 me nt on Bis dimeay.
#13 tht he § Fi patent dix not
miller from a
jo. be » 4
tha Sane Ba 5 ther $ pi sean
Eling to anyth ing
that tin fon or |
that Yofionr, 8 Ihe 2
: Brrr in he THE
hen 108
wil to Top ‘Stung Fo.
ALY against t the 1
van of the 5
: hiv fens no $1
What Is more, he gels cites
tennis m.
Romans Brought Apples ta England.
tahta world which the aril and frig
HE mAnKE ra.
Grad in, fave “and Feed,
¥ 71
The German Navy League.
fn pursuit of her ambition to Bai
| enme a trorld power. Germany hae do
| vised
Af aEeney which is txerting & Ad : a the
| widesnrand ednsatisnal Iattuchce in
Ifavar of & gréar navy, i
The pri
ohprer of the German Navy Le
cote tn onnite the Gor
he es sl, Sa 38
al FN Be
we ad wa Fas Bak
New Yorg, new
Poul ‘ry. Ets,
L fee pee Bh aes
Lime gma] pommel cine
£3 all the sroduction® of the vege
pitty of man nave rendered conducive |
ta his happiness and to the Increase of |
Lis enjoy monte, the apple stands for i
Lene pa RENE
ward as the most consplenous. It is)
pow a fruit eran of universal growt!
i althousl the most beautifal stn |
sine] examples roach us al Yarious
fin vie pone of them equal those grown
iv England. Fhe garden apple is be
lived to bave been fptroducsd In
fain by the Romans, and the wi 1
aprile of our hedgerows is the lype i Fi
of the fruit when loft to dogeparaie,
and to whisk it would speedily return
Lut for constant § uhtare
Traakirn, }
XY. Nive. 28 Ciarfield Hasdacha |
Towderanre suid Here in rps of sana titics this :
shows {hat penile reatine the eadiis of sere ¥
ab omen iinpinias andl effsctive. The Fosders |
sre ol Budnsb 4 Lye in etping headaches of
al kisi and in Lamiiding wp ir BATESTE FIR
ten. Investigate every sence af feuding ot
fered for ths ours of Headaches and the iar
fists Hendarhie Teo He wil ba found WB held
Poosba antonio femb. 0 #0
Fruits tind Vegetables.
Ores ivan
Porsavons #
Cavmaay «pag buries,
Hrs + $8] Lies
Bee A SA ar
Freer oPatesin lua
hstsasi Mei Lope
! hin
fired place. Write Gat fieid Tea Co. for smpien, i
New Orleans, 1a, n oddy od nearly Jn.
fai pla ove, eonyiteR res than 15,000,
oe gations of water daily.
FIT permancs ty cured No te OF BETTInR:
Sresartor Brut day s oes of Dr. King's Graal
Nerve Bealorer, § 2 trind bodtie and treatise from
Dr. BH. Krixe, In, 931 Arch 81, Fhils. Pa
Tha fellow with & poor memory seidom
forgets bis tranhies.
Mrs, Winslow’ ’ Soothing Syrap tor “hid ren
Soothing. soften thie gums, reduces i fianms.
Bon, alisys pain, cores wind cotio. oe & Dail,
Tact is » way of gett ing what ying want
without Jetting oibere know you wan! it
1 amare Piso’ + Cure for Comer pion sarel
my life thres sears ago. Mas. Tuomas Hose
nine, Maple 81, Norwian, NY. Feb, 17, i300,
Tove of a man for himself never grows
The potato forms pearhr 14 per cent
Contral Stuck ards, East Liberty, Pa, |
af the total food of the pedpie of hls)
Poywan's Far TEL Ee Dre produces he fant.
ost and brightest iow of
stuf, Bod by al} qgxinte.
Fo hr
wy known dys |
Pals Dever five wore thes 29 years, |
In lias been known to lies 436, chestnal,
BRE, 160, and ow, Eid years,
Bentness © Annet Ne Cured
by loon! appiisations ss they senna reach the
Sinmun pet ton of the sar. There only ons
¢ Ser trawe end thu fe hy constita
tions! reve line Drom! sonia i denen by an ie.
Samad ponding of the mnths Mining al the
Enstiehinn Tabs Vlhee this inhe jo} mel
on have a rambiinr sonal or bperfest hose
fit, ard when §3 de entirely ahmed Trea lnm ta
the posit smd unless the infatnmation oan be
taken Ant and this tale pastored to te normal
roniition hearing will be destraved forever,
Mine onsen ont OF en are cane By catarh,
whieh bo nothin bat an infiased condition of
the mincons sarfaces,
Wa will give One Handrsd Dollars for any
ease of Denfrnse (ranged by oxtareh That sync
wot be sured by Hall's Oatareh Cure. "Cirenises
pint free, ¥ J, Cuprry A Ca Toiedn, O.
Sain by Drngwiets, Toe
Hall's Family Pills are tha howd.
The people im that pharvinge is
a fail is are ueaally the people who never
tried iL
i ry Wo
Test Yor he owes.
Ko malter whai alls von, ewischs ta»
easy wabira moemmonts, cast You jae 1
| cents to start gelling your health back, Came
CARRS Candy £ ‘athartic, the panning, pat 5p
iu metal bozos, €very ab jad hea U.0. 6G
stamped an it. Seware of tm itations,
Lach suming te the Poer
children in ¢ seen tra ling rae,
Pairs in 15a 1 hme a
Fest, that renedy is
B saver falls 1 oecin De adds
api that Sv of wens Ud
Conquers Pain
Price, 35¢c and goc.
: Vim mrad anires a
10 Sass sroatmeid
Geld Meds nt Bufale Exposition.
: my orig Tonia
EF ouweaMi Rta ann
JERE ka jak iim BD
AE To 300 |
SE Se Oh Ge L0G Ue TR
Yeni eXIEs
ra BE 0 aE
tem SRY
Exsess ¢f Demand Over Supply
Prices at Exceptionally
High Lave,
Ian marked
hii a SDarp
vighey, but stanghler des at 3% Chi 4
RO are ean, Conditions are even
more Invorable at woolen mills. one
poncern refusing a large order for de-
livery in February.
goods are very active with retailers
and jobbers.
innd 16 Baglis
=U? 4 "|
Lal cars
ea :
Bi} the compaity that
Bothatter ‘ x 3
: i tie freneury
washer imself, aed | but lis uso -
Haren a) arid be raing if you have sot the |
% Pw & a
Cede of
AE the progress of |
5 na Women
% Alo LE
NE diready
id from mom
Toe nee mbes who |
pe ward i
“AR Ht axcnedg |
losgus ; va the bh
af the overnment
pat ran is Prices Henry of
are af fhe head of the movement and
the declared parpose of its lead
silal wm branch of the leagues
in fe ary State the rulers |
in every village and parish of Ger |
i pany.
Bridging a Great Canon.
fog t desp » dl wis deterny
2 sot aphasia every
this velit oft up wad help women,
rs ali know
" Having id
i enor that Lyn
Tuy 5 ies : ROB ta 3 Aa
faut wa parnilsl «
immense gan, withowt
i the towers Or thane ead
A age ¢ Aven AE OR CRE OAR
#3 span tho
suppers hud
i 08 snes
faiinals oars
L. HUppoOTii a;
£ cabin.
Tractisn Company's New Defense.
A rather envious contontion on ihe
when 8 Station {sland road is
ded ax a defense fo ono suit on
In the transportation of logs from | sis: of rare virtom, $50 having
the near! of the Callfornis timber belt i
Pte the wills An important stiginnering |
: tent haw Been arcompibihed, A
| pnion on tha south Tork of tha Amel :
ad tn Be traveracd, and as |
deers of cures wheres my aufie
oi sara haves been deaggsd }
aid ase fulness from an sieht ri
simply by the use of & {few Bothy
that Compound, I must proclaim te :
virties, or [ should not be my
duty to suffering mothers aed 7
ont Thonsekaepers, oi
" Desr Sister, is your ae i
do you feel worn out and WP
eipicisily do you have any »
teoibles which beast our sex, take my
ailvice : Jot the doctors alone, try
Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegeta
Cornpound ; it is better than any
ad sil doctors, for it cures and they
&y not "~Mps, EC Swrrs, 1313 Onl
8. Treasurer W. CT. /
Citr. Mo. $5000 fartfet 2 ators testinanial I
wt Gem me 2 a
Mrs. Pinkham advises sick
nen free, Na,
wal, that open ear silo bars wore |
aot installed for the purpose of pre.
venting passengers iran f{aliing aut:
ing 8 curve it was contended hy
bar wal no jrasasngers
The plaintiff in the case bad |
{ hoon throws from 3 car while round. |
wee falling out, prima is; Lut in or;
thiet, passengers Sight pot enter |
CAT OF git A in
Dar w aa in » ee was oot
ey that thin
was not “the ba
: Raia and a new te fal was srdered.
0 Cine of my dangliterh had >
territie case of sthma., Weried §
aimont evervihiong, but without re.
fief. We then tried Aver's Cherry |
Peetciral and three and one-half
forties cured Ber’ Erma Jane
| Eassininger, Langsville, O.
| Ayer's Cherry Pectoral
certainly cures manycases
§ of asthma. |
And it cures bronchitis, §
E hoarseness, weak lungs,
whooping - cough, croup, §
winter coughs, night |
_ and hard colds. |
eas, loa
dex vlaeasie canen
Sis 2115 and nd Ft.
Weight ii 39 ibs.
Tene E. Tt. Be RRO
F0 =oriag Sireel, Porstand, Me.
New Yark, 277 Bromdway,
was Francisen, $07 Uattery ar,
alls uo whets |
by W, 1 _RERRIL Fei, LL
of Eide: v
Put ap n a Collapsible Tubes.
Lusiontn for and Superior = Mestad oF mp
“Lanter, sid will Bot Blister The most ES
kn “ha pals slaying soil rursde queities of
ak meth Yo arm wandectnl Trowell stup thy wothache
Se, ant relieve handache sad sation,
Wa resonant an the Het and sdlen externel
hess (tab rrr ABE KNOW, Aer Gk AB external ruiindf
fon Gains Bn Ee heed sad stocssch and wll rheunaiie
Bera a6 mvety complaints
¥rial will prove shat we cium for 16 sud it wll
ba Find 1 be Svsdushie I the Boasehold anf
peaple say rot te She beet of ail your prerarstions.
Pitre, Ea amnta ob M1 drosciste, ar sthaer deals ®
ar by eadisy his sooant bs 9 in Dosage satay
will send yon babe by sail
Wis srticke should te wocwpind hy the pubile nals
Fs suns corte 00 label, as Wlarwos as
| pen ain,
u Bute Street, Hew York Cliy
$000 TO $1500 A YEAN
We want Intelligent Men aod Women or
Toareting Reprexcutatives sr Lovsl Manugersy
sare dae 0 Pre & year aad all espenwey
acinsiing BD sxpertenie aad asiiay. We hy
foe al perresaniniives- mi tary $3 eB
& Corman, degeiiiing HEN ny
A Rend stesan Rr fall pactivalers ir
he pasition prefeved. Address, Dept. B
TaN BALL COMPANY, Philade hia, Fa.
A San Sse the vary hoof
300 1h. Platform Scale
Enger vires anaally low,
Sunes ; He Pass the Frelghty
namo Thompson’ s Eye Wate
GREATEST GUN BARGAINS In Years, $18. 00 Gun, FOR $11. i ec
Owing to the very nusaal dey spelt
tiem, me Gnd we rave more GUNS,
we shores to make some
which will save you
every Article as reg
The aboes gun
chante all
the smarer BY i fa 3 in
3 ¥
i BE oti ne Jo hr
4 ta $i, bar eeboumling
ead checkered, mnited