Personally Conducted Tours. ve | Properties in Fibs Fudd of the County That Lone Peurmyivania Railroad ot pany assembly Changid Hands Koeontly, Jafiaaes tae Joiauing pecsonaly . i a Conse tours for the season of IIL : i = : ET given ts an twa wis the one at L William T. Gooderham, csscator, to | Ld 3 : i ‘ AY mal Hated ou Thanksgiv CH. ML Gomera, Cerroh Wwwaship, | do ; ; . ga Kidney Trouste Makes You Miserable. Tha gauss & (thers at HT Ti Mexico) and Californ is. PeseRrCn 7 fine stock of Suits, Overcoats, : of two wesks in the "Flowery bl CTiekets for the third tour will be gooid [to return by regular trains hotil May HL ras Fic wots for the above toars will be sold fram principal potats on the Pena SeAnn Faroe For dedaibad miners i or 0 CE le #5 rawnship, $1. Suxid His Lite n Btevens Stack Col pAny COI Mary A. Braviey to A Broady, Cres. | of gil fo say thal | owe my Hie to {ail and see Us ala : dd # engagement ab Ihe {gn sownaliip, $35. | Kodol dyspepsia curs,” writes HC. cONVINCE YOR. oon, Hastings py BH Thursday PROGRAMME { Chrestensan, of Hay field, Man For : | dobar Sze fe "The compaoy is one of the lewling ROG | three years I wan thoulied with dys : Ci i b 1 g & Eastern Branch, re shows on the road, earcying Of a Loeat Tastituie To be Held m1 Bangor | | prpmia so that 1 eouid hold nothing on : : ps fave Mala fr Madlenw 0 en 18 people, and Mauagor MeNelie onty Behoat, White Township. [thy stoanach, Many Limes i would fon pecnred them by payiog a hig guaran ted. They opentd on Thursday even: | with “A Milton a Minute, 1 OU ing ws three gobi, the first sesson for gith. The following pre A local institute will be held ab Ban- nabie to relain a morsel of fod. Fi gor School on Saturday, December, nally | was confined to my bed. Doc: Hastings wram will be OTS said I conid not jive. | read one Ings, the piece, and it I one continions | rendered: (uf yout advertisements on Kodol dys | ; oe) . - . J ny #4 '& Ph tpn 2 Sobini or mii : Isagh from start 10 Anish. On Fri Opening address, John Davis. pepsin cure and thought it fit my chee : } pr ES pif Luar SN wil he FRSA on . rg and day evening the company will sbark Response, A. W. Engie. aud Soliant its pee. 1 began lo For that : ‘ : improve from toe Brst Botte. Now i into drama and will produes for the “Literature for Onr Seboois,’ Miss TF re ‘a en PU the beantifal Bostic, D. Sheehan, John Davis jam cured and: recommend it to a. a f li §” : 2 oa 5 Me ih. edie os WH Noribvip i i £5 5 b g > ¥ ie ®t ¥ 3 y * : : > gf hati i 5 A i E 5 Ke SWORE T Ag, first time in thin suction the. heath : ' Ingests yoor foud. Cures ai stomaca LE EX ce ng for PR FR ee ar lien, APRIL. moonshine drag, eal tim Possum | “Attention, How Reenred, Misses Liroublen. For sale by CW. Hed 7 Aaviimers ii p Sow York, Wilitnmspart, Pa £ LF 5 ¥ CHER : : ¢ Y 3.8 oa oe & » - g Tr 3 : «Campbell. Cawley amd Bargoon, FIA a # es eb : hed ed =r pr R Pod pers, cen’ Rupt. Ridge," a story of West Virginia. The Cc Ath pel oy . rR | Kin, Patton, and Hastings fhatiaacy. superinduced by high. ; : pr of the piece, Harry 0. Wesley, sliehoal Government,’ Misses Berin- riced talioring, tr : Da oO PINE Kide i Er Un vo = on enuety the sole of Lig’ s sleepy dar. ger and Nagle and Mr. Engle. Hemith and Heguiy Pe a, try yeild ! ney seas. Buffalo, Rochester r & Pits Among the vaudeville fentures Ylate Se onl Law, bE Directors, Fab ; A pour pompiexion ns £8 ; elery King hi Srp wh Fr f XE Anes Ai briry rR ai lway are. the DeFraines, Brotst & Whitney, | rons and Teachers.” ‘walt of 5 torpid liver or irrejmiar action - fo we Tresdocds fered cut smame a5vd [MER Bai ES ran Harry OO Wesley of the bowels. Unless natie's refuse CA. Lr tried MasRy remedies that gave me no Delp CONDENSED TINE TABLE Frankie Brendt, us 4 : How to Uafs ‘ rien ju > iu = ; 2 rn Be _ ne Hien : ie Riis > 8 ’ A p— # ; imbery Ring i Eom fe Gn Wail ae Var 6 in affect Nov. 3 190% Oliie, Billy Collins and the Stey- © liscarried off it will surely catise ne : £5 oh ir fe, Bad IE Reed Biieoat is i ad SORTH BOUND, % 1 ¥ Ciente whe Byes hes) rhein, | i ; ei o. : : i : Le Pi x trio, making a continuons perform. | Mr. R. Gray, who lives near A Bt pare biood. Pimples, Dols and other : ; A % Liggrirmetan ad beer wens Hi Ca ad at . 5 oi ; 2 ; EN ees Nat 2 : : : rh Rl WE erty 3 : ance from beginning to end. The Dutchess county, N. Y., says: “Cham eraptioms follow. This ia natare’'s | mie O Bagehnrd, Hpetpion a, Pu i AY AMP gr M FM py boti bertain's Cough Remedy i the best vat : Celery King snrea Crna rpntiven and Nerve, agers, Messrs. Beochor & Coding, k ¥ method of throwing off Lhe poisons ie vor sud Kidney dis ’ Al pied; io =m 54 fo new y8 cater to the wishes of their W¢ joine | have ever awdd, Ris 8 006 igh the bowels failed to remove. 4 Cob, oa al w Hodgkins, Patton Pharmacy, me. Popular prices prevail dur children’s remedy for croup and NEYET | [ogee fittie carly risers are world | ns HY = aris Pr tings ng Lhe engagement. fails to cure.” When given as 00h 88 | ea, for remedying this condition. Lg the ehild beeomes hoarse, or even after They stimitiate the liver aiid promote ] Winter clothing and Christmis wr Na a —~ forin the subject matter for A. the eroapy cough has developed,it will regular and healthy action af the bow. / oy Strittmatter Bros. gl at] man’s pew advertisement in this prevent the atiack. This shoud oe but never cause griping, cramps oe ; : isso, Head it and profit thereby. borne in mind and a bittie of the cough or distress, Safe phils (0 W. Hix od : bt. 0 | Pl AN Ni Eb Faas aapiiator on C2" opt i hand veudy for feiant | kine, facton, and ftussinge Fhartmacy the difference between veal and dmi- | oo by ©. W. Hodgkins, Patton, Au Evangeline Sinry. byl s v : v1 Newton tation goods in His change of advertise Hastings Pharmacy. i suffered for years with a otibtions of Tesin 8 Mil [ Buta ment in another column, chial or lung trouble and ried various Rix sseoriment o CE rrae Bufthie dre. OC. M. Schaeffef nod son, who Editor Lyuch of “Daily Post! Phil | lies but did not oblaié pernianent Hy Benin : ie Hastings, Pa Amie AM have been visiting in Uberry Trou fist jpuirurg, 2 Nod , fas tented the toerita of relief anti i commenced sing Cae made Children’s “ii % ¥ wy 3 : £ aha Addaith id Ermine tonvew Butler Ge Praxes the past few wieks, returned ou Mou. 1oly’s hoiiey and tar with this result: spipae cough cure,” writes Bev. das. to. and or “at : s SREY SUngNg: py 1 have gsod o great many patent rem | gi pnign evangelist of eile Heer, yies ann he £ 2 AH Kin of WwW Chaser axils the supwriority of edie in my family for coughs 80d 1 of pave no hesitation in recom: | F , J . e re = Royal tatioring in bis new aiver- €old%, and I con honestly say Your |e. ging ito all sufferers (tom maladies | honey and tar is the best thing of the of this kind.” One Minate cough o ; pmo toed Simwenan AW, GLASSER Read the new Christmas advertise. kind 1 have ever Hee a3 ud] CANNOL KAY | ofrirds immediate relief for coughs, y ’ yy ts ment of the Hustings Pharuacy js an. on much in praise of 167 AWARE. gy aud ali kinds of throat and jong | | iste. troubles. Por croup it is osequalied. On Satarday night “Wood the ma- No ope gan reasonably hope for good | Absulutely safe. Very plesanl to take, cha. entertained a fair orowd at the health unless his bowels move once never fails and is really a favorite with : cach day. When this is not attended the children. They jike it. C. W. Mirst lessons in dancing were ‘to, disorders of the stomach arise, Dil- [Hodgkins Patton, amd Hastings inn the opera house on Taesday lonsness, tiendache, dyspepsia and plies Pharmacy. : ‘soon follow. If you wish to avoid Of Mensts in You TERME Zuwe rata RAEI Y KBLKS rE s SRel Tes wi vel gH dadav GEG EEF a R¥nand suug¥ WR noon " 4% son 20 ain Reg Hastings, Pa. Ss igh Dore, sash, madi ote, always | wn 2 these ailpuints keep your bowels regu. Ye ; IN | {90 hana, oT, A Deloaier spent a few days at ar by taking ¢ py i ‘= stomach Ir 5 Muehell, Vadford Md: “Dur E ath a a Oar A) & i Your Patronage Sobioile Cand liver tablets when required. They ing a ong Hines | was Lioubied with % g ; £ i il : : : ; aves Pangea ney ; ing. Minus Fosle has returnnd Ww are so easy! Lo take and mild and gentle bed sores, wis advissd to try DeWitl's : \ Y AA" 67.5% Vy a T be | pyr Bieler 1 ¥ : iy, sreapt malo. : in effet. For wale by { WwW. Hodg- Ww Hel Hazel i waive and did Hey with { : A+ ! tion 5 ; aK Se » dit LEARFIEL “IR Y isin : wands “til { i sr fae: : 3100 8 34 Bak eh PI Mel Renal 4 ; Gilbuks, of Ovalpont, was in kins, Patton, and Hastings Pharmacy. ndertul fmolis. 1 wae purtectiy : ‘town : 3 Mond : cured. It (a the best snive On the mar gr n ; people of town attended court Praise the bridge that carries you et 1. Bure care for plies, sOFes, Husa. ae - 2 =: : AYE NYP ‘ over either a flood or cough, Ballard's Be a of counterfeits. C. W. Hodg- | : . H AS I I (x i i i APE ¥ g ; Fh rear - ; a . So : E toy drove to Patton on Son. | | Horehound Syrup has brought so kins, Patton, and Hastings Pharmacy. = ar fee > a ran Gn Li : | Any over throat and lung tron bies, : Pishemvation Waals, a : Sl ps i I HA R M X ('Y » The Heat Pater. oo {such as coughs, colds, bronchitis, etc, The manufacturers of Banner Halve | “ | that its praises are sung everywhere. b ira e. : Tons ; be # 4, i B: Da, pie co of | annél damponed With Price, 2 ‘and 50 cents. C; W.. Hod having aiwavs belie ved that no doctor : a ins ‘pain balm and bound to ki v 8° or medicitie can cure in every case, bot | Land 1 get buf ns, Patton, and Hastings Pharmacy, never baving heard where Banper No mixing of the real and 1 imitation eities ts parts is saperior W any - Ge ‘When troubled with lame An attractive woman thrives on i lve failed to cure uloers, sores, teller, hore. Imitation Jewelry is always sold dhe pains in the side or chest, give | {good food and sunshine, with plenty | ecgetna, or piles, ax 4 matter of CUrion- | ay euch no matter bow it is afterwards H as sti ngs P a rmacy WENelty FDmily axeept Saal. and you are certain to be. of exercise in the open air. Her form | (ity would Jike to know if thers are worn. : A 3 at co wiih ust itasied, sett piped ; ¥ n lanch cases. If so they will gladly! : ey MM Schaeffer, Prop. win Er »conches and recliaieg g than pletsed with the prompt re- | glows with health and ber face blooms | We ape pol showing a line of unl : : vo, ia mle cars dadiy except Suhday. t affords, Pain balm also cures With its buanty. When troubled with refand the money. All i druggists. tation E : We By 2 a al TA ar madis, One application gives ‘a costive habit she takes Herbine to If you Baw e an. appetite like a bea | JEWELRY R. F. B. EVANS, iKind Plies iu © LAPEY For sale by C. W. Hodgkins, | | cleanse her system of all impurities. fied 1 Ppetis . ts take | a DENTISR, z 7 Gener Passenger Agent and Hastings Pharm Price 50 cents, . Ww. Hodgkins, P at | : can “a Ie bi A or your meas & for the genase BTA : HH APTN GH : os heies, xX. 3 ’ £3 ¥ ton, and Hastings Pharmacy. Chamberlain’ 8 stomach and liver tab- Holliday Navelties in ait {sel i Iie At Commercial Hate! Ba rit- : ! To Kop u Cold. ota They correct disorders of the Sterling Silver. Ey te Sabai H antingdon ak Broad Top Mt. exposare or when you fool 4 Among the tens of thousands who stomach and regulate the liver and: E3000, EVETY Th ursiday ; Sul 7 9 : Railroad. on. take a dose of Foley's have used Chamberlain's cough rem. bowels. Price 25 ceots. Samples free | DONRRUE TRE JEWELER 2 i Le and tar, ? It never fails ey, a edy for colds and ia grippe daring the at C, W. Hodgkins, Patton, and Hast ! 1 Geo. Simmelsberger, fo effect (vl A Tat. sath nd, taken In time. All droggists. & WG Kg ga "ls 2 ge fg | 2 of 5 nie * aA Mae PRSELEUGNE LER (ha eet i tng Bi past fow years, to our knowledge, not ings Pharmacy. : Hastings, Pa. LIVERY AND FEED 3 TABLE, Bog pores hineen. Foutingdan ; ‘asingle case has resulted in pned- je ay agoet ay: for ML Daijex ak (han, Replogle, Atwater, O)., was in : a al BEN gw Ww Bryan, of Lowder, Mn. writes: monia, Thos, Whitlleld & Co, 240 ver y bad id He hig i: 1 suffered N i] '1 o” k' ; Draying and I Fa ul ug g done on omit Nis. 8.13 a little boy was very low with pnea- Wabash avenne, Chicago, one of the Fipst a 10D ah | short notice. : fay ts pt = a grea {eal Ww ith my kidney A and Was | Unknown to the doctor we IOs ro vy > i131 : ts a Gs foi ; x 1 pra minent retail druggists £23 jue ted to try Foley' k idney “ . 1 : Wowian Nun dmpend ¢ oniwl heaees Hanatiage , im Fole A ‘ : OF PATTON. i boii v1 eR wos, arrivt i ML yo oley’ honey 3 tar, The | that city, in speaking of this, says: a4. ood in four days 1 was able to go. YRAMER x FRY ; Arch ving a was magical and puzzled the “We recommend Chamberlain's cough op acnin, now I am enti iv Patton, Cambria Co, Pa. ' Aaatay as it immediately stopped the remedy for la grippe in many cases, 88 0 Ay) dra ists. ik BUTCHERS, HASTINGS, PA. encking cough and he quickly recov- it not only gives prompt and compiote j i CAPITAL PAID DU P, $100,000. 00. | pail ton if Frets ntut Nusselt Monts oon | Train Ni 4 iE Torre Mi Pallas Rb ered.” All druggists. | recovery, but also counteracts any. C. W. Lynch Wing bester, Tod, SURPLUS, $19,500.00 hie on hand. Touts and game in | wh seh Bn, Wh ATIV Ou at Hating : | tendency of la grippe to result in pnea- writes: *T owe the fifa of my boy to. sx of Srirparutions. P gay MRT : re ik Worms take refuge in the sriall in- | ! monia.”” For sale by C, W. Hodgkins, Foley's honey and ta He had mem: ax and Beni re ih yon Sr Ait Yor A putin of 306r gutretage ardtally se 5 AT AG fo Dik, ne, where they can eusily multiply. | | Patton, and Hastings Pharmacy. branogs croup, and oi first dose gave pre crtaistent with sa fe mel conservative i | * i Ti ss ays 8 Cream Vermifuge will destroy | dd lark the vi him relief. We continued its use and Stebmutip Sele r fO Cl 1 the lending | BE Tit tr sa og: { i x 3 RE Wa £ IRATE i ¥3 inh 3 an BT ta eds : these parasites. The verdict of the Disease and danger lurkes in the Vi- 4 Lo, prought him out of danger” cities of the Did W ord TAH kp ale with ple tells plainly how well it has tal organs. The blood becomes viti- druggines. | Al eorrespondence will bate cur prouiptasd ALL traits mits clue OR io weeded. Price 25 cents. C, W. ated and the general health is under. I al spf Fi reve delete FURTICE OF THE PEACE sida Cans CAGE ; x % hgh » f. Ys ass a: x F ~ - vairerl Masa Ha SEITE, Patton, and Hastings, j mined whensver the stomach and liver, or ani ly um nN mberiess ways | i A. BE Parron, Wu H SANDFORD, Coatieotions te bk dhack bay Abies mii : serul Masng acy. | fail to perform their functions as na- PBallard’s Snow Liniment is a useful Pre ia on Ouchi Collections promptiy attended to. . gb | ture intended. Herbine will tone up "and valuable remedy. Price 30 and; Pesce Asier. ; To i Patton Courier, r's Buckeye P ile. Ointment has ne stomach, regulate the liver, where 50 vents. ©. W. Hodgkins, Patton. | i Hei er ii veal estate, ei : ; Yin: Parnell, Cowher & Co.l= Promoter of Publieity, thoroughly tested for many | other preparations only relieve. Price and Hastings Pharmacy, | = and is a positive chre for this 50 cents, CO. W. Hodgkins, Patton, DY SP EPTICIDE i Aya an made knows on distrening and Suburassing of | ana Hastings Pharmacy. Th Foley’ Ss Honey acd Tar Reals lungs wd stops 4 the y 3, Puls i hrgves ME. Dae po oy, Arriving al : = ARUULS i A cold, cough or la grippe can bu FIRE, LIFE AND smipped in the bud,” with a dose of ACCIDENT Subscribe for and advertise in the Foley's honey and tar. Beware of sub. | PAT NY i Payton (COURIER. stitutes. All druggists. i Good Builiting, Patton, Te. Thone No. 8. i PA AR RE