HOME HAPPENINGS. Advent. «Foot ball, ~Shut that door. «Court next week, ~ Patton vs. Altoona. «(live thanks to-day. oA white Thanksgiving. ~-Read your own COURIER. _.What are you thankful for? Today ends the foot ball season. | Three weeks from Wednesday will | i ! be Christmas. wJohn G1. Solomon, of DuBois, waa iy town on Saturday. CLD BW. Worrell puade a business | trip to Cresson on Monday. Turkeys are selling in Patton at cents per pound, five weight. WW. H. Denlinger and son William | were in Philipsburg on Saturday. hare will be no Thanksgiving | nee at the Patton opera house. Frank Kinkead was visiting friends in Philijsborg over Sanday. Do your holiday shopping at home. | Patton needs every penny it can get Miss Lydin Gregg, of Plitshurg, | i» visiting her sister, Mrs EC. Brown. | wOnmbria county in to indnige in the | usury of a judgeship election contest. A full line of Huyler's chooolntes | and other candies at the City Restaur: | i 3 § i i 3 i For a rood shave hair cut or Wham | on fiarfieid Wilkins, Fifth an i ii fr and Mrs. Gen, Yeukley, of | p rage, wera guests st the Contral | For Rent Good desirable location | baker. Nove in town. Apply to Mellon, Paton Pa. Read the J. BE. Kirk Hardware and | {hare Co.'s ml this week, even ir you have peves read it before. The new advertisement of tha Bon | Ton store in another column will be of particular friterest to the ladies, vators in nvery style, fresh every day at the City Restaorant Families perved by the jut, quart or gallon. yrastor Dale, of the Beech Creek | Coal and Coke Co., was retewing io | paintances in Clearfield thix week. | Pur sale: One good size soft coal | i i | i age. In appearance good BH DAW. | Cheap for cash. Apply to LB Be i . wulf you are in need of a good vhave, halr cut or shampoo Garfield Wilkins, | the Fifth avenus barber, will wait vou, «Mail orders for job printing re vive, parol and prompt attention at Hh wR office. Bend in your orders : If you want a with | good hand mide pips of the y and in a borey, sed I 1 Conletl & stove seb up Yond syle FR tf this aflarnoun % dnier the dissection of Mrs Eg you want broad, buns or palo, ta Patton Supply Co. They handle | the Hees bread from Altoona best in | Cambria ins two delugnios in the | . Democratic convention. nly onountion will send a larger repre. The Busant has & change of adver. ment in this issue that will be of lar interest to those looking for Northrop, of Williamsport, Jugent for the New York py ool bread, pies or 1 Patton Supply Co. EB Patton, the Fuilroud con- been awarded the con- : r grading a section ET. 1 road running into Pittsburg. Jf you want fine laundry work, your laundry with W. E. Pro- , the barber, Magee avenue, the t for the Empire Bteam Laundry. e next “lethodist conference Central Ponnsyivania will convene Shamokin on March 26th, Tt will be resided over by Bishop John M. Wal line of overcoatings just re. i : Offios in the Good Building. ved from $20 up at Dinsmore Bros. he $20 cout is the best the market le for the money. Call and see Ernest Yeyakiund in another: colin. He is receiving new goods daily and purposes to ran an up-to-date store in | every particular, ~~Julins. Rager, w who has been the the American | 3 for some time past, has fms ne hin duties in the House, C appointed his son {hares who is A atndent 3 priv ate seoratary. {enon is now at te weoith and ie being } jal ahr. by sapseiity ate Hike Sir Pathan Cvonrg alien of Bs { Be Cdressed doll Houde at’ Six people were confirmed wl diocese, at Good's Hall on Friday even ling. Music was furnished by the choir | of the Barnesboro church. The New York Central is birivg | brakesmien for service on the Beech Crock district with wonderful rapidity Within the past few weeks Rfleen new : brabemen have entered the service of | the company. Uhngressman Alvin Evans, who arted for Washington last night to Foinm 1 in Dickinson college, us his the sicdbibr rd AYIATY yo rr vesd Mhere are 110 sisters iu | convent in Ebensbiarg Alle (iat the wiit to Baden. Beaver county, and less than tan sisters will thereafler be retained Lin the convent at Ebensbary. The ACO H. ball in Ouildstein's | Hal lant night wax one of the most | pleasing social events of the season Land wae attended by 0 large erawd, {The A. O. H. boys never do things by halves and this assembly was no exp {tion to the general rule. Dr BF. Shires, formerly of Ped st bier hoapse il ford, was in town this week and has { made up Lis mind to foente here for the praction of his profession. The L detor han t fathmel for the | past fone years and is a young man of energy ancl ability. He will move to Patton the early part of next month, “Mrs. Thos Kelly, of Lang avenas, | died on Taesday morning of pneg: | Lynonin after an illness of a week. She Lin anrvived by her Hnsband and seven {uhildren, The funeral was heid this [morning GE 8 ook at Mary's I. chiaech, pondncted by the pastor, Rev Father Pierron Interment in the Casmiddy cometary, An iteresting astronomical phe. {nomenon may be ween in the sonith. western beavens every evening from ! Is to 7 o'plonk, The planets Venus, Jupiter wind Saturn are grouped ina | pssition which asd ronomers Say oovlrs | Lonly once in 300 years, The phenom. in Sway Ne - i | watched hy the astronomers through. i pnt the conotry. : The Bafteman’s Journal of Clear. | flotd ix advocating A. BE. Patton, the Crpeasurer of the Beech Creelt Coal sid Coke Co, as the proper maa for Con. i Lr wn in hint district, presnmably with i Mr Patton's ponsent, | The istrict ww oamposid of Centre, {Searfisld Cam. rion wo MeKean eonntios sod fa oone | of the ew districts fornia! By the leg. The district Republican i when the party is ny fend und with a ix Pargrahal- fhe Fi pans enol ster the SE wit feu hitent Rind of prospreix fisr BUM T0E, abd Feslovad Fass {ald depigri bay TUL ¥ails Fair andl Festival 0. beginning La Gell Bt fh Blore roo Pe thy oedmpied hy Pal A Mellon, interesting event. , Brown's Dat Thi fas br pasdd I at £5. 5. in Wik 1 ie Fiat © & toost ilrvssing «1 Brows for with ¥ + 3. Go & i SOL hen BAYE Bent weeks pind these dois, [many other beaudifi bY friends here and elsewhers, will be weil at thie dod Tule for the benefit of the bullding fund of the new M. E chorel of Patton. A dull » a woe Christos present and you can make | some ope bappy by giving her a ; jee cream, cake, re RB sandwiches and oysters will be served. | * .. 3 wr Rar ¥owia bias teat triouied 3 § Bt oN 3 ddosiin CHIN wa i) your paper! ? |Chop, Feed and Meal. Best equipped Mill in North ern Cambria Conuty. BUCKWHEAT FLOUR A SPECIALTY. All kinds of Fancy Spring Winter Wheat Flour, Whole Grain, | Dr. V. A Murray, PHYSICIAN & SURGEOX. Ofer in Arfiagton blaek, next to PoslofMes, Patten, Pla, AMD nignl onlls responded Lo Fprompily Thane of {hus (ar, Biome» goon speial alle Mie. OFFICH HOU Rs 1 Tia a mand 12% 3 pan Reuel Somerville, Attorney-at-Law, Patron, Pa " Miss Susie Wentz. Stadio i Salon Taaiisiingl. frome a ti tol nom Particular stanton i» wid To fetoh ang one fin Buty 8 veorrect systin i fingering Piano and organ Ps Hat i» give 1 n vd esti ‘GEO. BOONE, JURTICE OF THE PEACE. Ferg Avenoes, Collections promptly at perties to sell tended to. Pro rent confronts every better ones have a beantifnl assg remarkably bBardware, i befor: mentioned, is found WE SELL THEM. and | fmm. Bran, Oil Meal Baled Hay | i | an Buckwheat Mills, | Ww J PERRY, Proprietor. yd Anam Gould } i and etic r prepared ‘than ‘work in his line. timates cheerfully en TEACHER OF MUSIC Fonatiing hosirs | fe pragwer position o Mi Office on corner of Lang aud Fifth | | Bishop Whitehead, of this Episcopal That 1s the ¢ question which citizen of Pat: WI in Ty s FEHR Ss Li fis mianner tort, titerest which We 3 Eiiey % i ! That = eany. if vot ‘go to the Kirk Hdw., & Furni- ture Co. for f of can tell you, iargest ine 11 ey they have the LU SE F i i, Chr 15iin; Als pre Lents ever displaved in Cambria county. For mstance: Pictores, the like of which were never the More ‘unusuail in Patton low price of from 75¢c to seen x7 ¥ ¥ each, But that 1s not all, for we irtment of bdr xi. In amps at a parlor, banquet, fact every kind of Ww Ee Still more, we carry The turgest stock of Tron Beds, $1.60 to $25.00. Centre Stands, Bie to 84.50, Conohes, $400 to $20.00, Beookers, Be 50 88 51 [Hitters He to 83 00, Ridohaards, 88 40 to $40 (6 Linton Hemnants, 200 to 8c yb Carpets, 25 to 32.50 yi. Jariiniers at baif price. Als Heating Stoves and Ranges in large variety at almost any price. Anil do sot fell to remember that the largest How of beavy and light shelf along with the Farniture Se J. E. KIRK'S HDW. & FURT. STORE. Magee Ave, PATTON feat, PA ¥ Cost more than other maken of filled cases, BUT they are absointely guarantesd to wour for the length of tine stam ped on the inside Hd. TOZER, The Patton Jeweler. | price and quality. ent von you won't go elsew here The Old Reliable! Plumber, John C. s still on deck do all Jos. gIV- ever to all classes On work. Repairing promptly at. tended to. JOHN C. GOULD, Yeager Bailding, Patton, Pa. | than ey now itis too without a fire. That New Heating Stove! 1] Jone ot ol i i i our new er Block prepared | ¥ Are now prepared to All your wants in ill the latest styles of winter goods. moved : the Ji better Lx il Having location 11 WE are now er to do this Line, We ambria o | ale bk sh flannel shirt stvles of French Latest sty waist patterns. No two alike. @® 4 WOrK Our line of haps anc blankets cannot equalled outside the city. agents lor + pr + 3% i owe $0) £ * 7 £5 Hre county £1 L brated Brooks Oil Co.'s Gutta Percha Roofing Paint. Ci be Vatch thi S Space cheerfully - Finest Bread in the Town. 1 our line. Estimates Loan Lo ar all work d. C. Harper Co. Mannish | } # . i ; i 1 2 it 3 Sy : Sl » ; 1 oh y £ £3! il ef i = Je irst- Insg J EW- HACE ARK CUS BRANDED OM EVERY $=O8, elry Establishment in the Young Block on Magee avenue, and am atl work in my hne. of all kinds clocks. elc. prepared to A large a» it. Stic K Of Ee NO OTH E R ‘ Hivos atands as high with wen : t of gon? taste as Queen Quality." i jewelry, watches, Foor thus pion the “Walk Over’ shoes | the treomt satiafsctory shoes ob. tainabila af any Lidge. Y are eo most perfect fitting, the easiest an Lhe | vhs Hioet artistic and ihe best vale nver known in foot wesr, We also have odd lots Men's Women's and Mises’ Shoes we Are selling below cost, NE, L. Miller, PA. PATTON. Eves tested by * Retinoscopic’ Test. and Glasses correctly fitted. % yin at kw 8 & x: elttes that will be worn this fail and rh Lai 11 ot of av ® i % ; * = Soon the chill winds winter. You know our workmanship winter will strike us. Even cold for comfort : : ; gOeHis. G04 Pe Es Are DINSMORE BROS, Merchant Tailors, Patton, Pa. and at any 20 differ-’ rarieties to select from. If examine our stock first) We have it, a The Chinaware, s vou need a Range? . Ty Leave $+) > : W hy get we gave them, Hy iwht price. Bazaar Lamps, Albums have inst recerved a EVYERYTHI assortment of (hl Cloths! At Linole Qur big sa 1S now on and Perl aps fo % prices when Anest fron Toys an NG + EVERYBODY Bo AY COW ti prices . pay Ty the has Dols, and af Wie large anc and night, iH We set u p wives, 11 d Raoks, EFT RYE Pais § Un, make stove pipe and Le ‘Everything in Hardware.” J. i. CORDELL & CO. Fifth Ave, PATTON, PA. Than our Low Price? G. O. Brady, Prop'r.
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