The Patton courier. (Patton, Cambria Co., Pa.) 1893-1936, November 21, 1901, Image 3

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    A AE ST Ba Hk
olonsty mititne.
every finish Dongola id,
0 88 (repe, In made into walk-
ich wornen never il fo tire.
A hive replaced | the flat Reel
: ™ raehed 1 Ronstte,
new way of trimming a hat of me
size is to apply in the middie
Srashedt rosette of very wide natin
ant witghtly Battered to sive
crushed nepect, You may wonter
y a crushed rosette should be pire
to an pnernshed one But the
et is that in the effort to reduce
aspect af the season's millinery
board, low flatness it stands to sea
n that hat decorations must be
hed en suite
he Bailie woman Abroad.
1ish women are extremely cure
i the eontinent, says the Lady's
: al. They appear in garments
hich © ey would pot venture 10 wear
they travel in unbecoming
oar; they don skirts and blouses |
t the smartest hotels which they cone
der {oo demodes to wear at any Lon
Testanratt; they are none too par
ta about thelr chaussure; and,
renault, ther do not show to ir
% beside their smart French and
@ and American sisters, who
ways exquisitely dressed anid as
eoilted, gloved and shodl 8x
were dressed to appear in the
Viet Vote Cnt at 103,
re Deborah Doan King of Zanes
ihn O., whi has just celebrated her
y birthduy, is the Inst to survive
the seventh generation of Doan
America, of whom the first was
Doan, an emigrant from
gland to the Plymouth eolomy In
more than 40 years Debo-
Dosn was bequeathed to James
ng to marry until her
th, When the wediling
kK place the bride was 66 and
mwas 65 yours old. Mrs
ote was cast when she
old in a hot fight fn
he rode three
pisses ot the woman buyer
f Sthar suovutions in the
sires af he great cities
¥ town of any pretensions
ho length and Wreadth
nt , and every department
ot 1 like a separate | tusinean
od dine > The Sketch an amusing
2 x told in Herlin about
‘eluding the gaping Po
1 Hey Majesty had bess
morning to gee ope of
Ft was never to be. es
: _ezarina learning ot the
; nts it there were Ho exit at the
kK of the house. To this he re
ad In the afirmative, but added that
us stopped by a board. “That
tter.” answered her ma-
ou get me a ladder, 1 wii
J over the plank, » No, BOON
T mn position the empress of
Russia climed jt, jumped over the
nd thus uceeeded in avoiiine
: ir women may be sali not
a join the 18th and 20th cen-
ier Damon, who tives n P ¥!
She {8 nearly 87 years od.
Rebecca Mayo, the oldest of the sur
viving widows of the revolution, was
born Jan. 4, 1812, and is, therefore, 89
years of age. She Hyves in Newbern,
Mae youngest of the four widows is
Mary Snead, who is only 85 years oid.
When last heard from she was hale
and hearty, snd. according to ber own
account. “able to walk around to the
near neighbors.”
Nancy Jones of Jonesboro, Tenn, is
the last of the four relies of the revo. |
jutionary pensioners. She fs §7 geurs :
old Washington Star.
Why the Bair Changes,
tie trne root—the papilla from which
it grows—is dead also, tha hair will
not grow again
three cinssee In one a nicrobe do
| stroys the connection of the hair with
the papiia nnd may destroy the papi |
ia ftself. In a second class the tiny |
blood veksels of the part are blocked —
this is well weon in advanced life; and
itr the third class there 15 a loss of ner.
TOUR power.
1oss of color ia nenally owing |
changes in the nervous system. The
practical value of thess facts ia very |
great. Por instance, whenever gray
ar white hairs make their Appearance
it does not not eall for local stimu
int and nourishing treatment, but for |
some sttention to be given to the gen- |
eral nervous tone of the system. Quite ©
often the fin doctor finds his best
wiedioipn, The three drugs, iron,
stryehaine and phosphorous are of es
are two “of tourses’’--one that other
drugs ars sometimes needed, and the
ingion Star,
ol Sissi
“Fie Fashions That Make Matches,
"Da the fashions have anything fo
ivnable dressmaker the other day, 1
should say they did—n great deal.
“AS circumstances cut a great figure
in the carcer of men, so fashions make. ,
the grentent difference in the fife his
tories of women. | need sol ted] you
how suddenly fashions change or Bow |
the styles run fret LO ane exiremity
and then to the otlier. Women who,
dressed atoording to certain fazh-
ies apmenr beautiful Jook decidedly
plain when dressed alter some oihet
style. A woman's chance for & good
marriage depend much on her appear:
ance. Of course, a deciledly pretty
great masa of womes whi are neither
rich ner have faces of extraordinary
beauty may have thelr matrimonial Eh om state of productivensss Mansy
[JAMES ago A haavy wing swept Yar
je tract of land, foiling the native
‘here are seazons which 1 call tall |
girls’ semaons~~1hat is to say, the fash- |
| the fect was dropped. Then it was al-
| lowed to Jape into cielessness. Road]
at 8} well This is where dresses are ;
shances mde or unmade by the {ashi
fons sult girls of good height, but do
pot make the shorter women appear
worn full and have a tendency 10
makes short worgen look fanby. Dur
ing tha prevalence of these sec™~uof i
sotiee that many more tall girls than
short ones get married.
“Lame girls may walt season after
season belore they can be accom
hem to advantage. 1 had two short
girls omee for customers who bad :
siruggied for & long tise with fash
{ns which were unbecoming 0 thes,
Dat plated shire, boleros and
notched hodices came In, as well as
hate that turned ap off the face, which
gave these two girhe 5 cenain plguan
anpearance. The result was that these
reo nelpnifernl young women were
apply engaged to eligl Lele young men
while some much better looking wont.
su. but of a different type and unfitted
tir the new fashions, were passed over,
New York Commercial Advertiser,
Scarf pins of a long narrow oval are
the best syle
The pow high belts of velvet ribbon
Lawas not the best of 11. We
(HOW any seed ¢ on that Reid.
are decorated with tiny buckles or but.
Silver tissue is being much used as |
hepan lO Warm the earth a
i growth of fine white clove
: we i Lawith thmothy began to spring up
Ruches and guilliogy of ribbon are | or YL Cr tht Tut BE a
: ; . ; net Woks 10 OAR AL BG DERG
Cpxpected fo play an important part in : te Si
; i of coures that it werd Pe PECrlan ry
| to scatier sevd over the land and drag
fone of the new evening siippers
have & double row of straps buttoning |
& background for the fine laves and
érmbrobieries of the season
ihe trimming for antump gowns
directly up the middle of the ankle
The salin bow and fancy buckle is
fess forms.
: New gamniture for millinery use in-
odes white lace applique with yel-
vet figures and (ream Venetian pace |
combined with white snd black taffeta, |
The use of bands of ostrich feath-
crs. partieutarly in black, is one of
the special points about the season 8
hats. Combined with castor or Heh!
blue velvet these feather bands are
excendingly effective.
Black and white stripes in silk
ahirt walsts are as popular as the same
colors In stocks: indeed. siripes of
every description are considered the
most stylish thing in both flannel and
a | moat Roman effects and broadly
| striped flannels are being made into
; walsts for both large and small women
a grentar extent than ever before.
| requires thie d
Wen a hair falls out jt fa dead. If
{the ‘smsie as 8
Pynate are the I sg moniha while
: ¥ z a
| yomrs to bring &
might Almost be sxited waste, hae
rin rampant and witnsvihe
| wid almost wort Wiess. Cal
i shelter in the shade af the recs Fron
tie sun and fies, but aside from that
Et wan of Hitle Yalun To fhe Guner
This we
Citito possession of the farm. li 18 GC
modated with a fashion that will show |
Cwork was dope. Where it had
i almost fms gibde to gel
preount of 1 trovs amt bros!
L oxesniog the
Many farmers ship produce {0 mar.
Let at certain sessons and hay articles
that conld be dispensed with by using
those grown on the farm, In such
canes they pay ftrapsportation (wo
wars, which lessons the profita,
fmproving Land by Trratnage,
When land has been heavily man
arad and dees pot give matisfactory
props the cause may be that the nd
Lo oeing 00 Wel,
owing 1o the aot 3 chat the vases water
sannot Row away, Driinsee in such
ages with effect womdurfal improve.
{ pent,
Evidence points to the fact that ail |
cases of baldness may be divided into {
Food tha Planta,
Plante must ee fond and water,
The fine white
the haves fake © arbon fram the al
Plants mass 1heir most
when well suoplind with
facd, and ad they oime
coat ints gsiabie prisinet, they
sheild he well fed or they will fail
to give satisfactory results
Changing the Gaston Plot,
The sarden pict may be changed
ayory Wo or three volrs in order to
prevent diseases of plans The plot
foe the garden shoudl be seiocted al
hig season of the yesr plowed and a
Hheral application of manure mile
{ which shonid be Barfswed in Bow
weapon 8 a thoroughly good bracing |
res to caver the ground and plow i
i spder early in spring. wing a small
PF gnantity of |
pecial repute in this respect, but there see the plot so arran geod as to culti
i vate In long rows in ard th oaxve
{lalior. The fall is the time [0 make
second that only the skin expert can |
decide wiiether the loss of color Is :
Ane to Joeal or general causes ~~ Wash- |
ar apply wood ashes
ihe garden plot feriile
Cave »f the Hooves Shoalders
First see that the coliars fit the
i shoulders perfectly and thon begin in
the spring before work G8 rushing Io
: ; Pwork the horsew a Hie sacnh ny
do with marriages?’ repeated a fash- |
toughen thelr shoulders and work off
fehe superfisous flesh Barks heir
sioacdders with codd water Dumediately
§fter work and if pads re used tage
ho collars off 5 moos amd put thew
in the gun to dry which 1 find a grest
heneRt over putts ing on wer nada Keep
the pads clean by washing, HH whoien
apes: If pot scrape off olean before
{muting on the horsey When a1 work
| ralge the collars pecaiopally to cool
ihe shoullers and ged that the pads
| Ave clean if not. rob aff with the hand
‘being very careful not to heat tha
horses” shoulders In hot waather
L Burton Fhingicten, in The Epiiomut,
girl will look a in any sort of
Geass. sind 8 rich girl never hag any :
cifenlty in getting married. But the
uciatming Wastes Land,
We have been working for several
plece of Jand which
frees and making it needs
go viear iC all a For a yray or two
trees grow up on gt Wise k berry
the by
s Ha pom oN waYR We tame
couraging to think haw many goilars
the former owner must have jad in
ties on this saineleis plees of land,
for it is a fact that ery rarely dies
| the assessor sat foot upon ihe farms
he ta called upon to appraise.
PME posvible we planned # canpaign
| ngainst the saplings mad the bro i=h and
the joghsais 05 i
Er R af Baying
i and cleared up 8 3
; grant] trees down clip to tha
| thus enwaring their death, We tn
cup the limbs and piled them nex
| The bodies of such as were large
apough for fuel we laid out to one
Laide to Le drawn to the woodpile lat
Ler. With a god sisong goythe we
mowed the Tires nnd other small
rush. All the refuge was pl
: when dry burned,
Hel and
It i not possible Dir fue to deneribe
the difference in appearance after oo
theaueh on
now had a Spe open field
it Wan ni
i+ fn A few sprogts grew up at th
stumy of the trees we had
| but a blow with the ax disposed
| these for all time. Bo that ne
in evidence on syery variely of even. |
rg shos and the bow takes number- 1
fs one of tne finest flelds in
tire. Today we might plow
and get a good erp white
white ago we had nothing tut
We think it pald great feinras
lsbor, And thers are thous
qerea in every state Jul as
as that described which might be re
claimed in the same way —E Lo Vin.
| gene. In Agricultural Epliomist,
The Vers and Value of Green Bane
In early December about six years
ag, { frst noticed in the folumas of
my agricultural journal an advertise.
ment of aA “green bona cutter” stat-
ing that said cutter could be easily
manipulated and thut green bone was
the best of egr foods
I had, therefore, in different seasons
and at wide intervals pounded up
tresh bozes and found the fowls very
man Begin by tid dine wp a daly
4. learn bow to fond ta the best |
t for milk and |
Pa Ae gL
enger comauTaer of them. but the ro
cies was go tedious and unsnttefnre
tory thit | had never continued the
{ feeding regularly enough to «fact any
noticeatde change in ce production.
At this time. only about one-sixth
af my fowls were laying They had
of syercise and good food They
irge warm guarters. good air, plenty :
looked healthy and were mostly lhe
spring's Batok. 1 could get fresh bones
from thie psteher in town for & mere
dencindid that the bone outlier Wad
the proper thing and acted according.
ty. When the machine came, it was
immediately installed, grinding a
stint that neon and every second
morning thereafter through the winter
and suriae and fall duripg poniting
Ere the snd of a fortnight I had
Om wie 1 fimnd if valuable lor sev.
eral things haulden egg producdon. Bot
frat of all 1 learned that the large
hee! shank hopes Aid pot pay to ot
when others wers plontifal, owing to
fhe great wane on the mashing xaives
A ton genirous feed of bone, | dis
sovered later ravssd fowl disease. Also
it should mot be fed clear. Feed 8
witn some vonres food, as cat clover
ar bran, My preference is to mix Lin
5 mash of the Iatter.
ae i $a ba 3 2 § ate cl 3
af my fowl wera Invin against 8
x ¥ ying, Ag £ Lyi ard Ww
Supt 17 peraent 40 days earlier. About
two weeks alter the first spring batch
came off. 1 thoneghi fo try i on the
bw and found by grinding it as
Ape an 1 ile whieh ie pot Goren.
gary In feeding grown fowis they
wid sat 1b ravenously,
The caf sear it wan < alters :
nate Dirgu r
ERG%a | Ie it aerE
ieee d tok riter favor §
prilicts eat myers dor clork in tae UJ nant postnMes,
I= the fall ] hat
: chests in thelr rons was ant in the
i Hillsview, 314;
Fomatls Postal Clerk Captures Man | :
P1ATe- No. § white... Re
Wanted for Murder-~Costly Firs
«Odd Fellows Home.
Amany the New names | placed on
the peasion roll during the past week
wars James n Witkinn, Broadion
$12: Joka Stanton. Pousviile, $16,
Tsao fy ard Now Bagle 410, Robert
Jack, Allenport. $4. Henry Bevilham-
or. Supgerstown, 83%; John Glover,
Maoveridale. $171; Samus! Plank, Shade
Valley $8: Frank Huliek, Oakdale
$3: Miudison Melanghling Davis $16.
Joha Richards, Wampum, $5. Gerrit |
Hearing. Meverndaie, 312; Emily
Urns Holliday shure, #8: Adam lane
Anne Young Fie
Jeanneite Moody. Canton,
iE Ciearge Troutman, Buller $0;
Fuoseh Brooks. Dunns Station, 36;
Frank 8 Decker. Johnstown, $8; For
dinand Emmert, Draddock, #8; Wile
tam Vankvik, Washi ngton, $5: Hinanm
Poawnsend, Kellam, 818
. Samuel Cau
Same | tion. Mercessharg, $i g
On Candies day over 80 percent ; }
The hanrding himse of Joseph Ma.
aegis the Booth & Finn
Quarries at Motance news Liresng
Burg. was deatroved ly five Friday,
Cand an infant oR of the connie per
i dgheat wy the flames
Tho woman in
{the excitement that fu jowad the dia
| coveray of the Hames fad {vom the
Neuse and forgot her babe. There
HE Tralins bhoamviderg at the honse
Livy of thelr savings focked in
Ph five,
frame. asl tenulbiad with leg Wigs. |
% Tint hay ine if aa chicks IL
iv heise to feed 11 10 All YY 4
fron tie feat tn the 14th
feud it reguinriy
and Bud 0 atimalaieg sod invigorates
Mize Margaret J jlagas, money on
duserintion and had anther clark dee
sain i sn oa pretext while she ran
aat ta tha stree and hyought an 5a
the fowls sufficiently to reduce the
“mouiting lsneunr
portod a full wee, ©
not speak too Kigkly of green bone,
but not anti] ond has tried it can one |
have a vroper conception of it» real
vatne Awd Bue wvervihing of real
sir 1 ean he mines gad overused,
1.8 13 in ike Contry Gentleman.
Paireing ix
gent are reonfred to makes it
profitabie. The best methods of feeds |
tag and caring for cowh, apd the most
way of baying products
to hous calves or
will return 10 tn
sony WW proffacie
pias of lhe erenmery
anit vmisy of butler, A Yreater
GRARL ny oy 3
£4 SE Bux
fcer. She palgted out the ‘man
among a crowd of fovelonera around |
es th % test and br
Fron my experience therefore | cane the window and had him lodged in
fall to awal {dent ifestion.
Mr Francis Galle wae arrested at
i Mt Ji ensant and sent to the connty | yr gure 1500 to 1300 Hm... ox
all, charged with Knowing sovmyet hing |
whan the many Ards which have oo
pga thers lately
: ing aa attempt wad made to hurn a
| ollding near the rains of the inst
Haw the Creamery Hanetfita the Farmers, :
pow 8 sclepes, and skill |
all grataed snapicion
inh contig pot
fire Mra
and she was grremtaad,
‘ pxplain why she Was in the building
through the town
where the fre originated. |
Baveugh ofeinls at Jleavey Tues
day alled out the file department to
caselally considersd. If skim- | pravent the Reaver Valley Traction
arelaily congidered. Hf skim- | cuppny from laying a double track |
Thy firemen ats)
> tached their hose to a plug and soon
sounds that part of
Fenndnves of Lhe oor wration, who Tie
| fregtid in consuaton,
work was dose in detain tao an in}
wiik betisr prices per COMMON 10 IMF... ceux ivasvre
trap lems labor on the |
fart and smauer outiay for the |
farmer If the section of the country |
gdasted to dairying, the farmers ni Rad tn {niucten to si :
i i ag le Xo tien.
ray safely unite to form a cO-0pETRe | which resulted tn injuries
: fear bat id tales
cditiie Tia
sutcient fume
Cima oF whom wil
had a heavy stream playing on the
bs Company's
A as sxphy inp ocurred along the |
mun plow J Hae of the Wheeling fas
Campany a. village sight
stleg. wast a” Washi aston RE Larday.
Be Bally die, The
| explakion Wak choked by She gaa ig
. aetghboriiod |
pointe, they stand
sweding In the sarily
wifi ax tha |
viiar rime and have well vents
slabiein These may seem to be
shierved the creamery busi
wat pay, Mee that the ai
sired foam a torch Bi th aod of a
¥ | gang of repairmen.
Joha Scarlel a prominent merch
© Bete and niw family, consisting
wife and Dar sons, and Cather
fn Pres. 4 domestic, had 3 Darrow 28
cash from burning a dant fn an
morsing Ars AH eaoaped cind
ani a wight clothes, Ming Fray was
sravide puye | Poel ont unconscious, hut recoversd.
having it warm in
The regular sesmion of the Keystone
{Sra Librariaon I saociation Was
Pheld Thursday at the Siate Libary,
© Harrisiirg:
: statements. but unless the divec. | Harrishurg
Ths following officers
ware dlpetad Progident, 2H Aw
Ederson. vies predident. Miss | BE.
¢ Tard, peeretaryiieRauret,
yess hive 4 enmpetenl Al aef
in ad Dis detailn The |
dlsngtinfaotion comes res
Soy in the mwiik
milk will vary
the butter maker has
the testing carefully, |
is will not often ocent from this |
Hemxy 1
Fralght trafe on the West Penn
from Halravi] fa an heavy that 1
is news : oe fon move it promt
faoalnmsoan ¢ instance a mm
: fearn (he ine
dnd Anal usr
n and ei Hainul af ersdsent | :
rota TE Hereskal
joist the Sue who
giana nt
with profit
the sarin, Go a ay
Agivy region
iT in Siffioust ! fis maks ;
Fro pats i
peel R ii
fan and do
d ren iisrion
: ia In Minnesota,
geota Hin Wiionn.
i theses poctions the Tere
{1 has heen inereaaed,
grain growing regions iti
decreasing. Then, too
ctioms, most farmers own
Holy own lang whizh Is sot the case
G0 EESIeraily ¥ in grain growing sections
‘onsequently. although creaneries
cominily fall, they are here 10 stay,
and of course are more profitable
whert farmers have heen educated
Blong dairy lines —ladwing Engleman,
Arserican Age giturist
In walking a mile 8 man uses |
171-2 tons of energy. An ordinary
day's work consumes 300 tons.
t Mave $+ Soon 3 Bn aeiy “ i
a ¢ RTE ERTL 2 tere arte 8 500
her Phe cow Thal tenis oo io
" The of Rt: 2 her of cases In tho town anid Bur
RY (lasnunsbhare
wl theo of mathoma
i tor Laitee Rew Wil
Has aceepisd the
no hig mew duties Jan
Harriat ure capit i fon
1 mission decided to place the plans
for thie ballding in Lhe hands of Probl
FL WOH Ware, of Cottmbis Laivers
ria pdvisary architad
Rubbers foresd an entrances fnrough
a rene window to tie ators of 1. Ro
gentabiam & Boo, an Berlin, and car
ried away Sink wrt of cinthing,
shoesr Bi Bras greeny
in thn State redicnd |
and many Increased
Yieating thar op
Nine more AOrkmen atl the Dir
gueste and Bradiloex ginal milly were
give stock in th, LIArnes manny,
abont $255 BUG twing <b fatritn Sand,
William Bedmomt has been awarded
$1 500 against the Penngyivania Hail
road. fur damages done big farm in
Liberty township, near Mercer
ave Pittsburg gtreet cpnduaciors
wen arrested, charged with taking
money of the Dirmingham Tracgion
i: gmnany.
A Unlied Presbyterian congregation
has heen organized abt Wiek Sta
tion. on the Bessemer und Lake KErie
Magiigant diptheria Is epidemic al
versna, Mand Dickel, 14 years old, is
the latest victim. Bhe died Satur
Any ;
0, M. Lewis of pear Unifonport,
has sold his farm of 160 acres to Mr.
of Pitsburg, for
Shippensbure, 8, Lewis
Pimpopr vii dreamad
Fass Pa anid bilo, fremh a
made a cesar santire of Petro Bog |
nto, a san wanted fur munis Mim
Haess verngnized the man from the
work frivine the moulting season [|
s 8ll vear ofl birds
| Kintabuer S00 to 1000 The Sheree
Samiay morn
1S, common to good. cL ven
} Cinond 10 PREM Loca a
© Lambe, giend to shoion, clipped
Canin, commas to Inte, Sippel
| pring Laois Sian
Yueh, good $0 OBOML LL uiien
“leading Hoes of
Lthe case of steel mils and many other
products of fren. while in bullding
Cppaterial felt, footwear and most tex.
"tile branches thers ia litle prospect
Cot Ldleness
Uspaking collacrions satisfactory In
par—No. 2rd... ......8
Rye Na, 2. Re Sr A
pe Xo, J yellow, ear... ....
No, 2 yellow, shelled. ,......
Mixed dmr. 0 olive
3 8 white ea
Frore. Winter PARADE, oes
Vaney Reentght Winters, ......
jEay-~No, } timothy... coe 34
Hover Na. 1... Fe
FRED No, 1 white mid. ton...
Tirown BAHN, caries
ean, Paik. Ee
: reas Wheat CHASER REA
Chat... oi a ra
Dairy Products.
Krrrim— Yin creamery
Lib sreRsnery Cae
Panay sountry voll, .....L
upper Ohin, now, en
hew York. new Hy
Poultry, Ete,
PBessper bo
Fruits and Vegetalon.
P mens Prans.por bushel, 81
Potpapops Fapey waite, dob 3
Cav Hany (oF Darrel
{sina per barred a
rove Winter Patent
Warwaro No 3 pod.
eran mim
trreu-—Obio crommery. cera
veiia lB 3 2! st
84 =
2 Paar ia
1 A peaenery, xing.
Foun: Penny! Ivnnis fhsts
ne ODA i.
: Hoton. Stato a. Penns. Saas
Central Stock Yards, East Liberty, Pa
Prive heavy, 1500 in 1800 na. 8
Frimne, 1300 to 1400 He. Le
Pat haiters .. EER
Clammon to BRIE. civisainns
then common So Bb. Loi
{homies te ood fat balls x ocows
foeh oows, wach, |
CxiEn wes BOWE, each. RE
{hime madinm welghta iii
Jiewt Beayy yorkers and mediam
Gronpl fo choice packers
fhoded plies anid Ugbt yorker. . .. o%
aed : Hi
reine Bovey Boge, |. .. ivareeis
Coa mion 10 fwir. Cx rn
Extra, medium weight wetheon $ |
§ sshEse
Malin. ... . ... REAR
as ute
£888 tBts SEs
Jamba clipped | i
Veal, extra. se Se
ws, edaninon to fale, Loonies
Healthy Demand foe Merchandise of
Ail Kinds, and a Record Break-
ing Holiday Trade.
R. G Dun & Co's weekly review
of trade says: A few months ago ine
tiry to the corn crop aroused fears
that the railroads wonld be seriously
Handicapoed by the loss of tODDARS,
vat the season of grain traffic has pot
Aivistisy of the Penpnsvivania Ratiromd |
anly falls to produee Aucreased Sart.
'iyge. but there is such a scarcity of
ing stock and motive power that
qumerdus Industries aro badly de
in so far aa these inter
Agty @re concerned the reduction in
dorm freighis proves a blessing.
A healthy demand Ils reported
tirourhont the country in all
while salon of winter goodR
Have atiained sonal proportions asd
Holiday business promises 1H Surpass
al recopta. In manufacturing there
4s never before such welbsustained
Trig is sspecially troe In
Maney cireunlates freely
iON sestiona Bavk exchanges in
Now York for the week were 83
per cent. larger thas a year ago and
42.1 per cent. over 138% while at other
leading ¢ities the gains were 10.3 and
a, rogpertively, Unprecedented
snditions in the iran and sitesi indus
try dre shown hy 1 Be statistics of pig
Iron Gn Nuavember 1 Furnaces in
| wore proalucing at the rate of
dS 824 wens weekly, which far sup
gases ail previous records, With a
it Bt ian of 19 000 Wins weekly above
ee Braviois top point it might be ex
hsetod 1 that supplies wolild increase,
Brat ast remain stationiuy. On the
poantrary, furnace stocks on November
I were 273.251 tons. or much less than
4 single week's output and a decrease
Ob SR. 342 for the month of October.
Binney November, 1500, the weekly ip
capacity of furnaces in biast has in
srensed from 215.304 tons to 330.884,
while furnace stocks have deciined
from 941388 to 270.381 tons. Yet
there Hag been on inflation of prices,
and the speculative element is entirely
lacking, a sign that no disasirons cob
lapse 18 to be feared. While ship
ments of footwear from Boston cole
tinue far in excess of previous years
and factories are well employed, the
gituation is aol satisiactory. ,
are not maintained at a profitable
point owing to the phenomenal
strength of raw material and the stub
born resistance of buvers. Print
cloths ax Fall River arg quiet, recent
i unusual events having producad a ten.