ob AR i MeCormick’s telebrated cone ordinanos, : business of importance. olock, when President Winslow called | the meeting to order. The minute of the previous session were read and ap- | proved and the president called for 8 | 5 op. report from the street pommitiee, | : 3 ‘which was responded to hy Chalrman Approved by the Burgess af Patton - MeCormick. The Iattar objected mst | go waaeh this 10h day of November A. strenuonaly to the manner in which the 4, 100 Huntingdon and Clearfield Telephone Co. were placing their poles ing differ. ent parta of the town and cited Hp cific instances where he thought they |. 4. + had erred. i Joo Kartheltn $20. Jas Mulligan The placing: of a pole in the alley $1.27, Bd Thomas $4.40, Martin Thomas 5 leading to Nagle's livery stable, one | $4.40, Howard Woomer 87.25 Jus Dear Firemen 's Hall, one in the alley Bieehan $2. Dan Jenkins $262 Bd pear the school house, where the ide | oe $437, BR Cole £250, Jas Gut indefivitely. Beech myenue. ; $1.00 PER YEAR. F of claiming the same previous to the | silp thereof by paying to the officer aE : : 1 { having the seme in charge, the sam of It Was Passed at the last £1.00 for every animal so peizedd, as A! fire ws well na Bfty cents to the officer Meeting of Council. For coats Of seippre, and all costs of App A Lm fies affonr ocecting It was on Fonr Aerie, Bet saen Rafion arly Trias frei. and Bech tram tistoet ton With thi Miw Kec 30 The Polos, ar an Telephony Caappany Beintivo to thi Fina ap of Palew . i i. : ing the sam af B Patton bhorongh eotneil sd ila reg. Emad si seiped] and c i : ; Ma oxo beedtedd Troi Bas Ow alar mecting Monday night pasied Piected from pie OWES wi wedged by Bhim, before Lie win feast, nad the farther som of one changing the grade on Fourth ave: tae tar nue and transacted considerable other lar for conducting the sais, gn Lessary to sell sald animal to soles All the members were present at i:15 Enacted and ordained thin, the 18th day of November, A. b. 11 HO Winsiow, President of {onnois, J. MM. Grarecs, Clerk. ALEX MONTEITH, Burgess, | The following bills were ordered We walk hand been torn I one neat the wild $280, PF. Harriagion $20.12, A entrance to the new M. E. church and gp han $18.87, A. G. Storm $39, H. O. one in the private alley of W. H. Sind. Winslow $1858, Harry Moffitt $1.50, ford were objected to the most. Cor 5 1 Gilliscs 85, Geo, 8. Glood Electric dell stated thit there was 00 tee discos op, ( gisase, HL. Childs Co, 830, sing the matter, as the telephone {on Patton Clay Mig. Co. $7.86, Patton pany Fad pramised to place the poten (ores Clo $120, MJ ‘ander the direction of the Street (om jy 1 ire $23. mittee and they have power to ach The sttempted election of & new WESTOVER. councilman followed with the vsoal Mise Dora Westover reosived a lither pesnit. The Magee avenue suwer gues: last week from one of fonr brothers tion came up next and on account of who have been for some Lime oul in the latences of the geason was nid over the Kiomiyke god oe : 4 | briefly that ber brother Jobin badd been | The following ordinator was then drowned by the swamping uf a Boat read and adopted, Mo Orinlok YOUN | on the rapids near Beattie, Washington, stating np," there being at the time nine then io OBDINANCE NO. 64. | the boat, bat all were fortaonale enough An ordinance changing the grade of to resch shore in safely exoeph Ww Fourth avenue, beginning at Mae gbove pares, whione Leddy 81 ihe Leg gee avetne and extending Noith 10 the letter wus written had not been oo B found after searching two days wilh Beit enacted and ordained by the more than forty men. Burgess and Town Connell of Patton A twikinod plank upiked on top of Borough and it Is hereby enacted by the original side walk for the purpose authority of the same; that hereafter | of Goveriiz up a saat bole Is otien We 6 grade on Fourth avenue long the oq. of sharp pains siidiog up the en; line of said stroat, beginning ab sack of one's peck; also the case of : North wide of Magoe Avenns, shall | momse Uhristisns letting go of a few cuss of an elevation of $74 Foot tacts words when they hit it squire toad. ending rorth one hundred and BY | oq beef is sold here by A. B. Me to an elevation of 1735.5; thence ian mk ois SO INT Henry at following - prices: found gorth twenty-five feet st same leva ta Bad bah : steak, 10 tents per pound, bolilng west tion. Theove North one bundred and EL So ; 0 ; (and roast. 7 and 85 cenis per potnich, five feet to Beech avenue bo an 00 0 Ea ation of 1753 | Butchers’ prices 10, 12 wich 14 cents per tio OB 44 Liat Fpound, a small difference only. Hereby repealing all grades and or- 1 F* Ta Soe mn dina inconsistent herewith, iN. RB. Caldwell makes an average of i Enacted ind ordained this, the 18th two round trips each day iran the : day of NeSember, A. D. 1901 tannery office to the post office, 4 dis. HO. WINSLOW, [tance of one-fourth of a tulle, Making >” : President of Council. for the year uver geyventy-cight umios ) : i Bully Rishel, our obliging landiord, IM CIILLIRCE, feoretary. lost Ly death a large fat porker. Try- Approved by the Burgess of Patton ing to swallow & bone jarger Lhau the Borough this 19th day of November, | hole In its neck was the cause of le D. 1901. ALEX MONTEITH, sudden demise. Ah Burgess. ; Phote has besa more than Lwelily The following was then read by the | deals fh oar little town in the past ary and adopted on motion of two weeks,certainly a beavy doatl rate 4, seconded by Campbell, Cordell among the swine, Hao | Fire clay lever at this place has be ORDINANCE NO. 65. | come epidemic. De. Park aad Sly Me. An ordinance preventing the runing Kee Bay there is DO cure Lor Lie Qinoans large of cows, between the boars except 8 good brick plant, of eight o'clock p. m. and five Another car foad of tipple lumber o'clock a. m., establishing a fine or | was shipped from this place Monday enalty for so doing,and providing of this week. Bright prospecls. means of collecting the same. | F. B. Markle, our cash grocer, is go- 1. Be it enacted and or- | ing to make a great blow out for X rian. he Burgess and Tow Coun: Keep your eye ope. ell of the Borough of Sutton: _- 8 itn) Van R Toger moved to town last endoted and ordained by a0- | g.p Van knows where ta find good she ap he opus (| Company. and after the passage of yw Bp Masser has retarned from an- this ordinance, no Cow, hall, call, | siher lanting trip with plenty of heifer or other cattle shall be permit- | o .. ted to run at large within the limits of = 4 p Fry made a business trip to ugh between the hours of 8 - Lioydell last week. . m. and 5 o'clock a. m. { go, 2. It shall be the duty of the Lof- Police or other police of the Rev. John BE Radeiiffe has been boroogh and of the High Constable appointed assessor of the second ward nd impounding officer, if ona be ap- of Patton by the county commission- ted or elected, to seize and shut up ers. The division of the borough : secure place, each and every into wards rendered two Assessors calf heifer or other cow beast necessiy and the commissioners may be found running at large made the appointment as stated io rough as aforesaid, and after response to a well signed petition of the Appain fod Anmoasir, dayw public notice, (by three or itizons of the second ward. Both Jobin | written or printed notices), shall Bomervilie, the old assessor, and Mr. animal at public outory to the | Radoliffe are now at work attending to idder, and pay over the pro- | the assessment. .-Bubscribe for and advertise in the tton COURIER. | mal ao seinedl shall have the privilege : Properties in This End oF the Uinnnly Thx: foedlinng and maloiaining the SAM, A CHANGE OF (GRADE. | aid wm of BLG Lo . sr by RINTACTIONE IN REALTY Clunngat Faris Bosimile, } MG Roddy ot vir to Jennie MN Crud A uhieiile % Jaws Mo Xnulty #2 vip Notley, 8 Hanna towinhip, | T. Barnes : ; L Barnys SHR 2 Paskl, As fia % A ok Foaeli a, 3 iy Mhaemal AL iE a cE hpheter BE BL esl, BP Famed #2 ux of Martane, Carroll towaship, 81,500. Ahinus J. Yioging ot ux to Alls 4 Lainey, Was an bownsiap, $0 Warthaw Foteetson 40 6x ka trial Forsed, Pal Max Fries Restie town company to {yallitzin borough, Shorihiriape et gl, trastees, Lo Peausyivanis Raileond company, Chal Derrianh, #4 CHINESE EXCLUSION Thee Timraosieiry faecal Poise Seeds & Pletie stom do Congressman Avia Eyaes At & mow of the Lewal Union No, gr. LL MW. larianbarn, a pare te cotsRling i . Bonide, Par. Motany presse ni badd ha ; which was adopted oid ore warded to Congrosanas Alvin Evans, Wiarseas, Tie Biles wXCinRIOH law wil expire on May Bh, THE, add bhR give jren eaeee oy hoopla of Mon. grins whi fr woud ba Doman fo he fntisresta of the Ansonia Workers sad £4 Lhe naterias, ooral ard mooal wel fart of this caaniry, and as Mrenaons efforts will be made to prevent ls re annoiment, be Hlemolved. Tha we, the members af Lokal 817, United Mins Workers of Ansara, pimpaent you Lo aan all infloenoe in your power for the re etiactment of this law, with more stringent eXIBNINE PUWEDs, i promi frie, iH, Poran, i Par, MeCagviey, Com War MoPusksis J Sf Pedi pi Jake” Raper N viel Lame Deen propre. heap Joba Kore’ on Fourth avenos for sevaral youre, has posed of the same lo Rev. Broest Fryokiund, who took pommeniion on Wednesday. Mr Fryok- ina intends ta renovate the place thoroughly, put in a jargs stock snd Keep a0 ry Septal ealaly Habel in every particular , traniz his not made any plas for the future ns yt Mighty Naps es Tha Patton Gun Club is now hay ing ita sanual bunt Dear Monument Fain, No returns have been pecs ved here ns voi, bal as the boys always pid plenty of game it is oat Hkely that year will prove an excephion Louis Doll, Bag, lef) for the camp fast Fri- day armed with a Winchester rifle, Iwo revolvers, a dirk knife and two quarts of “hurry-ap.’’ Soicerastnl Daskitute, tiria county teachers’ institule con venied at Bbensburg on Monday and bids fair to be one of the most sUCCHes. fil ever held. Of the 360 teachers in {he boroughs and townships about 359 were present on the first day. The Program as pablished in the COURIER last week was carried out faithfully. Marcon is Wanteml, A warrant has been issued for the {arrest of & miner named Morrison on the charge of larceny by bailee, It is “alleged that he gave un order to the Patton Bupply Co. for his statement on the Beech Creek Coke & Coal Co ard then pot the statement cashed al [the Miner's Rest Hotel. He has wot heen apprehended as yet. Prissnia fon Nothoe . Notice is hereby given that the co partaership heretofore existing be tween William and Raymond Gabriel | ‘under the firm name of Gabriel! Brows. has this day been dimolved by mutual consent. Raymond Gabriel will con- inne the business St. Lawrence, Pa, Nov. 18, 1801. The stark Came, | Born- To Mr.and Mrs Walter Marsh . on Friday a son. : Born To Mr. and Mrs. Frank Baker ‘on Tuesday a daughter, yan H EPA, aalaiiee, Ti Franny ! The 35th annaal sewsion of the Cam. h at the Clay Works. WAS NOT IDENTIFIED. panier Willer Hemponedicd 8 ary sb an ogaes cm Wedneaday Nghd Ae he Dried Klos and whose appends Foe Wess & Lrseog, the Patton Clay sn Wednsnday morning about doe rode Gnkiaown Causes ennr Miler waa potfled of the HELRIPIRDGS as soon As il was dseoveres wed parma tee Patton from Jobuslown on the evening train, Several susp sions Gironmstances in conpection with the alfair rendered an inquest neces mary and after the voroner viewed the | peraiios le empanchied a jury. This was caomnposedt of Geo, Boone EF Wil Civoens, toy Eaton Decker, Johm Me {4:Y, Wa Wall and Rarry SOTIem, Pied ieitnonses, Rabert MoGowan, Fale Doninatly Goa, B Prindinie WP Jarkann and Gi B Bryan wers sworn Neckwear, Dweaters, mhoes and exannined and the following infor mation adduced: The dead man mace his appeirance al (oe brick past ou A man from Coealport «211d to me on Mon- dav last, “ There 13 no use talking Bell, you & have the up-to-date stuff of this section. At the time. he was looking in our show window at the rs GISpiR ved there. know it. If a man has a good horse he isn't % afraid to say so. Neither are we afraid to talk shop—no one sweeps the snow from our Toosiay evening ai the Une §¥0 or thes ollie tramps were seen in that vicinity, although bo one auld be found whe had seen him in thelr cons pany He slept on the bestiors thal night and in the morag waked for a drink of bot water, which was given Bir, saying be was sick. About i olelook he sak permission 10 BRAID AY down cn the boilers and soon Was nesrd nianing and groaning by Mikes Mo Namiara, the sagdineer, who reported it to Bupt. Prisdiole The Lather fold Jom 0 WOOGIE RB phy sician if the man was sok and went aad ain interviewed hin Limanil he fellow suid that be came from Indiana and had not bees drinking, Dut cond fet be indaoed ts say anything more. About an Hour and 8 half later Mr Prndilie lasteucted the engineer Lo go up and seo Lhe mal GRD, which be did, and found that be was dead. He waa retnoved bo a shanty nearby where Be remains Goll the quest There wis faothing on his clothes ar bel to indicalie who he was He had Bo money oh bis person and Bodh fog in hie pockets except & Lovkport, N.Y. newnpaper, a dum book and a couple of religious tracts, one of which bore the sugges tive title "Prepare 10 Meet Thy Crd.” Fle was about 47 years of age, weighed about 145 pounds, 54 feet tall, dark gomplixion, short dark hair and short dark brown mustache. He wore a8 black cap, black sack cost, Kentuoky jean panis no vest, gros lace shoes and Lwo striped shirta No one waa able to indentify him, J sugh Constable Jackson thought he looked ike a oman named Lips Ricketts, 01 Kylertown, who vss Patton frequently. After hearug ail the evideiee the jury brought 1a 8 verdict in soconiance with the facts, The body will De buried by tie poor directors of the coanty, the munificent sua of $13.50 haviag bees appro priated for that plirpose. MORTUARY. ; Ths Denih of Mre Ellas Myers aad Jolin Preindee Whint Oerurred Faas Wowk. sei Bliss Mvers, of lang avesus, | died early Friday morning after an ines extending over a period of sev. SPeErOYan. eral yearn. Bbe is survived by her bus | 3 3 hand and several children The fu- mm mmm { § THITTTIIN TT SN STONLS | — ¥ 1 = * A : % od We have an uptodate up big stock of » ye 2 . he 25 vu # # YE 2 : ab He 1. Nab oh Sep a 3 fixings in this hne and we want you 16 Know it, yout who do TR not come agree, * WW i ql “rl $v ih he aR vig a ; # a Py #0 bad ga Fs ESC BIOL of CE Ss sie Made Liv OTGES They fit as +11 as any suits can fit. The mam pomt of this thought is from $4.00 to $8.00 on any suit made hest people in 4 counties clothing to fit. We wiil gain your trade. Keystone Clothing and Shog Dealers. Directly Opp wite Bank. TY SA ne ¢ 1% Santa Claus He for mas Tree (Ornaments, 5 * TS Cards, T oR 5 4 ? y. ( FUR ML, Lases, Call and See the Goods. PATTON PHARM ACY, . > Fe : 3 3 CW. Hodgkins, Prop 4 a Abb AA BAAS neral wus held on Saturday at dL Mary's B.C wan in the Cassidy cemetery. eharch, Rev. Father Pierron officiating The interment John Bender, ans of the old plo- avers of this section, died at his hom or the St Angustive road, sboutl 8 agile and a half from Patton,on Friday afternoon at T oelock of a complica tion of diseasos. He wis 83 years af age and leaves » wife sind a pomber of children. ail of thess grown up. The funern was beid on Munday morning at 1 o'clock at Bi Augustice in the Catholic church condocted by Hey. Father Quinn. Interment in the Cath. olic pensetery af that place. Bersoue Aevidest. Mis John Haltegiver was the victim of a severe and painful accident Tuesday, While standing oa a ladder in the burn, her foot dipped in some manner und she fell to the foor with the result that her loll leg was frac: tared and dislocated at the thigh and i NN ECTS 3 ERS her left arm fractured at the wrist ; . Dr. Murray was called and reduced the | imjury. } EH AGS RIS 2 5 | —1a this your paper? MEN'S Suits, lates 00, 30.90 and TEN'S Overcoats, in all the newest designs, at $6.90, $3.90 and 2.90. and Overcoats at $2.40 and Te * Fd FAS pa TE Asan ~ MIRKIN & KUSNER, Good Buds
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