Notes and Gossip Concerning People and Things in al ~ Hust}: ing Borough—All the Happenings About You and LY our Neighbor——Enterprising Business . serving of Liberal Patronage— Keep Your Eye Peeled for the an Latest and Best. | i ip Al Co py for Advertisements, Items, | J Ete Cin be Left with Dan. Ri eamer, who is {n ness for the Hastings Edition of the CoURIER, News : ive pradetion the Hastings | John Westover, the hotel keeper, has Bows on Pacaday evening, filed a petition in tankrapey in the © he Prank Rich company, United Staten district Conrt Pitts. t “ARbugh fider's Hoe lburg. He gave his liabilities as §8,226.. ’ elit A sting company snr 80 and his assets ie $70. id by a ear load of scenery and | hat new fall snit. See onr new Tine of A play exploiting the life of lint and winter sultings, in aph Hider's while in battle 8b | gooioh and English novelties _ Wmeh for #A Bough Dixemonrs Bros. Hear the | Patton, I's. are estra and attond the free : : evening atids p.m. friend, MM. W. Miller, of Altoona, spent TAMA Ac wimpanied hie Sunday sfternoon in Lown, se ae far as Pittsburg on Te Genes jn on. Hie way | apending the week here locking after raxn, far Hy | their coal interests. aan » * gy ‘a Pardoner’ gave an ele. | Mr and Mm. C. before a very small hot sot drove to Cherrylree on Sunday, H, uh : tight : | RFP. Notley spent part of Wednes Lantzy, of Allegheny city. day in Westover on business, | on basins Lids weak. Slahafihy lf for his home at at fhe Ai Jatest Otto Parish, of Cresson, spent Toews day evening in town, Ex Gov. Tharsday Lin town, 1 Buck Spat Sanday at his | Hastings spent A in Reatifien. Modern Strgery Surpass. ankifie Kodo! dyspepsia cure | ve hr used anything in my | t did me the good that did,” woutty physiclan Geo. W.Beroggs, all courity, Ga. “Being a physi. have perseribpd it and found it Ww best pomtite’ 10 the food remiins undigested in your ik eos there and poisons You cai prevent this by pat that means starvation, po puin ore digests what you | : need suffer - neither from ir starvation. The worst dy ournd. Never fails. CO. te, Patton, und Hastings [piles I consulted a physican who ad vised me to try a box of DeWitt's witeh hazel salve,” anys GG. F. Carter, Atlanta, Ga. “1 procured a box and ‘was entirely cured. DeWitt's witch Chagel save is a splendid cure for piles, | giving relief iomtantiy, and 1 heartily pecotneend it to wil safferers” Surgery is unnecessary to cute piles witch hazel snlve wii care Cuts, burns, bruises and all wounds are also gqoickly Sor by it | Beware of countericila Hod kina, Patton, and i ar ANY case The Childsn's Friend, You'll have # eold this winter. Maybe you have uns now. Your child ve & tr ya r as sbleson » corn or (pen will suffer ton, For coughs, croup, Fist sonk the corn or bonlon | to: 4of Bt, then pare, plaints One moly ae possible without ee od and apply Chamber. (falls, Acts promptly. balm twice dually; rubbin, ly for Te ain i anh og | C, B. George, Winchuster, Ky., writes: iy i148} Lopet! 5 A ear Plast =r should be or Sle XT ah ns i Was 8 5 ew in rotect ib from | duh ah 20m Ph yn — et pe she could hardly speak. We give her Bruises, hi . ‘and rheoma. a few doses of Oue Minute cough care be i balm a uncqualed. For Tt relieved her Immediately and she ! oq went to sleep. Hoxdgllns, Patton, and ‘next morning she had no signs of | hoarsenims or croup’ W. Hodg- wobably | no y Olscam more | | kins, Patton, andl Hastings Pharmacy. and sunoying than piles. buckeye pile ointment in g ing vases of years’ standing | hing and biseding piles. The It tobe a great medicine,” says Mr. n the first application, a E. 5 Phipps, of Poteau, Ark. | ean yyerenioe makes the cure ‘not speak too highly of it." Pris 0 sonita iu bottles. | ‘edy always wins the goods opinion, if CW, Hodgkius, not praise, of those who use if Hastings Pharmucy. | quick cares which it effects ever in the bev | most severe cases make it a favorite Vebb, Moria, x. Alinute cough cure never “1 have Sd Chamberlain's cole, Y. writes: every where, years and had tried bat Yecoived no re- | Reliable sad Gentle A pill's a pill,” says the saw, x cared I earnestly roc- o. | PIL which tley’s kidney eare.” Take | | gentle, j | early risers fill the bill table, Do not force but assist the bow. try o conx a cold or Saugh, | els to net. Strengthen and invigorate. C. W. Hod: lang; troubles. “Price, 2 | 6 W. Hodghins, FPat- ou the human subject or on Adil mals, ‘ Ballard’s snow liniment is excellent; | while for corn: users’ ; Trained an dlightest i effects al | ag Ber 25 and BH ce ite Pr rive res the natural bloom of (Ww. Hodgkins, Patton, and Hastings , 00 cents. C. W. Hodg- | Pharmacy. gu, and Hastings Pharmacy. : : i [Many people are suffering fearfaily stomach and liyer tab- | from indigestion or dy spepsia, when biltousness, constipation and |. single bottle of Herbine would They are easy to take and | bring about a prompt and permanent aon For sale by C. W. | ype A few doses will do more for a Hastings | oak stomach than a prolonged course of any other medicine. Price 50 cents (hs : | ©. W. Hodgkins, Patton, and Hast. — Lima, 0. enghier L. ings Pharmacy. t. R., writes: “I have been ” great deal with backache When you feel life in hardly worth induced to try Foley's kidney the candle, take a dose of Chamber. 1d one bottle entirely relieved | | Inin’s stomach and liver tablets. They recommend it to anyoue, ‘will cleanse your stomach, | your liver and regulate your bowels, af. | making you feel like a new man. For [sale hy C. W. Hodgkins, Patton, and | Hastings Pharmacy. ~-Read the 2 sivataomon in the ys to deal with mer- wend gt BE hos, J. Graham, of Patton, and goardian of Laura MeGaire, edibd of W. P, Duncan aod J. 1. Bpangler are sinner child of James I M. Schaeffer and Marie MoCoy, minor child of Job F. “While suffering from a bad case of baugh Stella, Ollie and Annie Shartengh DuWitt's other Gallitain township, deceased, app ‘ment of 8 Lo bronchitis, grip ind other winter come | It is very pleas. ant to the taste and perfectly harmless. attacked with When she awoke the | Properties io This Ee a cholera and diarrhoea remedy and tind This rem. The thon to Bmedia Moses, Gallilsin For sale by C. W, Hodg- bled § kid- kins, Patton, and Hastings Pharmacy. bis with my : ® y & Clearfield Railroad company, Car Croll towaship, $1. Bat | there are pills and pills You wanta is certain, thorough and Muosin't gripe. DeWitt's little | Purely vege Washington township, $25. Baker, Blandburg For all fresh cuts or wounds either doctor and used many Cour sale reliance. tone up Men who are De- COURT NEws Viepenadivgs of the erin} Cony raed Mormidas Juilge wpeciad BRE OT Barker following business was transaid: Petition of Thomas 1 Myers, ass: of 3 0 Myers, for granted. Bichard new Ascharge; Meliuire mir James MoGuoire, late ville, deceased, Petition of Albert Reuel Meloy, Maotioy McCoy, both late of Ashville, deoeased, ‘for appointment of guardisn; Clarence : Sheehan sppoivted Petition of James O'Shell Jr, Petition of ville, dovensed, to sell real esisls in pursnancs 10 an ari feds of agresment granted, Petition of Harry, Clara and Alvis dian: F. A. Sharbtaugh appointed. On their own petition F. A. Shar. was appointed guardian J. L. Elder, EE B Dunegan and James E. MeoGough were appointed viewers to view a road in Clearfied township. In the estate of Agnes Burl, late of 113d Reed, Ea. as anditor, continued, Appointment of David Lloyd, Esq, as auditor to distribute fomis in (hee hands of the aberifl, arising from sale © {of property of Bamosl D. Lhadwig on suit of Ebessborg HB & Lo asectiation. Petition of Mary MeCoy, adminis tratrix of John F. McCay, late of Ash sell real vilie, devwnaed, lor leave to estate at private sale for payment of thedits, fo re W. MM. MeCormick wu Sanford Bros, felgned issu discharged. was appointed if Ash aad for appointment of view rs to IX dimages for property taken by Besle: township ssehool dintricl, 3 Ofte wis Zia MaOay, administra. : trix of James J. McCoy, late of Ash : : y i CRA Kharbaaeh by their pext friend, BH J. : ¥ w Sharbaugh, for appointment of guar of : soni g in i DISTRICTS. TARRMEERE RN hg ¥ * 3 Bayes haw ato Har new ¥ Barr Pronk y Hindu inew hin ¥ 3 ay, Lilia 4: seats dip Waa Ee TE & Fires wad iH pi end Wrasad Femde, : Faret 1 Emaais H IK 5 REL. ees; ay we Ty AAR ; % your Ridpeys once ev '. Over-Work Weak Unbeatthy Kidneys Make impare Dood. - rh RA Nn ATL the blood in your body passes through : three rivates. : if they are sick or out of order, they fail 10 do their work Pains, aches snd hee matam come Dom one oases of uric acd in the blood, dus 10 neglected Kidney itouble causes quick of ursh Beart Gast, and rakes ore feel ant they hadi Beart tro ie bearguse the ar is sesr-working mping thick, Kidney. : gh pains and arieries be 2 erred that snly urinary frais wars 10 ba traced fo the kidneys rn 2 science proves thal pearly Tow Nighest for Rs ; distrasiing Cases a § redeil EY have 8 % gj sam el ei. foi SATIDS Beste by mall f Pens Bow. fron 8MD parsshint fling) You how " nd oust Hf yim have kidney or bladder wouble. Mention | nis paper when writing Dr. Kilmer . Binghamton N.Y. : Cotery King clemnacs (he spstem snd baile Ban In re Jennie M. Notley va. A 3 Me & Clain, exceptions 10 award of relene : fed, TRANSACIHAS . nN REALTY of the © Chmnge! 1iatds Roventiy J. L. Cassidy et ux to Treasea Cas sidy, Gailitzin township, §1,000. ty That Jotin A MoGaire ot ux oO Treasea | Cassidy, Gallitzio township, $20 Galitzun Building & Loan Ass an T. Barnes of ux et gl to Caroline R Tucker, execotrix, Barnesboro, $1 Blubaker Coal company to Cambria Fred Bland et ux et al to Bhobie Stauffer, Blandburg, 805 Sara Jones et vir to John Barnesboro, $6800. Muathiot Reade et ax to Frank Leap, W. Carr, Michael Barns ot ux to Jennie Mash, Barpesboro, $600, A. J Anderson et ux to . $60. Rarah Cain to Isadore Allegheny township, $75. Henry Blornberg ux A T. Bloom ot ux, Gallitzin township, $300 Joseph Hogue, executor, to Turley Pearsons, Gallitzig borough, HOO. Janus T. Miller ot water vompany, Carroll Simon H. Neymour, ta £1 0x A Village Facksemnilh mans Life Mr HH Biack, the well known vil Jape bincksmith at Grabamsville, Sal Hvan Co, N.Y, says: “Our iin Ave years old, has always bien sabjeet to croup, and so bad have the attacks been that we have feared many that he would die. We have bad ihe mas {.ittie ie sat, maiivinies, cough remedy Is mw It seems to dissolve miving fre. Chamberlain's the toogh maocns and by guaent doses when the croupy x3 + There is no dangur in giving adalt. For sale by C. W. + Patton, and, Hastings Phartnacy. Slr EV toms appear we have found thar the dreaded cough is cured before it pels mottl this remedy, for it contains no opium {or other injurious drug and may be given as confidently to a babe as to an | Hodgkins, | Promptly attended to. * fixe 23 £1 Mavi * 2 al Ld St short er YRRNER & FRY, FORBES HA Foley's Kidney Cure makes kidneys and bladder right. vermiiuge Bie i 2 hoings, aryl i ondition of Body. Price 25 cents Fast. wits cannol axes ¢ W. Hodgkins, Patton, amd ings Pharmacy, Today take Foley's hooey and tar. It positively preveats paegmonia, or It All drog- | other serious results from colds. may be too late to-morrow. Sem PEI eR It madion Lie Dione pure. it bead 1 Ban Lhe cor phe ion. To enrom pons pation and ver Sisorders 11 curim [Sendache and most otiver aben. Cetery King eves Nerves, Stomach, ve and Kidney dinonne . W. Hodgkins, Patton Phare. Pharmacy, Hastings ts what you eat. Teartiscialiy digests the food and aids Nature in st ngthening and recone struct og tlre exbhansted digestive or- pans, It she latest discovered digeats ant snd tone. No other preparation can spproach it in efficiency. It ine * stanthy relieves and permasentiveores Dyspepsia, Todigests Heartburn, - Flatui poe, Sour Stomach, Nags, Sick Headache, asteaigia Cramps. and C gliother respite of Imperfevtd postion, Prepares By EC Crwit: 4 Co. Coicago. © W. Hodpgkina, Patton Pharmacy Gundy Pharmacy, Hastings Strittmatter Bros., 4 if guint siloring tg lem ani vou - jgrptirs wendy by co Pu BE SAR Hae peice foe pond i, bat By: igh price ve cam baie B gond withist means Si wh lo her wards «Pry Less aad Dress Berner” Wa Baer the racladve hwal sale =F Rownl and of s thar we sput Wm Wa bw al Taweing, We rE TEaTE, ess gn wade 4 rier wil ve every mun wlio 3 whats we types to 50 & wih” may realy bat bas dssasriienl $Y Big A. W. GLASSER, Hastings, Pa. ANTHONY ANNA, JeTHE iE TEacEL Collections promptiv sitended to. Dealer in real estate, ele Whose Cotgius are you reading? x 2 i PLANING MILL, Hastings, Pa. wpm of amd Daim ers In Blaine All Kinds of W orked 5 yy. 3 and Rough [ umber. ilding i porches, stalr wor fronts. wi indow and door trax contract of all kinds are our speciaities. ete, always tin 8 Doors, sash, moulding, ‘un Bani. Your Patronage Solicited. A RELIABLE DRUG STORE. That means a drag store where xe anich attention is paid to see that a five cent parchase in as satisfactory lar pur- to Bk (nbotmer an The WD dal hase, It means a drug store where a ohild pan trade with aa satisfaotonr pestle as the head of the family. With this reputation, low prices we dan and pure drugs we Rpow RISIE Weviy, Hastings Pharmacy, C. M. Schaeffer, Prop. R. F. B. EVANS, DENTIST. HASTINGS, PAL At Commercial Hotel, Barn- esboro, | every Thursday
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