The Patton courier. (Patton, Cambria Co., Pa.) 1893-1936, November 14, 1901, Image 6

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    the rst 50 years of the
fo president under 55
age sat in the ese
Since then the average |
» presidents has been |
to B3 years, not includ: |
caves vean 0 ~~
\ ent Roosevelt, who is 10
without aithor eating or
nd only five days when
A Now comes to the front
exible coal oll producer. If
+ found immediately con
0 once more utilize the bosom
great national waterway as a
oe be had of the ex:
of British possession on the
Continent, when it is con
at Canada has a sea const
p Bay of Fundy to the Straits
le, covering a distance of
and that Britigh Columbia,
nds, ‘bas a sea coast of
‘and a salt water inshore
{ clergyman in New Zealand
Ln So Kotuku
to be another Sir Walter
during the recent visit of
and Duchess of York to
village of Ohinemutu. After
had to pass over a stretch
road to reach the village,
lant Maori strip
at off his shoulders
over the worst to ald
| the human race
yg its main
: source of sure
18 to know that
bled in the in-
use rental he enjoys
in canal rowing by |
ut to be made, one
| face turned to the ground.
pect IL
1 oble, ” remarked another.
A thing so
fragile that one feather's welght
brea Ha poise or turn the point |
The mightiest vessel, with her tons of ]
freight ery now and then punctured by the
O'er pathiess seas from port to port will | long, deep mouthed baying of the |
‘What wonder, then, it lodged within the
Bome simple, yet unwavering faith may
To guide the inden soul to ports of rest
And, like compass, point it to the why?
- he ‘ unio M unseY,
BY he nol FORRES.
Perhaps it would never have hap
pened had a comrade given him a ward
of encouragement. Hut the men wers
too intent on the grim work before
them, so. in the hall of lead, when Pri.
vate Cory dropped to the grovnd, it
was generally understood that a sratiet
had knocked him over. Such, however,
was pot the case as the ambulance
vorps following in the rear soon dls
covered. He had merely fainted from
The doctor turned over the shivering
Bit of humanity to look for the wound, |
Cases of this |
found none, and smiled
kind were not unknown to him. “Poor
fellow.” he murmured, “let him remain
with the rest”
“Nag. he Is fot hort at ail,” he said
to ope of his pasistants. “His wound
will come altérwards when he recov
ers from that falat, and God help him
then, There 18 no bullet wound that
will give him the agony that Is before
“Shall I throw a bucket of water
over him, Bir?” asked a man with a
blood stained bandage round his head,
but sufllcient of his face left uncov-
ered] to show his intense disgust at bis
“No. you aust not disturb him. —* was
the curt answer, and he turned to give
his attention to ithe burdens which the
stretchers were now gquibkly deposits
ing tn the improvised hospital,
“Poor lad” he mused, as he bent
aver his work.
word of encouragement when be cumies
But when, later on. Private Cory
staguersd to his feet, the Kindly doctor
was too busy to novice him. He lodked
wonderingly round the tent, Then the
remembrance of what
seemed to rise up and strike him full
in the face. Heo pank down with a
choking soh,
with his hands, as men do when sinick
down in battle with a mortal wound
I+ was a burning hot day—the wounded
were suffering terribly from the in-
tense heat—but he shivered with cold,
Outside the shells were screaming,
while now and again came the sabe
dued but harsh growl of the smaller
arms. It seemed as if 8 thousand
voices were shouting at him and re-
{| proaching him for his cowardice. Then
a human volew joined In the wild or
“You bloomin' cur.
It waz the stern sergeant of his com.
Call yourself
pany who had been brought in wound-
ed in three plices before he had given
up. His face was gray with the pain
be was enduring, but he must needs
give vent to bis disgust at such pusi-
lanimity, A contemptuous smile played
about hia bloodless Hps.
“1 eall it gettin’ money under false
pretences. You're clothed and stuffed
with the best o everything the coun-
try can send out, Includin’ a briar pipe
and bacey., and then yer go and |
pak!” and he broke off. “I couldn't
hey believed It o’ any man inthe whole
i bloomin' company.”
He stoppea because the paln of his
wounds became too great. and he bit
1 hard the plece of Cavendish he had
in his mouth to stifle a groan, but
other men took up the cue
No agony of the battlefield could
equal what JPrivate Cory was now
enduring. He quivered as if acted
upon by some powerful electric cur-
rent, but he made no answer to their
taunts, and continued to lle with his
He tried
to reconstruct the wreck of his man-
| ood, but his brain was still in a whirl
and those shrieking shells outside still
‘seemed to be telling the world that he
was a miserable coward.
A man was handing round some
i broth, He had been hours without
food, and the savory odor caused a
craving hunger to take possession of
him. A pannikin full was being passed
from which men took a drink, their ex.
pectant comrades looking on with
eager, wistful eves. Cory raised his
head, hoping his turn had come, but
he was Immediately greeted with a
gtorm of curses that caused him to
drop It again. Fool that be was to ex-
He night have known,
“Give Cory some of that soup.
At that moment the doctor came up.
“My Iad” he rald not unkindly, “vou
pay make a soldier yet. Drink this”
and he handed him the tin vessel
“Me is the broth of a boy.” shout-
ed a man, and this poor joke was greet-
ed with laughter, even by those who
knew that thay had but a few hours to
Cory sat up. The zoup seemed to
put life nto him and ue ceased to
shiver. He was barely out of his teens
but his face {1 ite ashy grayness looked
more like that of a man who had
passed his prime.
“Feeling a bit better now?” began
; the sergeant,
“He'll run for it as soon as he is
"Whew, lis-
te * he broke off as a shell exploded
mat outside.
! roward.
i paralysis of panic
: i ow hour A ha gen hl
“I must give Kim & | a few bh hare Ago and had frozen ! is
| heart existed now only as a hideous
saris he Was
he had done |
He clutched the earth |
“They seen to have got range
as the men realized their danger. The
angry grow! of the guick fires was ey
Boers’ Long Tom.
“They are giming at ns,
man. rinsing into the tent with his
right arm hanging helpless by his side.
immediately there was a violent cofi=
cussion: the air filled with sinoke and
a pungent smell. and the tent lit up
with & tongue of flame. In an instant
| three or four men sprang forward and
the fire was extinguished
“The next shot will count a hit if
1 am not mistaken.”
Bearcely were the words out of his
mouth when a huge rent suddenly |
upened in the canvas and a shell
dropped right into the middle of the
tent. ‘The wounded ducked under their
covering ss if they would hury them.
selves beneath the ground. The doe
tor. with another, rushed forward; ba,
. Private Cory was before them,
“Net you, doctor,” he shouted, as he
seized the pomb.
“Quick, man, Into the bucket with
it.” maid the doctor. “No, there'd no
water. Merciful powers!’ :
But Cory had dashed through the
pening. and was running like a hare,
They were all dumfounded {or 8 mo
when they realized what he waz doing
«8 cheer in which dying men joined
“Ehrow it sway! Now! Throw H!7
yelled the doctor after hin
till he ran. The music of what he
knew was their applause rang in his
Nothing had ever pounded 80
pweit to hum as this He mmiled. Jt
reminded him faintly of bis achieve.
ments in the football field when the
crowd roared their approval. The hall
he carried now was heavier, but the !
applause-~only he knew what it meant
te Bim, and be clutched the destructive
missle lke a child hogging & doll. He
felt incilged to Risa ir. If ho lived he
would be a man and a comrade agsin,
If not--but he rat on,
Rome one hal wisely sald that if ree
gitires offen bat the turn of a siraw
tev make a coward a hero Or 8 hero &
Cory was a man spain. The
tint had setzed him
dream. Another 18
quite 40 from the tent. He heard them
ureglog Bim to throw iL. A few more
yards then with a tremendous effort
he harled it from Bim Instantly there
was an explosion, snd Cory fell on his
“Poor chap. He deige for, |
doubt” sald the dodtor, as
raced forward, {allowed by & number of
wounded who limped in pain
They knelt by the poot shattered
taxdy. The sergeant. hin old tormegtor,
regardless of his own wounds, had been
among the first wao rushed to hin uw
Cory raised the only hand left him,
which the sergeant clasped, murmuriog
something about forglvenme A smile
of exultation played about his face for
a moment, then the film of death gath-
ered over Kix eves. He tried {o speak,
Wit po words came in obedience to the
moving of hie lps. for kis soul had
taken its flight to that lsnd where
Lirave spirits are at rest —The World's
In Guatemaln B81 Will Buy 86 and Hail.
tonds Have Mahogany Ties,
An American raliroad man landing
in Gautemals (Port Barios) encounters
sarioni surprises, the first one of con
sequence being, perhaps, the answer of
mn a pe
| the ticket agent to his injuiry ae to
what 8 the railroad fare to Gaugte
mala City, which i about
away and 50 miles beyond the terminus
| of the railroad. The price of the tick-
el 10 the railroad terminus —130 miles
~i5 $14. or 10 cents a mile. Being de-
termined. however, to commy with all
reasonable regitirements. you hand out
$15 in American money, and on gets
ting your change. receive the second
surprise. as the agent hands back your
$10 United States note and $16 in Gau-
temals money besides. You now learn
that one American doilar wil buy $6
in Guatemala.
You find the passenger train a very
rood one, Evervihing Is in excellent
condition and the engine 8 a fine
gue. The train 8 equipped with air
brakes. The track is very pour. The
rails ure hesvy
road. but the track is badly out of
i'ne. The ties are mahogany. rosewood
and ebony, but even ebony lasts only
about two vears. The train rans at
about 10 miles an hour and makes jong
stops. The road has nine leomotives,
several years old; 25
16 of which are first clwis;
cars and 20 flats
Locomotive engineers gd $8 a day
for a ron of 80 miles: conductors $7 a
day, with no overtime, brakemen $15
month and negro firemen the same.
Agents get from $160 to $150 a month,
most of them receiving about $200. The
aperators are all natives The chief
dizpatoher gots $300, which be it re
wembered is equivalent to only $50 of
American money. An Anerican oan-
not live hers for less than §150 a
month. 1 find that the other two roads
in this country pay about the same as
2k box
this one. except that on one of them
Any railroad |
engine mon got $10 a day.
man in the United States who has even
the poorest kind of a position on a
wood road will do well to Reep it rath
er than try Gautemala ~Gantemala
Carrespondence of the Railroad Ga-
Among the peasants of Turkey al!
moat all the doctoring is till done by |
In Constantinople there are
inws Against these healers, but they
flourish nevertheless.
Fora tow seconds there wna silence =
Yo ghoniod 8
Then a cheer broke from them |
aritiquity lad bequeathed us
&8 A weight
ope coiled around a cylinder
king. King Victor Emmanuel Is fond
150 miles |
for & pArrow gauge |
obey orders.
is note teil me,
0 toll me tras,
All thn tales that the water-pasoples
Have told to you,
O litle groan frog!
Beuraih the water's shimmer
The Asha ewiip,
In a worid shere the Hght grows dimmer,
Amid shadows dim,
At the waliar-Inriew play thers,
Where | oxnnot go,
€) tell tos the tales they say thers
in that worid teiow,
O Hittle groen frog!
{ hisngn Heovrd- Herald,
HSE sn sie
Gigwy Land,
Gipsien being wanderers on the face |
of the carth, they have no fatherland,
bist If there is one country more than
Anotner whitre they feel at home and
in which thoy have been fairly treated
on the whole, that country ia Hun
gary. Two things have bromght the
two Inlk together. The gipsies are
born musiclang, and the Magyars are
born dancars For some repson oF
vibes the Magyar thinks Badlisg 3
beneath him. The pipsy Is quite cop
tent that il should be a for no in
strument, sive the bagpipes, can sup
ply the wild dunce music which the
Hungarian loveq so well nx the violin
Gipsy bands are thus in gros?
demand In Honearian towns, and
many of the players make a Jot of
money, lat a giosy band he strike
UPB EAY thine del in a few minutes
mien ard worcen will be
like mad pom of them
fiiry of the mament §
Gpon the ssid ¥ His the thing
even for peasants to hire a gipsy
band for thelr private nkettiogs andl |
it is sald that Huasgarian nobles have
rine themuslies Iargely beoanse of
the sums Of money they Save spent!
upon orchestra of gipeles
during the
ftavishing moan
A Cpatle's Carions Cloek,
One of {ae best preserved oasties
in Chetiedown, on the Isle of
Man, It js known as the Hasbro
castle. Hire was anchntly the sual
af the Ringe and lords of Man
eastie In WH veritable curioutiv, and
deeply Interesting. The ten
tion of it dates back to the year 1057.
After six monthy’ selge 3 wag lakrn
ir the yeat 1316 by Robert the Bryce
He st Hs Ras been that of a prison,
bat it now mands gualint. colossal
overgrown with ivy vines mors ang
wild Sowers 8 derelict. It is built of
Hipestone, and shows very
of decay.
The town click seen in the castle
wall was prosented Ly Queen Elza
beth in the venr 1507. The structure
and works of tis ancient piece of
wechanistn are almost ae great
curiosity us the castle Hselfl. After
centuries of wmervies 1 still faith
fully points the keur It har only
ane hand on the dial
hour hand. The minuies are jodged
by the poiition of the sand between
the hours. A large stone, suspended
from tne end of the pendulum. acts
und it is driven by a
with another stone at tae end
i Ci
” Seat
A Contugeous Reptinel,
The test of the fidelity of a sentl-
nel by the “powers that be”
sulted aappily In the tase
ssltier who "held
of an
of making himself pirsonslly ar
quainted with the thoughts and feel
dans ine
Tain Ix the |
has ro |
the |
| brave thing They bade the en dren
good-by and flew forth to meet the
| devastator of nests.
allow kin to climb the tres, oo
They did not
waged an offensive warfare with
Taey bud a well-thought-out method
of attack. Mrs Rabin flew to the
ground, x few fest from Tae cal
and to ane sides of him. and unsas
pecting Tom darted st her; but just
a2 he wap about to hit her with his
paw he received a heavy rap in the
face from hor mate Enraged at this,
he made second lunge atl the mother
bird and was again rebuked by her
mate, and with such vigor and well
directad Blows that, utlering a ory
of pain, he made for the house, both
birds joining In parsuit. He Snally
escaped them by crawling under the
house where be remained
The rabins were fiat het eived any |
more by this cat, and. shied roaring
| thelr young took 5p a new abode in
the top of a high Br tree, situsted in
iB oat ©
P hRYe
i the neighboring block. | No doubt the
has lost its appetite Li young
robin. He nursed, fur some time,
an inured eye and x badly orn ene
Portland Oregoslan,
Limpy's Rewnrd,
jimpy was the Ipost anlorfunate
little monsls that aver lived His
grandmother sald that &3 his troubles
erm from pitting foo noah falta in
animals kil people. Limpy was sure
fhe mread gray cal had a kind bear!
and se woud not believe there wore
sharp oles ander ber wilvety paws
and teeth inside bir smiling mouth
that would only too willingly devo
ho poor little iraeting meousie
He aise believed that Jane, the
wis Eenerous Rad charitable
{amd that Jittle Bessie wits her long
coirin and big dark eves, world
chro for ‘all the mire under the back
porch if they only asked bor
Ome diy Be ventured tn sity "hood
to Madam Kitty and if a
Tear Badd pot ooame as the yarg
that moment Limuy would
learned ail £30) sharp
teeth and claws
Al anchor time Be rropt tiroaeh A
be 4 wif
wiscont me
{ kole thal grandparints aad made in
Pp wail ground the nite
snd msionishiment the
ings of hig soldiers apd for toating
their courngy and Bel iy
Tae other day he was walking
alone. drewsed In black in the gain
vial garders and approach] a weniry
cn puard wao gt once presenied arts
“You know, then who | am?’ the
ling asked
“His magesty.” wax the
log reply :
The kine smiled snd continued hia |
walk. maliing as hoaeh he would
pass the gnardhouse,
"Your majesty cannot
way, sald the sentry,
The king pretended
nnd walked on.
“Without orders
of 1he guard,
PRER, aot
not to bear
fmm the corporal
I must not let ansone
even the king!”
YVictor Bmmanus! pleased and smil |
ing turned bach
“Yea are right’
The next
thie Calabilan company to which ihe
sentry belonged handed to the soldier
8 fine silver wateh, bearing toe arms
of tae house of Bavay and the wins
To the oldies who knows how
ew York Press
saving to the man.
Rebins YW hipped a Cat,
An interested spectator
robin pods moving was ithe foenead
in the next yard He had spent! a
good part of the altirnon wall
ine the father carry hits of straw
snd small leaves into the treetop
Next mornings the lessons in Syne
bd Bo
thin :
morning the captain of &
: che 4
PA great Oh riatuins dinper npitairs
iy Bhi gris ppd
i Yond i
| shell a
gokesital- | slice
hie i
i nibble the
began again, and {twas while mth » |
papa and MAMMA Were sway
the post with two of the children that
the cat ciimbedd into the tree and tovk
away one of the
ones in Hs month The eclilers were
attracted by the cries and few to the
rescie, bat they vould do nothing
for the «at and Hs prey disappeared
under tad house
Next porning. as usual
wig out brieht and early,
worms for the brood, while his mate
remained at home to care for the
children nnd keep a lookout for the
cat. It was not long before a warn.
ing ory brought Mr. Robin home in a
hurry The birds could see the
Mr Robin
; hungry ca’ aproaching the tree.
io :
ihe xterm and
remaining young |
| broom and hurt
: dragged one log
Fwas called Limny
Do trem was 3 pliiiering oie
. ground
few signs
back porch of the great
{ vame all the mice were so
roid thal
I an 1hrotigh the
aml wanisl to takes
2iean kitehen
pantry wall
To his
Jz ror
gird with ihe
why be
Site an that
Tab was
ire hl
The day 5 ¥ prigiriad A BeAvY
rain fell freezing a imnet Balers 31
remched the pronnd. very twig on the
and the
was Go alevk thy the hove
ped gisele could siste from one end
of the town to the other
Now ihe mice who lived under the
; ime house
fad B® papiry of wir own a Hite
nook In the esilar wall where they
stored many rood things lor the win
ter. On Christmas morning the very
day of ull the year when hey most
wanted x good breakfast fhe door to
tonir litle pantry was (ocked
barred with jee and tad path that
ted to it from the back irik was 30
sieek that even oid Grevheard, the
king of the rata tumbled over and
over when be ventared outside bis
Diaper time came and stil thers
was no break in the frozrn path
not even a rouka place where a Bittle
mouste could gain a foothold Tae
wall of toe in Tront of the little monies |
irene anid cold in
the pale
Vie evening
hungry and
ressived ta po boldly
wail into the paniry
Miss Iaowzie of his
wae sure she woul
af fond to Blas AnnETY
for taey were having
throtieh thy hole what
co fol right on 13
proat ehngk of ment and a8
TH there iy BnTIhIng
tho gf »
is a of de
As he
yellow choese
nking of himself
dey goad to 1h
i of him Pirageing toe
ci tothe he Fave It 3 pu
down it Then he took toe
ft fehany #
He was
tae reat
b 2 Pert
chaos tn Bis mwa and climbed dnwn |
} Republicans have sveupied the presi
He was ig | dential office.
tna ¢ fmiddinde
the rough boards with it
jer to divide it pod then onll all
other mire 10 bat they had ale
remy spelled ent and cheese
Before he reached ve ground oid Fuse
rv had rept through the bole in Loe
toundatipn wall asd pulled the chunk
af peat out under the poarch. Just as
Limny appeared the hungry mice were
finishing the last sors it. Then
they pounved on Bi devoured the
Sw lare
taute it,
But alas for
fearing thal the mies wr
good things
he growdy mien
id come anid
thie mies began (0
in their
ioe alter ang
frel sharp pains
wears on fre
off in the dary
far it felt as iT they
Laat they crap!
alone and trembling with grief
et a. the dark
hunger and cold he ox
nassags (0 the paniry
entire. CE mamma,
crv There is the dearest title gray
monse. Can't I pat him with the whita
one that Unele Ben gave me?’
Sn limny as & reward for his good
intentions found a warm. voay home
with plenty to eat and a dear little
sigter for a companion Chicago Ree
neds Hera "a.
The slasing of | tea is acvemplished
by the nse of plus bago.
and |
but Limos was | oo ovies from that territory —Fremont
ge Who only | hers snd Bryan of Nebraska by the
sain. Just ax
be prawled out on the shell little Bas |
famous tor otie or more tres _-
its women,” said a Washington globe
trotter to a Star man, “snd the capital
TOL tt be excluded from the Het :
“Ia the stares jt is rare to ses
wothen employes with gray hair of
pant. middie sage. They are mostly
young girls. In the departments prob
ably 35 percent of the female employes
are past middle life, and 25 percent
are over 50 years of age. There sre
hundreds of women In the departs
ments over 70 years of age. earning
from $903 to $1400 and $1600 a year.
In no other field of labor are positions
paying such very high salaries opened
te be filed by women of 70, grands
mothers, in fact. :
“Révorting to some inte figures rom.
plied by the United States civil ser
vice commission some extromely inter
esting analyses, comparisons aad Ge
duitions may be drawn
“0M these 2000 salaried queens nearly
ond in every eight receives $1000 a
year. and over, or to be exact 3
draw salaries ranging from $166 tO
$1800 a year, three Jadies sailing
ardand the top notch of aalaries paid
by the government for clerk hire get-
ting $1860 a year. In no other em-
playieent for women on 8 Salary are
wa pas from $19.21 to $34 41 a week paid
to one oat of sight of the wage “arn
ers, Of this special cians 300 receive
$1009 a year, 450 receive $1200, 106 re.
cobra $1400. and 50 receive §180D per
annsm In the burean of engraving
and printing. thers are 1260 feraaie
printers’ assistants. who receive $1.25
a day. who are not focinded in the
abdvie estimate. In the census office
thers are over 150 women, most of
whoth draw $146] a week, or $75 &
moni and the sgeregats tolal of our
quires rises therefore, to ronsidera-
Bly over 8000 who earn over $2 a duy,
or miore than a large proportion of
min in salaried and wage-earning por:
Naturally, they look rool and
cotnfortabie an they ride to work ev.
ery morning in the open cars
“Dering the past 17 years 2044 wom
rn Biave entered the service of the gov.
ernment in Washington through (he
memnig of the competitive examinations
of thie civil service alone. In the civil
gepyice there are Bo less than 57 differ
ent examinations which are opens fo
women. One-thirilt of the entire force
{of the government ln Washington is
composed of woman, and they are be
init appointed through the classified
service channels a1 8 proportion of
abotit one-sixth 10 the total number
of all clerks appoitted by this means.
In the unclassified service this propor
tian, | should estimate at not jess than
25 percent and perhaps nearer $0 per.
| cost, as in the rural mail delivery ser-
vie, for instances, the percentage is
pat far from’ 80 percent if not adove
thine figere
“The percentage of woman appoint-
minis throug the classified service ve
ries in the different years, as it doen
in the unclassified positions. For in
stance, in the first the highest per-
ceptsgs was in 1898 when it was iI
i peroent of the total. In the temporary
positions it was highest during (be
Spanish war and immediately thereal
A RE nk ed
The Presidents of the United States.
The north bas had 18 presidents and
the south nine The executive office
han been ocrupied by sorthern men 8
fee days less than 63 years and by
sothern men a few days over 13
Soars This ia based on the supposi-
tom that Roosevelt will fil out his
C primuEnt term
Daly two of the southern states have
furnished presidents—Virginia and
Tin nesses. 7 the porihern press
| dents three ave come from the New
Fhgiand states and six from the meid-
dle states and seven from What ix
{ pow called the middle west
No president has ever heen elected
i from the terciiory west of the Misals-
. sip
river and ogly two men have
i bepn nominated by the grest political
| from Missouri By ithe Republicans ia
Pemocrats in 1856 and 15800,
Devided politically. nine Democrais
| tw Mederalista four Whigs and eight
in the above | do pot
Washington, the first presi-
It is unjust to assign the first
Cand only real aon-partisan president of
Cth country to any politieal party.
Thphance even |
Jape Ling snd although the river was high
+ almacst to a food 1 took a l0-foot
in the pastry | Pike
| shat night had laid poisoned meat and |
i rheese near their hide, 1 ¥
fe | BIR an 8
r little stom- | BY
Wily ily the ¥ ran abivat for water : pias died for legs than that
atl =
under | Wid the arrufed tall Jank man on the
Por L smpy was | rracher barred
minetes | Booked out a 15-foot bass"
Galveston Daily Nows,
Na Lie. Alter ALL
‘They were telling fab stories, and at
Init the tall lank man on the cracker
barrel sald
4 went down to the river this morn.
ari a
“Quo there” exciaimed the fat man
with the ioe pipe. "Tell us you
pond trout, and IH ait idly
But a ofa pike never Ana
Hf took a 10 foot pike mee” contin
“and in less than Bve
“on bere! Ses here!” yelled the man
wita owned the grocery. “You'll have
ra £0 “way from here to finish that Lie
1 hain't got no Hghtnin rx on this
store yit'
“1 hooked out a 15-bit Basswood
log." persisted the tall lank man “and
1 want to ask bow much you think
1 kin git for it."—New York Times
With only one exception the glaciers
of Bwitzeriand are diminishing stead
ily. Since 1378 the Rhone glacier Jaa
decreased in length at the rate of aver
3t yards a year.