TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION Ome copy, ote Yesr, in sdvance, Gus Terrifoly “gm | will se TESTED tr This Revtion Wii Fliormghty Develo Boome tine apo ihe aoa Pride. lished an article relative io p Lang perfected to thoronghly test This x . =< Bria BOA setion for oil or gas #* EEL pur Me Add vermin ride wade Enown SIGN moe plication, LNG papers disenntinped util al arrenrs | Cages mre paid, Cu paisa, ee Entered ni the Frotaiies wt Palin we seein | olan toatl tat ter. HOME HAPPENINGS. fivcieoes 1 Le “RR W. «No school next week, ~~ Prepare to give thanks, Co weBomotfa Mr. and Mrs Prindible—« son. aos. F. Marks is engaged at paint. | ing in Vintemdale | —Ohas. Rhody made a trip to Baffalo | and Niagara Falls last week. : | auGeo, 8 Good, of Lock Haven, was | in town several days last week. Penny pictures at the Photo and ‘View Co. for a short time only. | Now for the municipil election, Who wants ta be a borough dad ? | John Scheid was visiting friends and relatives in DuBois this week. | «Hicks, tbe weather prophet, pre. diets thnnder storms for NNO vember | wel 0. Brown and HC Yerger at- | tended Sonrt at Ebensbu < this week, i ~Geo. _ Bprings on o Tistadiny to do some paint ing. «For a good shave hair cat or sham: poo eall on Garfleld Wilking, Fifth Avenue John | «The vote in Cambria connty was only 92 less than that cast at the last presidential election, | «New York Central passenger con. * dootors and trainmen donned their winter uniforms Just week. day, at the City Restaurant. Families served by the pint, quart or gallon. Por sale: ( range. In appearance good #1 Cheap for cash. Apply to L 8 Bell Jun received a foe line of child en's oloake, hats, caps, ete, : VANS Hisrens, I Sound in need of a good shave, hair ent or shampon Garfield Wiking the Finth avenue barber, will suit you. EE 5% ba if you want a stove set up with made pipe of the beet qual- i hairry, see JR, Cordell & the presiding Shain Hatrlct mtd quart. | erly mosting at the ML. Kid gloves, Indies’ nad children’s handkerchiefs and notions of every de. © meription, a complete line just received (Kd A stock ton rallroad contractor at Dysart and the goods were moved to that place this week. ~8upt. Lingle, of the Beech (reek Coal and Coke Co. is supervising the buliding of a compressor at the Arca plant of the company. For sale—Good residence property | Magee syenue. Eight room bouse Tor the phe Steam ue, the A i line of rvarcoutings just re- | ~Tnoendiarite fired the stables of Webster C ‘onal and Coke Co. at (ate will aRy one the necessary capiial iin of the : chaotic & ‘Behwars want to Chest | : ¥ gawd wie wif ran Mellon has closed out bik willingness of the farmers to who womb furniah thier At that time {A company of Pittsturg and Philadel | shin capitalists has been organised | | with a capital of $0,000 and it sex {pected that drilling on the first well | will be eammenced inside of 8 month Col, J. M. Gulley, [to be one of the capitalists interested, | Experts have examined the territory land elaimg that the ground fies in the | | 45 degree Hoe and in the big gas belt. . If the sXjjestations of the company | gre realized it is intended to run a pipe ‘ton, Hastings, Barpesboro, Spangler, ie ‘hest Spring and other town as far as ‘Altoona, It is said the first will be put | down pear the old gas well a quarter of a mile from Elmora | As related in a previous insus, gas SLITHOR Bk number years ago at of . this point snd the well is burning now. | While the flow was not sufficient lo pay for piping, the experts mre of the Lopinion that this fact augers well for the new eulorprise. This is the only | |W ell ever put down in this section. Yo Cure Btop coughing, as a irritates ud py hgh Sarg £3 Hungs, and. gives Wem DO Caine Lo + hexl, far curs throwing Foley's honey mod without gausiog a strain io off the phlegm Like common cough ex- | pectoranie All droggists, Wipe 3 The county Lax dup pow in my bands for : Fm juerars four 100] Bs Adi ste Heotion, | partie a who bave of this notes, olberwise same will be oollecten! with consis, W. BP. dackeox | Patios, ht tm 18 Oomielaty ie Said by Snel Fy Far Hi ssenroas af Halton, # word He Tigers, had pot 7 for months wad one bottle of | horney amd tar restored his Be ware you gel Foley's Cpinte i says be spoken Kine awh inp Sri J. nidvely, Batesville, O. . Rpoak- ing of Bagnir salve, says: “i used it | for piles anil it has dons me more god | than any wbve | have ever peed, and 1. All have trind a great many Ribas | deggie Goo. A. Pode, Upper Sandasky, OO Wye wren Boney nnd tar for i Ake het pernesly 1 Hl have been using Fe horace nes and find | ever fried, Paks Foley's. Al druggists, Adolph Blaner, Grand Mood fa, writes: “1 have and tar in my Bust i in woh sol be wit my as thers in nothing so good for coughs ‘and coida” All draggista and athor candies at the City Bastar. ant FirstNation |Bank OF PATTON Patton, Cambria Co., Pa. CAPITAL PAID UP, $100,000.00, SURPLUS, $19,500.00. Arnis of Corporations, Firms, 1g pixar! Banks reesdyed avon thee mad § Chile ternd conxistent with sate sind ox Servati ve | ! banking. : Hisminahip tiokets Sor sabe bor mil She temadin nen, Funed fn Drafts payable in the principm 5) | eities of the 0d Warid. Atl correspon enon will have our prompt and | i { personal siteniion Toterest paid on tre Jeposita. 1A. E Patron, Wu H. Baxpronp, President. Cashier, Chop, Feed and Meal. Best equipped Mil! in North- ern Unmbria County, BUCKWHEAT FLOUR A SPECIALTY, All kinds of Faney Winter Whiat Floor, Spring and Whale Grain, Middlings, Bran, Oil Meal Baled Hay : and Straw. ven Patton Feed & covered by insurance. win case of the Cambria county render a decision would be judges | of | White, of Indiana saunty, Bell, The doll department at the fair to | : bo given by the Ladies’ Aid Society of the M. E. church will be of especial ntere i ot tha that it will e these articles | Buckwheat Mills, W. J. PERRY, Proprietor. Reuel Somerville, Attorneyv-at-Law, PATTON, PA. Office in the ood Balding. + Miss Susie Wentz, TEACHER OF MUSIC. | Rtadio in Solomon building. Teaching hours | i irom Ta mito pom. Parl cnlar attention is | paid to touch wnd fone, a proper position of he Bande, a corect system of fingering 4 Fiano and organ recitals given ln my studio. Ars be Lives matter was in a tate, but now we are pleased to uote that sclive preparations are being made with that object in view. Gantt XN arinly pat paid ewid Leases are requested to do so within 50 days | «Oysters iti every style, fresh every Ind, All 2 i ¥ church on stopped the cong immediately sod re : Pheved all soreness used Foley's hooey femily and think it is the bewil cough curs on the market, | heme ~A full ine of H uyier's chiral ates | timates on work. Be immense store andi warehouses on Magee avenue. Yous nto atcatieny | we Unheard of Prices. 'F or instance: - Parlor siands 4%, 78, $100. $1.00 of Pittsburg, is "0 $00 Hookers 9, £1.00 10 88.50, , BL6%, $2.00, $2.50, $3.24, Bud Ronn Suits from 8260 ap ta $90 Couches, Bettess, Lomnges and Dav. Hine from Carrolitown, taking in Pal enemies in large variety, even as low | as $5.00, Iron Beds $3.00, $3.50, 85.25, $6.50, $10.00 np to F500, Window shades from 1c up to ther best made for 8560 complete, Pictures, pleasing to the eye of any artist, from Pe opward. i Japanned + . face Top “i v . ; { Lace Top and Boltom 4 #2 Hprings 3 ih FE Linoleums from 85c upward. Prining Tables, 6 {oot extension, from £159 up : Kitehen chair, immense line And that je not all, for in the line ridwire we have the largest sud bes of Heating Stoves, Cook Bove ard Rares tor be found in this section of Unenbris county. Just Think of This, Tool Fics nnd Powder Cans for ten cents: Half gadion Od Can for ten cents, and other things at a corrmponding y low Rgure Ta J. E. KIRK'S HDW. & FURT. STORE. » Magee Ave, PATTON. PA. Cambria ‘brated fh NO OTHER | vabaes og Rit ity Aen Fr 3 for the cele are COnl Brooks Oil Cos Gutta Percha Roofing Paint. made TRAE Wank 2 BAmamnsn ON Eveny SHOE. Ex Sepeatuction of in Sys Shee Hite ## hig ap Chasity.) Fore Law man $50 (Ere Lie Pnowd taitabls He Any freed Elna 0 ig Lhe! walin i ; Ph 8 he EL P ATT NN See some of none but : in thon Lohse Lon Hi he ¥ THE BAZAAR Faris rosie Prices, ! a FAY MORE?" RR CE Hse Heolennt, i ovards wide, HIW HN Satisfaction guaranteed or money refunded, The Patton Jowslo The, Oy Reliable John than ever to work in his line. cheerfully | all on classes vx Repairing promptly at- tended to, JOHN C. GOULD, Yeager Building, Patton, Ps. | | FIRE, LIFE AND mv The Bsa - (zoos and vou BRADY, ‘Parnell, Cowher & Co. ARR Rr ACCIDENT INSU 1 BEAL BNTATE AGENTR a Pativon, Pa Phase No Bb ODT &* FH. A. SEITZ De gil § in {xd Ballding to 2 Often up «iain Of Hoars 5 am j= tahp mm Dr. V. A. Murray, FAY MC ok ax & SU HGE Ox. Cog ERE tended te Propertie Pak tor a | DR. S. W. Worrell, FRHYRIAN ANI SURES, | Office fn Build a Sargurs ind Be fr 2 Spachutt ER 3 5. aails wii oes faim ec I Patton Coy 1 | Promoter of Publicity. i | Advertising Rates made known on appl A young man Ped : to Thenghts ‘ - Hawg 8 1 2 EXE Fy 1 51] the nplels Groedds, comprising Latest that will he Foreign elites 0 know ¥ iy winter. DINSMORE BROS, Merchant Tailors, Patton, Pa. ith worpen ARAVA EMAAVAAAL AAA ILIA VLA VASA AA AVL WA SAD bin wy a : Wii nol. Win now it 1s too cold for without a fire. That New m. asd] p ng, Room No 3 AR 2 * fo Is in the Air! His early coming reminds Fon Hat the saaumer snail 5 3 hing of the past We want to pe 3 re is the plaew fey come when ready to parchaes vis aborted? wtowlr of Fall and Winter Waarasblen in the city, lint borane we oa save you good samt ota of I Men's Fall Suits weights. The sew arrived, They re wan of tennke valine olf & Thompson. ; | 2 Prices ¢o no Ol necessar- Onur the $ guality ¢ ai na best on % win the ho, 4.) 50 lpn FF 4 Gh ge A en i 1tCY Wild SUlIAf Ls cams sort as 5 AND 10 CENT ST "mber Block, Patton, Pa We have it, and at any Cheap dohn and quality. differ- iy : varieties to select from. If Stor € Sib ra AY eXamine our stock hrst CRE Gi ute ERE “ > . 3 : won't go elsewhere. are mvited to call $ + RIEL Bee my new ane of HE G Rhee, > 8, Etc. At Lowest Prices Flour and Feed ECIALTY 4 a ey " “Everything in Hs ied XIN. Hardware.” J.B. CORDELL & CO., Fifth Ave, PATTON, PA ire handis Poreil- 3 Farmers wis it » orders early, Twill ot C Eewgn uw Lourdher direct from the F Anniactarc JOHN GANTZ, Ska