or SAI i TAR BFR aR nd graye Apother Letter, Tels of ips She and Her Companion fave Putte] Yricks of the Brigands 5 i pron Hie ates gave the Yio seinls Basey | in Core antinople, foe the hr st pune) ar at the embassy upon the Ottoman minister of | wefik Pasha, thus tor lomatic relations of the vessels of Ad yadron, which left the stand of seed armored cruiser Anviral however, ‘will go first to Pho. t i mies northwe st of 0 con afterward rejoing the RHO ei Letter From Mis Stowe By Cable). From sen sodived from foe en i’ She, ah seted Amery REY, dt appears that she § ry 15 of her bard experie artitiede, Inegetting heesels in for hee companion. Mme. Talk fo.e0 not dare to comiplam te which they are sph — finds the coifisesnent | se und the weather extremsly try. The tone of the Yateat lptter received | tom ber is hopeful The brigands, vy the letters in plases in Macedonia nd delaying their delivery, seek to rente the anpesranice of being far dis guvernuient © wtinaes aegotiations, with the er of forcitg the transierence of | xk the frontier, FIRST McK iNLEY MONUMENT. st Tower, Minnesota, With im pressive Ceremonies. Didtath, Minn. (Special) ~In the presence of weveral thousand people, dx odd from the mining towns of north Minn waite, the first McKinley mon. | wment in the United States was ao hed ad deditated at Tower, seventy north of Dulmh, Senday. Gov. Van Sarit sod members of his nomber of State officials and itirens from various parts of the | + were presint. Gov, Van Sant wis Sneakers, and he pard un fae patriotism, revs he sturdy mine 4 the money . ence was sive features ol ment ta wanple shat 8 th On a pedes y of co ere and cost $1200. per Shows Up the Horritie By Cables. we The Daily | atively surveys the concen. camps in South Africa, with the Ll piratively wor than any rica of Asia can show. here | ng to paatch it even in the mors os of the Indian famines, | stern and other epidemics have | ended with, tics are pros: ced in proof of this government's advertisement for for oe camp children, setting | © tern of employment will one year certain’ is prominently dix ax evidence that the authorities | Antention of ending the ‘whale ractson of human life” he Daly News urges all humane Bot to wait for o jeial reports, but : an the camps being broken up | people distributed among their : : So Sp —————r san Preferred Death to Disgrace. ville, Kr. { Special) ~- William a salesman in the wholesale of Zinsmeiiter Brothers ed suicide hy swallowing carbolic | comironted with an alleged of $1000. He said that two g at} New Albany, Ind, his make good the shortage, ember of the firm was tele to New Albany, Simpson gok 1 poison, dying in 15 minutes Ss Bhd a : McKinley Order of Narses.” , Mass {Special} — The nnrses will submit to Governor Urane, airman of the State Commission on fev Memorial, a unique plan 22 the fund to establishing the * Me Order of Nurses” the Victoria Order of Nurses is in TL i, HR A Hh DN lr FUE Killed the Gil tie Loved. i Special) Kidwell, aged 21 years. shot and | his sweetheart, Ada Thompson. 16 years, and then ito] wrt te ciuse for the tragedy 1s said o be the refusal of the girl's father to How Kidwell to visit his daughter and | tion to marry him. i ti ma) roe Bank Robbers Active. am, 1. (Special) ~The Bank tham was robbed of $1300 by who Plew the safe. The rh escaped on a handear. which they | d after going 1a miles, and all of them is lost. Congressman R the exclusive { pany has increased its capital stock from | Children Die in Flames. A Spe fal) {<= The farm iller. twulve miles from ‘ed By fre and) two chil (Ps Cable) == Fh : The idea 1 to i ¢ McKinley order in this country | SUMMARY oF THE LATEST NEWS. Domestic. Morgan Harrington and Robert Tay by Walter Bailey. Frank Peoples and another man whose name iv unknown killed and Taviar mortally wounded The poles of Atlanta, (a. arres teed tH Alexander. a colored employee of the United States Government, on the charge of stenting 84.700 from the satchie Fad Maine Stevens RET Bayingaer ¥ Mix Kate Ness atrer 3s iy 3 Yo oele. Pa. Wiss field sre dot én the feir Florace Fer girls an bie ¢xpliminn il vy. Uhemeral Phidadelpha, ¥ @ 3 2 Early Fergason, cololed. who waeaped from the codnty jail at Salen, Va. was brought back with a rope ted around his neck. Va. was burned to death five being CO | municatad ty Ber clothes from a lamp. & The charred FOI of Bowngs Frabs Lney, colored, were found in the rams rf the Habhiston B riding. i Rachmeannd, Virgisua. Dr Charles M Smith, who belonged 16 a prominent family of Winchester, Va. died at his home, in Franklin 1a Cotambia Univeruty authorities deny {that w chair in that institation has been offered to Minister Wu ! pscaped from the stoekade near Leaven Caworth. Kan. were killed and the other two wounded in a fight with a passe The five men bad taken refuge 1 a ! barn. CA secret ngriedt into the death al fre. Mary FE. Gith and Mex Anne LOerdon. alleged tn have died of poon adpumistered ty Jane Toppan, was bey gan hy the coroner at Busaards Bay. Mays Governor Hunt, of Porta Rico, res | porte that the SUgERr sl pofies Crops will be heavy Fifty th 1. ehildren are now attending shee sohescds, and 200 - Loon are unable th obtam sanstiviny James Callabun was found not ge ailty of petivry, thus being acquitted practi cally the speoma tome of enmpicty the Cudshy kidnapomg Mrs Arehitald § White wile of thin president of the National Sait (omy ny. shpped, on her bathroom foesr and | tiactured her skull Viola Render. aged 1% years while wn ‘a rage. wk strychnine, near Martins: burg, W. Via, and died from ats efi i The Elis Glenn case has been tried (to the Supreme Court of the United States, John D. Sarninghamsen, 3 German ¢d | ior. died at Fort Wayne, Ind, aged %2 C¥eHrE Adolph F. Kraus, the sculptor, died at he Danvers f Mass) Insane Hospital Ihe battleabnp [hmars will be sel io Algiers to test the new steel dry feck Admiral Sohiley has accepted an ve tahon 1 go 10 Nashville in January Anhark | Benhady, an aerohat, Was killed by a train at Chester, Pu {nl has Been found in Sem ‘th county, | Virginia, Fire in Bradford, Pa "caused 5 Joss of | $1 0000 police arrested in Su Lonis Laura Ballion and a man named Longhaugh, whos are believed to have participated i | the express robbery on the Great Morth Fern Ravrond near Wagner, Mont Fifteen thousand acres oA cual Hands ¥ Lin Hancock conmnty, Went Virginia, and {in Green wownship, Beaver county. Penne ed Stares | | sylvania, were add to the 1 Greed Corporation at $23 an acre. Melvin Wenentale, 18 years old was stint and fatally wos ded in Hanes 1 | Pa. by hiv consin. Harey Mlle did not kpow the gon was Telephony companies inf Pennsylvania Wave been unaed into 4.7 corporation, to be known as the Comber {as ad Valley Telephone C Gespany. Foreign. General Urite-Unibe, commanding the Colombian rebels, says there 1s no inter national war between Venerpels and Co iomibia but a struggle betwesn the Lb ; eral amd the Conservative partion ork both countries. He 13 willing he says | Ct accept the protection of the United States at the tsthmin Sir Harry Johuatom, an an address the Royal Geographical Sonety, in i don, upon bis explorations in Lge sad that, ay a result of hia study of pigmies, he had concluded that they Iu no special language The aduiimistrative coved bstration tribunal will {ague November 2 to Boers’ appeal against the ruhing South Afrscan war 1s nol § vontts conderabon, The British Soenth African Ce i tion Company rejected the ohm « Frenchin aR, Munn HT Wanton “ooo for alleged deportation from Africa. Dr Deuntoer, the park, fave not wel bern an $i States, although negotiations are ressing Earthauake shocks oo Pata. and the people \ United States Uo | Rn, in reply to Miss Curged the bryan: to duce then denands amon gubmoriied government will nol FRU. The French that the Solan of te all demans, and it ts oo {two or three days Adny Coase 10 fceupy Lhe cof Mitylene The Liberal the town of Tu south of Panam | diers prisoners and Loanton Yuan She Kai Shan Tung. has been ceed Ja Hung Chang 11a. tive Be Financial The Burlington has hauled = | pounds of wohl out of South this season, withdrawn from the Bank of England i { for shipment to South America ‘The Commercial Pacific Cable Com § $100,000 tO $1,000,000. The Argentine wheat exports for sea: son are 9.200000 bushels as against fi71.000 bushels, as against 22,303.000 i 1 1 | 70 705,000 bushels last year; corn. 37. i, lor were attacked near Fayette, Misi Knives were used Harmon was Mrs Mary Hearn, of gBuens Vista, Three out of hve of the canviels who ; Rullion | amounting ta £113000 wad) to Science. GERMS WERE TAKEN FROM A COW, The Animal First Given Tuberculosis and Mins King Is inoculated With Infection From 1 i Dr. Bursey's Statements Are Trt A Trained Nurs: Becomes 8 Martye | NAVY'S GROWTH. Rear Admiral Bradford Presents Some Tater esting Facts in Nis Report Washington, [3 € (Specialy, — A wriking iHodration of the growin ii the American Navy ts presented in the single | platentent iw the annual report of Kear Admiral Rr B. Bradiord Chief of the Fauipment Buresu Be the Navy, that be hpent $2.275.011 last fiscal year tor ag ae { wr ton i the Health Authorities Say He Is Liable to Criminal Prosecution. gers taken expeeh Bg 1h development 51. subse £hin Cw he er herself for the eres Rc) tis, has form abe Seed him froom abl possibile blame hoi ald the oposite prove “js he the CA 52, Fad the salbnect Bi yielded hersel f uvnlantariy at ss pr ei Lis that the Brooklyn department ¢ of Hye oard of Health would have proceed tceday that the official ¢ Fands are tied. Wile of course, there ih no game ay ing the fact that a ceriam Hanger 1% eased fi the sul Bipot we Sart], | br. fHarne fe remembered fat the dere appoar Caen tE veg Peraganiiit nt x sok HE Pri Kesh % the gat : \ satraent and, &% she bse Aiud x fn: and poisevoed of a splendil s i bh Pik at hry fur or several veurs Dr. Barney bas bani: fed his practice to didchses 0 the chest anvil Bas Be says ef wean the treatment of are whe 1a ite earher stages. Ir ix that fact, he aay which emboldened him th make the yi ferred refuel 4 tis treats avetit will be efficacions in immedatel expected | hinge, 3 pute with M, Paul {ear Bussmann anv Ege aggravated fie adenosis he % bit shonld hey s hasedle 1 ge han wha hasten Ayla 38 37 be a mevwer! Erne nest Tegara hg general CREP an her aster pt heen Tie exarmned years id seated WL LER WINS HARD FIGAT, Carries a Samar Stronghold After us Long Straggle Twa Americans Killed. Manly, (By Lave) Advices from Catalogan, capital of Sarmar Paha, reo port that Major Lattietan | yO Waller taciced a force feentnas. 3 being wed rst day the natives : & 1 ¢ pha ype Waller sawed the atiads ge fier nu desserate engagement carried fhe Cand BOTY preps Beg Crearge 5. neh and EA. Klowan, of the attacking force gd oF Hilisonow were kitted Maar Wailer destroyed 70 Boanes Coens er mavieth Yas saan 5% ders fiir Bididmg the purchase of hemp in the isiand of Leyte. All the 3 4 beyte fe sof a0 tra ; it P dvi be Supers tied BANK ROBBERS IN ™E WEST. in Ose Place Toey Wiss $25,000, in Apother They Take $5,000 Darien, wi {Rpeciall — Robbers iy ? #0 i“ Go ao 5 wade an attempt 0 loot the Farmuors foiled by an wrec bed and 1 in nego hors were securmg any The! contents carried avsed residents ing, oat in tune bimst ther escape he $5 000 for 8 Shorthors Cow. Wonderful Lesp by a Horse, cago, (Specisl}-~At the Hore * 5 Fox 3. gor ® Shs here a the Coleom the high sper am. i fay geidimg, THATS Ghd ad 1s amie In gh, oy need by Howard Willette. 1 of Ww lite Plains, NK jumping horses. Hetherbloom cleared ‘the bar at 7 feet 4%; inches. The pre- Sey several years ago 5 ars sent &is theory thit commmnnieabhs denied thir there wisk to the patient in hee : ¥ oy water Fie Izu coast to {Mare Island, Ca Hermie. where it carne | Cinth o ory Ww BE his {od ar i average: 4 the same my: PY against Ib Barney. bur 8 was declan | pete sitp dur LE i Fras the rep at 6 : . Lite i AE das reside wn Bro it pat] UC A ance of Thee taberealns syrmprots | 0 £ * i Eye} Fis CHEE REN sei if pragic tirmay have Cgrnwant. Ge i toy Y broke the world’s indoor record for | Si vious record was made by Rosebery. | {who made 2 a jump of 2 fect 31; mkhes | {in competition with Filemaker in this | the preces ; pears ago the WEEE 3 od {08 fds Tony Til peat I] Aq rai «4 He ¥E rokoliaina and Maxi i and | , $50 per 4 at present. Bang io flay be Mare Fadund Hat two large eam mit tis Wah his 2 Lh en fay HELA Brie: rig POY aA new same Arie Me # Eee? ed 4 1 Ho port or customs of any EARL LI ANGERED BY RUSSIA roy's Death Pekin, (By Cable) =A violent die ister to Ching. over the Manchurian Treaty appenrs to fae & heen the ime 4 ate cane af the death of fa Hi: % Chany. I fie chs spl Wate £¢ song thy 1 Japan for 4 neanent FREES te lee Ae wa nf Ras sia A fortght ago the Japanese Lega led ig] sessed 4 wpligd le £55 $ asttine nf the teri of the Ire 'y, aril thefeupon de manded that ney plenyatents 4 Cries offuhaliv ia) before them the text. busing the demand vpon the allegats = that lapses interasts were mvodved « avy chasge of the statay of Manehariy The (Chinese plenipotentiaries refused to comply with ths demand. Thereupon the Japanese government from Tok worse ated wth the Reaver ie PELE and HG diced them to teh thes influence cy a t ; rer certain maul of the peo ey to mgn 3 4d (3 e treaty Wh the J RISIeT EO other {MONET R anil a Sry interview envied {i Huse ang went frensse 18 3 ratent passin smut Re S08 a : Cte aetiihaste tis " the rerexariion Wesel iy stern GREAT YARDS FOR PITTSBURG Peansyivinis Raitrond Company, Ht Is Said, Will Spead Millions / A Spesial] {he Pennsviva wy has in contempla- Pret argedt mm the country, sory Base been tax. sromerty from Thirteenth x i; i a phi fared afeEeta Gel wern L. far the purines 5 : a $in q sprigs that ine red and the the Siva of ¥ faery Sigo000 000 ang the riven wei TREE vated 3 Eas % % vants Hail id { pany ir cently, will make the tosal $i The ‘Maccabees Detaication. wt Haren Mich, (Special) if {"haries ir ha Asa, af the the Maccabees, Twieviag Postat Employe. M. g. Hapa? . sv. has nicataon from remainder af the Frenih demands write Between France and therefore. be Teg arded BA re a i AAS SO i SN RA To Prohibit Biverce Atlanta, Ga. {Speciali~~A bill has heen introduced in the lower house of the legislature prohibiting divorces an Georgia, an average of $201 Escaped Convicts ey Kansas Their Pursper, POSSE WERE FINALLY ELUDED. Mad Bren Cocfined at Fort Leavenworth. Mrs. Wooster Fainted Durioy Excitement. RE a Ponelia. Ran, | Shawnee sounfy, were captured at Pag frond Tonka, By Twa oc "| caped oonvicts from the Fort Leaven: orth Midinary Prison and Jedd prison of a sun nn Wiwiter toh were lightly wounded Ars Wooster and Shenff Cook Cowen held hefiee © {be make ther cacate ; At 210 o'clock in the afteraoon seversl Hing vicar Palme learned | without requiring them to pass the mens farm Bows thar the convicts were in the aeighbor Cdawd Flasuly Bb EMI B a Fated With tare? : DRE Tl aes ‘Ssither gud thee wey wie armed, aval they weep unable Ww s Imake 2 1 Paver Sheriff Conk and : Looming upon 5 8 he z fiessd wend wahiiig them shevngh a wah bar and fan nto the A Ba Eopeka for avsstance and in the haw 3 Janlang the non 4a reny aroaind the house, C5 ! darted th i ints Thistr Aros Shers® {ook Wik srderet to give np ot ee mt ne distant day will be discarded nn parr of A soldier's snmpment. bre pay which ie Degaty Wilhame by thi had pieached the oases and Centered] 8 it hence what had haps A Violent Dispute Caused the Aged Vice Chie AF the convicts todd Sher {ook dighitent move looking toward their cap. tare. In the meantiue the policemen on the autaude Bad virrounded tive building, wake tse move lest W fesse Hand-to-hand encounters are Cher water airaid Ie Tanks ard Withiaan ad suffer Pls after exacting & promise from Slrer # that he wonld aot peraut {4 16 Bre on ¢ frightened farmer, his wife anal cobpissive Sheatf before them the osstivwts ba wired hirtwern 8 core ines oof fi fase why pao td Have cap : tured ther and i _ the vabenad Tri The Sheriff in torn had exacted | SrcAnide eigen the pribicit that they { pisielel not molest the te and they : : line attive for many vears. and who ® 3 cided ubile divtanes 5 Seri He dow w the track the convigtz suddenly Lh tsapprared sheough a hedge fener, hid img the otbeess a pT ia farewell CHARLESTON'S GREAT FAIR Ber amd di 4 x Ra # id 2 ak g¥ the Pang teow Sav 03 Lek fH af ox Hane RELL Boilie : Wise Ww ith c Hebahio § He Wun done oR fatition. SCENE PEROT AT Bo ruployed Lay s waamessitiom grotiads, 3g weed the Ma dhway ii hy tlre g sae ore than Ruy vara carding Bouse INDIAN RE ws 10 ORDER. Missouri Farmer tadicted, Charged With Misgging the Mails SF fosss, Mo, (Spetind the Feds | of grand iury imdieted Dance] Lever a Uren ooanty fan: voy a eRarge he mans to delrm pi mgs scheme wis a novel one, yl § wery whet ews FEE A) SOME ARES Dyer ised Lever £454 Ly : {Special} — Sheriff CL Conk mad Deptity Sheriff Williame, of | for several hours uy the farmhouse escaped throvgh a line nf fren faneka to reinforce the | Lier win budly wonnded by one af i wi when ke tried to fire on | dev changing the regitlations relative to ax a dield | adimsiion to West Point so that the retorts and elle they | g gh the open door, intending : Lf snrOrise thes wf thie rer door Bar oe) moorporated college of university.” instead of this the con 4 had gone. 2 pee the Bestves and the ofheer almost fell | {fe r the sper. As they | My 5 © Meals pr i OE Ee : ark ; and foar . irr halt who | Siretary aot is ery much preparing hs annual re the delay in receiving the Philippine Commission, Ihe posnmission’s report, toget 4 kpeciil envoy sent to the Phi report on the banking and currency : ditions of the island, left Manila on Arms Seired by Men Trying to Guin Liberty. Farmer Wooster Wounded Fraitiess Effort to Regain Custody of Two Prisoners Whe sport Sheridan. Two weeks ago heridun broke down in Japan and the Warrett was ordered to bring her passen- gird and important mail. A few ¢ ao the Warren broke down, and Hancock has just sailed from Manila to gke Ber place These accidents will prevent the if the Philippine Commission, as thie report of the special representative ciserenny, from reaching Secretary Root ii time to he used in bis annual Mennwhile be is using such juformation : Luk has already been prepared in the rin of Insular Affairs, but it is I that 3 supplemental report will be by the Secretary, cotering the Phibip- pies and based upon the commission's a report, Great Change at West Polat. Secretary Rost Bas inst issued an or feidentic Board nay accept camlidates gibi are graduites of gh schools of atudedrs of colleges and universities tal examination proscribed by the De fittnwnt. “he important paragraph added ix: The Academic Beard will consider, "find may accept, in lieu of the r fhental entrance examination the proper- sitested examination papers of an ap- fiointie who receives his | appomtiment to 4 gible compet five examination, or ES Jiropery attested certificate of gradus- an from a public high school in which {her eraarse of stody covers the range of phiects heretofore prescribed for ¢ wk ales, or a properly attested oo {hut the candidate is a regular student i of Sword te Go Next Army officers conader it as probable Juit the ornate swords sors ny the serve Thee swoed is believed to be of little Linse ns these days of ong distance fights imp and serves now httle other purpose : than ns an emblem af authority. dear fe would be killed of he made the | ale officers m the South African cam | paign have found the sword often ham oi pered them in tattle, and there have heen few, if any, occasions where ® is used as a weapon of attack or de phooght to have passed away with the sven of smokeless powder and : snail arms The cavalry may continue 65 pee the sword, but there are so few geasans for retaining if a% an um plement of warfare that it 1s regarded as hikely to be the next arm rejected as obsolete ‘The Pension Burea is investigatn frances attributed to De. Mary ¥ a exoarmy nurse who has worn a alle ed wn have spoken of ad execution if Leon F Crolgowr as a murder, the {on President fimadf a murderer on ae cont af his poliey 1a the Phill prnes. Special Examiner FC McLaughlin, of the frension Bureau. is at Oswego, N. : CXL ewvestigating the case, and his report Many iixiibitors nd Exhibits Already on will be kept on file a1 the hurean here mn 5 o Congress mn 1 call for it Come flak 4 he Bac no anthority 5 seid he a Bue that Congress gapht do wo if nt desired. Wants Less Duty on Tea Secretary Gage will probably recom cmd in Bis annoal report that the duty on ten imported oe, this country be out The duty is 10 cents a pound In tose the unporfations of ten amounted to Aprory pounds, valoed a $ia5a8 ie ih 5% TPR fad auty 5 $8.130,307. The importarions £1 he fiscal year aded Tune 3 Igor, were BoRoB 433 sauwads. at a value of Sion 876, on Clelieh the duty was 3RoNobgs The Sor retary will wreae that the Fn : artstion results man mferior grade of st the Phila, i ie] : ait thir revenues can very well afford 10 hoing sent to the United States, and fone Sq o00000, or Ball the duty now cals legend Christmas Gifts to Scidiers Free. Secretary Root bas tweed the custom ary order sus fing the operations of the local mest faws wm the Plulippines ed {Cuba so as to per HE ander reasons shbe comadits sand the Free nnor tation to Che islands of packages and articles t ad 4 hristawms presents for soldiers aml sailors and other United Grater emmloves. The order vel eh rakes effect ivmeiiately, will run ail January 13 next Failippine Cable £ tended: (en. A.W. Greeley has received a cabiegram from M anils amouncing that thie stands of Masbate am! Panay have hnn cormected by calde toes expected CrBat thas cable wi ii mater wally Sanist the CANBY Gperaiions in progres 35, yoo bra rein Capital News in Geaeril Samuel Gompers, president of the Amerean Federation of Labor, protested UE gy the President against the arrest of Cl Sawrmgo Iglewss, wha wis wat to Porta | Rico by the American Federation to afore mstitution should organize the workingroen of the island. The baaed of visitors of the Naval Cservatory recommenis that the head a civilian of high rank mstead of a naval utheer rem | porarily transferred to the place The Secretary of War ordered the og guthering il 3% board of ofters GF Oi sider Important comneeted with an : 2 Lie msi iary addi Fatally Hurt in Football {ncn ats, Ohi. i Speriall. — Twa football players were probably fatally | hurt an games here In the game tween) the University of CUinannatt and | the Hamover (Ind) Collge. James Kirk: | patretic. left hal hack if the University ’| of Cincnnat, while making a tackle, had | his spine myured. and ix reported to be Lina very seris condition Loita, | Runck was also carried off the Geld dur. in the game between the Newport Xav | School Runck was leit tackle of the ere oa batter contest £0 ng on for al revewniw ; Kentucky, i made vacant by i lector Sh harp, President Rosey eit hus practically de- feided upon | fudge 1. LL. Lewis, of Rich. nd. for the vacant Viegma judge Sharman Payne, of the Home Ways wid Means Comitice, has decided, after conference with the President and Secretary Gage, to introduce mie Cone gress 2 Wil for the repeal of the war taxes Graduates of good colleges may enter West Point without passing the em : ( irance exanunation. jer College and the Newport High | Willoughby, a Joly | Xavier team and was | seriously injured President ed Wm. KE treasurer of the Ir wo