ni ena AR I aN 2 Sg A le RAP whitdaianad Bt ait HEPAT | cable with what avidity | will patel on to ail fake sehemey amd pay food their cards appease oF : at he dows 1 “ an average farm of 197 | “| pores, 80 of which are onder endive itlen. 3 Tp ———————o Do you want fine printing at the minima of cost? Then let the Pate uw pt the Gption 18 th | bon Cotnrien do vour job work. Dest ta : Land cheapest, BESY GAMBLING SYSTEM. THE PUBLIC BY STORM. Mular Crofont Originntes the MW BH Company, Filling =» Long Feb Want. and Incidentally Takes In . Lawyer Friend, pianveiol ied by LB Lew tow a hh pilva sgl key “lay fv hw bey Bow msny The One That Will Sarely Bost Fare nud Ravistte, / henaliady, TE he the 24 be awed Lis Bb YE ve! emfivmed ganibler In the WOE rid Hun spent more or less time try. ; cotiis mystery to Dest the Fate B sald a well known northern sporting wan "The commonest and meet setsiusible scheme is the nue Bnown ‘progression’ 11 is sioply & doo | pling of bets noth 8 winning occurs, ET SO and theoretically it 1s perfect. but the read, or if read atail a Ctrouble Is that all gpambliog enwies Ain raver § Sheen foi the hve 8 mit and the doubling process increases 8 wager with gach enormous | mpldity that it ix apt to get over the i stiptdated amount before the winniog eS Salen ace : “1 was at Monte Carlo last spring.” 5 Leontinund the speaker, "and was sur | prised ar the ounber of touts whi in. (fested the groapds padding ‘sure Crhing' wrsterax to break the bank, The ludicrous part of It was thet most of Addy arti ig most asstiradiy Coes pay. fn the proper way, but not don desk Blotters or in: he podilere wore sesdy apd poverty Ltrieken In atigearance, yet they par porta lo soi] feorets which wonid ine fallilily enrleh any purchaser. | asied oe fellow why he didnt try his srs torn himself and buy x pew hat and he replied very glibly that he was swoarkhir for a syndicate’ apd anier “hanade nhl to play, : “Seonrty all of these syeleiig are | mae) sy progression and would he bin 4 pousihite fn high play oning ta The on Clee Hilt Nevertheloae | saw 8 nan “ihe of small progre klong players mt the 1 fn Blow disad senn Wdg that they love lay was n cold ono tos adidates, both iterally ne tively, bow #8 fide Hire iw ToT LOANS ¥eurs They sore nearly ail horrilhide leking blomitosk ob women, who began with the mtu at possibile wager and quit Cw ha 1h ne ML feanen, Gr ven than $4. A Hote atthe ial informed we that they wore tolerated abont the place on goeonnt of soe and ntirnity and that thelr dally winnings were regarded in the Hiekd of sn penglin “in the days of open gatebling io New (nleans 1 remember (hers osed fo Be several hrokon dosen sports who weeps anid to mabe a Hytug off the Eanes hy ‘progre wwion paving. 1 bare i my $n ils Bx Funan ir Fury WRT Er The atest eeiisr dia bees Of 0 “erat. “ ms mast Hide To mattopsiiar BEWKPAPET Or et to give eho | Hows & counter v having Feith Cheat svaters and the andy syitem 1hat toatl beat fare apd retilette in to siany | wway." Rew Orleans Thaes Dem Mend This Before You Write, Never write pastry onsil vou are at Cfenxt U0 nnless pou fall dn love when owl one lie the moasiea You world better bein with stories. ghar in IF ven SiR a idem and CH tn vent Fier ost pitesnid Che ferns HITE Yr aye pratiene] ¥i frill po XC thved Fegulnes fi CO Rp god ir gd manners oa endy od Hod PRL ROE OATES 0 Chest 1 Enon Win vir Dehivger peer Powers frie fied Sohant game Hi any county tate he mist obtain a license | the County Treasurer, authors Mm wo to do. The licens oosts peng ty of B35 bs Joiposed Tor n of i act. the Grae of od. of die! Cgnently and will aor disturb the dlges mor ! worked for o Phe bewit af Wha the Ty =oogmIninid fo thee iinet ing Mr which I 1a be ’ In portgreas! ‘onal apewehied an the tary and {13 the fashioned epitahis fi EvORITY (ehurehiy ards nn English In Rucones Tren of Olitye GIF {Hive all fdd bee found in oevery Lpursery and on every medicine shelf In time of croup It van he given fre | tion, as do many medicines, It is often tho Seu, Kiog, Defender of the and Bmperet of I : expositions Batarday ‘night with a mone- of 83,000,000. The big show (artistic sacoess, but a financial The total number of admis sions for the six months was close to ,000,000. An average of 2,000,000 a nth had been figured on. The ation of President McKinley led a woman ‘two years nger, their family conuisting of given (0 place of colt liver oll and is as effective In bulking np the system and far less 4 sngreeable. It In recom. mended by many specialists both as a ‘food and a tonic. A certaln young chemist never has a cold or requires any medicine except a spoonful of olive ofl every night and morning, which be takes regularly. He seldom wears fp overcoat — New York Trib nna rao LC Ther Changed. At a dinner paris (the oper day & well known and deservedly popslar dramatist wk a lady down wo dinner, neither knowing who the other was As a sulifect the theater was started, fas It is wo often under similar eircum- stances, : “Y can’t think why they have revive. ed that plece at the King's” the lady sald. “1 never liked it, snd its so worn that | should have done better than thar?” "Yor" the dramatist replied, “per Baps so. | It was one of my first pleces, however, and 1 had not had much ox perivie when I wrote it. Let's vlisuge the subject.” The lady was quite ready to do so and wished no doubt. thet she had known whe her ooighber was He presently sald; “Are yon interested In the Fenton case?’ speaking of a canse celebre that wis in progress “Yes. Pye rend all the evidence” was the reply. “He'll lose it, of course.” the drama. tist went on. “He never could bhuave had the faintest chance from the first. It's a marvel to me how any lawyer could have been idiot enough to allow "| such ] osne to go ito court!” “Well" answered the lady quietly, “my busband was the idiot lets change the subject” 5 into that 4 cents. it when ba} 1 owas the wien vl CAs it gape pepyer 1 Belen He Blip | CofA determine] man, As the door was : burat open wih hoal probindnaey warn dma the maior recog he was face tn face with a clrenin esanee, For one brief secon Lis knees | weakened. aml he canght ba breath with a Kamp Then he was on big fest ¥ sid ihe Ie Cha with haod steiraioted and 8 smile on bis face sand saying. “Plows toy soul. but if you had been two milontes later 1 should have deen on ny way to your olllee! Come (0 comme fn” Elin kaw sr you wand remen bar Eyer, ne dryly a sectioned the viuitor 58 Le looked Brovnd he SAY HRI NOE paren ha Thomnpein & Ise Yon siitnt He TT WAEY TO TARE VOT 5, da nan, Asior than any (ther pan a he worl hn fap the wil 1 wa ty Ta ’ keels track Fait aiing 2a 4 hears tla wad irs nies foroisd ty how, vipmtian of vey SSN dee Fae. fied every ody : Lo pay a least I ; What do vou sub BOT Say : wine Ive say. snd ax I'm du 8 harry you nay fi ont 1has check “The biggest scheme of all the ne Cpls alte!” whisper the major with 8 Sourish of Ris right arm. "1 sypeots ed to stop at ten but this swheow eatiie pushing sloany aod 1 bed 10 take It up. It's the richest of them all UL pay 100 per cent profit from the very start. Io a week from now the Standard Ol company won't be on earth.” “But I'm here about those hills.” “My dear Thompson, walk with me When I was hard up, von were one of - the few who did not lose confidence in my Integrity. The man or woman who | trusts Malor Crofoot never regrets it I might not have picked up this elev: gpd vows snd muttectaps. and some Centh scheme but for you. | wanted to : let you In. 1 wanted to reward you for your faith in me Thompson my | boy. sell ont att aw business pive away get rid of It hefore night” *I want to boow aboot those Lili” caald the Inwyer as be cgae to a halt The last and best scheme of gil” continoed the gig ior as he got hold of Bis nen again Vis the Musionl Wash board corvaay, org enki A arta of 8204 KEL The Wen wats dotly orig fund wil me. Washiboar! runs a pose Box while vou rub. Music bax onan be placed dn the laundry fe. Boh GF #ven the next Nb aie onto bare Tera oun pic: = drop stares, Kindergartens and fer) selpsols, Twenty folir topes in the Covenly divided Botween salt snd feply, An the wasbherwornan rules away at one of your col honed ship tw rusio Lox strikes up “Contin Thre the Rye! Ehe ehany va ow ¢ poset al gil slip. apd yon have ‘ome Sw Hope,” with variations, Thompson, shake hands™ owon't do it. 1 came here to notify : you that these bills must be paid at once or you will be halted nto court” cess from the start. Costs nothing ox (tra for the music, yoo kpaw, While ; Fou are hiring a woman ‘a the laundry rafant never forgets the {808 oF Bae of 8 friend Yon nore A power ut err han os tn He { ep Kalod Dips pape ; : eat ail i the Rend foal 3 oN hi * 1 can't help Prapnrid ty E EF Dewi Ron iE 5't ba vackinery whiln mak- hia to a: Iont eaotgh pre 150 that you e: a. Tres glterdating. tien of i ofc ye sptor 8 ONY WH t fro or aah Hine of : Hirer 18 : abe rod ae dnncing ry Bl os ter Jon | etal fon : Kotiah “ra you want to be pied Korn Bie vr “der ¥y 3 t inn toe U gomnihy that aheog the Ini voy sand the the box place nik 3 3¥ “Me ; playing "Ysnkew : Doodle’ ant nq age of Mr Boul” hafoae She month is ont and if you want £10,000 in adeanes on your salary and ited send vour boy Carcond and TH BL ont 8 check. Goes by, Thompuon, goodby, and remember to Even mum tH oor patent la sevur al The door was shut apd looked and there wae price silensw for five min utes. Then the major beard reals one went slowly down stairs M. gran Locusts Good to : Fmt, unless if “Its a bummer, my Boy-IUs & SUC | felt wotivineed of honey Soong § Cunts LU rrent Literuiare. what every wants’ and ought to have. Not pleases and Stock that will not offend the most fastid- ious. On these two qualities we have built ie Woe rer A attended : ced, FirstNation'| Bank OF PATTON. I Patton, Cambria Co, Pa. CAPITAL YL » ALD v P, £190.000.00, SURPLUS, os 9,500 : 4s w i Spam Ta, Wi HL Baxnprarn, Cnedier, EB PaTroN Pros de 1. COURIER OFFICE, atton Feed & Buckwheat Mills ITT Ir rss wisribe for aid advertie | in the Patios COURIER.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers