a Philiudotphia TEL io Dk Banduy Nim, Hen Euston 108. m., 1334 p.m, Wing, Tarmnqus, Maw i Doli Ih ehark ty Wh, 6a, mo, io, 4 and in 10%, ny 10 pong, fir Wiilinmeport ark via Bastra 4 Riva mm, Aa Hr win ith fp ta iia, Fleading Lf, and uo andl parlor ours ¥ 10 SL me, from dally. Sundays It A Hy W picid offion and all exroNs ral HR & Broad Top Mt. Pesss lonves Hantingdon (hin Iiniing 8 WL Dian mk AER a pa ails leaves Huntington (every : Re Mi. Dalle at 100 p 10g hay) Bar Le ate pom Slava pr iY Jenyn Hunting Tia tas 45 F810, arriviee at nection st. ML eriand; Md : " oo fees ML Th wh 4) to, wri ving add 8, onda, Sng "oh tn, wre me conneetions with Pp 3 o#t at Huntingdon CL CAML M, GABE, on. my fom ard 1 poy taddetn in 1215, £90, sundays 1215 am, Terminal, 30 : LA bo LEE pL To. to and from. Tia msport at Bl the el sd ror bones and residdnom ins or ais) Jayes Mt. Dab viog at i AR RATES : A Yar [Het fo te Cow. | Never depend upon a single food for ! un animal The cow prefers a varied diet and will give more milk when her ] food is of a kind to tempt her to eal | & good cow nesssarily consumes more food than an inferior ona Clover and Fertilizers, It is claimed that jand can be rec pernted by the growing of clover, as it derives nitrogen from the stuce- phere, but stover will not ibrive un- jesws the soil an supply Hime, potash and phosphoric Hdd, ‘Theos subs i stances will he removed from the wii by clover. and if the clover is har vested and sold the land will jose the plant fools that go with the clover, hence, HH the itlover is plowed under {it petrirng to thio soil only the mineral reatter taken from the weil the ain being in nitrogen. To pecurs Large yields of clover, thersfors, there must he given the soil & fheral application ‘of the mineral snlaiances, potash aud | phosphors cll expecially, whila lime jx always hennfivial when drilling in bi ihe wheat, snd using teriilizeor at the camse time, apply extra fertilizer in or der to assist the clover in the spring. Ouanlity Datermines the Prive, Quaiity in prsitry contro the price, and prices. RIE tfien reduced because ‘ud the large anpply of interior sbRXK | (hat reachus the market, Farmers who seek to rede the namber of in- dividoais fn thelr focks hy selling off | {he surplus pales and ferialos make a | mistake in pot fattening them putore shippirg. 11 fed on & variety with porn an the bonding article vf food the fowls ‘ntended for marker will gain cossiderably In 10 duyk The extik weight secured is an advantage. bat the Jatgest gain will be the increased prive for guatity, Those whi supped that & coop off fowls are sold withimt regard to the individusis will Jean 1 iheis mistake by observing the Com rs 1 x iz ne To » a ¥ Yraietas on Hoe sans, O22 pw ow 24, a Mills 82 3 nes nit PE tale with Houle Waving mission merchants and retailers, who always asiort the birds when it is pos gible to do sa I sold as a coOp of ‘fowls the prive of the whole will be reduced it ome or two poor birds are in the Jot. AIAN, 3 | tepreved Methods of Corn Harvesting. The past few years have sean wonder- ful improvements in the methods of harvesting torn. Several large agri cultural machine manufacturers have Been putling corn harvesters on the | market. The demand for the machines | when well trulerstood was greater than the capacity of the factories. In many 1 sections it is a rarity to find a farmer without a dorm harvester. The gremi * | pdvantage in using these corn harvest fers 18 the paving of labor. Any ome | who has tried it knows that entting corn by hantl is one of the mow Ia horious of farm operations. Then, tox, the corn harvester binds the stalks in bundles and the fodder consequently fa much emniéer to handle Betisr shocks can be made and more desirable fodder result “AS & complement to the com binder, the modern husker and shredder iz a great success and has come to stay. Different sizes are manufactured and they work so perfectly that not only is a large amount husked each day, but the husks are taken off completely, 1 The shredded fodder Is in excellent condition for feeding, and if properly | stacked or stored in the mow is al wost as good as hay, provided the corn has been cut early Elbert Wheeler, in American Agriculiturist, Preparing the Seed Fed Tor Wheat. Experiments in deep and shallow ‘plowing for wheat at a large number of agricultural experiment stations, | show that the depth of plowing is Bol of 80 much importance with tals crop as a firm secd bed, the upper three or four inches of which is mellow aud ia good tiith. As with the other cereals, | subsciting has pot been found finan cially profitable. phalt and Trees. nce in the East in regard to of asphalt pavement por he roadside has aught ote the influence of the ime vement depends upon the 3 the soll. Where there tm of rock the trees will o the pavement will pre. ure from reaching the roots from which direction all for the trees must come, ir hand, where there i& deep o roots will find plenty of uy the pavement, to keep the moisture footpaths are also responsibis njury of a good many trees. all the roots that inter ‘she laying of a cinder foun yd some trecs have their ; close to the surface “a Thorn. are some the gardens of Gu cton (the residence Rothschild), there | the Bourbon robably of : id frea bloomin people wno ave thorns, while eful that thorns pro By ab PEarly plowing for fall wheat has Jargs number of the experiment sia tions. In many states {t 1a a com: mon custom among farmers 1o BOW wheat after oate Where this Is done the earlier the soil Is plowed after the cat crop is removed the Letter the ro sults will be. This point has been well Brought out by experiments at a num ber of different stations in all parts of thd country. The vaiuz of early plowing for fall wheat ns lately bean summarized by the deparimest of agricuiture as fol. ows: tervals hy harrowing, prevents the growth of weeds conserves the mnist. { ure of the soll, keeps the soil in good tinh and resalts in the formation of 3 seed bed best suited for the prompt germination and growth of the sesd. The vost of preparing the ground i lessened, the ylew of grain is {ne creased and the practice fs Hnanciall profitable, oo ¥ heavy lands this is wi nn gdrvanisge, goed bod. thus insuring a moe even gerination of the certain tontact with the eontiined in the subeotl, and would goers to he desirable capocialiv In dry bid tle over three hushels pir acre the valle of rolling whaat lands in af agricalture has this to say: A rolls or ¥hanid never De used on the western plains, oxrept { ing. anil even then it should be used ‘only before drilling. ‘This Is owing to valuable for holding moistire : | checking the injurious actions of dry | : 2 : a Expurience of & Traveler While Passing Paceordingg bay | ars easily warmed Dy the sun. been found eapecially desirable at 4 | Fatly plowing. followed al Pie P ther fail d Many farmers roll the spond bod Om the west the United Siates department | in the case of Ist: plow J the fee hat rouchness of surface 1s re and winds. The reed bed should be made and whenever possible the drill rows should run east and wiost Sirict at- ar 15 pushels per more CB. Hmith, is Wew England Homestead ; Organic Matter to Seiin Qelentists who have given their ats thriion to sofls devils conidershio Aipeussion to humus and its formation, {sand} and humus, snd Mr Freer-Thonager of jhe. silles ar England, bo time to the investigat vegotatie water which grows on tha soll Pormeniy LW alome furnished fond ihe fertility of a roll cording to ts content ganic matter. Therp Wag for plants. hense was eutimated ao in Hummus orf of : in erpiiily fn render) seat alerpenty of Ow geil. uhils mineral salle Ww washed sway into the sa baedl containing mach hamus gre worked and owing to thelr dark Solis soils give good returns when drimeed with phosphate. although on slay aol jient sundy Jand The applicaiion Feros OYERnc ation. that humus soils sre rich in nitro vivir in phospldrie acid, with Varis- wre pose [pall the plant fompuln, phorie #eid, bul vary tr Lave been Eyown thefeon. ditions, leaves, roots slriw, manure and green substances that page been turned noder all assist in the work sxclusively upon its content of plas arts on the sof in relation to its phy- sival tondition. and tx ack in render ing the plant bie for the sustenance and gro stitutes tha difference between soil and subsoil. Haomua and nitrogen. It absorbs moisture like a sponge and prevents escape of mois plant food it slowly And ronstantiy sivis emt carbonic adld gas 43 8 rest achd acta on stones. soils and ail in- solutiles materials, setting free the pot. | ash and phosphates contained, thus providing plant foods for crop Bee sides carbonic acid evolved from Rig mus, other vererabile acid are formed, which rombine with lime, potash and other subatances to form humates. All of these procosyes are constantly oc. curring. the plant foods of (he soil be ond to the humus of the soll bi by the plow- crops are need & large amount of niires of green crops is nimosl fecesBRTY in ceder to promote the formation of hae i mi. although {1 has ben demonatral- | with sod or any other covering there 18 a formation of humus under proper 1 ed that wher ihe ground i conditions Byery farmer should endeavor (o a Yo mypericent when they sod] was Ww « hen wach mineral sabntan felent. hears no {armer 8h pon green mAnurigl eT exci ot, Barnyard manure. whith pro. se the formation of limes will not # 1054 nurse end feriilieers we pued 1 this duty of the farmer 10 kong ig often & Ioavs Bu ciel a thing BE 3 superna sme substance with an insu pihere fn which fase the i pake axon 2 i of the partie- tar plant food with arts. Ma Boa 11 the Sule apd § tint on lighter soils it Gras down the ; good and BR more | soil waler goasons. In Diab rolling and harrowing | after seading increased the yield a HU | On bevy of B Gaon wd land may have B we ab ae x a ontthie, bord t gropped by grazi in fertility. due to the 3 : soil. and also to the prosention of saluble plant foods by leach re fron sains and melling snows ¥ Any Rind © sists in the formation of humus in the | soll—~Philadelphia Record & sory fine and mellow before drilling, | I sherk was no surprise Lo me The soil is largely oom) endl of TRY | he soil is largel w y that wan rw Io me. x © pers that 1 had never been in a trots | ioral ctntry has devoted much of Bis | jon of soils, all | Calin and dies | TARY o4 ‘the tx transformed {nto humus i w supposed that hams : 4 ammonia and nitric | acid Carbonic acid gas te alo 8 prods | wet of decorsposttion, which acts paws i ng soluble the man- © Hipae soli | & {he property of retaining Phe #0 | Wich Bre 20 easily eBREIY cone Sach 3 and | Raia jes potash may be raqtirnd than om | of | time favors nitrifieation of the nitro | $f is claimed 1 ; 1 Ramgey ble quantities of potash. Handy soils | Clay . ’ a acils are rich in potash, pour in phew saubadd inte the room of the odd Meese | in nitrogen. These aime, however depind largely | upot Lhe sharacteristios of soils, (heir | food, hut mostly (a the inffaence it ex- | food of the soil availa. | pil of plants. The upper portion of ihe anil papally contains more humans than the | toss and companionable they might he, | ta ~onvert my faces and forehead into This wound up my x» | perienos in Mexico and | seampered | Bualiy, snd pia time tas wilder region j IE ratiways are S¥en Bow usable to fo he triples have had oh Jog Fogioni | satisfactorily handle 1 ture that would otherwise be lost. but, | : while it stores up nitrogen and other | deeper portion. which marks or con Lm promenade ia the frest reser. | p volr ‘which retains the soil moisture | of dicay of vegetabde matter This | aE they thoull be | many university professors to the coi i epee many college professors to the : Righ shoul many bBigh school teach | thas i 2 : Sun : | sulties a many timex far xe affective than ers to the grammar school, and some | Siti 4 many he Hie tg available even when the farmer | does not assist in the work for i 3s | well koown that ome of the most di- rect and effective methods of adding } | a sprinkling dt college graduates, (ato ing ander of green crops, which collect | the kindergarten ft would do murh. | pon of etter ar griwih Hah carton from the atmosphere, and if | clover. peas, beans or other leguminous | gen is also added to the soll. The nia : | gruths of the ai rotate and cultivate his crops a8 to promote (he formation of humus, boty | it aay be eiated that if las cee tonnd ell | suppited with the phosplinted and pot. i ash thers is more humus formed than : sx are de- | give an good renits as when both md. 3 is: Rix land well supplied with all the wesentinl | iments so necassary for plants, for it | tals to allow any sbatance to be lacking, aa there 8% iE wit] ! Vent grogvess for awhile and 1 ¢ | srap that rovers the soil, there fore, Rie ia 5 Fheaugh That Coanntry. was mt 4 thine when my Nerves comild not stand a great deal, and tha f was really Happy when I found that my | eyes had played me no fick and that | the thinga about me wera real things 1 Bad journeyed down into Mexican, Tor | the purpose of spending some time, | The frip was partly a Dusiness trip, and partly for such pleasures as § contd get out of an puperience in & country t ought to Say My His had been spont in the north, nnd whatever 1 Know hut furme of De in robe op] Kections was things, hut [ learned afterwards that | ¥hore wera many things | had nev i dreamed of even in MODERIS when MY | ste of th : 4 i 85 ie A : Irate an 2aE : Piaind was Unelinsd to coninrs wila a6 : me froth | mind : ae noi 5 10 ¢ nurs with the .o : ; : PET Barrors of Gneven sop. in the belief, for in argamd matter an- | Zeveidtp Aeromposilic here exists nls : } AOrROing Aseomix ai n thet xis San of Mexico, awd hat, where one conhl | teogenous matters which am gradunily | comvertesd mysel! In Mex fo tha pose advanesd ways of ying [ stopped with an old M wight ard he pol ow In a olf de myst] nn floor, or nither | started to glee tha Soir nnd 0 was 8 dirt Roer that of poms material Lorlesed my oper when panidly over my It started me A bt Bord $63 4 Rien Prk : i fait wn LEERY 5 kent oo bE 2 aa u * & Brit it would Bape saws if fmm Th It Bappanel in fires tO ted AL : ¢ wRtil the erporiment was disorganiaing giv nerves and | gemitd rang ti {4 iH I got tip and started out, anc { felr the sane th tay feet. Partly img habpening panio striven, fran. Ltointing ward my room. Eoimathing fn yomder.” | sal ft Hight and went to the room with ma fiumus is formed under many con- } lo asauve me that there was no danger. | : & when i got Hacer tO my rrr | was Scial i Od i’ i Wir Ba Coawling over the walm | {a3 the hut and soramping over the The value of humus does not depend boar, over the mastiress on which | | marklyzed i had als, sEd TennIng here and thers, and everywhere was a perfect army | of lizards of all sizes ages and varie ¢ A room for the night want the lizards howzyer harme aver the berder 38 SOOT BE penesibie, : ared wince that CIA ts a Ths Tdend sehonl Teacher. tain. mot a stagnant pool | secondary teachers and those abroad, & 3 £3 £50 » seid the Mexioan to leave me light, aml that 1 would ocouty | And so 1 Ps But | did not sleep for 1 did “1 bad a rather unhappy experience | anon, mysell’ sid a listener. “but | tention to such general principles as 1 the foregaing will result in an increase | {5 tortain seasons of 4% much as ve re vic . find bat faw of the cominris Known i the i xican ons | Of the Lam gamay Little | the and cerotponie ; absudon draw up t of being ul swetlher theoretical | { had perely read about mary of the Well [found | 0 OL2ES . Lye To sold, ar ro | wan in the wilds Th accordance with the the lord Mayor claims aetent pl tim of 1h rating of the King. the ¢ adeodad 1a cartheranos of the purpose of the ros nie a matter of doubt and vague sete. UB it has been definite erie] wheth a city of London” ax the ror At progani, how. £ Your Fy iz 4 al 4 he claims of the city of Lon. ding 10 the authorities the avs of ald onjorad fae right rer to the King at the naquets. His Lordship of jt appears, attended the carnation. b Arie ante, pEPGamany With Ht {owed the cornation the Chief Magn : This ciip was of with ifs enter wrighed pre The priviiege fae cup and, presumably, belonged to the King, and 4 Mayor, sx a Jos or PEWATH iE fa alse record 44 that #1 The banquet the avie party 8 sealisd LHe 5 hich, howese toh HW naryioes wg Ligon wf ros pol sowing that al i lseality mig ities disnp i I A NASA BATHROOMS FOR SCHOLARS. eas gb Gay, | A Regular Adivict of All New Schools He took | in the sitsation at once, and assured : satrnent and the kinds of crops that | he that it was =nil right He strick | i thm, ame af in Boston, naw Hoaton schoold have been fi this fall each nd wie is 4 with bata rooms This in. en waa fret tied in the Revere lant fw Years ago, and proved Fi : that [1 I smnoanced ait ratavs sithoals in Boston are 10 have PRR hE roOonn a8 & tHE Corl & question to the sehonl to the beth Fhe # i faess And good coltizenzmp. wi anit instriadts Bim In peguiaiten of clean 3 ia sures of procedure to be she Rémemberapcer inl sr the old-time forms dre 5 be revived oF I pet be possible 6 p the Aldermen and 12 citizens and Af the hanguet which fol | sity offered thn King a of le herde the property of thee SUD ei ‘ng to the average tnan of the which wan passed at the elation of will in due} . made “for presepving theif vs. privileges and immand | sa de Kin, peidy and leaves an open Ore | is slow to bewl The similar rays givén out by certain minerals and | eallyd Becquersi rays, sfier their die | covdrer, now appear to be capable, - very short range, of inflicting “burns” alsa, | It has besn recently announced that the invisible rays emitted bY radinin, one of these substances, have an {mpenially active effect npon the bee {man skin ; i | Targest in the World, Walter Baker & Co. Lad, Dx ter, Mase, are the largest man from the Paris Exposition of last This gear they have received threw gold medals from the Pan Amerioss _expomition at Buffalo. Thelr goods the standard for purity and excelleos: Teacher "What does bubLy spell ¥* Johnny "Why, er-u'them—" Rae Teicher — “Come! Coms! Suppose & grat Big boy were to strike a little teliow. what wonld you osil Bim? Jolnne<~T don't dust to tell yor Maan,” — Catholic Standard asd Thines : al La ae A inaiie - shir nilows her imugination to ren mal : will Ber Ihe sversge woman wm | boy talking fo stop snd thin ; £100 Rewnrd. #1 shat there du ut least one Aye with Porsan Fapsises A eS ha casi that srlencs Bax bern side lar adhuget, When ahledooking urchin comes the aaeher conidocts Bim | £644 that the pffoct has been very Tapia | mt (ay the general behisvior and bearing of the pap, oni wo Connett Two Seas. THe Itussian Hydro-Technical Con gress has recently heen seriously con.) widering the project of SHratrRcUNE a canal between the Black and Caspian SORE, The industrial center of Rus. a kesns steadily raoving wonthward, owing 1 the development of the naph row and coal industries. AL pres en of the cmpire amounta 1d some $10 iw G00 pesndg {about 7400000 tonal an that af coml to BH 008.000 The sxist $1 RE ae tone) he ines traffic, 85 a, i , | and mes means of transportation are for me iNew Orleans Times Demo i wrgently werndiod, % [ix to Bae a depth of 2 i breadth of 150 feel The proposed canal i meses gt Astrachan, and is termings The teicher must teach mors. and : | know more: he must be a living foun : He should | pot be a dealer in dessicatad, second i Rand know Ui Nearer of emia | and Bumiliating differencs Detween O87 | a : the world In 30 Gays, at LORNA ihe Am talon, @ mers giver out and i | who are mostly doctors of philosophy, | grammar school teachers with at leaat tn the German and French school the wha fells the greal mess almost Like sto- oes not affect the airs original souries: ries, and who © sor. are maiters and suthorilies Here, . mers devicn for so influencing high school principals and soevelaty purvienla in grder to eral in stodenta, and ittle interest 1a taken the Gindergaiten The Foruns a o A oii None Conld Chimb If, Fifteen hundred people saw & Mal | in Jackson BQuare anc tall. he climbec | almost to the top and then #id wo th | bottom Dut be was not GISCOUTREN (mee more be tried to get io the 100, hat it owas not to he : gave Way an Lottom, But still be was not diana) fe triad the task agmid and am WAL The man apd Ba wanted fom ib tha coawd ther WEA Hae | seemed Lo think ha that ob, : showing before Bleed Du failed ciimb the pole, and so the § {ing a hag om the top of vu be ahindoned Be bt ® = Qeeiral others essayed to do that iy ¥ ok ah td gf rdest Bad Fmt ¥ fh the Mal Baad i is Bea $a bid ow tone hh fhe a TRY w 1¢ we could move | | sisaply broanse it penitrates | dtpwot oanae which bss a wile, will he at the roads of Taganrog. on SH. The eatitnate Cost 3 $i 00 0 ronbles 1 ¥ B04 Ci my SI a A postal card sest from Paria tol That is the chile | Faris via Moscow, Viadivostock and thy trip around a bout of te0 San Franclhico made AS RSE A St. Jacobs Oil Fer Ohest-Colde, Bron: cities, Croup. and Plenriny. As outward application for bronchial US. coil ver oil A through to the aay sesamin. yr adberad syrape, cough mixtare, the heomehial tubes teacher Ip ons WHO Knows a Zreat dong | ‘about Ra subject, and is Bearer 28 : Lowen these adhesions and fmtace {ros 8% : pechoration. ¥ ; | sxpectamting Lave been stamined after SL and mwthoda of the university profes | ; Yevy many secondary teachers | : pesions had teen romoved or palied off ihe wost of our university pedagosy moa G1. Jasoha Ol, posssexing ss it does a wonderfal pencirating powers, enables it Caves fave hewn kuown wher and Ge stat bern the sd. Jacobs 131 has Dass applied, formation was clearly shown, w Bronchial tubes Al lrritabon of the del fonts mien mAmaOLGS af the brooch = temchers aa lo | properties of 31 Tucobs (81. In | gud whipoping soagh in chides a8 Jaiuba | fn the prammar grades and none Ia to say ober | gaickly rasmoved by raaws af orpan Oil will be fuand supra - pemeds. | worid : | ail, auld depend | tese salior try 10 fx a fag to the pole ; pleating, Lomb, a backache, featnchs paint in ihe ahewt, | pain in fe fucohe (nl a Ts is clean Io nae wi Ds names Wiget # slaw sorenme. sues benises, tonthache heel. the back, pains in ie aloaniden, { pains in the limbs, and a2 bodily aches and . pains Jt bas no equal Th ate Uke magic. | 1 Safe, surs. sud noes failing oy Ramer | : 4 4 pot Pap on uf bav. : pmrdnline fur good pesnital {stirs ive al | oposeiiye round | Sewland Canxiblin Cigucwita © wre, RAEI. 3 x sie OF ae di 3X 1 adopted, PIDOWED Any teminle duit to box the sats oi 8 | veiile nifender, annex his or her woud and Impound the stock of cigarettes, ; Poteething, 0 DARED, Rank King Eloand arch bo play gud il. Broakivn, XY. fei ; we Carfeld Tes which Jue cp versaliv nowisdged to be the hott fe Sie remy ix pod AranlE Bi SAIN NE BOCES 4% it manufactured oe a RA A SS) SH ari $d cenat Nomlsls giving herbs, i Berk ours fk Pum ie the original on and wick besdsalie Fie. Rilne's tired fis aed treating Trim wh 35, Phila, Fa, FE Mew. Winsla The foie poate amd ag mulivine y 14 Fob 13. MS Conan Grove, NJ. A womans the yiebd of naphida in that part font and a It i» to comp} | ’ the healing and seething gont, suatica NELLIS, ETRE, : wiry thrass, Bropebie, i is the fires British mon ance the days of James BE der neamriands mod write Lynn, Mass, Toa Cv. in thelr new and 4 i is fr , 8 - pentere and in made wholly from. © Feu Hold by Dragiets Wall's Family : Same poets write Beoauee spirnd, and others becanse they are | oy phen a : 2 a matter what alls yom, beadashe to 8 enmser. vou will sever get well your Bowls are put right. CastanEyw ne y eure vou without & grips or pain, p Syccem often depends upon when to quit § “ Dean Mas. Prysmaw:—1) married for nearly two § fire have pot been Be 1 have. however, SO Hoution of female § WES. 104A LL. ROK mn Tne value of Lydia ham's Vegetable Com eitied to my stiention by sn friond, whose life had simply been paprare with inSammetion sod leer ation. and a few bottles of your Can : rind sured her: she oxm DEN Letiere it hersel! to-day, she such blessed health i Baotiies of year Componnd and myself eared. | am once more Bisalih sad spirizs. my dom | gificial duties ail mein e38Y BOW, for fel so steomg 1 can do three time what § ued to da Yom Barve & fiends in Depver, and wmong the Yours very gratefuily— ba Le Roses 336 15th Ave Cid, "—gS000 forfuit If show fectimuniol et pte ie If vou are ii, don’t hesitate Cnn . getabotticof LydiaEL P VYegetahle Compo . Bt Kivi a secret sud not tell it.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers