The Patton courier. (Patton, Cambria Co., Pa.) 1893-1936, November 07, 1901, Image 2
A ml We AA 3 York, Pennsylvania. New Jersey and Ohio Go Republican—Maryland is Probably Democratic. So pa gon Returns from Tuesday's elections indicate Republican successes gen Ohio leading the column with 53,000 majority, and New York and keeping step, although by continue in the Republican phalanx, the Dumoceatic ticket. ape pe A Penmayhianta the rotdres inal that Frank OG. Harris, for State or, and William P. Potrer, for n Court Judge, have been adeicts | from 60.000 to 70.000 majority, that the vote in favor of the jro eonstithtional amendments, ¥ reduced majorities. New Jersey and as do Rhode island and torney, Leads Eimer BE Yo voles. and (eorves BM, Graham, _ for Clerk of Courts, is 500 aliead tof Willlaps HH. Campbell. Renohiican. { There is Hivie doubts that Hepner Land Graham are elected, Kn Sd LM of ballot reform, was over | dng are conceded to the | the tig the Btate by the Re : nagers. and in many in entire counties have Phen The confident claim Is marde | the Union party managers that) and Coray ave fhe winners, nia voted on three sents to the constitution. ‘provide for personal registry : x and voling machines 8 on this portion of the balot meager, lature, whi ch ment riod the city m . t for District Attorney by | Phil £ 8 t in 1600, Ho cialis chat ddan son, Democratic candidate for Pisus Jmige of Philadelphia, ht TE.O00, ang 18 mapely x tie rn the county for ihe Republ an ticket, the i : Alatricts, Including Me A AR RA RR i 8 Rep hes. Todas ot Common =n No. 1; Elliott Rodgers, ny give os p: Republican, 1.336; Fusion, : Judge of Sn Court, Tots, 1.329; Yerkes n the county ticket there WAR in the Republican vote. John Inger, Fusion, for District At is allged © i by a German exploring that js now engaged in t ruins on Babylon, (The While re. there is ttle doubt that) amendments carried. The propo | must. however, be acted upon | : in; 1 Director oN 0 | 4 raiity, GR i SS Re Aer oS FRANK 6 HARRIS, Stats Treasurer Fleet 3 Apa et ve hb The Dull elerted by the Riste ticket is Bm, subliean county tiolel is | 2000 plurality. as f Attorney. Witllems 1. Hivks, of Ayroge County Treasurer, Harry 10 B Eger, East Freedom: Regh or. John WW. Cl of the Pour HH Kites gives fhe mtals i Penswl, G0 gaa joe and Altoons, fur Fakion ficken BERKS «= sss than of 42 000 voles registered in Berks i were pniled. QO any A154 a &n #7 ge 340 7 TI Wn ty. Berks rounty es: ray, 4.200 ghavativy. Ye raiity. The county i Croany & pluratioy of $7370 BEDFORD. — § mated. ghow: Harris, 300 rR SRG pluesiity in gave Baraat & plurality a Bi ry arried BRADFORD. radios et roe ymatenl. Barrie, 11 3 To ninraiil 252 Lew Hi the rossi CAMBRIA — 13 he ye heia county ®ai yer heavy, Pigte Vheker it ir conceded Cand Corky will tary lemat Yoh plurality. he sous CENTRE Conti ty tes gives Corky a: ad 3 Yerkes a it of fb The coun My : Creasy. INIGOUIRE, AL the comity Soxial Kaye heen carried CHESTER liester rpum ted. Harri, S60 plurality; Pol plurality, The county ip x09 gave Parneit a phirality of 3836 amendments have probably a@arried ny small majorities, CLARION ~Harry RR Wilson He sutlican crndidate for Common Pleas Judge. In elected by 539 majority over Hindman, Democrat, Yerke and a ray will srry tae S00 Wik This ip the Ore; ests ia | CRIs CLINTON —{tintop onnnty verd, Corny, piuraity, O80 Yeerks 2Ky The county in | (Cressy 5. The amendments "been carried by A600 majority CLEARFIELD —Thirty the Celeution districts of tae coaly Adow ‘that Harris Is rusniog behind. in : Carwensville borough he lost 55 on the vote given Barnett for Treasurer in 150%. Judging from the districts in Yerkes will carry the county hy = small majority. Harris on (he same “estimate, will have a majority over Coray. | COLUMBIA Columbia county. es timated, wives Coray 1.5066 plurality] Yerkes, 1556 plurality. The county lip 185% gave Creasy a plurality of (2,165. The amendments are carried ‘by about 1.800 majority. ; CRAWFORD.—The estimated plural = ity for Hirris in Crawford county is Cann and for Potter Bedi All the const { tutional amendments are undoubted ‘iy carried. CUMBERLAND. —C amin ty has gone for the State Fu et hy at least Ti maletity tions point to the election of Thomas ££ Vale Republican, for Dis eriog Ax torpey, and John Do Mains, Repubd can. for Director of the Poor ‘DAUPHIN ~Iauphin mated. gives Harris 3.500 Fd Wie ie £78 4 Indien cont, eat pineal! A APD I SH Cn i dot oot 5p SAS AS TS SS STC Balgium Taxes Posters. | Posters and advertising sig Belgium are subject to a : stamp tax, which varies acy oraing to the sizgo of the poster or signboard, tie minimum tax being one CoB minimum fax is appiied to in AW above 204, inches in length by 18% {nehes in width; for every two. inches square additions] a a> of one-fifth of | a cent is Jevied. The sam total of State t taxes on posters and siguboards | ee 1 amounted in 1833 to $70.331. mend pie rRbY irate that Chas BLAIR. Tha Republi fean plurality nn jiows: Petrie EY if 2 417%. vier of Hollidavabhrs: 4 ¥ SRY 2 peal Padi 8 3 Me Mens x EE pHATALL y The in mere ele fwanoerat. will be vieetad, land coun | posters and signboards the size of which is not | 2 Sable Lines ¥ thax work 3 wy least at county Jeri of pmreal wah Crea FULTON — Fults 2 timpaied gives Loray Yerkes 165 plurality ; TF in LESS pave Creasy 8 26 : ERIE Brie rounry, eatimaied al midnight, gives Harris amd Pudier a af i) The imate “i pint se Cun Brurnity FAYETTE Menger thi Rept i the soniye Ly that the gel with he Abou Aha r eke carted pinralily, and bas een of sheild Ki SHRINE - S1pes £5 ah sta al * 1h ekeot LH8, a _— oraLy HIINTINGDO No BiH a AE JE FFERSON, 5 JUNIAT A wed Coray 24 ninrality 58 Ps tf pa 304 LAWRENCE. ad RE fp, wid gives Hs vin and ¥ ee hesiiay ek ok oes raed By sie Lynel Des He at : : Preas Twi Pl RR rman fchet, a glen 5 FRA A HS + YGoMING—~The Hat fs count ' by aban Syn PAO TRL, 1. he seseterts 18 Ihe DGUR : on aubliean roa jority for “the : af JEG Potter ia malig up igrris The costes for Poo Diveo gr a oclase. but te thought Erser it MKEAN. —Estimates give Harv and Potter a plurality of MIFFLIN ~The counly is estimated] ta give Harris and Potter 100 plarag a MONTGOMERY. —Eatimared Coray will have T0080 plurality and Yerkim | a zw plurality. Soily, Republican, = siescted Judge of the Orphans’ Court IY ms iority. ni Yerkes 1 2 i MONTOUR Gives Go “EH ninrality of Ti NORTHAMPTON. ~—& Cerny and Yerkes 130d Prermocratie Jegted Ma Lao 0 bi PERRY. — ray bx phuralit . WE il 1% 1 Pa THE wo orLDS WIRES. sationat Interna The is at Perne. sre whame astonishing gard to the length of EE wi a it appears Eat there are o guvernment i Fried covering 24.09 miles, and 37 cables owned by privals compass, | which have a length of 198. 929 mils, | in sil an AREER: of sas nls. | Dighoents Pix £~ oir] « Faby teat : x = iE seratelh eHETLY ppm hy ue me plural of thelr “sowerseT- ~The patie for the Gute tek: | Bourne Eula alaraiity. y FE MANGO. ~The CARS indie caries st : For shor id Mell Ramer Hoo 1 ieations ary that tamen of the foun. and survesor, will WESTHORELAND THe sound tums tho rota wil I Beh S¥trame Tle Fhniorrat Kerman. ¢ on the Bisley Yornes a ey ¥ oti. Pos pr nda 3 : the Aten Ament was ites Rin Lie. bay why bat wary OHIOS BIG MAJORITY. | Governor Nan £ ipcted— Both Branch es of tne Legisiature Republican iran Sains in lavcland 2 Toledo. _ Fartame wrt gather oft ST heing Columirbug me of Bath Governor Nish Saveen Kihauroe the Democratic sidgte Yor Governor. The greatest Ke Hoga alts Xe outside the Bars of the Teosorralic i they [Erpesl Republic an his pyoontions nth wire in Pike anid iintiag, while Ah wrar member fone Tompson prglt CORES {Hex gave out a stazement Reps mas bad CAT red GYRE 9 iginre Bi Tai $a e .Siate man cinnis i vee in i 4 + entive Reon raiity. 3 Nash $59 Kilbourne 3 tse wi has Flow Hisctes Dmyron fon Canton, | Bar Ke i © Th: nd Col, 1 * van 1 ® nei slaved a A ams : of the Laowisiature for Chair ig in Tr Nash car Tour Lepr shading ne Senmtor gad Paentatives is slecied hy Ti00 muer ny. Sti stmwit] cinnitl later rte Sa yh Be Cn (raed Seppe Walinomd Jesse and the prapovition to msde over $3004 unde Tar fhe ootiouTiion afl in terminals Tor the road whe hath ent sted by a madorine of over 25 ALLEN ourne srr i “cuvamosA isa £ publiens oxpd 1. petion of fhe CLAS X.- omy with 3 vite 20 per ie thaw Tad Tages ads gives H Guversior, & parnlity of about i. H A NGOCK pons Beat | Nest JEFFE ABON — LIEKING —F venty ve Nogli/ 3973 IT THT wa be 138. LA REN ; Kia in Ene pn 3128 ifaw ade king 5 : Trem { “Lers in the Norton. Re on dain ter Common Piogs Ths Spesrman : : Sharpsville, vm ned Wr he HT Company, ote of the a I Ee mARED adler, Eng heen 153d ta thas BEPDA : = ; uF. of Pitsburg the o i CL lpnening i 3 WA pest yy | tire a =i rR aut : 3 Blears gre Teno memes in 18e aephbariond wt Pen I Mpke And pomerons SAYEDURIGR ane Moanrae Hutchins and Kis Wite were AriviSE SOBRE 8 rond % hig bear sppexred ahead. Hwrking the horses and drove past fhe hear gleiag TB wnt from Ws ves amimal C radver in passing. The dase pumai, but Sratenins horse a Efi a xt 1 : “nw Park manager of 5a Rit Same, and ome Brook = ticker | ARE oe ym 3 ¥. MONTOOMERY.— sh indian) se rg an te NEW YORK. Maio ne Iurainy. GREATER ! Tose Soins 3 oi 236 Travers Jer af fen cmtininad ey in Suron 0 § Gad Mayor Van 1 7 wk ikE Ret SUIrTE alr ndicate tae | access of he Grenier an York Pa & “wars Vistent Foroex Yih Hocsen. Live Dietmar rari mv EM. Grab the mast four ont Fate Be ident of the bos fir Sontimse for ] ! Lo ¥ AOCTRL. ona ln. Manhar ru : were ia SIR % are tang. 1h § sare masters. ree By the anid the same xine : Caren the daughier of the mil if Ber posem friond ix the Sitasuire of her vwn Inthers ceachman tion silliedis were soberly conti Art Hite wars ai § wore nol SF BeTsala yer they Harahan —" tel Ty A gItraviien vespansih ples gov ernment. i he yotexd for | * SERA ar aml i the shri } spoiiers hea a0 ak oe prin pled coat Will eret tees in abl of these OWES Phe American Tarr: {athe Come : siany. *®t present cated at Witminge saline | {in Waren. Lio ven x Papas i wi fee the A site of 2 acres whl be som Teel tack was aan Es hte. The company wil The hangs 8 on fel mut Detter maiircad melt : tineap aw soing ta lowes his He aa to he arrested, aad rug “hs sama and adress, ; : asd by Bigs was ie otsma presesneed AE 3 salt aod Bat ¢ E05 B 13vaarold har cd Hac. Hosack, Tr is alleged that the Sogred the boy with 1w0 Birk f igshed togethers, wil which Ri gave Lim 52 hiews Siwall the young Ban oly steshing clothing from oo ar Puapxsiawney had ring belie Justice of the Peace apd was hound aver Ia cnet in Bs snathes al sloth Meare] donald Ts of ew rw, fey wae tioesd on Scoount ul the AREPEATSELS ; shi Hi CA Morr. resseped for Business Thurs | Gap moras ct The anticipated run on 3 {Caen nRnY, Vipantly a BC Beale la 2 atter ze i » A? oi : 5d a Tota diugte nosy Washing elect BY & coms { p= the school homed fo sow cause why the depositors did ng The Sra caller was & w3 | tan Bank oN aiery Saas | depositor, Xn any ” “has teen Ried Sar 2 at sl Cassie, rad ro the comsasy was composed of gh anid Fraak Nebeb Coartes Wallace of Ceeil township, vo has secured ® mie suitable schosl butiding should aot > srovted in Noo §& district Five homdred dollars has Teen SR Cenred at Bia raviile wwwards erecting monument 0 President McKinley. CItiaens Laon and i A imdividual contribution gremter Hl ocents Was recived : hateher named Hrowa alleges that he was held up sear Mooessen | Rururday sight and robbed of $330 by | Sosesh Ferris. The latter has pot been . aparehended Pires canse] $2000 loss at Lines - | xille, of wnich $3 ARR was Peprasent. ; asa destroy 5 ty rumored that WO Unibertaon ira bas set Haht of way will est spn the Erte-Cambridee rom Cambridge Springs to af Latrobe. and Joka Po Hyves Dear 1a piace, placed tn fil at Greensburg, tkrged with reing to Ki their wives Word has Seon reveived at Butler James Urals, who formerty esd Sub rogmmittesd saicide mae! at Revd TIL umber ar Sharon atid. Bar been and the men oir] miller of An Assignment ria Kies §1 Rates $15 000 Lynn Sprowls 8 Hitter carrier at Wes: Finler, accidentally shor himself in the foot on Wednesday, inflicting a werious wound In a braw! among Dallans st South Sharon Joseph Destiliifo was stabbed their heavy lm the side aud breast eight times with ues in cirey ing on the pee ~ peaknife : ‘ “pd ientitsl’ iw & and a ack of i of 5.0560 and :