The Patton courier. (Patton, Cambria Co., Pa.) 1893-1936, October 31, 1901, Image 6

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    te inventor of
thas satisiac
tio whieh it has
call this beast,
least movement.
afar, walks op as near as he deems |
and ploasgnt,
lieved by shorter moments when it is |
: his
Circular Weekly.
the moet
lof the chasers make of the scepters
veritable works of art
Syn his native home the polar bear
does not often meet with small boys
| anxious to frost him to buns and oth.
The consequence is that
Brubn has to devises many curious
er dainties
ways of securing his food, and none
i are more strange and interesting than
that related by two trustworthy tray:
i eller
in Finland, that country
strange sights
They have known the polar bear
te take a gtone or a huge lamp of |
fee in hig forepaws and from a favor
able height as a cliff or a precipitons
fee hill, to hurl the missile down upon |
tha head of the walrus, an
brute. often twice the size of the bear, ;
and =o stun him that Brais could rush
in and complete the destruction at his
leisure, thus securing a month's ra
The most useful food of the ice
bear, the Germans very appropriately |
i the comimon seni
of the arclic regionz. The latter Is
i the warfosl animal of the north and |
hoth Eskimo anil
i their best jtrategy to catch jt
polar bear need |
in the summer time when the snow
is 0% the lee of the ocean shore and
1stets. the seals can be plainly goon |
a2 black dots on tBe fee. probably |
asleep, bat always near their holes
which lead down through the thick lee |
to the water below, and into which |
they can throw themselves
safe and then begins crawling on his
wary prey.
The seal, if the weather be sunny
takes shorf naps re
seanning the vicinity for signs of an
enemy's approach. During these times
the bear is very quiet and as still
i an death Itself, with eyes apparently
closed, thovgh really a corner of each |
i kept open, and in this way he
{ hopes the seal will take
him for a
heap of snow, an appearance which
goat readily beips him to as
During the Raph he creeps forward
with greatiér or less rapidity, aocord:
{ing to Be pearnoss to the seal and
| tommronent fear of
When but 10 or 12 yards away, |
twinge heard oF
and the weal i3 in the depths of »
good pap, the bear rushes upon him
and with 8 single blow of bis power
ful paw kbocks the smaller
senseless ind so far away from the
hole that he cannot escape by that
way, oven If the blow received is not
: | immediately fatal,
1a winter time the ice Is coversd
| with ssow, and this is hollowed out |
by the sesl Into a snowhouse, covering
the hole In the jee and connecting at |
the top of the dome with an aperture
shoat the wize of & shilling. called the
© blow bole, for it Is through this that | Lam
§ the seal breathes when he is in want
of fresh air.
‘Here the bear watches tor many a
{ dong hour, if necosaary, and when the
1 wnorts of the seal are heard he crush |
es in the fragile dome of the snow.
| house with his paw, impaling the seal
| on his curved claws and proceeds to |
practically demonstrate
bears can subsist in an arctic winter,
how polar
London Telegraph.
The Seopters of Royalty.
Tho ebony s epters of the Pharoahs
or those of nearer times of holly or
apple wood, of which the kings of the |
first Frooch dynastiez, and even
| Charlemagne himself, were proud. are
things of the past, says the Jewelers
In these times gold,
fipecions stones and the sili
The one of the Emperor William is
the old stepter of Prussia, a heavy or-
pamented gall of gold
with a globe upon which rests the:
Prussian two headed eagle. The eagle
whose outspread wings are adorned |
in precious stones, holds In the right |
talon the trident of Nepiune and in the
left a battle sword, symbols of empire |
én land ani son.
sm one of the Hapsburgs, the an-
clont scepter of the Holy Empire, re
gembles the ivory scepter of the Ro-
mans, but it is of polished goid,
chased handle, It
with a large globe, bearing the Haps:
burg arms and crowned wit hihe out-
#pread eagle and cross. Otho 11 bears
the globe and Otho IV. adds the cross. |
The Car Nicholas 11, has at Moscow
the simplest and most elegant of seep
ters, a long stall of chased gold, sur. |
mounted with a globe and the two |
eagles of Russia between which are
| the arms of the Homanof, incrusted
with preciqus stones.
England has no historic scepter.
: Futon Farmers’ Mazin.
There hag been much written about
: the indifference of the harvest threuh
this yer. It Is trus enough
that in many parte the crops are thin
{raw extraordinarily short,
Any one!
ried the fen country must
entiful, and prices
e is a proverb among
by the | Ws
seoing onm 05
is surmounted |
2 They Go Ganning for Walras with Jey |
hur ‘ PAY 3
Nog yellow, shelled Ge Li Sig
Misedoar 0. hd £4
FAT® ND white
No. 8 white, ai
Fiovs.- Winter patent.
Fans Srsuigghtt Winters.
oy a8 : 7]
Lae 3 0:
, 4130
Wran. halk ’
Bruaw— Wheat
Cat... a
Fratry F'rodasts
Berirs- Elgin crvinery,
Obbe creminry
Fruey country rll,
CCmenmy. Dae ne
Rew Yor, uow oF
i Poultry, oun
| Byswpor hs vin
Caren possadt
Boose Pa and Duin fronh
Fratis and Fepatubion
pero. Faney wits, WLLL
FLAY Pane Car ar aa
Cine pe tevrevl
LP Frovm Winter Palont.
Warr NG 2 rad
(ase shined
I Ea
i IRE Ohio « crontar re
Rrotn- Winter patent. 834093 id
i 4
Baus Pennsylvania Howe, Tie
Fiorm— Palanan
Vipear-—No 2 rot,
Boot -State a on ni ;
Contral Stock Yards East Libardy Po
Prove, 1800 1400 ta, 0, 5 63
Matin, FE 10 BOD los 3 -
Fat Lailors 4 81
Bao, 00 to 1000 Tom, | 38
CommontofRir . ....... 25
Dann, sannans 1 fad. 2
Minh dows, ens is - #9
Exes bich ows. each, 5 90
OO : :
Prine mtium waights, #8 43
Est heavy yorkers sud asdion 6 3
Goad 10 cnoioe sackets LL.
Goal pies and ligt Forkess. pie
Flam common 4 Bali
Prime Legyy hoge..
otnmon Ww laie.
Rope, LL 00
ih 4%
we Be I 00 BN
Extra. matium Weigh: Wethio §
hosel to elon, | SEA at
Medion, hw a
Common to ne.
Lami clipped a
£Bre Bugs esi
fw, Rood 10 Siiotew, 14 ai
Lams SEEOn (oe is, pi
3 "Pre Las. : ia
ji vo :
Yea exis iain E
Veal, gent ta anos... LL
Vink, common heavy o.oo
Yoni, sutton ta faje eR
Operation for Year and
Many Orders Ahcad.
BR. G. Dun & Company,
weekly resiew of trade say
with the mills, shots factories and far
coalrants sirvady
3d there ia wo
Crepsrdine the
(Jubliers are srill
prorat oeliver ries
Staple Hoes while apening t
in {faney Fim for the
unuseally early, showing hat dealers
authripate a large trade. Retail distrd
yanning far
Indus fad
and other seasons
hy the tardiness of low temperature,
Each week the situation as to iron
and steel becomes more encournging
P1902 in many fSolsaed products De
spite the exe iaive adiition to pro
ductive capacily last venr there ia still
mach work in progress of presaration.
‘promising many pew planls ready ©
start next year. The feature ol the
week was the placing of enormous or
dors for steel malls, prattichlly assur
ing as OS he pocorn bresking out pu
i Other road sgopolios are also in
igreat dears te most serious embar
I raAsmien: Dedng loll ar many points
ats aecount ot STIR
ig much sly work in replacing
wodden bridges steal grohes anid
in the minor lines thers {8 an enually
ivtporous demand, Pig bron reflects the
risk movement in filnlshed prviuets,
and Bigher prives are anticipated
18 dn wortay of note tag! the dames
Lie situation is not calenlrtaed to $limu
fate ex pott trai. and the loss of mages
foreign bu ines: Jay be directly at:
tFibited Yo tha strike, whieh put the
mitiis so 1ar behing an home orders
Coke vyeas are active snd the oul
to Bll more
tive power reasirici sbhifmeots,
deliveries are similarly
dealers belng otten atable
than a small prosortisg
ders. In woulen roads dnnditions are
quiet. Strength in the aw material
Mare satislactory
fed by domestic wheat growers. last
® | year's figures being surpassed, Fall
ures for the wok numbered in the
United States 240. against 205 last
year, and 2% in Canada against JI%
ing year.
French One Is Made. of Bicycle Parts
En tirely.
ngenions mechani of Paris has
ructed a clock a:ciusively of bi
ja parts. © The framework is a
bleyele waeel, Cy
4 Yd
73 00
17 3 74 1
8 ge |
Prise heavy, 1300 to 16500 fw, i i
5 4
+ 20
Common 1 0 goed fag tulle & 56 we i os 4 0
8 oi
5 a
- aww
Manufacturing Plants Amsured of Full | :
in taser :
paces aksared of full operation until |
(the end of the year as & mle and many |
inte |
“elon for nhs ¥ i
fuaTiOn. ;
urgently ak for |
by EAsiactuters ut :
{button of heave weight wearing apparel |
vie podwls ta checked |
orders sow running to the middle of |
Added to thie |
pul ig Targe, bat tek of cars and moe |
of thelr or
is conspicuous. mills Iniying freely |
prives are receiv |
wolten the Hin,
Jak bre Api 30
Rime peonle never attem: ot to
Ynannrit FxoenE whey
heir pHetiires takes.
. A woman cap’ throw a stone, but she
heave a gh.
How's This?
We offer Cine HWandred Dollars Reward for
| Hall's Catereh Care.
PF Camere & in, Proje, Tetsdo, 0
Wa then ped have knows BJ Che-
per for the last 15 oars, and belfeve him p
hararabide in all bosloess tranmseii he
tnd Ramscinly ahle
| at or r firm
i | rd Taeax, Wholesale Dengrists, Toledn
Riwnwan 8 Manyre, Wholesale
» Taisdn, Olio
Hall's Cutared Core bs taken internally wot
| tng directly npon the blood and mucous sur.
| faces of the Epstam. i 7 colle tote
: . Bold by all pinta.
Hall's ¥. ot.
The girl who thinks ee can WATFY any
| man she pleases may Hive to discover that
- doesn’t Ppleace any of them.
RGR: SES orks IRN PE ioe 50 YEE SRSA
Pest Poy the Rowels.
Ko mavier what ails vou, hesdachs fo a
fencer, you will never get well natil roar
Dowels str put right.
ears vou without a gripe or pain, produes
tral movements, cost Yoo just 1
ponte 0 start petting your Trealth back. ro
| oxmwrs Condy Catbartie,
in metal pots, HeeTY
stamped om it. Beware of imitations.
Pew got out of breath blowing
about Lor achievements
FITS prrmanently + cured. Xo fur or nervous.
| mess after fret day’ %s nen of Dr, Kline's Grost
| Nerve Rewtorsy,
Dr RB Kroee Lad, 981 Arch St Phils. Pa.
sr AS
a A hE RA
, sofia to grime, reduces in
tail rou :
Bb two in the front yard
“wre for Conenmption saved
my life rte ert ago. Mus. Tacomas Rowe
mwa, Maple 81. Norwic
Any him wilt
the manger is wo
The iHeteries and Fygtonte Gussttn
says “Walter Baker & Co. of Dor
chester. Mais
yours of stuily to the skilful prepara.
Har to thelr methods of 1 j
whershy the purity, palatability, as
talped. Their preparations are knowa
(he world over and Lave received the
highowt ndorsementa from the medics
: practitioner, the hures. aod the intel
Hea Bousekesper aud faterer. ;
Wire Well, John, TH ve to as
fhe cooling pow. The cook left with
out warning this slternoon.”
Husband -- “Not exactly without
Dirxn, we they color
Bold by al druggists.
Ia many of the perfume factories ul
3 wpe only the parest olive sil w ged
in fining the perfumes af How
STAI Gs Ba BR er
I you ean barrow i?
Took :
they ave havieg
any case of Untarrh that cannot be cured by
. serry ont any oblige:
Cancannrs help nature, |
ha genuine; = a i
#4 trial jottle and treatise free |
4 Crumbs of comfort may be all right
i. | bot they don't make * wjuare ead.
Mrs Wlamiorr's Soothing &7rap for chiliren
com fn Sam one
250 8 bottle
that a dog ini
Mrs. Ellen Ripley, Chaplain Ladies Aid,
Grand Army of the Republic, No. 7 222
roth Ave, N. E., Minneapolis, Min
Strongly Endorses Lydia E. Pinkh
Vegetable Compound.
« Dear Mrs. Pixkuas — Your Vegetable Compound cured me
of ulceration of the womb, and getting such a complete cure I felt shat
the medicine had genuine merit and was well worth recommending —
to other sick women. : .
« For fifteen vears | have Been your friend. | have never written you
before, but I have advised hundreds of women to take your medicine, in
fact it is the only real reliable remedy 1 know of for a sick woman.
«T have not yet found a case of ovarian or womb trouble which
has not been relieved or cured by the faithful use of Lydia B
Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound. 5
+ You have brought health to hundreds of women in Minneapolisas =
you have no doubt to othersiover the country.” —Mzs. ELiex Rirrev.
Wh : bled with [regular or Pinta ation,
mt oF ulceration of the womb, that bear, 5
ihe ovaries, backache, flatulencs,
indigestion n, and nervous prostration, 1 shy
14 one rind 1 sad troe En
Lydia E Piakbam's
un malfed &
of |
xX x. Feb. 37,1900, | ©
pines puiople: Told nade and bache |
1. 8 A. hare given
tom of toroa aod chocolate, sad have
devised machinery and svstemu peo
| highest nutrient characteristics are re.
| warning. She told we this morning
1 had better bring home some dyspep.
| sia tablets fonight, but I dida't quite
eateh ol to what she meant” Judge.
AD gous aye alike ta Presa Piamem
all Abers st one bodling.
‘What! £ the. nee af Paying trouble when :
holidays he i
In the
With many mi ins of fam 1ilies Syrup of Figs has become the
ideal home laxative.
one, and the method of manufacture
Company ensures that perfect purity and uniformity
which have commended it to the favorable consideration of the
most eminent physicians and to the intelligent appreciation of ail
who are well informed in reference to medicinal
Syrup of Figs has truly a laxa tive effect and acts gently with.
out in any way disturbing ‘the natural functions and with perfect
freedom from any unpleasant atter effects.
process of manufacturing, figs are used, as they are
pleasant to he taste, but the medicinally laxative principles of the
combination are obtained from planis known to act most bene-
iy on the system,
The combinat in 1S a simple and wholesome
by the California Fig Syrup
of product,
a sents.