i pn sR A AC A Re A A Sl Ke - at Auburn, N. Y. maintained that he ‘His brother and nan, begged and | tell them who hat he only g e anarchy be: emphatie ju Flaw Antonin Motta wad fn ants Morin movement wad terted in Harrishurg with a view to | uring sn amendment to the pationsl | i tistittion providing for the hits tion of polygagiy in all the 3 ed Territories, : In a fight among the foreign element | at Loyal Hanna ad ; EE ed by an unknown anarchy % caped. i Wine hester horsemen have projesied Cagainst the awarding of pureses x the runing races there The charged with unialrness John Regrist. cetiter rush of ihe Oh g | Stare University fothall team, died 10 Columbus fram injuries rec Eve od Hr Sat uriday’s game Annie Etter) who way fearfully hy Grenrge Garis because she reser V1 aelion iit ihe Fasnvia “i : waded President 8 vances, died in ihe hospral m Bead je of Music on | at Baflalo, RN { oR. Fudge Hanecy, in Chicago, decided that the eonsolidition of the vartons gas | companies in that ciy was consign Eovonal The Tennessee Conference of the : 3 | the verdict was ann siced by the fore: | | Methodist Episcopal { hues +h South has expelled Rev. BL A Cherry from the for the sssassina- fniiry, Judge Tones. of Sioux Falls, 5D. ; | dissolved the martiags of Mroand Mrs. arewell meeting Fried Cobhard and awarded Mrs. {sok hard Siovo for counsel fees and co pF : expenses Mrs Gebhard and her moth. er arrived in i far the wile to file a Sein hill charging | desertion, and the court held that Geb hard wilfully deserted his wile in 1800 {| Arrangements were completed in i for a | Philadelphia for the transier of 238624 | 1 acres of land in Went ¥ irginia, own ned I by the Fiat Top Land Association. 10 3 The falling of 5 nest of wasps 10 a I Methodist chimreh near Greenbackville, {© on Aceomae comnty. Virginia, broke up | a revival service, wid many of those in | 1 | the congregation were stung by the in i i SduriE »g vo 0 Fall River refused 1 per cent and it ik hkely th) operatives : INE Si Ea Five men were kitted and nine in ieee Hy Sn sphiRpon ix: gad io the Bot i Fw i Mine of the Pareish Coal Co, near Wilkes Barre, Pa. The white gir} students of the North witstern Umversity. at Evanston, HL Fhiave deawn the color line agamst x col § (ored girl from Texas, t. t anal effect. i Horace Moroson Hale, former press | Pent of the University of Colorads, and Aailer of Gen. Irving Hale, deed 3 his | homie in Denver. ation Al gh wil strike, Four men were injured by an explo Lwion ae the dust cateher of a furnace © the Carnegie Company at Rankin, Pa. | Andrew Carnegie has offered to ove $100,000 for a pablic hbrary st Ban n. PR. under the usual conditions 1 Chicago. David Bernuine, 11 yours ‘oh, stalibed Harry Himmifarh to the | se rieedle fries, in York Pa, shot herseli, with : Edward, TOM | yoerible sacrifice of fife had been made | £ | snd the great joss of property had been stix Palle just mm time wages 10 Enbrsce. +ug Kiss | Him PRISONER. PALE x MOTIONLESS. . Kentucky's oe Secretary of State Convicied 8 Second Time as an Accessory Before Life . Motion for New Triat Greargetown, Ky. { Spedial bo Neo retary of Miate {alah Powers wis aga 3 : : hi Ge Udonyioted we an are Yes the minirder nf Wil £3. toon. sl For the secom been sentenced fo pris The second tried began (ct Bas onan inte with three des rg » % CR ? 3 $ ee srring Tate ay night Argu ments wer feed wee thay the can went ¥ 4 oe & LX £0 x & tothe dnry af 2 roclook an the afternoon, and a verdict of guilty soon followed man. B.S Calvert, his oid schoolmate } cite Powers on ihe athor side of the cogivironnt. with the aliornevs, wat Ar- thar Goebel, brother of the late gover- nor, with his eves fixed on the prisoner. The attorneys of Powers shook hus : hand, éxprosuing their belief 1a his in. Paaence Women crowded around Powers em racing aril kissing Ban, and teary were The defense having filed 3 motu new frig Turige Lantrill, ar 20 vo, heard arguments om 3 The sury was out only 50 nuouies Then a motion for a ve trial wad over sentence wat read aml pe dg nent sus pence: poping | te decision of ti ghey { tribunal, 55 1 War faker rT Ie fatk. the Fact to the Murder of Governor Goebel | ~~ Again Senienced to Imprisonment for Powers sat pale and motmless when | 190 gabe d awit sha sa i 3 L syndicate Foy SEER in tive Poeabonias | sated. anid She che will he apy arabe The : Coal and f° ihe Company Tor 310000000 : The con vetab 3 tary report “ Yen Ww i Passi, Province of Toto, Island of i nay, in which 25 msurgents were Ki {and thie $ quantity of arn n 4 The tiews fram General Carding condiaiong | ims envovraging Loregs hae surrender ed with his entire fant te 0 ard several rifles [13 negntating for i lot, who styles hiss felt hen Mh ar. : mean the pacificat Refer the i New Orlearh (Specialy =A race war Lack of fond. 2nd % e fects of the agp oe 1%. 203 sad Mississippl. lar af {Ce 9 | Cause of the Trouble ! Said § 1» Be the Efiorts of the Negroes to Kill One of Thelr Ows Race Whe Had aca Compelied By fhe Whites to Light the Fire by Which 8 Negro Was Burned fo Dea hb ady numbers am on ig ite victims | their mitlnence 1A any lar ge 4 antity to "ond arent to pot 4 3 stop wt vies HTRENLS tS far as dan be gn thered fron the | i Believed that the recent mam. mW ager sonrees of rrivation at present | feixnd of Samar were available the ¢ teres that | vefly due to the tuck of fnodl the ine has led 10 the mt i he surgents finding wecessary to make tom of the colored men of the region to sublets th the co ast is arder 10 obtain : wail one rd ther rf well race. wha, sds 0 fare thos, : The frat fabor prof fem growing out ut a hd whe wkd of the new fsei hax taken place. A} ne put ta to deal : for a bratal assault and hat and umbrella factory, employing | ati) mpted murder. Es bamals Yiu ian nd th fret CRRATY oy i 4 the oa already ki ited As a tesult cose. The lawyers are making a pro | of several rie Rattles that have b test to the Cammision, frging protec | mg on since smnday, fier are sian ad the grods from Germany can | the remainder colored. When 1 be sold Kere at hall the grices it takes {OR began the colored man met i re then here. im the open, bot an the ain i of then fled Across the | : s SER NIRY in FOE y that stringent nes are taken 1a { Be 5 enueng hing ! Fhedrr of the 1 in 2) i EA {van fund ! ef m the : £40 A AT » FRE EY The Employes of a Philadelphia Furniture Firm J Caught By Flames. dA AE { Special}. «= Nineteen | of a fre which pecurred in the lipart of Philadelphia The number of inured 8 not known Cdefinitely. but fully a score of nictinns were treated at various hospitaic I The buildings destroyed were tar | vight-stary sirncture, 3319 and 1201 Mar ket street, seeupied by Mant, Wilkinson & Ci, upholsterers and furniture dealers. | Canud three three-story Ianidings secuped i by smal mecha The furmtore busiid ing extended back a ball black to Lo baa 1 Never in ite Wistory haa Polndelph } great rapidity. At 1620 o'clock 5 mo the hinge broke {forth on the Tu aiiding occupied by Hunt, Wilkinson & owned ode Bont Later the Cqustained The origin of the conflagra: = on is unknown. It ois said that an ex ermany had x ier strong | : Am oh ar off’ r pendation Com } an average of £ 314% feansom to 23.000. have started ona le ngs of care. Hp nt Cant ro. of x ne . li iauached at “barrow: rr £r action et the case af General Bul. | Fin Brightman's custody were kept in the | safe. Bonds deeds. notes amd mortgages | of the university were secured by the ys! on ge mene son in Parliament as. been established Seigands who ab sality, ng D hes of (Corma jo of ca ling out every | ountry 10 go to South | : the new Roman | etz, took the oath Emperor William John E. Redmond gh and Thomas rom Queens own for | | plosion of naphtha or gasoline in the | “5 | basement was the case, but this is de. nied by Mr Wilkinson, who say there never was a sofficient quantity od either k | explosive whout the building to be re. | | sponsible for the disaster. Rumor ha it also that sn elevator constrictor af. work wn the basement permitted the fame | of is lantern to communicate with some | | of the gaseous Bagmids stored in tse base fig Berea, Ohio (Special 3 Th hard. sity bears the heaviest Toss CC Bright win Urpsversity, and all of the valuable apers of the mstitation which were feft hbers Many of the notes held ty Bald: | win University were of long standing | and hore nonwrous endorsements, mak- © - of | ofienses : * | explosion of gas ocenrred mm the But 4 | tonwaod anne of the Ps vrish Col Cin, | cinsted ape mile south of this oy, which caused the death of tive rhen and the fmiury of pine others Directly after the explosion (xc curred 4 number of brave rescuers, at the risk i of their lives, entered the mine, now | filled with dangerous alt erdanip, and | brought out the bodies of the dead and injured. The body of Inspector Phillips was the last 10 be taken nut kran dead and property loss amounting | v $300,000 ix the awiul revolt i perce strert and was owned by Henry 1 ars David Grassley, wile of a letter 5 ; | experienced a fire whe ich spread with gach | ment and that this was the orig of the or ware store of Lawrence & Br Cahtvan | was entered Ly robbers, and the thieves made their escape, Carrying away booty | agRTeRaLing Sioo000. Baldwin Univer: man, the jumior member of the firm, ig | also treasurer and a trustee of Bald ing it impossible 10 produce thegy in du |} | plicate. A diligent search for the thieves | i bas been basritnted bat, as yet. fo clew Wilkes-Barre, Pa (Special) — A terrific | ha erifying May and women met death m sight of thoasanids of spectators who were utable tv Lift a Band to their asst ance The r rear of Hupt. Willonson & {i's building abuts pn Conunerce streel, ‘3 smal thoma sivfire. Faploves P started down the five sxiape on that side of tive building before the flames were | visible from the strees were coanpeiied 10 jing before they hal traveled two stories | Lhedmase of the Hanes breaking through af we windows 3 On the fire vacape at thiv end of the | © Chailding two men and one woman were | dowel roasted ites ile ih wivile the herr sricken throng on tie street below tur ed sick at the sight In the front on M i ket street a woman, driven 16 desper finn leaped from a window on the floor and was dashed fo death on the : pavernont, 5 {One woman jeaperd from a i {fell astride of an awning poe L hody aa eo imont in alt TH hung nf Gren The Hens are only % 3 wwenes ative The scenes while the Rames raged were | ist uno at oe The force of the The safe wax oon hurghir proof pring doors were twisted 1 male of paper, : rs were embediled in Pun int hin tung ariat laborers. sured He opened his saf Lat work in hus chamber, 1 small body of Ray 10 ex any donagr The exph 0 however, by the foreman of ants, who rushed inte t i ty encounter another lar which had accomuplated | explosion. The second exp such force that it hurled the directions. The bodies of the badly mangled So far as can be learned, the giplosion the steel pool has : part of its hoid- te account will | : wiacturers of Towa! ussing plans | combination | to the Montrea! { Special) "1 xi fed a boy,” ! sand Tobin Hansen. a Dane. 3% years of Ea ¢. to the officer mn charge when he 4 walked into the Central Police Station ts killed him for money and 1 only got 50 gents. That is not enough, and so 1! SAS Sea Sar SA Police. | same to give myself up Hansen described the loc i the deed had been con lee fund the bovis b pitied ms that of Sai of Samuel Marrotie, and coffee mere insnrgents near | Serions Trouble in the States o Louisi- ] . ¢ : ¢ then and nego 1% raging mo | sued by the American forces are ha vi | and around Batltown ey Ashington tr ashicd =) the | : A BATTLE ON THE BORDER LINE. Lp ded that China should Sb coooon, which hon: song the powers MP | peupective claws far indemn | So weal Ce Rowkinll has reported to the State Department the that the aggregate of the chums © Et WoOover LL 00 00h pation is likely fo seal itt similar action 8 : sting. 1 sould tis action Te taken amd ¢ nutieny follow ws example then the gregate wonhl be less than $1000 | the honds for which Ching has aln | taken Feasires 10 hand over to the. € sovarie Corps at Pekin, prehension is expressed that certain 1 tions, ing 3 possible reduction bel the hima Accept ted. will increase th
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers