ale. vests and pants, Ladies’ fleece lined 25c elsewhere, arl buttons, tape neck, here. Ladies’ fine sanitary natural wool under-| PATTON, I adies Coats ni a ne ches long a Ta an and ¢ of wool Me Aton, 27 Ox od, new sleeves. PA. year 4c each. | a fear 49 [en’s Ladies’ strictly all wool scarlet and Furnishings. camel's hair underwear g&c. { Men's and boys Boys’ flecce lined underwear, eXtra) garth soc, at toc each. te 23c each. | — Men's | Jersey shirts joc. sleeping garm- Chil ldren’s silk fleece : a, extra weight, 49¢ suit. Men's blue worth $1.00, at 79¢ each. 1 for .. | "1 Men's all wool Hews fleece lined Union Suits | | worth $1.30. at 98¢. 1 24C suit. camel's hair underwear at re- _ Children's fuced prices. WOT» : chil Idren’s heavy fleece lined underwear, oto 34, reduced to 2[¢ each. | 19¢ pair. Men's heavy fleece lined underwear, hifty-cent quality, 33c¢ each. . Men's fine ‘marked $1.25, at g8¢ each. ~ Men's fine silk fleece lined underwear, finished, 49c. | vorth foc, at 3g¢ each. camel's hair underwear 49c¢ each. | Mas Hosiery. Men's extra fine lamb's wool fleece un-| vear, worth $1.00, 89¢ each fall seamless, double E = ni ‘worth 12¢, at g¢ pair ; Men's fine natural wool underwear, orth a dollar and a quarter, at 98, Ladies’ Bue cottori hose ‘and 25¢. 1 3: a Ea l.adies’ heavy tieece 's underwaists, 10c¢ Child ren It orev] values een cents. I} good values, ladies’ all wool stocking heavy ribbed, at 23¢ pair. Infant's fleece lined wrappers ioc each. i Men's half hose, ‘brown and heavy mixed, | 8c pair. all Dress Goods. 14 pieces dress goods, worth 39 and laced on sale at 20¢ yard. od AA I ABT A SRT ME i EF i ppd pe black, roc quality rqc pair. L oo) cashmere, 36 inches wide, all colors, placed on sale at | well worth 12¢, at 8c pair. amb A NNR J SREP SR PT A CHA AA Children’s weave dress goods, 34 inches : ; pair. Children's fine Fine Armure dress s goods, all ii colors, 75¢ yard. |, 16 aad 210 peiz a NA ARR PR) FA TRB J Satin Prunella dress goods o8c yard. Saye Wi Bl 25 styles Infants’ and C or ri ns a Fine all wool black serge, 54 inches wide, two make skirt, $ 1.39 yard. in ep AH NO Sa oa Brack Broadcloth o8c ard. oe SE EES II A AAT He Sra Fine Silk Crepon § for skirts 98c yard. Infant’s long and silk embroidered, and Goce mere, styles prices, . nh " waists a0; yar s' dress shirts, heavy fleece lined fini! shirts, sweaters, king pants 49c, Boys’ 25¢ wool knee pant flannel shirts, Men's heavy working shirts, {double front, double lemg yoke, : lined ach, worth | sackings 10, 14 and 23¢C pair. it $1.95, 4.75, 2.00 and 578 : black, | Men's socks, fancy and plain Children’s black stockings, extra heavy donble heel and toe, fast colors, full seamless, heavy bicycle stockings, worth 1g9¢, at 14c¢ Yhild-i x withs ren’s caps, 1g¢ to $1.49 esich. la ready-to-wear or short to give ‘coats, Bedford Cord and C: ash 'ervthing [Ladies all wool black Kersey coats: ja . long, lined with me sreerised ns 8.00, our special price $5.4 Ladies’ fine al 11 woal waists, | } | d nel NChcs Leprded, new style, $1.00 each. worth Ladies’ dannelette waists, 49¢ each, flannel sa or Ladies’ French waists, 21.98 it | — lined with satin, cuff sleeves, pearl buttos, Odd sizes of velvet and fine ceweraal 1 ] 2.00, OLUF SPCCic L DO. . | Aannel waists, worth 2.75 and: worth 12.00, our pecial price $8 75 81. 73 | reduced to $1.98. They ar big bargains, Maybe your size 12 among them 5 £ i Ladies’ Automobile coats, 42 inches diess and walkicg % ong, made of all wool Kersey, new styies satin, regular 15.00 coat, at $9.90. wool atin, 3 * 1 ladies skirts, Jo 11 + of all serge. trimn ed with - s heavy overalls at 43¢ lined with percaline, at 33 49. | ‘worth 4.50. * " ‘ - . | Our line of Ladies Capes 1s, to up to the minute, Nr Hair ania Jieta Phi Walid lie SEITEN all wool material, at $3.08 35 Brocauled Bs A | : (loth capes, | Ladies’ mercerised black k and! } sue. red andl ‘colored underskirts, jggc to $2.49. i castor, $2.98. Fine Kersey capes, all colors, 6.25 to $11.25. Domestics. = All wool jae yard. conniry flannel 3 i | Heavy double faced Ontmyg 4, flannel 8c and 100 ladies’ fast black stockings, sole, | Leo Zepl Bur banned t se yard. Children’s made of Melton 2 G 5¢ cach. coats 147 Cotton slankels PA aah Ry : LOQC Gnd DOG Pair. “® * Wooo) Gighkels, good Vales. 5 1» 1). siete A] - Bette r children’s coats, 1.93, 2.95, pair, and 3.Q0. Comforts or haps 73¢, g8¢, 1.65, 1.73 and 2.25 each | i. i ip > Po id 3lack Cooney fur scarts, Clot cach. ‘each. a 8% R1.2%, 6 large window shades toc : at! | Window s hades, with frig ge land muertion oiled cloth at joc. | Silver Fox fur scarfs, 6 large tails, Best quality Saxony oo seskelm Water Mink extra long fur scarf, 72 Fleisher's Shetland floss 8c inches long, at 4.50. skein, Angora yarn-— gray ball; white 15c. SS 3c, =2 inch scarf, French Cooney, 3 Germantown Zephyr yarn i 7¢ skein. ; $ i Chinchilla collarettes, 8 tails, 5.5 cashmere! Millinery. aren vedio Sable op posum, 8 large tull tails, 4.95 Are you thinking of buying. trimmed | that? If so, it will pay you : our stock a look. Ey. material, 2.49 and 4.95 new and stylish is alli Hrere and what's more import- Misses’ 23 LO to ant you can buy a hat from : Automobile _ coats, tan | | L$ {us without paying a big profit. rec § i at Ladies’ finest all wool Kersey cow lined with say the least, stylish and handsome. trimmed with braid, in Children's Automobile coats of all wool CR a RE A an ERR a
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