pl ppetruce of a ‘handsome B er, but a fiet- tore. some 8 ave Jouger garden par. ver the grass e, Women find the with bouffant foot trim- | too becoming to be aban- | doned or hadron that is not near. ; gracefol Pompadour gauges, andies and soft musing are made ih long. serpentine trains, which are finished with innumerable little ruches and ruflies gathered or pleated. There o stiffening whatever around the | Bottom of hionable skirts, simply ond flounces, to give the de | 1n the Ee at offices in Vash Jrowasly thirty-five per cent female employes are past mid- ars of age. There are in the depart Over geven yours of age, sarn- | $900 to $1400 and $1600 = 1 no other field of lnbor are ying such very high sal be. filled hy women ot y ff seven different examinations % One-third { 18 good for the day i | returned to the jady of the house he | fare the close of office hionrs, igi is engaged, the blanks upon thee | 1eard are filled out with a general 5 oeth what is ane, i ge they are willing to pay. filed st the employment of- : fice, and are noted fn a conspicuons | manner upon a blackboard. Womon gen in senrch of employ mon £0 to in bureau during the weeks nme, mine the blackboard, and apply to | the clerk in charge for further infor- | 11 they desire to apply for ation. partienlar position they submit their recommendations to the clerk, and if be is satisfied he gives them 8 enrd | to the lady of the house. That eard oriy, sad mast be if the | statersent as to her duties, the term of rorvice wd the wages agreed npon, snd the earl 1s filed away for refers. ence, HH Decessary. *1¢ the indy of the house is pot sal {ised with the applicant she sends Lier away, and returus the card raarked | ‘not satistactory’ to headquarters, with a request that other applicants he sent to her. If the applicant is sat {factory the lady of the house pays her bonus of one krone or two krooer, calisd “hand money -~that fs. she crosses her hand with silver as an evidences of good faith-and the girl agrees to report for duly within one week after New Year's or Midsum- mers Day. as the case may be. This is to allow her present employer an opportunity to fill her piace." Chicago | Record-Heraid A deteagiheied Irish antiquary was | Miss Margaret Stokes, who recently died In Dublin, Clovernook duck ranch marks the successful struggle of a woman at Chazy, N. Y. pear Lake Champlain. At Bay City, Mich. at Saginaw, Mich. and at Ellenville, N. X,, the city electric light plants are operated by Women. Out of fifteen prizes recently offered {by the American Board of Foreign Missions to Sunday-school pupils for esgays upon missionary themes, four teen have been wou by girls Mrs. Bissell has entire charge of a earpet-swepper factory of Grand Rap ds, Mich. invention ‘was bers rather than that 3 of her husband, pow deceased 1 hi ten | , Paris, do the Poor Gira. - Vessnr. tor example, you Ko * Vas- tatle spirit that promptly dis. HV Tram sereiiy, and Knows BE hethe you are your own bicycle, for cons one for somebody else te—and nobody cares. Xou oney by Ironing the wrin. ; na, de Ivering the mail, Mrs. Laora Alderman, of Hurley, 8 | ‘., owns the largest apple orchard ‘un the Nortlwest. It Is koown all over ‘the country, snd has been In its pres | ent Lands for twenty-four years Mrs. John Kidder, of Nesada Conn | ty, Cal, is President of the narrow. | gauge road running from Colfax to | Nevada City. ‘maneh stock, and during his Hiness she Her husband owned familiarized herself with the business, The daughter of a wealthy Buffale Iman, Misg lonia Roe, aged twenty. four, has creditably passed the Gov- eroment uwxamination for steamboat pilot's licunse., Having accompanied her father on many yachting tours, t who can boast sixtern years service st the wheel, {in Virginia, The license wan granted A very young woman of Syracuse, N. X.. Is paying ber way through cob lege by a domestic occupation on a large scale, Even as a child ber spare time was spent in fruit canaing jelly making, and this work she has found more lucrative than undergrad uate teaching in order to secure wontey | for ber university expenses, in the procession of brooches, Bilver girdles to be worn over a sbik dark oxidized finish, holding ‘nn Hs mouth a large dia mond, A golden spear pleross iG body, Russian enaniel is to be in high far. or for Jewelry. Ringe. Dbracewts, chains, watches sand brooches adorned with It An extremely taking shirt waist set of sleeve Hinks and four bultons con. sists of roumd opal set in rather wide + betds of bright gold. a “bureau of | c all who had | takes the place of the usual engra guid signet rings, either carved, plain or ka which a tiny photograph inns | device. of one of these The foreign Idea of wearing a gold- en wreath In the bair was noted some time ago. At a recent swell English function one of the nuoiable collfure ornaments worn was a wreath of grape follage and fruit, the aves be- ing rendered In green enamel and the clustered berries ig gold Enameled floral brooches appear to be taking on new life among the fall “1 goods, and some of the patterns are exceedingly dainty. Natural form pre | with also a few gracefully con- ventionalized specimens. One of the Jlatter conxists of mony frosted gold petals with pearl stamens asd a dia | mond pistil. New art has heen introduced Into hair brooches. A long, narrow leaf. {like baroque pearl forms the centre At either end Is the a woman whose waving : e drawn out to com- F ROTORR woman. SAY potty monfdencs to state that upon a | hopes Fe himeedl ow tals Pat fearrert, ten or twelve yards, put five allen i and Hudson bridge scross the river at @ It is even rumored that the red drama. tertained a suspicion. andl falled and iv | belt are heavy in character and of | 10 the b are. ail fred but of these suiy ved | The Killing of Bilry the Kid, RI this t= how the Hitle tiger af imal found Lis end his gang wers on fheir WAY the lines tate Metien, when Billy finally made the fatal mistake TL owas il she A hesarue knowin, no what he vioistiny Pat Gar TEER Reng POT n, It # would of his certain night Billy the Ki would be st the repel houses of ond Maxwell far Jown to ihe south of Lincoln In the Hla Penasco cooniry., purpose thers £2 ¥ sweetheart a Mesican girh rat Garrett, wits roo depoties 35 peared guiety Maxzwieils rash house of (he & np fed. They 1 1: wee 8 bright Wat odes could ta Siye 1008 ON be pin rik: i {iarrett eft Bia twa deputies at fhe gate, plows jo ihe door of the ran bh oped the i Maxwsll oo : vi IB isin yoons. He fo Teal Arpuing 1aal, mit = wuld also In he bad oppertaniy, 6 #3 i Fi # Ta TRIEGT 8 Arreit command ed the ranchman ‘on Ue goletly in bed | Tis entoreed thin de i where he WAS wand with sn allernaiive which had safMismwnt weight, He ihen in orer no Ee AEE tin ore ATID other Reph and he Ph the bandy. rotor] Pat (Garrett was a good shot with heavy six shooter, Omes, while af us were practicing with pis at a distitioe of some the from his sixshooter in & postal card which wes nailed spans: a free, “Xow 1 will be particular.” sail He, vgn shoot the stamp mirk off the corner,” which Iatter Le cally ns stipulated. Along toward midnight a horseman | | rode up and stopped his horse not far ‘rou the ranch bheomse, He came through the gate where the two Jepa- tien were siting. In dvder B61 to make sny poise thie horseman Kicked | of hig hoots. so that ss he sciuaily | stepped over the threshold of the door | he stood with his boots in his efi tand. This surely was a4 moment of morial danger and of mori terror Wo the two deputies who held guard with ent. They were saved, by Providenes alone knows what of chunge fo the mental action of this Hite flend. wha was pow playing the lawl act of his For the first {ime and the only time In his Jife Bly the Kid en tn ahioot first and ask his explanation af terward He looked with a certain dcubt upon the two Smirtes squatted down in the semldarknean “Quien ex? {who is it") he asked “amigos” frivodes, one of the cepy tien had strength enoogh ef io atler : je knew perfectly well who the ilitle iy was standing there at the door, with hizx boots In Kis hand and toward Lim hesite ingly, Now the figdre of Hilly the standing hue, hall besit i moonlight at the open ET, perhaps | | with P Jove and good Live | i there had born a thengin | mother at the beginning of his career, ; or | presented &O 0b Winged devices are well to the front | within the [of Pat Gerrett held Maxwell Ughty jogs slowly | unenited ga he rose up fom ld ; Unique as a brooch is a golden drag: | eroded wall i wound behind : sone vagus softer thougit of 6 His woul 4 aig FF start visiile enough a! a distance of 5 ow feit room. i to ye long elt an r esl, His own long 4 iach hedwern the hed afd ihe The Kid heard wpe sort ef f f qiick arg Bask BONN more a pa y jars The aim ns # Fu gp tava In he whirled, hoo of Wim It was to Pat Garrell. dark, was ace Kid bis face forward into (he roan LPR Hrale as over, reward the 0 Net sO On was his own menial and museslar as | the ton tat he had before receiving hil death wound fired his own bol in re! ply. Photo rings are the latest adaptation | of a popular Idea. In Torm these are | nid fares 2Rolx 0 f3arreit fred again ax ie foil, Thus thive were exer loosed ihe killed Billy. Ril's rox firer shot, cud the sins rh fron El Hough, in Everybod v's Magazine, WWreatind With an Eagle, FER A : iment? that eal! for piartyrs in | —pecessarily at the risk of it wing his +L TADS. : in if be wonid per. wizit 6 this sot fo his place be a fen | | infected insects to bite two persons who have aml two who have not been | stepped | Yark of the bed where Maxwell lay. | intter quiet They were walking across the bridge : establishment of (his eharncter in the | ; Went ad 37 buyers from a various Hid, Glamorganshire. i branches registered in New York s : | iehest Awsrl om Cocos and Chovelste. £ thelr Dusk nese without fhe sfightes] lndlestion | of regard for what the rest were doing. did practi thnndernd on Pie ing. EW NY, C Siminisihed itz speed rang a bell ble a whistle nor gave any indication that : : Fyeaal i : qr wt bome and | g Fa 5 4 Lfhe iniminier amNay. : raed Lie apy on : rash tok | Nrpall : two were | whith ths giver, whlch went Ligh arid | § fodgd in the wall ates the bed — rg And Jl The time the young | i farmer felt : tinking dveper and Geeper into his : § Thea : the esgle's keen talons Txbhoneted, Ressisr at ast hrew In this att sds Be managed fo slip off his onal. He then eicorsed the eagle's jogs in the pant sleeves, In these traps he heid the bird's ees with one band and with | the other held fast to Hs neck. wird was now half choked sad hope lessly captive. WHE his prise on bis The L ghonider Besslar walked bome to his fares honte more than & mle sways Hie | apd the sean: reminder of | Irirait Jonrnel Heroes in the Servies of Belence, | Medleal selence fn coptantiy pushing forward Its frontiers hy experiments Yor it will give a shark to mout people to read that our War Department bas actasily created Aten) commission for the purpose | their lives ~ tha new serum for the cure and pre | vention of yellow fever discovered bY Dr. Cadlus. of Brazil ; The theory of this Brazilian physi : clan bs that mosquitoes are the grost carriers of “yellow jack” The Gov: | ernment comission is to meet in Ha. | A number of mosquitoes Known th have bitten s victiss of roaligpant | ypeliow fever and to be impregnated | with the germs have been eotliertod there by Dr. Walter Read, U. 8 A. It ts calmly related that Dr. Reed has “glowed thers to bite several non-im- | mnnes ” who "almost Immediately de | veloped yellow fover™ The commis som ix BOW Zong to have these piagne sre ingly inoscnlated with the Caldas Bod so test ts preventive power, : All thee parsons, of course. Are vob | anteers wha willingly hazard thelr serosa him, and | Dives in ihe wervice of sciemre. Their | his own pistol | : : §werthy wl rerornition thas The Ware self pace Bicing herolsza is pot less |g @iteteid brand. — New York Slav y Warkd face doweward upon the | ground with the eagle stil fn BM B { nrooe and beneath Bim Cgtec] consumed in the latter com | Jt is rather surprising that he Indus | | to estaliileh irom works ot 8 large { Beale, Buf the | fax and the fuel-—sufciently close to gether to permit profitable working. Cpt Tar | Brain and muscle hwllers sant. | ix. lke many other | worid of trade, ob distritation of department pestad Steet beg in = Britian lias long supplied the pedplel i of ber indian empire wit (8 i | ry of miksnfacturing steel should have | lo | been so long delayed in India £38: 1 surse, the Fast Indisss lave been tarsiiiar with its gue for a img period | and have produced it in Hmit 7 quan | tities, bat modern methods Mave pot | : hitherto wen introduced, sithough the : irom orem of the empite gre of rare ourity snd may be fosnd in aband ance wherever there are hills. Ab tempts ave been made by foreigners have all failed ow ing to the difienlty of finding the throes clement of iron working--tise ore, the Presumably the extension of ralironis BAS put 8 pew phase on (bs problem. | i snd AOI AS OANA oH: | Potatoes Scarce; Eat Rice and Corn. Few jwonie seems to be awars of the | fact that the potato fs merely a busch of starch and water, contributing | scarcely anyibing to the human bsdy | Bolied rice and corn meal not only have the fit making guaiities ? the pofars. But they ari excellant | Potatoes 72% per cent. of waler and rice 72% pe reent.. potatoes have 2.23 per rent. of albuminous matter and rice 5 per of starch, while ries has 24.18 But corn asd rice contain mare plicaphates and protein elements 28 per cest: potatoes have pur cent. than &re essential in a henithy body. With rice a1 10 conte a pound and corn at £5 vents a bushel sack, 3 potato | famine should have so terrors for the poor. ei Women Come to the Front in Trade. Tha prevalence nf the woman buyer fenovations in the | wily attributable to pment and immensely gat stores. the deyein | hase heahives of universal supply are Paced With a Locomoptine, In a rice for jife over the Delnwrrn Witkeshiarre, Penn, Pdward Wien wot and saved his fiveyesrold son | Setesen trRUD times when an engin the strociure. They wee in the middle of a span st the time, carry him, over the eigh vtineh wile ties He took three at every bound, and by the greatest cave held his foot. Had be sipped he would have beets caught bDetwern the tiex and kiilsd. He managed to reach 8 pler and spring on it Just Rs the engioe Wilson sars that the engine Dever the engineer saw him. He was com pletely womgrved vr his experwace. Reuln Kan the Often. TA Cramer, night telegraph opers- tor at Truro, a little station at the funerion of twa railroads a few niles ssoiih of Columbus, Ohle, was deiven fram his Men and foreed to clitndh the soma siare signal pole by a big cians Kevpars, ; Cramer was startled by the sonnd of | heavy chafing feet and a low growl i He hurriedly grasped his re wre in his office, pwmsd the window 88 8 eats of hasty xi and eantiously unlatebed this doar. The ney! miament the shagly the Dear anpearad (5 the open edt a5 SG. Cramer fred his revolver 1a frighten The repurt bear, and 12 came with & tocar him. He topped hae wah to Bre TWO eae %! } then 3 Sie Hie: 18 ade tnt the Da er apd the father, snatching op the | Bay, ras as fast ae his legs could S They ars huge emch drawn Ny 18 oxen. ‘A thousand wagons, . would require 16.060 oxen. the wagons have been taken without in nny case it seriously | eripples the Boers to deprive them of F mon bear which bad escaped from its : | bean captored by our troons that thers | thelr teams. Clrgetural beanty, bat it 8 weloannent Cweith [were the are comfortable well warmed, ¢ Abie Teleph ra Ta Pare uriher shogs, news stands and Aisne Peery tows of any pretensions tarsughont the length and breadth of tha country has one depariment store or more and every Jdeparizient is cone ke a separate business One weak ago. Most of them were women, and all were conducting RAAT PRN RIPE EE RE, What Boer Wagons Ale Like. Reterring to the large sumber of wagons which &re reporiefl as having jambering A wagon and abet Ha oxen extend for Hae It is doubtful aa to whether fr their wagons snd so many have sow cannot be many Jef. SHA SSE RAS Bins EP feoen The WRN Yoon adi OnE his : Skyscrapers Are Miniature Villages 2 ‘ ; aly Pah moerie of his revolver How poiniang officer, { ¥olver, lowered the liz Bi tine, In thas The skyscraper, aside from Hs mas givenies mAsY 50 be a dream of arch the best de af suyceemsfal 1 Ea arehitectural beaut) will tine, Safety and conven Aexr thives comiidered Ci 1s gated, plied with ail running Waler, TE, Le ga mail oButed and mes while miny of them equipped Wilh barber restaurants. of wire fi offer un 248 1 Lis keep hea toi Wie arsin into captivity, A Dietertive is Always Kaguged, ‘A Brutaohigsa dleterliive i wbemityl pee 3 op DE Oe (WTOINGS trav oa the pane sires |. r | Shepied 5 pwentyr than ail ot Uappiiestion cod The company had an ingtallation on aay J args : “Straws Show Which Way the the Scat each ofl 1h wail boats crossing baleens and New York ba | BSR ai ir A Blows." sem eimse Coamenad § ATT 2d Re ponataniy i amd dy he g aches tend than words and fiat the as i CET Whar A | pai. 1a offering io donate an vagie to Lin. | to ealn Park zoo 4. at Boen Hi near Otiawa, TL, 8 battles with Pmt Than 3 Was Ein near in miles from Chivagy, gauiniering along a begpatt Hill when he potiesd what he the was a wid turkey ing on A The hird seemed 1a a done and have been asleep. Sesslar stole behind the eagle. Wit he grabbed the bird Gy the throat with both hands He bad gpl been more thao a few moments i the “mix-up” messinr a desod wi Bx ‘before he began to feel the sharp tal ong of the hird imbedded deep in the flesh of his bands and srms For several minutes the farmer vows it seemed a half a life time-the , | contest went on, He was lashed half blind by the fiapping wings and deaf- | famed by the screams of the frantie| BR Seuslar, a farcier | 2 tell 1h son Head Animal RKeoper Oy De Vry nn Cexoiting story of Lendan s Threw Wheeler. sleet cab fade 8 vn th Foil RAYE ; sopicle. The third i of 1h passant x SEs st Yon: tan 3 4 pl Xi IT ay d 5 a Hoa quick lareh “nut Le hive A Te boul ah to and few there be | FIRE, e ford ar present thar find It Bat its driver stated fo cue that found it that it ix lighter than | the ordinary hansory It sbeuald there fore, be more successful than the tour-wheeled hansoms that some years | ago fried to gather in those who | shirked the perils of two wheels and | the delay of four. game for the dull season would be te and the three-wheeled haem oo i fie verommend | bhevorne clear Pe af nam theoughont she orld that noth. Ee | An interesting a | the world, have been locamd n Bouth- i Tenis hen thes 1 os hair to is wand | poss # broke when i aire York Qe Faun foray! x Phage | Gurtaii rom for Liver sraabor. | Oger amily phim hms peasiribad vour Tos and alley it four packages my aystem is tn perfeed condition sad my somiplesion has It has Deen a ba this simple hath medicine thal cures in Nasrs's way. hy purifring the blood, thos removing ihe mua of dissomae. Vast wicket deposits, the largest tal orn Oregon. ‘read Ba 181% Jie fewsy and ¥) of them would ektond for a mile In = straight ; Hagons there 18 Ma abundant supply. {for avery country Boer has one or | HOT \ axen Dave heen taien with the wagons, Of these Huver va.8 remthing soften the game, reduces : tan, siimrs hm | dom TA 49 | Fo Dovwa Tro EIS SI o T A Toe T rail was invented fa 18530 3 hn ber | no Jumper features of the great cities ¥ Ratert L. Stevens fhe President andl shgineer of the Camden & South Annoy Hallrond & Trasaporiation ‘Cloanpany, and T rails wers sade In Avaies In 133¢ on Mr. (det. and Iaid down on 8 part of his Steveys' or The rails wera rolled Af the Dowials from works, at Dow 1'be Judges of the Pan-American Ex- nonltion, Buffalo, have swarded three old medals to Walter Baker & Co, listed, Derchester, Mass. ‘or the s0- | peeiority of their Breakfast Cocos and #31 of their cocoa and chocolate preps- EN tdrad from The Himvs. a gen 'Wious sud the excellence of their tiemasn of Bouth Alricas experienos | says that people bad very Lilie ides of what a South Africas wagon fn vehicles, Sehisl. This is the thirty s.renth highest award received by them from ive great expositions in Europe and Arperica Sent PAI NRA, A Luonatis se Juryroass. An sxtrasovdipary incident has oc spurred In Dublin A patient escaped from the Rich seond Lunatle Asylum. and while wan- | Bering about the city wis summoned : § # instance, oti & Coroner's jury by the police, and Many of sswixted in finding a verdict ‘The Innatls hax since been raptured aid lakes back wo the saviam. Kaiser 2 Descendant of Arpad. A Imdapest fournalist named Stefan Miehuilovits has published an article in a Hungarian newspaper in which de ntofessed to prove that Kaiser Wi Bim in descnnded freon the Magyar ehist Arpad, the founder of the Hun garian monarchy, says 3 COTTESDOR- dent, The information was new (O whys received the Cute aper describing (he come hatwesn the Hobeuzoilerns as of Arpad; 30 he banded AF ri ahi 1 afeial of the fags x mud fhe matisr will be it I aired “by Husy snd that this lady ia of sf Arpad. A EH FS TIS Baltimore fagnerg say here Dever waa such a boots In canaed goods AB IEW, hen pease SAY 8 MAN mean that Ke was worsbed TIS parasa: yen ar strat. Ata RE af Diz Kiine's oeal ; namely, shout aly 4 x Are. Tin inbow * Soothing Syrap far chives infdamen ren a 3: anid Hes batile Emitting t “the neck of Making Bends war Ron esler Ido nat Bellmrs Pisa 's WL Cure for Cossamp- pans for coughs and cold ~Jouy Springs, fad. Feb 15 10, da8 an Sehing might be HET RATIAL