The Patton courier. (Patton, Cambria Co., Pa.) 1893-1936, October 24, 1901, Image 3

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    a a de ht
, one sar, in adywnes, «BLOG
rates fae Fiver pot ky
flanttntiad until sll arene
TY ato wi phe Option of the
af Patton Ge soba:
Tana bier
ved by the abaeics of the
is that do so much to unis
press. almost all thinking
« date it hms boen chara cterbed
ity and a calm, dispassionate
both In the newspapers snd
: of mouth, of the issues of the
Vitaperation and invective hive
rely lacking, and who
alnsay that the people are nol as
el formed, gr just as well qualified
y, an tho the canvass
ad eo productive of scuseless mind
and attacks on the personal
tor of the different candidates,
The ri tht abuse and v iifieation
BOCBRATY LR SUCon wall campaign
fast becoming obsoleto. Tt is doubt.
{If an attack on any man's charac
evel been frought with good
to his opponent, This is es
prae in a county political
B, whore ull the aspirants are well
own and whos: lives are open bonka, |
east fis the communities in which
Trud, men will say and newspapers
thing ft the heat of 8 campiiign
they would not utter at any ober |
but as an active eleotioneering
agency | i" "a Whiag of thy post and.
a candidate 1s a bad man or dis |
d in any particalar fur the posi. |
jon to which he aspires, lis neighbors
ne Ww it and gopstant iteration and re-
a0 only serves Wo excite syinpi
weve of a community or
pow days will not peroat a
lly incompleent or morally bad
man to become honored at the hands |
hia fellows, exiept te rar Instant,
48 an funais to the inteulgeton of
voters 1 atte yp be snlighion Lem
tho roontal apd moral disgaadifica
wm of 5 vandidule with whom all are
the different candidates Lo be
for in this county for pouuty of
at the consing election, the Cour.
¢ that sil are good men and
ghily yautified to Kerve tin peo |
in the seyeral responsible postions. : :
File and the seogstios the worst possi |
there in one wlio ls not, rest aastired
{he voters know it wed will act)
pdingly when they ars called upon |
xercise the right of foancbise.
muse 8 man happens to dispgree
another one as to party jrtiey
y reason why either is not just as
a citizen as the other. Partizan
party politics are a necessity |
# the form of goverment we en- |
eine #0, whats the use or
a vindictive or undignified |
jgn that does no good whatever
1 leaves sore spots and tack of
: among neighbors when it is
iy the real issues of a cam-
should be discussed, and dis |
i knowingly, by all classes of
and women, too, for the plrpose |
; ueation, but it is to be hoped that |
fashioned style of campaign, |
made enemies of neighbors and
of partizans, is gone, never Lo re.
turn. ‘Honest men may differ in meth- |
. but all are anxious, or should be, |
hey resulta are henaficial, whether |
to the Nation, state, cou nty or mt.
As stated above, Cambria county |
has wot an example. in his re.
says Sen tor
ted. Keither the state |
: 1% going to the demunition
bow bows whatever the resait of the |
‘next election.
| Who dare deny the benefits of edu
| eation after listening to the foot ball
yell of the differant high school teams
throughout the country ?
He AR 4
New businesses are being oped in
Pettis almost avery day. Keep the |
The auth
acter” Bye
nocently Sse As “ein 1
: cliess of York were boviag 00020
; Sud cathy
re ried :
it the Ff & jedan
petty, vx F othelr feeling
LL RL ani sifyer, 0
| of Dinblin, and no mieigke”
A PREACHER ont west recently
preached a sermon on the miracie ©
Jonah and the whale, advertising iin
{advance ander the suggestive title, “IV's
hard to keep a good man down.’
Ax editor of an exchange in sitting
Cup nights straggling with the eonun.
‘dram: “Why i it now and then
that & tan wiits for the sheriff to ad-
vertise his goods for male, tustead of
doing so himanlf. 3
Portico SAL prophets and NOWSPRAPOTE
sei), fai thay Gol sabl tae other
“And whin. with the blesna of God,
we get hine rule, Sure we Cad hive a8
manay of thin gs we plas”
“For Cought, Golds, Grip,
“Cold in ANY PART of boty.
Teper ia an. :
sant Blogd ©
An old wonun, seve Boman phil ng
a young calf roughly along the road,
‘to thrnte a fellow erather)
“(yh, you hia‘gnard! That's to way
sure” sald A laborer to a oung
Indy who was arging Hien ta sem) hk
children to school, de anytiing for
gueh a sweet, etatiomatly lady as
yourself.” :
are now busy all over the county |
figuring out majorities fur different
eundidates. As the Covmer deals in
facts and not fancies, the result will be
published in this paper on November
T. 10941.
AY the soromation of Edward the |
NIL a duchies will be wrmitiedd to
wear 8 train two yards long, 8 countess
[Ray Wear one one and a hall vards
ong and a bagoness is limited to One
iynrd. Common in wividoals will prob.
ably be requested to wear rainy day
Wr———— KMRL
WHILE the dally papers for several
weeks past hive been devoling HOVER
eolamns per day to the Hehiey case, it
Again, the Ialorers on i} faree este a
- fAerided that ir wonkd le fore
yeniont fir tern if ties saald be i §
| every week [nstead of every fortnight.
One of thelr number was sent to place
their proposition before the fang agent
art thle was hia stataanenl
“If you please, sir, It's mo desire,
and it is also fvery other DRGs desire,
that we rosave out forlaghts pay
very wevk :
An exasperated sergeant, drilling a
squad of recruits, enabled to them al
“IERIE Just come ovnt here all of
yo. and look at yourseives [t's a Ane
Hine ye'rs keepin, ha't ur
A Risry Hinsteating the Sallar's
Habit of tircmbiing, :
The author of “Frog Edmburgh tn
: the Antarctic” writing of the sailor's.
habit of grumbling, says “The d ners
ds doubtful if one man out of a hon. ;
| dred has soy more knowledge of the
Ltechinleal terins used than he had be.
fore the gallant Admiral made his fam-
Lous loop.
Cand phonless dufl”
ave all the same that In to say, Mon.
day's dinners sre all alike, and what
we have today we shall have thix day |
six onthe hesee Jaen forelatier
this day HE years ago had the sane
Cen and made the sd ancompld
pentary remarks about the dishes. an wd :
106 yenrs henoe on this day Jack's chil
dren will growl over their hit horse
The author sisn
(tell this “yarn” to Musirate that
Toit Paticn possesses and Is using
has a deterrant effect. The | | the best material possible for a foot ball
team is no longer doubted. Neither
Ehensburg or South Fork were able to
soore agninst it. This is & high com
| plement when it Is known that Ebens -
harp defeated the rack Jobbalown
eam and onth Fork the equally g Perl
A Mansa plexi, tie alley bY stare
moore of 45 1600,
Ir any other argument were lnking
that Patton neds a public ball or
opera Boose, sod needs It badly, the
with the building was pot half jarge
enoul, the sconmmodations abomin
We “Oh! Lard how long,” oust we
Pendure this pe pest Lina,
i NO ge sod tl itizen, who has the welfare
of his town at heart, will go out of
town to make bix purchases that he
could make as economically at home,
This is a duty every man owes to the
town in which he lives. —Windber Era
True, every word of it, and it it applies
county tow. Patronise home Ads
try, nnd especially the home print shop.
A ——————————————————————
A new remedy for biliousness is now
on sale at Hastings Pharmacy and C
'W. Hodgkios, Patton. It is called
Chamberlain's stomach and liver tab-
lets, It gives quick relief and will pre.
vent the attack if given as soon as the
first indication of the disease appears.
‘ Price, 25 cents per box. Ramples free.
Chas. RB. Wessmar, Evaoston, li,
writes: “My boy 2i vears old had a se-
spore cold which refosed to yield to any
treatment until we tried Foley's honey
cand tar. He was completely cured be.
fore using one bottle,” Take none bat
i Foley's. All druggists,
lewis Ockerman, Goshen, Tod. “De.
Witt’s little early risers never bend
mo double like other pills, bot do their
i work thoroughly and make me feel
like a boy. Certain, thorough, gentle,
OW, Hodgkins, 1 Patton, snd Hastings
| Pharmacy.
Wihave we infant wisn
{the infant stropgpe {or existence
| senrped alngost
i Rbeosbure Mountaineer- Herald
dant in a new dross, |
i druggist, writes: ‘Your One Minute
cal Appearance. Business must | |
h adda materially to ita typo-
: nty seat to permit |
mpson to indulge in such |
pie gpscitated and
made strong by the nse of White's
i ere vermaifuge. Price 26 cents.
Bi Hodgkins, Patton, and Hastings
| Pharsaacy.
Ww op Weaan, Ghobsonvilie, Va,
{cough cure gives perfect satisfaction.
My etstomers say it is the best remedy
for eoughs, colds, throat and lung
tronbles. (. W. Hodgkins, Patton, |
anil Hastings Pharmacy.
winsioals at Firemen’ Hall on Weodnes
day fl bight wind fursikel 1 To begin
Jack's habit of grumbling can’t iw
rurixd and must be endureh.
Once npon 8 toe thers Hved a skip.
= r whose wife said to lm that Hf she
ent bo seg the poor In wand sever
be fastit mith o thelr found. Her
Band ton he
anit th god
ite th aaeh
4 5 Leash ¥i Vira
aw for ber hus real’ “4 hres
Hoe Taiering 358 nf the LAE
Pint Sheen
forward In
40 Baten fn tha pr we rif
¥ 0% Nhe bin sx] down
$l hateh and saw a blip Haek Lat
plage fark by ith the hes sind heand a
Baasse volo growl Lane, RIL what
dive think tlds “ere Hliusls fowl died
{The Little Dinlogae With Which the
Procecdings Were EE an.
Hero's a litle dolly dAidogue that
was overheard in a 824 a yeenth © nok
tol hill mansion sue Saar fast week:
She Why, oh, why. did | ever marry
loo Recanse | was a good thing.
|ha-You are becoming positively
Ho Ammscintion, :
Rhe--You pay no attention whatever
to my little wishes
He What's the use of chiasiug a car
after you've canght it?
She--1 believe you have been drink.
Ing again
He No such luck
Shei in rags.
He Well, we'll do a sketch,
She 1 haven't been to the th
twa weeks
Ho Yours Is a sad story.
Shoo Brute!
eo Onprs i= a peace] mane.
She Are you going Soown twp te
Hoo 1f I ean swing you for car fare
Shae] have £21 40 my purse
He flidry (amen!
Khoo f saw 3 eof high heeled pat
ent feathers today reduesd so $3 that
Fmt and shall Lave
i gens brags for
Sr von pet whredd]
know the rept amd
mtb nw ol av?
ent ont the shave. ;
t had paver eft mama,
the gas will Ub
Flos Than i
She 1 wish
so 1 do
Fle Others, others]
Khe 1 Have n good potion to go right
back to her thiz wingte
He Have you got an umbrella?
She-Oh, you-you--g g-government
eo-vlerk! (Tears Curtain.) Washing
ton ost
I EL hier ih Sam lS Mr
Ly ore
il you cab for iv.
Prostding lg ed arch.
Band for Oiits, Briteas. Barns, old
4 Sores,
praing, Gols, G Throat, Colle,
‘ Dysentery, 8 wel Tunien, it is unialiing,
ry E ney ® PENTER Fredosin NE.
EEE # wan wed di Soon) of ig #e J ae
smi —E AL
he most Femaryabie CUTE SYEY Ackisved by
ox yop ls ete. for Almanac for 3891 containing Amgiriptions of the aed eo
medicing. 4
Ky X GE PS i
Stock of Goods
at and
aR A ge a $ rh
Below, (ame earny and oot
ks, Panne Velvets, Laces, Ap pliques, Chif-
and Fancy: Ribbon Velvet, R ibbons,
1e of Milk
Mrs. G. M. Stevens & Sister.
Cambria Co, Pa
Chop, Feed a
ery Linh oa
SAE EOE ye gay ry
All kigds uf Panes Shring aad
Winter Wheat Floor, Whole Grain,
Bale 1 i AY
x Straw.
Patton Feed &
Buckwheat Mills,
W. J. PERRY, Proprietor.
r Block, Patton, Pa
Reuel Somerville,
PattoN, PA.
Often in the Good Building.
Miss Susie Wentz,
sine” and a
Ay rap al
wp VE Yond
pe Ew
rp Pree
. E
Si YIM Las ies
merry wees Bours asl even GYR OF
Elune fx path
Pharnuu yy
Ww Yr ts 34
Fi pi $i Da Shin i COLE ¥s /
take a dose of Foley's bovey ang tae gy san ml
Phe woreness will be relieved and 8 I OZE )
warm, gratefs] feeling od healing of
this pares aa bod will w experianoed
The Patton Jeweler
Jonathan Owen's celebrated bread.
at Mellon's. Try it.
CAH | gE ints
~Ahd | HeWspapers for sale at this
office 5 cents a bundle
That's what every
Business Man wants
and ought to have. Not
merely good Printing,
but good Stock as well
Printing that ple
‘and Stack that wi not
offend the most fastid-
jens. On these two
qualities we have built
up a reputation. If the
imprint is on
the Job you know that
is all right.
he right, too.
ticket to
poster. Mal and tele-
phone orders |
* Nuf
attended to.