ha ot them in the Caited present, with 63.567 depost- | amount deposited since the ablishing these’ bunks be- | anvary 1, is placed at} hich $235,000 remained on the date named. The teaches the children how to ice are © consider { loved her quite ax I did; and, { wasn't a beauty. I had muscles of iron Oi a Frogh You mt bt ly Person's phiz, And what an astonishing Thing it ia? A beautiful face Bb S something whie ie owner _— In grerything id admires, That raohey burs And brain inspires. But a hatnely face} : You look & sic And at x15 Not a little bit, “a0: I it hurts, And will it soon be well Or is it ite Tucurable, That is the way You think and where To the owner You are hardly fair, For the homely face n't have & cali To hurt either mas i Or woman at all, ~William J. Lampton It ma bumpy Eo and rough no every way coral : Homely enough; But the owner Doesn't seem to care a whit And acta just ax if He were used to it. He's ant comnefous Of his homely phiz, Ard thinks it as fine As snother one is; Bhe takes it with her Wherever she goes, Plainly not knawing What every one knows, It feein just the same Wine a pretiy one lane better perhaps, Bon the truth were known-~ And the owners alter ~ Bame years of wear Consider the feel Ax good ax fair. And still you wander, And have to think That a pkiz like that Waid drive you to Arink; Yeu'll vow it's the worst ¥ oy have ever ween, But the person behind the face I# dprene in the New York Sun. 0 you know, sir, 1 can never fonk at that steeple without turning cold all over, ai thal 10s nearly forty years since It happensd-and the old man pointed towards the distant city, where the tall, slcader spire of Bt. Mark's, izing higher than the rest, was sil hontied agains! the glow of the set ting sun, whose last rays made the | §ilded vane on the summit burn as with fire. It's forty years since, he continued, but it might have been yesterday, »o vivid Is the horror of it; but come in: { side, and UI tell you all about jt She was young enough then, and as bonny a girl as there was in all War. wickshire, while [ don’t think there was a plainer, more awkward lad than myself in the whole county. But I { laved her—as a dozen others did—ounly 1 don't think they could ever have ir 1 and nerves of siecl, and “Steeplejack Jim” was known for Afty miles round. She would never let on that she eared for we; she was too artful a , | puss for thai, but I thenght 1 had a would head the poll majority. chards cause Wide hes are tainly abundant. Qittle consolation in that. unless they are canned «lo not abide with us in months, Apples do, and ake their place, remarks Trihun of the » railroads to fam- Is treated exhaustively Wd of India ln a recent his journal blames the Indinn | ir parmitting the expor- grain to such large extent, ng, It declares, should bave > stop this. of a severe arraigument: country the population of mainly dependent upon subsistence, for their en ordinarily liable to and which can not fmport t famine prices, can or safely export its sur ction from year to year int of any gort, Ix a ch seems to us, on the Jess than insane.” cl trrigation has od oy private enterprise in h of the West way be to those in other portions : hose impressions that ine bas been done way bored from the reports | gitation for Govern : iWork. | : Nebraska Authentic 1t says at the | “Ngo,” and then chance, and 1 went for it for all 1 was worth. She used to drive me mad with jealousy, flirtlog with this man and smiling on that, until 1 could have killed the whole Jot. But I never let her see it: 1 was much too deep for that Only let a int know you're jealons: And she'll make your life a-well, forment, just for the love of rn {und showing her power over you. I always came up smiling. and she couldn't wnderstand it, buat It eon. quered her in the end, and for nearly forty years, bless her, she's been the gweetest, most loyal wile a man ever had, But this Is an old story, yon say, and so it is, but still it's always pew and I'l get on to the tragedy quite soon enough, The only man 1 was really afraid of was my partner Jack-—Jack Harding as fn saw In your life. tall and sirafght as a lath, and with a face like & young god, but he was a bit Inclined to be will, | and that's a fatal thing in my Jine Ruth was fonder of him than of all the others-—what girl could help 7% and If he'd only played bis cards weil | be might bave had her, w any of us a look in. Bat jealousy! Why, my worst at tacks were mildoess itself! compared frthout ziving with Jack's—and he esuldn't conceal them as 1 did. Ile bad rome Spanksh blood in bis veins, I always thougil-—- he looked lke a Spanlard--ami if sip even smiled at another an bis oyes flashed as if be would strike them both dead, and more than once he Jest his temper and sald things to her that vo i 4 chair, with a sheer, girl would stand, least of all Ruth, ‘Well, to come to the point, chance was small enough, 1 wasnt Zoing to lose her for want of asking. If I live to be a hondred 1 shall als ssavs remember that evening when | asked ber if 1 had a chance, and if she sould marry a clumsy, ugly tian lke Roe, “Chance? she sald, as she looked Wp at me roguishly ont of her bine $yes. “Why, Jim, you donkey, you've t every chance, and if you hadn't Pen bMnd you'd have seen it months she laughed, a kind of Mysterieal Inugh, and hid Ler blushes én my shoulder. Well, sir, if she'd knocked tae down 3 couldn't have been more surprised it was all so sudden and unexpected. | but 1 had the presence of mind to put iy arm round her and to draw her face up to mine to kiss it, and then why, sir, there wasn’t a man in Eng. land half as happy as me, “But what about Jack?" I said, when T'd come to a hit. ‘About Jack! sho sald archiy, "well when you say you're tived of we, I'll begin to think about hin 1 1 live long enough.” - When Jack heard of it he went mad welean mad-swore he would kill us both, and flung himself into a wild or- gle of drink and dissipation. [I saw next to nothing of him for weeks, and when we met he passed on the other aide of the road without looking at me. 1 was sorry for him, but it of war, or rather of love, Lown a promise to run in io the evening, sa young fellow as yon ever j 1 scon i Saw that the prize rested between bin and me, and though 1 thought my | 8 i know occupied to have any fears for what hie might do to we. Then one day he seemed completely changed: came to me.!with ah out stretched band and asked my pardon, saying that I'd won fairly, anid wizh- ing me Inck. Bul somehow 1 didn't Hike the looks of him, and didu't trust him, and 1 had good ground for my detrust, sx | war soon to prove, Dur ing his drinking bout 1 bad to hire an assixtant for any lob that came wy wity, but when he offered to join me azain 1 touk him on just as if nothing had bappened. My little gir] wax very nervous about me now that I was so much to her, aod begged me to give npstesple- climb. Ing and work on solid grouad, but there is wore money in the ale, for ae, at any rate, and as I wanted to save | for that little pest 1 bad In view, 1 thonght 1 would stick to toy steeples a a little longer, Then came the Joh that coxt Jack his jife and nearly cost me mine-re. gliding the vane on the top of Bt Mark's seeple. How well 1 remeny her that morning in May. when every. thing-my keart incinded -seemned to | ance for joy of living and oviog. 1 found time (o run around fo soe my little gir] before beginning work, and found her sad and tearful 8be had dreamt the previous night that she saw me fighting with a man tn midair, and then all at onve 1 foil down, and strock the earth with a sickening thud at her viry feet, “Don’t go to-day, Jim,” she pleaded, as the tears chased each olin: down her cheek: "I know somelking will happen to you” In vain 1 argued and ohafied, and when at last I tore myself away with she soversd ber face with her hands and stood mollontess nt the door BLT was ott of sight, us i shutting sore Lor vid spectacle from her even Jack was specially cheerful when 1 joined bim-too gav, 1 theughi, as 1 gw the rorkicss light in Bis eyo ought he had been drinking. “You lucky dog” be slapped me on the shaalder. aad is warm on your bps. Ab well 1 shall have my turn of hick some day ~ay be pooper than you think’ 1 hope so, ton, may Ind) 1 sid sxe patheticnhiy, 48 we set to worll, © thin sooner the A few hours later we wire pended, one on each side of toe steeple, a eouple of huadred feel nlawe the plzniies {Bat eyawiing ue. We were woth busy as esubl be, eidine the ball fret which the vape sprang Jaok ole one sade thie sipor, Each of wmatiorm, little droar than the seat of Hazy drop of nearly seventy yards bepeath vs cach, Tor additional saferr, Was pi vhod 10 the stee ble by a Lie line ran. Ring under his anus Jack had pot spoken a word far pesriy an hour, bot 1 thought peihing of that. as we wore working saline time, spd the darkness was beginning already to chery over the 3ky. You when youre working at thet belzht, resuoved it were, from al the world and with nothing bat sb ence above and around you, the slight oii Boise sends a sheck through a man, however sirong Lis nerves may bw You can imayine then how startled I was when all 8 coce | beard a loud shriel of Jaught er. almost as 4 sesmed al my very ear. There was seasiething uyneanny about in too, that ot my licart thumping and py dosh Creeping 4s they bad never done or Rinee, When the laugh ceased Same Bonin as “AVhut’s the it to yourself “Jake!” he sald “I should think it would be 6 loke I was fanervisg yan shooting down lke 8 ment Jdewn thers. aml what world think wien she saw the What a rummy ideal” 1 answered, with affecied coolness, though my beart wag beating faster tho and seemed as if it would sullacate me, “But I'm going down a little slower than that as soon as I've finikhed this bit of work. But pull yourself to gether, Jack, and get your gold on, and then we'll soon be down there on our two logs.’ "No. alrr he shouted, “I'm going to ‘aud hotter” she. ere Ped 4 nk DRLOTe, amd allenece swial rei of ald, JACK TY Im’ Beep ay % wit foils, Ruth C prieces! TR aL LYE, { pended on keeping cool { had eased the hiteh of the Hne round | had been seen hy the people feet, 4 kaye me, sald, am hie | Youre! a. Been to see uth, I Boos, and her Kiss of Sree, iar lool bp Beneath i reas 5 HAR op i BYRbh oino L patel: al we on us was sanding op a tiny i and ; take, Cleveland, Ho stone to the pave: | 1 said, pickiad quickly. gether.” “As he sald this he etaned his eck round the corner of the gieeple fo get 4 look at me, and o single glance at his wild eyes showed ine that the man was | raving mad. and that 1 was alone In midair with a muniac who hated me and would certainly kill me If he could. 1 was powerless, If 1 called tor help | 1 might be heard, but who could come té my assistance poised as 1 was at | stich a giddy height above the world? And in a single moment 1 might be in the throes of a ifs and death struggle | with a men quite as sirong as myself and made ten time stronger by mad Desa, He was slowly and purely working round towards me, apd there was not a moment to waste. Something most be done quickly, and everything de In a moment miy hafd, awd was swing ronnd to meet him. Before he had time to pro toot himeelf 1 had seized him by the throat. and had forced him down ob Jils saddle board. Bat it was only for a moment. for gtrong as § was py strengih was ss a With 3 . With a tihinks he wreneh he was free, and had flung hie child's compared with hb, powerful arnis yind my clest, face of the steeple 1 tried to call out, bgt my vole stuck In omy throat, tay | eyes felt as if they were being forced || out of my head, nnd my breath came tiie, | Gly in convulsive gasps. All the amid the horrilids siisnee broken Ly ihe cresuing steenle, hile eyed were piaring face. I foil my sensed rapidly leaving me, when my band boy accident siruck oy tool box and instinctively as 18 ware clutched a wrench, With a last eflont my remaiping strength full on tenpleand then 1 remembered no minre in bed. and Buoth's eves were looking down on me with just stich & look In them ss an angel might have, hut she | said no word, aml | sank info gnoon- Aciousness again. It was weeke before 1 wai about! again or beard what bappened after all became dark about me on ibe tap of the steeple. It pesmin the struggle of the | sireet below: sn exeited crowd had gathered, bot they conld do nothing but Took and wonder anid wait. had seen me strike Jack and fall bak senseless in the eaddie as his arms re. leased me, and then to thelr horror they had seen hie slip off his platform and drop like a stone reboonding off | the steeple. and fall a shattered boap on the globe pavebient almost ft their ine in the strazyiesbat Tuckily pine | years investigating son spots” of the hope andl the | grating of the saddles against the Fates mine and big hot breath was oun my Pe Ti-Bils r : { where you lite? When I eare th myself I wae iving 2 bold the salt tozeth They | He must have slipped his jife | and with great diffleniiy | was ssfelr lowered dovo and cam btmie Weil! there's 1ittle more to tell. They buries] poor Jack, aml three months later the wedding bells were ringing for me and the sweetest bride that ever bark lo a life that has been all sun $i ne na LT 44 Fi TE. —————_— prisms Trapping a Professor by Wire, Among sone intensely amosing lege scrapes told ky “A Graduate” wd Las by his pupils, who was to be married The lady vied ia © ev eland, And 1b students thet loved (7 him were fnvitinl. Bot they deters ined that ia some way Be should i from them. And be dil OF fi Brea: brtend tiie pressor took the at-lo a wa to grrive at Cleve About eleven o's pyre fred the andl sent off this 1&3: Jim Townsend w SEY 18%] "“thisf af Pulice, Man coming ot free Escaped shrewd. therefore Will say same FPipall Tinks he 8 professor calleze. Delusion. Escort to bu im § iriends 8 Ni, pe Eu opt 61 ACEH. 1 This message reached desing. tion long Iwfore train No, & reached | , that whem Professor Figalll alighved It was to walk strals into the custody of three They would isten ta no wards of ma eon. Lut escorted Nis out te the house: un Euclid avenue, (he waded brid level Na silk funal hewarel 3 train Crews, Lissa, whiskers, CHEN its dorteciives One cf Man's Oddities, “1 really belleve thar men Win wear belts become a man an old pipe” sald a Ch Baberdasher, “Have You pol wad fellows who are otherwise aressed immacuisiely w Saye belize, sollvdd and dix Une of Jay regsias Big and io Haat £0 sired evel Dui doce astnnt Sater Cust dane arm wid . Se fag Fras In 18 1a % Sasi 3 000 aw! Hs ¥ $i a bg. 5 a i HN that be dismay the We SION tur Rye of a pew ball giv NtGIne rs shaved Lin hss tialed, pew,” be sald that i= 3 Inles shabby ami sh I finally bein sl One that bad been | Fe ground for 8 long He tool Us and pot it on, alte ine crumpled I up as moch ag possi | bie. “1 don't suppose you want this} up the old belt that hel had discarded. ‘Yes. [ do. he replied | He made me wrap it up and 3. Philadel EBL YOU SOL ule porn? irre ! bays carried It away with bi phia Record, ried | I think ® Emad searcernw Watkins | early eighties, | ation aholr You ) brought a man from the gates of death | the LE Now what did you do a1 { of Gettyabinry ®t’ en. ig | an whe always tol & Home Journal i= the stary Brate Jogernal oi a certain professor, not mach liked ed said Mr hid tder. It isd ! id : ready cond i of bome of Lig in! L., | co iugian Bar aitached to them Just asi [gor aby mis, the og 1 writhings spon the ground had i Ee, fy Pawere seven Mes Cinodoensive, - ht ofl Satay From ie cheek, a8 1 roposed ” Haw Horrid!” ered Far iriend, Mise Did. “Pd Like to see him Sd : Raeh Srizis 20 me!” i tridlarany She apike, and so next day, Wirth eyelids tlosed And fips com a a She, too, in the hamnanck lay, A% ih 8 ance, Jack aioli one gonee And then he stole aay. He "Why, thn professor ims “Lovdiess’ And people say women are inguishiive! «irk i : “Pg. what is a philosenler? philosopher, Jimmie, 3 8 man who has mot Bebhion Fy by liion £ tn The tory pie fea orphaned ¥ RehalarS Madi geo graphy lessons bhatder” —~ Towh and Country Brown -- "Why 4d vom your hook vo that the itinerant would know what yeu pean Jones ~“What part of it is pot clear to you?” Bex mont Traveler] say. Ing most conloandediv” tarer~""Es {zur oti re razor pails foacmt Tore wid 01 tight Tr * kt. 1 to the chair, an’ well pet it af zum I raised ty hand, sirvex him with all | 1he bow." Punih, Manhattan -"1 suppose, Sal you get god ‘Butter itn gn, Suhlmbs "Yes, there is enough butte, “Oh, yeu, he adores The it for & Partnight” bothering you?’ me? to Bud It ong snide life 1 love line gramshopyer- & Exha ibd j He bosw H be lan Nolo] had an awinl wife this giernise overt a thy or bolder shie recently gave he” “What was the tronble?” Nedd caught me using 07 “Then “What's what's bot ering 4 pnd . wn OF 1 A re apn Reco spt Hl pentd Ary. He {rixingd ia 847 ga¢ I realiy must zo A enfored myself mm Maul (with frigid politene Sion To glad, I's sure 1 have ei Fou, to T- Lestiv's Weekly, Hungry Hige us SW hist yon A Woman ov ed pe An Gale this oe be” Weary Her Knowred you sn the Du Hever seen his ani o ” “T ir 354 LE *1 bled fer my couniryl’ yeteral Pwo wars, Hy wit 8 Ri 1% exe aime] al promily, Gee amin, ey ni) rnp 1 “1 feed for my Lite,” i le GUsiE “Hair sing, sr” wiih a # ng fut thi “Maker uit Bee FOR ORD gel Tee oR Tyte Phils SPRY row R tun » Bl wpnd well $f 7 fa £1 al aa Le SEAR Concerning Saalies. hax dering iE ine ane pe SHERI 4 ig A S4¥ SHERER tp rattlesnake to the howdy of 3 tir sev Baw Bos ig to Les Demet red b oo ie ubeliinhnen I The | result iw true thin ea & Beolutely y ded a rege - tigre i5 vB ERR eisbil pProdred ig persistence, tn hi sxioenination, pre sie mus , but stake is really Too sicabie an obiver to be worthy ef Cairy and fantastie moods Was The ¥ tha Cau Sms on ADS ir Killed Tor the Last of Killing. Biliv the Rid Killed Dicngss bi d8ed By thee be was vixbeen, roan of a viciin zit of Bis Femme affect hin nd sone rivets io thy eddie Lisovin Couns War, rode Uo a uf Mexis cans who had caraped pear tue frail tar Trop Seven Bivers, There aps i the palty, all ail sivgnzers 43 cent of any ria Kid wud his cempatnions, the latter. u% (ney do by drew revolvers, ond eaanly asi] with exucting sKHL 5007 Lown every meme ber of the marty. Questioned an to his wotive fur this scr. Billy thie Kid later replied thas they bad shot the Mesioans “just wo see them Kiek™ With a wan He this it Is sbvicus that ordivary reasons aud erdivary Hmitations faldl—Ecerybrdys Maga a Tae Tad tainly | bP $3 LAME Eo] Yet thelr gine 5 fet 1A SWHIGARD, Shem 4 Huntingdon & Broad Te op , Mt. wh being a L fool, Detroit Fre Bs Prove, a : was squeezing the very life out of me. In vain I struggled, as we swung backward aml forward against the fore: ifs tr 2a 38 Aone, ar write Pittsburg, Johnstown, the chpntry | Be poacil to ive Lnown | Why. I've go! to wait Div him when pad Cogs | Hos Shore Express, week dav... aodation i AHowem Aceafumodatian, Salil Mall Fixy : Piiindeljiin Fay : Piristairy Ex pru...... ix vriestien : My isis pm. aad wt Gle rai i ® an ad The analer | to ap. there ara some stories of hotels ; : {that thay alone can teil : ihe murmiles Is one of them Aroedig is Kind. a Bhan id a pernisiens and thave i andl wilh have | apie Wo ne : For Ni York viv Phi Params limp. 0, Band { Ham 3 aE. Ta + Aarne 3 and ait Tis Th rio bony TEE Ba. a, EESL 4 and YEE, Hh re ip om rv Lr Williamsport ears Fork via Easton 4, IO 8, 35 a anlipom : vin Phiiadetjiiia E215, £3 Spo a ed : gi Handing Formuiont, wid, | : BY a PE pom - hi 4 am, ap mior ars bo and from recip 8 ge tron xed from how's snd residences diract wy destination. a or : PION I WEEKS, Cierra Passenger Agent Feniid Raparinien’ ARB Reading Torna, Palladeiphing Pari Cars On wile rises APATER Rail JirO% Togin Mo. 1 0 tlantingdon Limits af af Heda me Frain : fav Xing | arriving an M Train NT H 5 & 1 aks pon nertira wl » Dae wd Lohner ; Tradn Xo 4 IM feng ML Palle for Hantinedon at © Sa mm. servis § Huantings WE LEE a th Tra.a Ne 2 Fant [400 wnves ML Jamilan or Horrrgdion of 4350 pox Aa at was 15 Train No. & Mussays only! Jonves ML Duis Ia for sn SE EG pm. wrriviogat 50 6 Aiiftutax make sivms sonnections with P, BE. leh swat and west ob anbinglon Larn MM Glial Ebene burg & Eastern R. R. Dondeinsnd Time Tabia in «fect Now. = - XARGHSD | Late = 2898 ~ aE SKUs AY wy oh be mus Pet a on i “ Hemi «AL BR otnins Hport, Wiis 54 bid | Mills BRS HMomin® Fhadid Philipsburg CONNECT HONS Hon eda be SMa 2 rah Bw po die ow ¥ NYuaHi Eastward, Pia Ladats Haven io & POeRToy DRANG 0 Sa FE Philipsburg wiih wil ro rosie ad 7 Dp m For fall togrmation apy toy 4.4% RE Buperinieadent Pennsylvania Railroad. In effisct May 27, 1900. Main Live. Lonve Cromon- Eastward, , week days ¥. AE MR YR A power AOR Main Lane Express, dail Bf ones LEE ig Expo daily a el Fatt, Ani iy... Few NE HEBERT DERERE GOUTUTER WUTELS RipEgae sEBuER Lemire Piton--Sonthward, wmin No No. 708 ad 708 a. mo. arriving ul Cresson SAE. Tontts Mov 76 at 548 p. ma. arriving && Crosson LE po. Lone Patton —Northward, Train Mould at 047 a Jn. Sriving at Mas Bader at LG a my. and of Giles Cacapiell a Tomlth Nir TH at 857 poe = arriving at Mahat wCampbell a8 TH nH IEa wm m. Some Hotel Figures. Statistics are pol very extartaining. and that of For ‘mustard, during the year 130 one of shaae hig hotals pant for meats $00 B08; for ponitry. $113.000 for veg taken $2 for frule $42 006 for segs. $1200 far hutter $7505 and or the Sowers used in decoration are fowers on fhe tables syery dae 330 aan The initial In cwatmmwart im gilgarwars waa TH NA the losses that, charitably, w erndiitet ta the sonvenly trace and ihe general wear and tear on fable abot R400 3 yesr is spent ‘wn kee vinx this supply up to the hotel's stareund Young Men at the Head of Colleges. The voungest college President Ws said 10 be John H MeCracken, whe, at 25. predides over Westminster Cob fege. af Fulton, Mp, while his father, Henry M. MeéCracken, is the executive head of New York University Jerome Hall Raymond, President of the Uni versity of West Virginia was elected to that office when 28 years oid. Presi tent Boothe Colwell Davis of Alfred University, New York was elected when Ii years oid Rey Barris A Jenkins was two years younger when se became President of the University of Indianapolis. Dr. Dusiel E Jeak ns. President of Parsons Usilege, lowa, was Just 30 vears of age when he took the pisi=. In 1884 Dr. Jacob Gould Bchurman was 3% vears old when be {| wont ta preside over Cornell Univers Hy. Be A a en Iseland claims the honor of the first slectrie railway in the United King | dom.