The Patton courier. (Patton, Cambria Co., Pa.) 1893-1936, October 17, 1901, Image 5

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    ER SN SRN i rR Td a SB Gr BR pe 5 A
fhotory pectar, » was a Patton visitor | Bome low figares are given thut will
The Spangler Coal & Coke com.
any is erecting a compressed air ma
jehine plant al ita mings near Spangler. |
“df you want One janidry work,
eave your lavoadey with W, E. Pre o- |
bert, the barber, Magee aveune, the |
agent for the Empire Steam Laundry.
LW, Me Phrerson, preside atd. E. KIRK'S oD HDW.
sb botany :
AM W.of A, were inn town on Batae-
: tday. :
VE, Sonth Fork. aE 5 Jo BP Videy, 0 Fittehnrg, |
t's bread at Meliorrs. : special agunt of the Ulthans rs Fanon I
Co. of 8 Louis, with his wile spent! ; 4
Monday, Tuesday apd Wednesday in Ammunition, nyiis, appt
Fawn, | parers, augers, awis and awl
Peter, the venerable canbe owned | faft
hy Chas. F. Pitt, turned up its teem and
hig ion ll Tres. took an excursion train for dog heaven |
ee Lone day last week, aged amply -stesn
[. Mellon 8 now located at | years, :
oy sujoiin A. Bobhwab, of Loretto, fal her
of Charles MM, Schwab, will jeave in’ 1 ie. Wah
about two weeks to spend the winter Baiances, barb wie Cams,
Lh Southern Europe and Northern beaters, bellows, hells, belts,
Aftien. ‘bitts, braces, bolts, blocks,
~A dwelling owned by the estate of borers. | hrackets, boilers Cb
at Pu oung won 5 visit wn David HH. Davis at Burnside was des.
; {troyed by fire Friday. Loss #1, 500,
John Pp rin bie | left is mArning | {usared with Parvell, Cowher & Co. 5
; for $6800.
| Irvin, of Altoons, WAS Misses Auna Martin and Alice Lo
ting friends in town Sunday. mire have opened a dressmaking es Cages, calipers, caris, caps,
: 3 mn a busin ] Se the he rit] . :
Thos. J. Grabam muds. ess tablishment in the baoildiog recently cartridges, casters. chains,
trip y Mahaffey on Wednesday, vacated by Judge Boone on Fifth
Robert (les and Ed Galiaher, of Avene,
Conlport, were in town on Sunday. | A little scrap between two belliger-
For a good shave, hair cut or sham. | ante on Magee syenue at noon on lars, coffee mulls, COMPASSES,
) call on Garficid Wilkins, Finth Monday attracted a large crowd and © wilers and cord.
; furnished considerable amusement,
Mellon made a biisiness trip | No fatalities
or Sounty, West Virginia, { Boys’ and children’s sults form the
oR, | subject for 4 new advertisment of the
A Headley, of Lilly, deputy Keystone Clothing Cn. in this sos
halk checks, chisels, chucks,
Arm chairs, all styles.
1 4 ¥
treans, brussels.
pay you to look ap. . Couches, cradles, cupboards,
Mr. and Mrs. 8 K Suyder are vis | Miss Virginia Lingle bas retupried
| Miends at ML Ww scliool at Philadelphia. Rhe Wis ac Diners, dining tabies.
companied to the Quaker City by ber ;
Mn Chas F. Pitt were mother, Mrs. W. C. Lingle. who re.
Patton people in Buffalo turned home last Friday. :
BY | Johnstown is now suffering from Ly : \
AM; : Mary Coyle and Miss Jans an epidemic of typhoid fever, due it. Do not fail to remember
Houtzdale, are visiting rel. is balibved to the low water supply, that we “carry the largest,
(There are thirty-four cases in the che apest and best hne of
LMF, and Mrs. Jose BE Dale have | Memoria) hempital alone, heating stoves in this city.
been visiting the Pan-American expo- ~The report of the First National .
| Bank of Patton will be found in this |
upd WH ay: and her mother, fssue. The showing ix a most exceilon Kirk Fu rnitl re
Everything in furmture.
Mrs. Farbaugh. are visiting relatives | one, as i glance al the array of figures
presented will readily show.
o Stoltz, the proprietor of the = ~The Bon Ton store has sone inter. & Hardware Co.
one at Ebensturg, was in Cesting shopping pews in & pow adver.
edn tisemient ou the fourth page. Figures
Mes. Harry Atkinson and daugh Lare quoted, foo, that will be of gd Magee Ave.
of wi 1 ndber, are visiting relatives, | interest to the careful buyer.
The iver strike wt te oper. PATTON, PA.
an and Abthris Dinumore wars | tions of “the Bloomington Coal Ca, ’
» bunting trip in Jefferson and Ind: CRT arepiitown, bas son wrt ied wha
- soanties hia week. the Hen Have rela wy IAF WTNH. Both
4 : dle to the conlronsing made tanita.
Lawrence Dido was i Arcadia | 2
wk on business Hor the Bewch
a En Metin Hauweon. of leprle i
is 8 visiting bn town ang
jarning rendered 8 very pleas sok
Lat this 3B chanh, winch wis tnueh
Fans Bares. Rppreciale il hy a1 wha wary focthnate
at yon are in need of & good shave, envogh to be presint
¢ tor shampoo Garfield Witkinw, | mi dicidon freight agent of he
Fifth avenue barber, will sult yon, Penpaylivanin division of te New
you want a stove set np wilh York Centra J railroad, with Buperin-
hand made pipe of the best goal. endent Crowley ad other officials,
hurry, vee J.B Cordell & as just completed an inspection of
a the Beech Creek and Fall Brook d Vig
forget the musicale under the Frets |
cof the choir of St, Marys wi The periods dirartors have wes
church on Wednesday evening, October Vertis for bids for the ercotion of a
2 i wagon shed at the poor fare at B brie
A grand tea party for the benefit burg. The boilding is to be xB fest,
f the church at Bt Augustine will two staries high, and weather boarded
held on Baturday ¢ evening, Oct. 26, with No. 1 poplar, Bids must be in by |
x yt 21. /
R ¥. Jackson, the genial post. A strike has been declared by the
er and one of the prominent citi, miners employed by ex-Congressman ] y
f Westover, was in town on Jomeph EE. Thropp at his mines pear DOW it 15 too cold tor contort
| Kearney, Bedford county. They claim without a fire.
Earnest Pryckiand,of Patton, | lunjost treatment, and that Mr
a his bride, are visiting their friends Thropp has falled to keep certain
this neighborhood. -- Philipsburg Promises
: i wt). W. Myers, a Beech Creek fire. |
Martz, who Is working on man, has been promoted to the posi-|
ining machine at Shamrock, Som. tion of traveling fireman of the Beech | He atin Stov fo |
t county, is home for a fow days’, reek district, with headquarters at g
& i Jersey Shore, to fill the vacancy cansed |
D8. Rice, of Hastings, has! {by the promotion of John P. Martin 0
d an office in the Good building | “Pgineer. :
will locate here for the practice of Brother Sawyer, of the Windber |
vy ge » fs
IY winds of
‘winter will str us. Even
, Me Jacob Schwem, of | S0it. Juat listen to this from the just you examine our stock first
lle, were visiting at the res- issue of his paper: “It is well-known you won't go elsewhere.
Freeman Williams several that Johnstown has the thinnest
in the country.” ‘Don’t forget we have them,
~The official ballot for the Novem- and at the right price.
‘ber election will be larger than usual
Lin off years. The uniform size through. We have 1ust received a
; wer, of Biandbarg, the
t wing the voters of Patton |
oves, ladies’ and children's
: rehiefs and notions of every de-
complete line Just received
sk } §1 3 x an he wi . i :
cept in lackawanna, Union and znd Linoleums in all styles
Bnyder counties, each of whichiset- + 0 PY AY
Ang Szes jhe nrees are
| titled to an additional column. | (Saht 4 £
: : TIT aL, wo,
“The B. R&P. railway 8 now x :
w H. Sandford was called lo ranplog © sxoaraions to the Pan Amen We make
ast week on account o Bi
of her mother, Mre.
stove pipe and
oun oxposition at Buffalo every Too | :
‘day. Thursday and Saturday from ail!
fatations, Butler to Pulls Oreck lnciosive,
s has been transferred at ti 64 for the round trip. Tickets “ Everything in
Fifth Ave,
(set up Stoves
fa which wis proclaimed as a
daration of time in which his memory
1d be honored by general manifes-
n of grief in all parts of the}
Mike MeTaggert sooretary tres snrer of : ~~
sub-district No 1 of district oe LU & FU RT. STOR E.
Clamps, cleay ers, clippers, col-
ont at prices less than they can be
‘bought from the manufacturers; alec a |
eather for $1.20 and 31.35, and men’s
We have it, and at any.
‘price and quality. 20 differ.
Journal, is 'lectionvering for a libel ent varieties to select from. If
‘out the state will be ten columps, ex. large assortment of (il Cloths !
| Patton Courier,
| Advertising Rates made known on |
- application. i
it business
are sole agents
county ior the
per co nt on
Brooks Oil Co.'s
Gutta Percha
Roofing Paint.
the stock lasts.
and the op port: av is Tous
“A Penny Saved 1s a Penny Earned.
Call and get prices.
Mellon's Cash
Estimates chee rfully made
for all work in our line
J.C. Harper Co.
Light Sole.
Mediu High Heel,
A big red uction | New an d complete
. haz : To a
in Shoes. | and Winter Goods,
2 £0 SR fe = ay : EF 4
We have several odd lots of children's Latest Fore RR and
and Missa! shoes that we are closing ite a sen
elties that will be worn this
winter . Vim 1 a etre —— a
few ladies’ oxfurds, 7h and $1.00. LEAT 3 0 WW ONE workmans
We have men's and boys’ dress shoe!
Intest aty les, guaranteed all solid -~the qual hity of goods an d pri ices a
mining sors for $1.06 All solid 2iS
leather, Call and examine stock.
FRITON. PA Merchant Tailors, Patton, Pa.
Is in the Air!
iis early coming reminds
} I “oer ARE Wa
Noo % Niekie Thy Betti
Ariel ase pe
gir Fall Sait oon of snly becatas
we oa slow vod the chaioest and
Tami Hep tawi sien of Fai amd
oy patel
Rhu aang Wk
Men's Fall Suits
Jpn winter Weg Ha
i arrived. Th hey re
yon ony abies
: ;
under regular prices.
me Bazaar, i
Dnnlap Styles and ail the latest blocks,
Err bie Timid wore nase all Kiaermanie { cnis
Winter Underwear and all Seasonable Goods.
Wa have just ooetved a new and complete line of truaks, valises
Parnell, Cowher & Co.
Aperiie are
Powe S&B -
BN na
Eason Baldi ng, Patton, Pa" Plone No 8
5 FA AN Ea
Office upstairs in Good Building. Of
fioe Hoors--S 2a m Wo 2m, andl p
skinned and palest blooded sports. Perhaps you need a Range? ™ 08pm
Dr. V. A Murer,
Ete. umbe john C.
Arb 1. Gest Presa : bal 1 !
Flour and Feed
fee on oo roer of lang
Ayes YE, {. : 5
sided fev Prope FLIES Sh Bed
BR SW. Worrell.
L{Mfce in Good Bailding, Room Noo 3 FE RTIL 1 7B RS,
Sar General Surgury amd ae a Specialty Aj I will in the foturs handle Fertil
pers of al kinds. Farmers wishing it Repairing promptly at-
shoald leave orders early. 1 will not | tended to.
keep it ip stock, but order direct from |
the manafactarers.
Yeager Building,
oni wil peso prop atlanta
Promoter of Publiei ity. |