oe 1 Repotts i. ead Flaviers Seat Him {Speci want. Cor of Ine New York 3 REMY, gest to Secretary Hay 10 desyinate cial repr yernmient to he present af ution of rer of President Me Kinley, which the of October oR arden Mead of the p tx he has recenved for pero rend the slpeivnention, wide Wil cases, and the super nen oe whe oy will bee ements to the effect that © ons state of collapse ‘bre Bown ard wennk uery Xx 5 thin #4 said to Rim concerning k her Geution ark tens oll, Rpgerin- ‘Collins had a Falk with the con ane days age #1 a # anid BIA : 4 LIES In a cafe on the Baf- tion grounds informed a Bal | tleman thar Cenlgoss visited he cafe twice before he shot the iy thar he told them he was | agent af an undertaker, and tried if # Dress : | with thei Notwithe nbd eting Besvie Arviert. 15 vears old, | miont AV Yared to clone "Baltimore snd Ong brakeman, wertaken by her angry | father Fhe for Phoadel gh 3 Alahal sir reds Yyert eg Foal hegrmg and Sagdl send | re of th ed | mative of the Unit teneed 10 the penitent t Leon F. Crolgosr, the | Ke place in Auburn prison some b % 3 ; : Ta death when the $Ritnce £3 fer § The law first thie eer evel Lr i : Both men were aed to Superintendent Catlins | nrate the battle bet ween the. settlers and fry a 034 atte: tht “hed ode man and wounded aronher Johann Most, of New Yark £5 ry dor. wa Le Crovnd Tir nin swrd was dedicated in W.Va ¢ of Lima, Ohio negro tramp uy fra § 1 Point Pleasant, Wa Ho We $h cok sud robbed Ei 2 ing an trainmen were killed and 1 moa col Western Fomr injured Cyrear ¥ rs NY On Sustareps A § knew be hod pe elactiocution, at pos ntsc the p ade world k $5 h Somes ent pry: Aodhirey Yr BY vase sg © i bpd The fe swerve amd been SET by CRRTTIE SOURS, wambey of letters contaiding : moments. rait. ah : he ie, oi tor: fe hy his s roid prt him if they had the exe justice in lig case. Togs stat it would cause Surprise if the ners of frany anid fawers bis re arm oe ¥ en nd 0 ) Pe or effort has been nade to pre intirderer from gaining any J ariny posts and ca Awaiting death and tw "ak periect an pend ner arid: #3 possible. it, M a from Saginaw Mach fatiph ber re and es 0 vee ¥ ie chicks, a the mbabitants of the village near here. i Watchman god Bm Phen Harden's hardw y blew open the Sra i box, : wn & home, experting 10 : 4 has store und pent this the burg) ; ged the villagers an! TE asa pe (Bpecial) Jem A Shee inl th | Nhieany Ger Fepmat i a prom LEE ter, N 3 By di Lai eerie was Mes v Fi SARE po of Rich died at ker hie i that of The body of Jack Haverly, th sired. whe Med in Salt Lake City, ws ayo, buried in Pliadeiphia Cipher Jitters : Cade. : four fifth president ¢ died suddenly Snow, arse iy 1 frenvn Maemwon Lake Coty Iadiciments were found in Grand Rap Mich, against City Attorney I ant K Salsbury and Siilson Hl FS former manager of the clearing house. hws The compities on tempe th : Presbyterant Ere r Assembly will eon. the ranseen al oat the report fine is Bight against CL Sargeon tienersl Sternberg the : Ean Leen Poss i 1% saspedied oi dkny Vice-Chancellor Paney. | of New Je Bey gave 5% verdisr for 8 directory of the Mie dlesex : stares by develnpes Swe Gt ars GiviEt HE ep ¢ ¥ th fran why Was a Hith. deviiroed “M srivight. a anid Litely at tive hea PARE } 2 wus ail apeded 4 £. levies Gy i hi ani be ena Tegnrd gd ob the nr wl he S71. % of pice, Corn Sh een et a FEE feat SHA * (Snee Cali The b af this eify wis entered by Ware omie. a village Cnty : sted by ALY apink zis We Xr. Lremans x shot A Pennell of was warsied an AW pe HIRE A Fulion Cty aid aie, has pring CRAY FH wk LE rr MEE W¥ a > i Lar the anarchi 3 “He face 3 crew of Yous RR and Detween $1000 and $300 im | erg taker, To ges charges of nu Ly Shan WI hes (Spec al) The elections for of He | nbn | Xe ahlic, except i } wilt w Cuba's national heli. Hr ; but y pies to ole kdeen fn ade HEY : opie erin ; : Wine ti h explosions and Crp 0 he AA AY Lo Merve soonen violins oilers Thesdore and fad 1.amidom testihed as to the forgrances and vows conn tiation int the Th FAL General B cued the surrender of Tad 1 provoked a storm pnsidered dott io! : elevated 10 the peerage Germany has repudiated the of Yenerueln that ferrory of the | was violated win an afiray Between 0 af a German croiser and the peo Porto Cabello, The new Ameer of Afghan tan has an formed the Beatish goveenment th at t he i continue in his father § fost Financial It is said the St. Louis Set) directors will take no action a divided vn the preferred stock at tl next meeting. : The admision of Mr. Fish into Western Union board is said to be the Harriman interests while Mr. Sue tion strengthens the Mo ohn C. ‘Barron has been elected edt of the United Railroads w Jersey. Dr been a director of that cor TURK SH TROOPS. ARE C:LLED OFF violating the United States banking neranes of the | Two Girls, According to the ‘Byidence; Plotted to the | 4 sine ; large Barron has for $150,000. Sixty Thousand Dollars of the Ransom Fund Is Subscribed. Congress nieets { fir at | ill by Senator Foraker to Jay Mrs Mo ] Kinley a year's salary, or MRS. McKINLEY wiL BE PROVIDED for. | Congress wilt Take Action According to Pre. cedent Pension of $5,000 Per Year. B i C {Specialy —When n De cerahet one of the “the mtraduetion of a Washington, ats wil] he Zes oo Gin her Fnahmd's cca This will he folowing a precedent established in the The Missionaries Have Not Yet Been Abie | to Get In Tomch With the Brigands to Arrange as to the Amount of the Ransom The Turkish Commarder Had Plamned to Surredod Miss Stone's Captors. Cabied been Zot i arias arrange ansomnt of the ransom for Miss urder yi mn ancier srronnd {ory at Eddy, Ration, Boaweser thas hariher & death of Sutdrday residen 3 FETT stery. A EeerAtary : rastit £1 and at 1 olin EL Past id 1 he $0aY reign at Fowl & bp anded the i § Caan) has unanimous » the psy RE AY hy tive Pne ow ‘ y ambic ste the axtnre they Are purning sa this end, shy hope of gitimate meaires | WH have widow fr ix atep wpgested 1h ut A pen. | ww voted i 3 . ; ; Eaton, ats SHC 1d Leh the canes of Presidents Lincoln and Garfield ated unexpired bast 44 teri of Presse Ax Mes Rh : ne ciatly Iw re ildeon Ir will Yio Laan it Mrs of was ale opened. supine of Rho. 00h Leg wd ropned ner roalired i veotr shomhd {ihe E. $i aise he legislation in of Bonn per Mea Mobi! gl previo Sree : Pees dent es 4 are st alan being cisiaLIve xp fre rhe! precedents Pre rdent geet baerrdd nk Fhe SUPERS WE proba hing ¥; Agnew ard Hane o sach: hrs. Revhurs Seon and Dir ¥ S00 i tesard . ani Sadi tine XL he Tersey EEE Hat: gin % hase FORT Aap Boer Officers Basished. i ighteen more ve September aniebd from eri RA Rr Fire the Buildings. Be pid, Pa 16, tear freer. aged vid Ads aRtistrate nian, and a ¥i EE 3 3 wer pri gered { on oh gird cerwards vy ernigeed . men 14 Lin AY FAA . Co institurion. | From ni enn teRn {5 vh 5 Fee Vian £3 SCADA TW gare reut Appears 0h Hew 8 geet AW naoliyer : $1 CATA 4 3 Sater Kak ¥ went retnern They ead “the 30 5 that 5 4 apEiinienl 3 shanion owned President Kruger Received Many Gifts Upon the Occasion of the Third Anniversary. ior rt RABAT ot Holdups and Robberies Occurring Nightly —Men Sandbagged in Broad Daylight. Ohio {Spe¢ tall eA peter CORAInInE {0.000.000 | Hans of water bursted and caused Fast Liverpool, i No hives were lost bot | ga great damage a score of neople fad narrow esiapes. The money loss will probably reach 20.0 he FeSETVOIT, whic tis own Baoan a entered a 3 L100 tas ic sity, and which was only cons. oh dass as, was Alled hee the fest tine It owas taxed ra ia capacity when the break + gang of laborers were Hg pipe ditch wear the wall which gave way, and | miraculously esitaped death. ed by the sept of few wae deeded ti Crarhwid : wih i LL the 3 ane | been exchanged agara’ 4 Mad Waters. THE BOAT WAS BADLY DAMAGED. Ounce During the Voyage He Was Thrown On to pay her the | fis Head But the Nivigator Seems Little | the Worse for His Thrilling Journe ~ Failed | to Take Sousdings. Much Anxious Exe citement Ama the Spectators x CARAT meen, iif # called N ever iY card persons gathernid yal tage fants white Aner peas 3 # DUA Jj i ¥ ¥ Fi Fan i misderres sk & Lip vhs teRier. he ee Fa gest mad toby Bard Jd Coeds sviasyutos tie heat rPRKEr a rat fail fie HIRE at ering he ARN raid $24 Lh; EH a WORLD'S WHEAT CROP oF 1901. : important Estimates Agree That Product Ex. ceeds 1399 apd 1900 I hepars. % . fr HELA BAT CROWE TIRED DF BEING HUNTED. He Otfers to agture 1 Withdrawn x | Reservoir Bursts and the | People Flee to Escape [i the Torrent. | Be fy puilics fire on them, bad been wounded, the a era 1aking ther dia Wed comrade with them, : eit and escaped [It ix not known how seri onshy the ebb is hurt A posse wih bleodhounds is in parseit : of nay al Daring ( Bicagosn does Through Ne Ling shells i Dagercing shells Cthe foraand 1p Cunt ar all ae its ulnes Washingtan irom the | Surreader Mf the award for His evinance 1 Te or to further explosions of semiarmor plercs the spanch gi battle rected tha all sei -BYMOL. fs wnder manilaciure be my ade i ie thicker walls and with a ships. ha qras cheek Rather dian have anothe premature explosion. be will probably request the : ile partrent to order that these piercing he! peed without fhe powder it PR vYeret prac fice In regiril to the report that one of panel hk at the battle ship Adah ma had been disabled in the Fecent gun test off the Virginia capes Rear Adoiral O'Neil sand that the ne i« HOE a serinas one that the gun te be taken irony the ship, ancl tient at present the bureau does not miemplate making any repairs on the 34 Has nat Leen HN aired Asivgt OF Nel says that a shell exile within the bore of the gu and scarsed it somewhat, but did Bo serials injory. : 5 fel th Charges ddd Uiicle Sam's Wireless Lines. Wilks 1. Moore Uhl of the United States Weather Buremy returned oi his anspecton of PBarean’s svireitss Litacaphy Cae hpe Haeras und Moire ex okies great satisiges anit at rhe hurean % wintk: conference wath Secretary ifre Wilvan shnasnced that at v had sarhoriied him to ex: HE erie In Cape Hear Xs this latter stat 48 completed oni an Roanoke Ladun if will he aban. net pad EXOeTInenTS wilt he a Ca phe Harera to Cape Hen TIO pied Fim Ta SWearh SEER er He ea CATON Mr 3 ith t £1 3 7 $y 55 Me sERCIOryY § irom any Hat has 88 is any ib rystom 16 it he cone wall he no relay Hutteras and Bur pai. wal fighiy £1 RE Lied AF. HS 2 Roh $i Ie ys it ar ducted atone LEY There Levaren (ane Lape Hepy Mare Mates Then Females A census bulletin just issued gives interesting states tics as to the Wy : af rhe coutiry mn 1000, by AEX, general nativity a snd color. it ap that thers are 1 Ri15.007 more % int the Listed States than iomales : 4 larger exces than mn 1800, cutmimbered the fe Bus taking the fo the mcregse of sithir (Rw wis 00 per cent and pefisgine of ems sles 21. per cent total moregse oy the population to tan was 13.2061 and of this m- Peaee 1.131.004 were foreign born and LORY, Or mative born The foreign / fon new aambers 10.400; e There are } {Eras im thie 1 nite t if which aumber 8 K40.% are rv descent 119.0%0 Clunese, Ssol Fuvanese aid 06 bat Indians, Ee j. 50.70 his popiiat He | Expore for Seger sal. id Sep exports 3% CO mpared . cattle inCrease, : Secrense, Sih ine months the total ex rr SOO O5.045, Ry ear the Carress (EER. stand Han Foi sey: 1 be pEnACH 10 4g cavity : aimioxt sited by Hits FEAR SALGR ARN veo thw Phin. ent sent to take aig News in deaeral te nubitie the wud Tom yoni oi ouha, seyplt surcliased a mom- sont carnages for hiv stable m population pamber 51.2 per Carter. formerly of Wine Na was made swipe of the Eighth Federal Distrin ii the Phalip- Lopes